therefultof a liberal conftinu liberty and property were at his tlifpofal: but this is a trust which lam not au thorized to make for my constituents; and as his luccef.ors in office will poflefs equal powers, but may not poflefs equal virtues, caution with ref petft to them is necelTary. Again—what may be the result of the precedent relating to the session of Congress ? ]f we had a right by law to deter mine where the next Congress should hold their lemon, one Congress may oblige another to fit at Kentucky, or in the intended state Yazoo un der the protection of a Chiclaw Chief, or his ex cellency Governor Tallan. It must therefore be that the usage of Congress in both in ltances is against the gentleman, and that the clangers from the precedent of eflablifhing a bank are comparatively small to those resulting from the other measures referred to. to The gentleman from Virginia has endeavored to support his interpretation of the conltitution, by the sense of the federal convention ; but how is this to be obtained ? By applying proper rules of interpretation ? If so the sense of the conven tion is in favor of the bill ; or, are we to de pend on the memory of the gentleman for an hilrory of their debates and from thence to col lect their sense ? This would be improper, be cause the memories of diffef-ent gentlemen would probably vary, as they have already done, with refpetf to those fadts ; and if not, the opinions ot the individual members who debated are not to be considered as the opinions of the conven tion. Indeed if they were, no motion was made in that convention, and therefore none could be reje