averse from every measure which liail a teirlen- j cy to chat point—he then enlarged on the ideas lie before fuggelted —he had no objection to die mode of ex predion proposed by the gentleman from Maflachufetts [Mr. Ames,] but lti.ll contend eel that uniformity pointed out the neceimy ot one clay's being fixed on—this he (uppofed might be done in perfect conliftency with the claule in the conltituiion. . Mr. Seney was in favor of striking out the words. Mr. Sherman (hewed froin the Conlututionthat ConjeCt to mildew, as all foreign Duck is—this is owing to the difference of the fizingsmade use of in the several manufactories—ln the Boston Manufao :ory, it is made from animal substances—in Eu rope from vegetable. Lad Saturday (he Senate of the legislature of this Common-" wealth non-concuired the Resolutions sent on the 22d inft. from the House of Representatives ; which resolutions were intended to express the d'fappiobation of the Legiflatureof Pennsylvania, with refpeft to the Excise Bill, now before Congress ; and were palled in the form of inftru&ions to the Senators from Pennsylvania in Congress, by a very considerable majoiity. Hon. Thomas Johnson and Daniel Carrou, Efq'rs, of Maryland, and Dr. Stewart, of Alexandria, in Virginia, are the Commiflioners appointed by tile President of the United States, for running the lines of Experiment defining the territory on the Potowmac to be located as the permaaent feat of the go vernment of the United States. Died the 16th injiant, at Bojlon, much lamented, Mr. Samuel Gil ma n, Merchant, iate partner in the house oj Blodget and Gilman of that town, and oj the house oj Blodget and Co. in London. PRICE CURRENT. PUBLIC SECURITIES. FUNDED DEBT. 6 pr. Cents 17f. 17/3. pr. £ 3 pr. Cents Sfg qJ. Defered 6 pr. Cents 9f UNFUNDED DEBT. Final Settl. and other Certificates 15/6 15/9 Indents 8/g gf N. and S. Carolina, debts, 11f. 11/6. The seat of the late governor LIVINGSTON, situate about a mile from Elizabeth-Town, on the public road to Morris Town. The contains between 90 and 100 acres of land, 15 or 20 acres of which are wood land ; there is also apper taining to the said farm about 19 acres of fait meadow. Particular attention having been paid to the cultivation of fruit ; there is on the farm a very large colle&ion of various kinds of the choicest fruit trees, &c. in full bearing; the house is large, convenient, well built and in very good repair. Enquire of the Printer, for further particulars. New-York, Jan. 1791 Pcnnfylvania Hospital, 31 Jan. 1791. Wanted a Ground Rent, of 15 or 20 J. pr. annum, well secured. Enquire of Josiah Hewes, Lawrance Seckel, Owen Jones,jup'r. By Carey, Stewart, and Co. No. 22, in Front-Street, The American Museum, For JANUARY, 1791- [Contents in our next.] 86J pr. cent. 45 do -45 do 78! do. 45 d °- 57 i do - TO BE SOLE), This day is puilifhed,