Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 30, 1791, Page 4, Image 4

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PhiL AD£
S I R,
PERMIT ir.e through you to lay before the Agricultural So
ciety, the relult of the following little experiment, io lai as I
have as yet been able :o afccrtain it.
Laic 10 ihc idwuth of Apnl last, I had a picce of ground in
the vicinity of the borough of Lam. after, prepared to be sown
with oats, which I supposed would iiave taken fix teen buftiels of
feed. The evcuing before it was to be sown, I had eight bushels 3
put into a trough, and covered with water. The next morning
the water was drawn off, and the oats laid >11 a heap to dram, for
a lhort time, fay half an hour ; then Plailter of Paris in powder
was thrown on, by small quantities at a time, and mixed with
the Oats, till they acquired a lufficient decree of dryntfs to bJ
sown evenly ; in this process one bushel of the Plaillcr was conl
fumed ; the feed thus prepared, and dry feed from the fame 01W
heap were sown on alternate lands throughout the ficldf
The whole came up together, and in due time, and no difference,
was visible for seven or eight days. From that time forward the
diftinttion became very evident ; the Oais on the lands sown ,
with the prepared feed were much more luxuriant and of a deeper
green, until they began to ripen—On the second inflant they were
cut, being then perfe&ly ripe, while those 011 the lands sown
with the unprepared feed were yet green, the heads much smaller,
and proinifing in everv refpc& a worse crop.
On the eighth I left home. They were then unfit to cur, and
appeared as if they would not be ripe for five or fix days after—
To the facts above stated, many of my neighbors are witness.
I mean to have the Oats, produced from the prepared and un
prepared feeds, threshed separately, to ascertain with precision
the difference in the quantity and quality of the produce, which
lhall be communicated to the society, as soon as conveniently
may be.
I have the honor to be,
To Samuel Powel, Esq. Prrftdent
ojthe Agricultural Sucicty.
S I R,
IN August last, if I recollect right, I troubled you to commu
nicate to the Agricultural Society the result of an experiment I
niaoe, the preceding April, by preparing feed Oats with Plaifter
of Paris, so far as the fame could then be ascertained : Having
since determined the difference of the produce from the prepared
and unprepared feeds, I beg leave to lay it before the society—
The produce of the eight bushels of prepared feed was one hun
dred and twenty-two bushels and about a peck ; of the like quan
tity of unprepared feed ninety-fix bushels, the former yielding an
iucreaie of fifteen and a quarter for one, or thirty and a half bush
els to the acre ; the latter only twelve for one or twenty-four bush
els to the acie. The produce of the prepaied feed weighed thirty
three and a half pounds the bushel, that of the unprepared only
thirty-two and a quarter pounds—so that for about five shillings,
the ex pence of a bushel of Plaifter of Paris, I gained tweuty-fix
bushels of Oats, and by allowing for the increased weight, one
and a quarter lb. on one hundrca and twenty-two bushels, I may
fairly add tour and a half bushels more, making in the whole
thirty and a half bushels.
I am, Sir, with much refpeft,
Your obedient humble fcrvant,
To Samvel Powei., Esq. Prefiiient
of the Agricultural Society.
Pubhihed by Order of the Society,
April 12, 1791.
Samlel Powei Griffitts, Sec'ry.
IT is the duty of every individual, by every mean in his power,
to promote the ufeful arts in his country. Considerable ad
vances having been made in procuring Sugar, from the Sugar-Ma
ple on the Wcftern Frontiers, it is thought, a method invented bv
Joseph El licott, near this place, (the boiling water in wood)
may be singularly ufctul, both for cheapness and expedition, to
the sugar-boilers. There have been many attempts made to boil
water, by means of flues pafling through the body of water con
fined in a wooden vessel, but the one alluded to is the fir ft that has
iucceeded. The only difficulty seems to be in the formation of
the worm or flue : The common method has been, to make tbar
end of the tlue that takes the fire in from the oven, larger than the
one that delivers the smoke : When the flue is made in this man
ner, change the ends, and it will be found to answer—the small
end to take in the fire, and the large end to deliver the smoke—
by this mean one or two thousand gallons of water may be boiled,
at a (rifling cxpence, in one vessel. This will be found an ufeful
hint to the Mannfatturcrs of Steam,
Baltimore, April 21,1791
NEW-YORK, April 26.
Ext rail of a letter jrom London, March 2
" I had the pleasure of addressing you so long
ago as the 6th Ocftober, with an extradt of Mr.
Rhoderer's speech in the National Aflembly of
France, containing the propositions of which he
was dire»fted by the committee of afleflment, (of
which he was the reporter) to make to that Afl'cm
blyfor the new regulations of the tobacco trade.
Since then this subject has often occupied the
public attention of that aflembly ; the farmers
general and their friends were anxious to pre
serve the monopoly, and used all the powerful
intered they pofleiied to accomplifli it. On the
other hand, the commerce of France, and the
warmest friends of the revolution, struggled for
the freedom of the trade; at lad, this party has
carried it, and within these fourteen days the
National Aflembly have palled, after long de
bates, the annexed five articles of a decree upon
that subject. There remains it is said, only one
more article to discuss, which regards the fabri
cation and sale in the kingdom.
Not knowing whether my partners at Havre
may have had an opportunity of communicating
this intelligence to you, 1 take the earliest op
portunity of doing it, it being an event of much
importance to the general commerce of tobacco.
—The whole ol the effects it may produce are
yet lobeieen ; hitherto some few purchases have
been made here for France, of which your cor
respondents here will doubtleis give you more
„PHIA, Aui#u>f 17; 1790'
Your obedient,
Humble fcrvanf,
Lancaster, March 14, IJ9I
particular advices. In Fiance there is little to
bacco on hand, and for twelve months fcarccly
any has been fold, excepting in Dunkirk and at
Bayonne, and fume at Bourdeaux and I\antz,for
the iiayomie market. ihe two firlt are fiee
pons where private manufactories of that arti
cle have hitherto exilted.
The general consumption of the country has
been principally supplied by iinugglers tor eigh
teen months pair ; but I hope from rhe fooling
the trade is now upon, and the consequent re
dutftion there will be in the price, that that mode
of lopply uiuft in a great measure cease."
Articles aunexed agreed to.
id. From the publication of the present de
cree it shall be free to every person in the King
dom to cultivate, manufacture and fell tobacco,
fubjec'l to the modification which lhall be eltab
liflied relative to the manufacture and sale.
2d. The importation of foreign manufactured
tobacco, (liall continue to be prohibited.
3- Ic {hall be free to import into the ports
which fliall be named, foreign tobacco in leaf,
fubje(ft to a duty of 2J livres per quintal. All
French ships importing tobacco diredt from A
merica, shall only be fubjedt to three fourths of
this duty.
4th. Foreign tobacco in leaf may be deposited
jn its ports of entry for one year, in warehouses
appropriated for that purpose, and exported
without payment of any duty.
sth. A National company fliall manufacture
and fell tobacco for the benefit of the public
treasury, and (hall pay the fame duiy as indivi-
Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT
TERY will positively commence drawing on the day appointed,
viz. On ThurfJay the 13th of October next, or Jooner, if the Tickets
shall be disposed of. As the Managers have in their fcveral
monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour assigned, so
they arc determined to be equally as punctual in this.
25.000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars, to
he paid in the following Prizes, fubje£t to a deduction of twelve
and an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth.
Prizes. Dollars. Dollars.
1 of 10000 is 10000
2 3000 arc 6000
3 2000 6000
6 1000 6oo;
10 500 5000
30 200 0000
80 100 Boco
90 50 4500
100 40 4000
120 30 3600
161 10 3220
200 jo 2000
7585 # 60680
8388 Prizes.
16612 Blanks,
£T TICKETS in the at ove Class may be had of the several
Ma nacerj, tnho will pay the prizes on demand; of the Treasurer
ot the Commonwealth; ot James White, at his Book-ftorc,
Franklin's Head, Court-ilreet—and at other places, as usual.
Bojlon, April 14, 1791.
Funds of the United States.
ALL kindsof i he Public Delt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex
changed ; Foreign and inland Bills of Exchange, negociated ;
Merchandize of all foils Bought and Sold on CommiJJion, and all
other Bufincfs in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ed by
At the Office, next door tothe CuJlom-lloufe, Stale-Street, BOSTON,
Pintard and Bleecker,
PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of
Certificates & Public Securities,
On COMMISSION, at public and private fdle, on the
following terms :
ON the fpecic amount of all sales or purchases at auction, one
eighth per cent.
On ditto of all sales or purchases at private sale, oil all sums
below 5000 nominal dollars, one-ha/J per cent.; and on all sums
above 5000 nominal dollars, ohe-jourtk per cent.
For receiving interefl at the Loan-Office, me per cent.
For making translers at ditto, one dollar each transfer.
03" Such persons throughout the United States, as may be
pleaicd to favor the fubferibers with their orderj, may rely on
iheir being executed with punctuality, fidelity and difpateli, as consi
derable experience in the public llueks, together with extenflve
comieflions in the city of New-York and different parts of the
continent, enable them to condufl their operations with peculiar
advantages. PINTARD & BLEECKER,
New-York, No. 57, King-Street.
(g7 law 6m)
March 1,5, 1791
Gallaudet andEwiNG,
No. 54., South Second Street,
HAVE imported in the Lady Walterjiorf, from London, Man
chijler and Adriana Irom Liverpool, and the Birmingham
Packcthom BiiHol, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of °
which they will fell on rtsfonahle teritis.——(pT On hand for
•ale, a lew hogiheads of OLD JAMES'i RIVER TOBACCO
I'hiUdelkhia, April 9, 1791. 100 cplm
To be disposed of,
Scarce and Valuable
In the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, and It\ li
Languages— being part of a private Library, *
Among which arc the following :
FOLIO. Euripides, Hom«r, Demosthenes, Xenophon, p; at
Lucian, Plutarch, Paufanias, Procopius, Eufebius, Xiccoh *
rus, Ciccro, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Seneca, Pliny &r
Quarto. Pindar, Arittotle, Texeace, Ov;d, C*far, Suetonius.
Juvenal, Manilius, &c.
Oclavo infra. Septuagint, Aristophanes, Longinu , Thco
phrailus, Kpictetus, Hefiod, Orpheus, M. Antoninus, Phalar
liberates, Polyaenus, Lucretius, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertiui'
Paterculus, Fiorus, Lucan, Statius, Aufonius, Vida Bi/
chanan, Boethius, Poetas minores Latiru, Callipeedia Sctad I
Valla, &c.
A Catalogue is left at the Book-Store of Mejfrs Rice and Co
Market-Street, wherejurther particulars may be learned.
Colonel Thomas Procter, Lieutenant of the City and Liber
ties of Philadelphia, being necefiarily absent from the city, his
Excellency the Gov e r nor hath thought proper to authouL
me to discharge the Duties of that Office until his return
NOTICE is therefore giver., to the MILITIA of the City
and Liberties of Philadelphia, theNorthem Liberties of fold
City, the Townships of Moyamenfingand Paff\ unk, that they are
to meet and exercise under then refpeftive Officers on the fol
lowing Days, viz.
First Battalion on the 2d Day of May next,
Second Battalion on the 3d of do.
Third Battalion on the 4th of do.
Fourth Battalion on the sth of do.
Fifth Battalion on the6 r .h of do.
Sixth Battalion on the 9th of do.
Seventh Battalion on the 10th of do.
pro tem. of the City and Liberties
of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 6, 1791.
Partly original, and partly already publijhcd.
Written by Mathew Carey.
I. ' I , HE Work (hall contain 200 pages; be printed on the
X finelt writing paper ; and be elegantly bound, tdie
rolled and lettered.
11. Pricc to subscribers two thirds of a dollar, to be paid on the
delivery of the book.
111. The work (hall be put to the press as Toon as 250 copiw
are fubferibed for.
IV. Tne subscribers names shall be prefixed,
ff3TSUBSCRIPTIONS are received by Carey, Stlwart,
and Co. and all the other Bookfeilers in Philadelphia; also, by the
different gentlemen throughout the United States, whofupply fub
feribers with the AmericanMufeum.
Philadelphia, Feb. 23, 1791.
Th e seat of the late governor
fuuate about a mile from Elizabeth-Town, on the public road to
Morris Town. The farm contains between 90 and too acres of
land, or 20 acres of which are wood land ; there is also apper
taining to the said farm about 19 acres of fait meadow. Particular
attention having been paid to the cultivation of fruit ; there is on
the farm a very large collection of various kinds of the choicefl
fruit trees, See. in lull bearing; the house is large, convenient,
well built and in very good repair.
Enquire of the Printer, for further particulars,
New-York, Jan. 1791
Manuel Noah,
N0.91, Race-Street, between Second and Third-Streets,
Continental & State Certificates,
Pennsylvania and Jerfcy Paper Money,
And al! kinds of SECURITIES of the United States, or of any
In the City of New-B runfwick,
A Commodious TWO STORY HOUSE, almost
-*• new, pleasantly litaated on.the banks of the Rantau, to
gether with a large Lot in the rear, and a very good Wharf im
mediately in front of the House. Said House is thirty-four feet
square has tour rooms on each floor, with entries between the fame,
and a good (tone cellar under the whole.
Any peifoil inclining to purchase may have pofTef&on the firft
day of May next, and know the price and terms of payment which
will be made eai'y by applying to Lewis Forman, infaidcity,or
the fubferiberin Borden Town. J. VAN EMBURGH.
N. B. If not (old, to be rented from ill day of May next.
Matthew M'Connell,
In Chesnut-Str eet, No. 66,
THE UNION ; has frequently occasion to NEGOCIATE
INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will receive Ortlers
for making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITED
Philadelphia, March 30, 1791
Of the firft quality—by retail,
No 19,
Third Street, between Chefnut and Market Streets.
come to hand, for sale.
particular Staie.
8o 3™