Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 20, 1791, Page 824, Image 4

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Begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth
of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.
AN ACT for making Compensations to the Com
missioners of Loans for extraordinary Ex-
BE it enafled by the Senate and House of Rcprefentatives of the
United States of America in Congress aflembled, That the
commiOionersof Loans in the several States shall be allowed in
the settlement of their accounts, such sums as shall appear to have
been ncccflarily expended by them in the purchase of stationary
for the use oftheir several offices, from the commencement of the
fame to the fiifl day of October next.
And be it furlhe'r enaßed, That the commissioners of loans in
the several States, shall be allowed in the settlement of their several
accounts, such sums as they shall have neceflarily expended for
hire of clerks to aflift in executing the duties of their several offi
ces, fiom the commencement of the fame to the firft day of Oc
tober next.
Speaker of the Houfc of Representatives.
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States,
and President of the Senate.
Approved, March thi rd, 1791.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President oftheUnited States'
D:poftfed among the Rolls in the Office of the Secretary of State-
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State-
WHEREAS Congress did, by a resolution of the twenty-third
day of September,one thousand seven hundred and eighty
nine, recommend to the several States to pass laws making it ex
prefrly the duty of the keepers of their jails to receive and fafe
keep therein all prisoners committed under the authority of the
United States : In order therefore to ensure the administration of
Resolved, by the Senate andHoufe of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That in cafe any
State (hall not have complied with the said recommendation, the
marihal in such State, under the direction of the judge of the dif
tritt, be authorized to hire a convenient place to serve as a tem
porary jail, and to make the necessary provision for the fafe-keep
ing of prisoners committed under the authority of the United
States, until permanent provision shall be made by law for that
purpose ; and the said marflial shall be allowed his reasonable ex
pences incurred for the above purposes, to be paid out of the
Treasury of the United States.
Speaker oj the Houfc oj Representatives.
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States,
and President of the Senate.
Approved, March third, 1791
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States.
Deposited among the Rolls in the Office of the Secretary of State.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State.
TITLES of the ACTS pafled at the third Session
with the Number of this Gazette in which each
is inserted.
AN ast supplementary to the ast intituled, " An ast mak
ing further provision for the payment of the debts of the
United States," 71
An ast to provide for the unlading of (hips or veflels, in
cases of obftruftion by ice,
An ast to continue an ast, intituled, " An ast declaring the
assent of Congress to certain acts of the states of Maryland,
Georgia, and Rhode-Island and Piovidence Plantations," so
far as the fame refpefts the states of Georgia, and Rhode-
Island and Providence Plantations, ibid.
An ast declaring the con Cent of Congress, that a new state
be formed within the jurifdiftion of the commonwealth of
Virginia, and admitted into this Union by the name of the
state of Kentucky, 82
An ast declaring the consent of Congress to a certain ast of
the state of Maryland, 84
An ast making appropriations for the support of govern
ment during the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety
one, and for other purposes, 85
An ast for the admiflion of the state of Vermont into this
nion, 87
. ri • _. .i_ _ _ . i•. • r ■
A rcfolve dircfting in what manner new editions of the
Jaws, resolutions and treaties of the United States, shall be
authenticated, ibid.
An ast to continue in force, for a limited time, an ast patted
at the firft feflion of Congress, intituled, " An ast to regulate
procelTes in the courts of the United States," ibid.
An ast regulating the number of Representatives to be
chosen by the states of Kentucky and Vermont, 88
An ast to incorporate the fubferibers to the bank of the
United States, ibid.
An ast supplementary to the ast, intituled, " An ast to in
corporate the fubferibers to the bank of the United States," go
An ast to explain and amend an ast, intituled, " An ast
making further provision for the payment of the debts of the
United States," ibid.
An ast fixing the time for the next annual meeting of Con
gress, . ibid.
An ast relative to the rix dollar of Denmark, g t
An ast giving effect to the laws of the United States,
within the state of Vermont, ibid.
A resolve expressive of the sensibility of Congress for the
tribute paid to the memory of Dr. Franklin, by the National
Aflembly of France,
An ast repealing, after the lafl day of June next, the duties
heretofore laid upon distilled spirits imported from abroad,
and laying others in their stead; and alfoupon spirits distilled
within the United States, and for appropriating the fame, 92
All ast making an appropriation for ihe purpose therein
mentioned, jfrjj
An ast to amend " An Ast for eftablilhing the temporary
and permanent feat of the government of the United States," ibid.
An ast providing compensations for the officers of the ju
dicial courts of the United States, and for jurors and witnes
ses, and for other purpoles, c ,
a a c :r. 1 1 _ ■ . , ... "^
An ast for railing and adding another regiment to the mili
litary eftablilhmentof the United States, and for making far
ther provision lor the protection of the frontiers, 06
Ami A ♦ S~\ /*nAhff\ll« in fn. - 12 —- It. J _ rt 1
An ast to continue in force, for a limited time, an ast, in- I t
titled, "An ast for the temporary establishment of the post- I r
office,' 97 I c
An «& making farther provision for the collcflion of the
duties by law imposed on teas, and to prolong the time for
the payment of the duties on wines, 97
An ast in addition to an »&, intituled, " An att for <•(-
tablifhing the salaries of the executive officers ot government,
with their alliftants and clerks,"
An ast for granting lands to the inhabitants and lettlers at
Vincennes and the Illinois country, in the territory north-welt
of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their polieliions, 99
An ast fupplcmental to the ast, "eftablilhing the trealury
department," and for a farther compenfallon to certain
officers, 100
An ast supplementary to the ast making provilion tor the
reduction of the public debt, .
An ast to continue in force the ast therein mentioned, and
to make further provision for the payment of pensions to in
valids, and for the support of light-houses, beacons, buoys
and public piers, * 01
A resolve eftablilhing a mint, did.
A resolve requesting the President tocaufe an estimate to
be made ot the lands not claimed nor granted within the cel
fion of North-Carolina, and the territory north-weft of the
Ohio, t # did.
A resolve authorizing the marshals of diftrifts to provde
temporary jails when neceflary, 102
An ast for making compensations to the commiflioners of
loans for extaordinary expences, did.
To be disposed of,
Scarce and Valuable
In the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, and Italian
Languages—being part of a private Library;
Among which are the following :
FOLIO. Euripides, Homer, Demofthenss, Xenophon, Plato,
Lucian, Plutarch, Paufanias, Procopius, Eufebius, Nicepho
rus, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Seneca, Pliny, &c.
Quarto. Pindar, Aristotle, Terence, Ovid, Casfar, Suetonius,
Juvenal, Manilius, See.
Ottavo & infra. Septuagint, Aristophanes, Longinu , Theo
phraftus, Epi&etus, Hefiod, Orpheus, M. Antoninus, Phalaris,
Ifocrates, Polyaenus, Lucretius, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius,
Paterculus, Florus, Lucan, Statius, Gellius, Aufonius, Vida, Bu
chanan, Boethius, Poetas minorea Latini, Callip<edia, Stiada, L.
Valla, See.
A Catalogue is left at the Book-Store of Mejfrs Rice and Co.
Market-Street, wherefurther particulars may be learned.
Gallaudet andEwiNG,
No. 54, South Second Street,
HAVE imported in the Lady Walterjlorfo from London, Man
chejler and Adriana from Liverpool, and the Birmingham
Packet from Bristol, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of
which they will fell on reasonable terms. gdH On hand for
sale, a few hogsheads of OLD JAMES's RIVER TOBACCO.
Philadelphia, April 9,1791. 100 epim
Matthew IM'Connell,
In Ches nut-Street, No. 66,
THE UNION; has frequently occasion to NEGOCIATE
INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will receive Orders
for making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITED
Philadelphia, March 30, 1791
Of the firft quality—by retail,
No. 17,
Third Street, between Chefnut and Market Streets.
|C 7» A few New-York LOTTERY TICKETS
come to hand, for sale.
A 1 1 1 V/ i 1 A A V/ J. 1 «
Colonel Thomas Procter, Lieutenant of the City and Liber
ties of Philadelphia, being necessarily absent from the city, his
Excellency the Gover nor hath thought proper to authorise
mc to discharge the Duties of that Office until his return :
NOTICE is therefore giver., to the MILITIA of the City
and Liberties of Philadelphia,the Northern Liberties of said
City, the Townships of Moyamenfing and Pass) unk, that they are
to meet and exercise under their refpeftive Officers on the fol
lowing Days, viz.
First Battalion on the 2d Day of May next,
Second Battalion on the 3d of do.
Third Battalion on the 4th of do.
Fourth Battalion on the sth of do.
Fifth Battalion on the 6th of do.
Sixth Battalion on the 9th of do.
Seventh Battalion on the 10th of do.
pro tern, of the City and Liberties
of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 6, 1791.
The seat of the late governor
situate about a mile from Elizabeth-Town, on ihe public road to
Morris Town. The farm contains between go and 100 acres of
land, 15 or 20 acres of which are wood land ; there is also apper
taining to the said farm about 19 acres of fait meadow. Particular
attention having been paid to the cultivation of fruit ; there is on
the farm a very large colleaion of various kinds of the choicest
fruit ttees, in lull bearing; the house is large, convenient,
well built and in vciy good repair.
Enquire of the Printer, for further particulars.
New-York, Jan. 1791
BETWEEN this cily and New-York, on the pod road, two
bundles containing the Gazette ot the United States—No
82— destined for New-York and Bollon. As they can be of no
use, but as w?ftc paper, exceptto the Subscribers, many of whom
keep tiles of that publication, any perlon who can give informs
tion to the Editor, so that the whole or any part of them may be
recovered, (hall receive z gcoerou* reward. The two bandies
contained 300 papers.
K S,
(96 tf)
All persons concerned will be pleafcd to take notice that th«
following advertisement has been varied from that publifhcd ia
our paper of the 23d of March.]
Treasury Department.
\TOTICE is hereby given, that Propohls will be received at the
1\ office of the Secretary of the Tre<»fui v, until the firft Monday
in September next inclulive, for the fuppl v of all rations, which
may be required for the use of the United St ates, from the fir 11 day
of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1 792, both days in.
clufive, at the places, and within the diftrt&s herein after menti
oned, viz.
At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the state of Pcnn
fylvania and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt.
At anyplace or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofh,
on the River Ohio, and at Foit M'lntofh.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort M'lntofh and the mouth of
ihe River Mufkingum, and at the mouth of the River Mufkingum.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and up the said River to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tuf
carowas, and thence over to the Cavoga River, and down the said
River to its mouth.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of
the said River Scioto*
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Scioto River, and
the mouih of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami,
and from thence to the Rapids, on the Falls of the Ohio, and at the
said Rapids.
At any placc or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami,
up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the
Miami Village, on the river of the fame name which empties into
Lake Erie.
At any place or places from the rapids ofthe Ohio, to the month
ot the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabafh to Post St. Vincehnrs
at Post St. Vincennes, and thence tip the said river Wabafh, to the
Miami village, before described.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh river to
the mouth of ihe river Ohio.
At any place or places, on theeaftfideof the river MiiTifippi,
from the mouth of the Ohio river,to the mouth of thelllmois river.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Miami river to
the Miami Village.
At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sancfttflcv,
and atSandufky, and from Sandufky to the mouth of Cavoga rivci.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Venango, and at
At any place or places, betwixt Venango and Le Reuf, and at
Le Beuf, betwtxt Le Beuf and Prefq'lflc, at Prefq'lflc, and be
twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river
At the mouth of Cavoga river, and at any pla;e or places, on
the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, bv the
way of Big Beaver creek.
At any place or places, on the east fide of the Miflifippi, between
the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclusively.
At any place or places, from the said river Margot, totheri-er
Yazous inclusively.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the river Tenefee, to
Ocochappo or Bear creek, on the said river inclusively.
Should any rations be required at any places, or within other
diftri&s, not fpecified in these proposals, the price of the fame to
be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to confilt of the following article!,
viz. One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or | of a pound of pork,
Half a jill of rum, branny or whisky,
One quart of fait, )
Two quarts'of vinegar, \
Two pounds of soap, ( P er " 100 rat,ons '
One pound of candles, )
ALSO, That Proposals will be received at the said office until
the fii ft Monday in September next, inclusive, for the supply of all
rations which may be required for the use of the United States,
from the firft day of January to the thirty-firft day of December,
1792, both days inclusive. at Springfield, in the state of Maflachu
fetts, and the Post of Weft-Point, in the state of New-York,
The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the fame articles ai
are above mentioned.
ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office, until
the lft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapplv of all
rations, which may be required for the use of the United States,
from the Ift day of January to the 31ft day of December, 1792,
both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftri&s herein
after mentioned.
At the post on the river Saint Mary, at present commanded by
Capt. Henry Burbcck.
At the post on the river Altamaha, at present commanded by
Capt. John Smith.
At the post on the river Oconee, at present commanded by Capt.
Joseph Savage.
At the post on the river Apalachee, at present commanded by
Capt. Michael Rudolph.
At any place or places from the Rock Landing on the Oconee,
up to the mouth of the main foulh branch of the said river, from
the said mouth up to the source of ihefaid main south branch, and
from thence to the Currahee mountain.
At any other place or places within the slate ot Georgia which
may hereafter be occupied as permanent posts by any troops ot th«
United States.
And tor rations deliverable on the march to such future posts.
The rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities as that there
fliall at all times, during the said term, be fufficient for the con
sumption of the troops at each of the said posts, for the fpaceofat
least two months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions.
The rations to bcfupplied are to consist of the fame articles, as
are abovementioned.
It is to be undei stood in each cafe, that all lofles sustained by the
depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the United
States, shall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or des
troyed, on the depohtions of two or more creditable characters,
and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the or
cumftances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for which
compensation is claimed.
The contrails for the above supplies will be made either for one
year, or for two years, as may appear eligible. Persons disposed
to contrail will therefore confine their offers to one year, or they
may make their propositions so as to admit an election of the
term of two years.
The piopofals may be made for the whole of the above polls to
gether, or separately for Springfield, for Weft-Point, for Yorktown,
and the seventeen places following it, and for the posts in Georgia;
and they must fpecify the lowcft price per ration, for prompt pay*
(£3* The Printers who have publijhed the above advertijement, are
requcjled to reprint it with the alterations.
8© 3m
Manuel Noah,
N0.91, Race-Streef, between Second and Third-Strecti»
Continental & State Certificates,
Pennsylvania and Jersey Paper Money,
And all kinds of SECURITIES of the United Slates, or of
March 2?, 1791
particular State.