Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 16, 1791, Page 784, Image 4

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    LISLE, Dec. 6
ON Thurday last, the 2d. inft. a part of the '
Imperial army, headed by Field-Marfiial
Bender, entered the city of Brullels, aniidit uni
■verfal fliouts of joy, and cries of " Vivt Leopold,
uotrc bon Sovirain !" Ten huflars, with two offi
cers, were the firft who entered ; about 9 o'clock
in the morning, these tookpofleifion of the Corps
de Garde, next the Palace: soon after them came
a company of grenadiers, commanded by Captain
Keltelbutt, who proceeded to take the principal
pods in the city without opposition. The officers
frequently addrefled the people very ardently to
this efFett " My friends, endeavour to avoid all
insults ; they are forbidden on both fides, under
pain of severe punilhment." In the afternoon
caine the remainder of the Imperial column,
whose presence diffufed more real joy than ever
attended the ridiculous triumphal procelfions of
the Vandernootian clan. The Baron de Bender
immediately publiflied the Emperor's Declarati
on, that he would reign only by clemency, and
that the troops were to enter the country with a
total forgetfulnefs of the past.
At Namur, a fanatic curate fired upon a compa
ny of Auftrians as they pafled ; he was immedi
ately taken out of his house and hanged, in con
sequence of the notice which had been previously
given, that all insults on each fide fliould be pu
nished with death.
the companies have laid down their arms,
all the splendid liberty Poles are carried away,
and the Imperial Eagle universally reinstated.
General Schoenfeld,on his departure for France
was arretted by the inhabitants of Boff'u, in Hain
ault, but soon afterwards released. In his port
manteau were found 6000 louis, in gold, the
fruits of his inactive generalfihip.
General Vandermerfch is now entirely at large
at his feat near Menin.
All the prisoners in the cells of Bruflels, who
havelanguilhedfor many monthspaft:,now breathy
once more the wholefom air of real liberty.
A general amnesty is illued, with only three
exceptions ; these are, General Gavaux, Major
Afcamp, and Captain Solaves, for surrendering
the Citadel of Antwerp, and the latter taking fer
■vice among the Belgians.
Begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth
of December, one thoufatid seven hundred and ninety.
AN ACT making an Appropriation for the Pur-
pose therein mentioned.
E it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprcfenta l .ives of
) the United States oh America in Congress afletnbled, That for
the purpose of effecting a recognition of the treaty of the United
States, with the new Emperor of Mo»occo, there be, and hereby
is appropriated a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, to
be paid out of the monies which prior to the firft day of Jannary
next, {hall arise from the duties imposed upon spirits distilled
within the United States, and from ftilis by the ast entitled, " An
ast repealing atter the lafl day of June next, the duties heretofore
laid upon distilled spirits imported from abroad, and laying others
in their stead, and also upon fpinits distilled within the United
States, and for appropriating the fame," together with the excess
of duties which may anfe from the duties imposed by the said
ast, on imported spirits beyond thofc which would have arisen
by the ast entitled, u An ast making further provision for the
payment ot the debts of the United States." And the President
is hereby authorised to take on loan the whole sum by this ast ap
propriated, or so much thereof as he may judge requisite, at an in
terest not exceeding fix per cent, per annnm, and the fund esta
blished for the above mentioned appropriation, is hereby pledg
ed for the repayment of the principal and intereftof any loan to
T)e obtained in manner aforefaid, and in cafe of any deficiency in
the said fund, the faith of the United States is hereby also pledged
to make good such deficiency.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
JOHN ADAMS, Vicc-Prefident oj the United
and President of the Senate.
Approved, March third, 1791.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States
Depofitcd among the Rolls in the Office of the Secretary of State.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State-
AN ACT to amend iC An Ac% for eftabliftiing
the temporary and permanent feat of the Go
vernment of the United States."
BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress aftembled, That so
much of the ast, intitled,an ast for establishing the temporary
and permanent feat of the government of the United States," as re
quires that the whole of the diftrift of territory, not exceedingtcn
miles square, to be located on the river Potowmac, for the perma
nent feat of the government of the United State?, shall be located
above the moui h of the Eastern Branch, be and is hereby repealed,
and that it shall be lawful for the President to make any part of the
teiritory below the said limit, and above the mouth of Hunting
Creek, a part of the fa:d diftrift, so as to include a convenient part
of the Eastern Branch, and ot the lands laying on the lower fide
thereof, and also the town of Alexandria, and the territory so to
be included, shall formapaitof the diftrift not exceeding ten
miles square, for the permanent feat of the government of the Uni
ted States, in like manner and to all intents and purposes, as if the
lame had been within the purview of the above recited ast, Pro
tided,, That nothing herein contained, shall authorize the erection
of the public buildings otheTwife than on the Maryland fide of the
river Potowmac, as required by the aforefaid act.
Speaker of the House of Reprefevtatives,
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States,
and President oj the Senate.
Approved, March third, 1791
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefidcnt of thellnited States.
Depoiited among the Rolls in the Office of the Secretary of Sfate.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State.
India Sales, at Salem.
At the STORE of
Oil TUESDAY the sth of April rnxt, at 10 o'clock, A. M,
will commence the sale, by AUCTION, of the
Cargo of the Brig Henry,
Lately arrived from Bengal, Madras, and Isle ot France ;
Consisting ot a large aild valuable assortment of
As follows.—viz
BAFTAS, > While Cloths, proper for
oannas, and > ~, ■ c\
CafTas l Shirting, or Sheeting.
Durtas—or striped Muslins.
Durea Chintz, or painted ftriptd do.
Chintz, a great variety.
Striped Cottons,
Jagrenant Muslins.
Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs.
Blue Cotton Handkerchiefs.
Long Cloths, of a superior quality, fuitablc for shirting."}
Madras Patches, beautifully figured.
Camboys, or blue and white striped Cottons. |
Morcas, or plain white Cloths. 1
Madras Cambricks. f
Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs, with borders.
Book Muslins.
Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs, a great variety. J
A quantity of China Silk Handkerchiefs.
A quantity of Ostrich Feathers.
Surat Cotton, 23 bales.
Indigo, of the Isle ot France, of a superior quality.
An aflbrtment of fine Winesof the Cape of Good Hope.
Kaifins of do.
A quantity of India Shirts and Trowfers, for Sailors' wear.
To the above will be added, a great variety of other Goods, which ar
not enumerated. Also%
100 Casks Raisins, )
75 Chests Bohea Tea/ f [h( ,
30 Ditto Hylon, f 1
30 ditto Souchong, J
The Goods may be viewed a few days previous to the sale.
W. P BARTLETTand CO. Auaioneers.
Salem, Feb. 21,1791
Virginia, Culpeber County, 25th Jan. 1791
To be SOLD by the Subscriber,
on he resides, laying on both fides tie Carolina road, in the great
fork of Rappahanock river, 36 miles from the town of Dumfries,
30 from Frederickfburg, and 28 from Falmouth ; in a most
healthy part of the country :— Confining of 2,000 acres—half clear
ed, and in good fence, well adapted for farming and grazing—the
foil is good, lays well, abounding with many excellent springs and
dreams of water, so dispersed a; to afford great opportunity of
making watered meadow of the firft quality,perhaps more than 300
acres—of which 120, in one body, is already in grass, and all wa
tered and drained at pleasure by a number of ditches, forthat pur
pose, pafling through the whole. Orchards of about 2000 bear
ing apple trees—near as many jeach trees, and a variety of most
other kinds of fruit, natural to the climate. A good dwelling,
house, the situation whereof is remarkably beautiful and pleasant;
and many other valuable improvements of divers kinds.
And one other Plantation about 5 miles nearer said towns, con
fiding of about 1500 acres, on which is good merchant, grift, and
saw mills, where nature, labour and art, have fully confpircd to
render them complete; a large coiftant stream, on which they
{land, affords them water in great abundance; convenient thereto
is a kiln end house, for drying con, a bake house, a dwelling
houfeand several other improvements mostly new ; about 300
acres of the lands are in cultivation, very good in quality ; the other
part thin foil, but abounding with timber, is an inexhautfable
source for the saw-mill.
Also several detached tra£ls witlin said county, of about 2, 3,
and 400 acres each,and though not rf so fertile a foil,their vicinity to
the towns render them valuable, on some of them there aie small
improvements, and the lands so ftuated, that they can easily be
made convenient little farms.
The whole or any part of the abovementioned poflefiions will
be difpoled of, on very reasonable terms—a small proportion in
ready money, for the balance, the payments will be made entirely
to accommodate the conveniency of the purchafets, who may be
supplied on the fame terms, with all kinds of stock, work hor
ses, oxen, See. See. Sec. by JOHN STRODE, [t, f.]
THE Copartrierfhip of HEWES and ANTHONY having ex
pired the 31ft ultimo, they request those, who have any de
mands, to exhibit their accounts and receive their money; and
those who are indebted, are desired to make fpcedy payment, to
either of the Subscribers, at their Compting-Houfe, No. 5, Chef
nut-Street-Wharf. J O S I A H HEWES,
Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 1791
N. B. They have yet on hand, and for SALE, at their STORE
HYSON, Souchong, and Bohea TEAS,
Three cases Caflia,
Pimento in bags,
Muscovado Sugar,
A few Cases old Batavia Arrack,
One calk of Durham Mustard,
New England Rum in hogftieads and barrels,
A quantity ot prime Boston Beef,
Spermaceti, right whale and tanners' Oil,
Best pickled Mackrel,
6by 8— 7 by g—Bbyio —gbyu—and io by 12 Window
A quantity of excellent carrot Tobacco,
And an elegant CHANDELIER.
The seat of the late governor
situate about a mile from Elizabeth-Town, on the public road to
Morris Town. The farm contains between 90 and 100 acrcs of
land, 15 or 20 acres of which are wood land ; there is also apper
taining to the said farm about 19 acres of fait meadow. Particular
attention having been paid to the cultivation of fruit ; there is on
the farm a very large collection of various kinds ot the choiccft
fruit trees, &c. in full bearing; the house is large, convenient,
well built and in very good repair.
Enquire of the Printer, for further particulars.
New- York. Jan. 1791
Martinico Coffee,
IN this collcftion will be contained the Charters of the
feveial states which now compose the Union ;—the Records
of the United Colonies of New-Engi a nd ; —Royal Induc
tions to Colonial Governors ;—Ext r acts from Public
Records ; —and other authentic Documents tending to elucidate
our History.
The deftgn of this compilation was intimated to Congrcfs, and
honored with their approbation.—On the 20th July, 1778, their
committee, to whom his memorial was referred, reported it as
their " Opinion, that Mr. Hazard's undertaking is laudable and
deserves the public patronage and encouragemenr, as being pro
ductive of public utility;" Whereupon they " Relolved, That
it be recommended to the Governors, Prefidcnts, and Executive
Powers of the several states in the union, to aflift Mr. Hazard,and
give facility to his labors ; and that for this pnrpofe he be admit
ted to an infpe&ion of public records, and be furnifhed without
expence with copies of such papers as he may judge will conduce
to the valuable end he hath in view.
He wasj of consequence, admitted to the infpe&ion and use both
of public records, and the collections made by individuals, from
whence this compilation (much the largest he has ever met with
on the fubjedl, and, he flatters himfelf, the largest ever made in
America) was formed. It has since met the approbation of many
eminent chara&ers,and even in its manuscript slate, has facilitated
the settlement of Tome important controversies.
The compiler cannot suppress the following letter from the honor
able the Secretary of State, to whose inlpeftion part of the com
pilation was submitted, as it contains so flattering and refpefta
blc a testimony in favor of the importance of the work.
" Philadelphia, February 18,1791.
I return you the two volumes oj Records, with thanks for the opportu
nity of looking into them :—they are curious Monuments of the Infancy
of our country. I learn with great fatisfattion that you are about com
mitting to the Press the valuable Hijlnrical and State Papers \cu kink
been so long colfetting. Time and accident are committing daily havoc
on the originals deposited in our public offices : the late war has done the
work oj centuries in this bufmefs : the loft cannot be recovered; but let
usfave what remains ; not by vaults and locks, which fence themjrom
the public eye and use in confgning them, to the wafbe of time, but by such
a multiplication of copies as jhali place them beyond the reach of accident;
this being the tendenc\ of your undertaking, be assured there is noonewhs
wishes it a more complete success than. S 1 i?,
Yout mofl obedient and mofi humble Servant,
Mr. Hazard
I. The Work, to be pt'.blifhed in numbers, each containing
160 pages, large quarto :— A number to be delivered every three
11. On delivery of the firfl Number, payment to be made for
the firli and second, and afterwards for each Number as delivered
(except the last) so that the price of one Number will beconftant
ly in advance. The very great expence attending so large a work,
at the fame time that it renders this condition absolutely necefla
ry, will be a fufficient apology to the candid tor its insertion.
111. The price to Subscribers will be one Dollar for each num
ber. It is supposed that the Work will probably be comprised in
eight Numbers, forming two handsome Volumes, in large quarto,
printed on a neat Type and good paper.
IV. To those who choose to fubferibe for the Work in Vo
lumes, the price will be Four Dollar s and a Quarter of a Dollar, for
each Volume, in boards.
V. The collection will be put to the Press as soon as there
shall be a fufficient number of fubferiptions to juftify an hope that
the expences will be defrayed.
who receive Subfcriptious will please transmit accounts oj
the numbers obtained to Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, Second-Jireet, Phila
delphia } by thefiijl of May next.
Subsc r Ipt ions will be received in Portsmouth, (N. H) by
Jeremiah Libbey; Bodon, Thomas Sc Andrews; Worcefler,
Isaiah Thomas; Hartford, Thomas Hildrup ; New-Ha en, Ilaac
Beers; New-London, Timothy Green ; Newport, (R. I.) Jacob
Richardson ; Providence, John Carter ; New-York, Hodge, Al
len & Campbell ; Albany, Abraham G. Lanfing ; Philadelphia,
Thomas Dobfon, and Hazard Sc Addoms ; Wilmington, (Dela
ware) Frederick Craig ; Baltimore, I. Holmes; Alexandria, Jo-
Ihua Merriman ; Norfolk, Mr. l.indfey ; Frederickfburgh, Ca -
lender and Henderfon ; Peterfburgh, John Grammer ; R'™"
mond, Augustine Davis ; Newbern, (N. C.) F. X. Marf.n; Wi -
mington, John Bradley ; Charlellon, (S. C.) William P. Youn^.
New Line of Stages.
THE Subscriber has eftabliOied a line of STAGES from Hart
ford to Bolton, by way of Norwich and Providence, which
will runthro twice a week during the Winter Season, and three
tunes a week during the Summer Season.
Go«d Carriages, Horses, and careful Drivers are provided. -
Paflengers pay three. Pence per Mile, and are allowed i4poun
Baggage each. Extra Baggage pays at the rate of three Pence
per Mile for every 150 wt. As the Mail is to go in these Stages
for the year 1791, fixed hows for darting from the refpeftivc Stage
Houses is abfolutcly neccffary—from which therecati be no devia
tion. Norwich, Dec- 14» *79°•
The Stage for the Eastward leaves
Hartford Mondays and Thuifdays,
Norwich Tuesdays and Fridays,
Providence Wednesdays and Saturdays,
For the Weft ward, leaves Boston Mondays and Thursdays,
Providence -Tuesdays and Fridays,
Norwich Wednesdays and Saturdays.
RAN away f:om his owner about the 25th Jan. Uft,
a negro man. countiy born, noted as a P rt . ac c n
blacks, .30 years of age, about 5 feet 7 inches high—-tic >
set ; had on a brown cloth coat, light cloth jacket, leal rer
and (oarl'e wilton (lockings.—He also had a tow linen r oc
hiin ; and wore a fin a U round hat. lie is fuppo e to c g
Vnginia, as his father lives on Dr. Vandcveer s p antation,
State. Whoever will take up said negro, and 1
gaol of Philadelphia, or of Trenton, and give notice thcreot
fubferiber living in Bound-Brook, New-Jersey, rc "'
Twelve Dollars reward, and all necessary charge^
kn°" A few copies of the CONSTITUTION
United States, printed -with Notes, may be had of the
I© 3r»
Philadelhua, Fcbru»rv 84th, 179,.