« Commercial Intelligence. FROM THE LONDON (,AZtU «J OCTOBER 9. At the COURT at St. Jam es's, October 6, I 790. TRESEST. 7'he KING'/ Mojt' Excellent "MAJESTY,, IN COUNCIL. "TT7HEREAS by virtue of an ay law (except Fifli-Oil, Blubber, Whale-Fins, and Spermaceti) and any Pig-Iron, Bar-Iron, Pitch, Tar Turpentine, Rozin, Pot-Ash, Pearl-Ash, In digo', Malts, Yards, and Bowsprits, being the growth or production of any of the territories of the United States of America, and no other goods e whole, thought there were fewer against the Se cretary of State than any other officer that had been mentioned. Mr. Seliey was opposed to coming to any deci sion at the prefcnt time : He thought more impor tant business was before the hotife : He was not for making any decision that fliould give umbrage to any officer in the government: The Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, werei equally entitled to the public notice. . : .s Mr. Carroll was in favor of coining to a d«ci fion—and if nothing more could be offered against the motion for filling up the blank with the Se cretary of State, he presumed the committee were ripe for a decision—he referred to the fituatioit of countries who had not io season made piovi fion for a regent, &c. Mr. Sherman said he was in favor of the com mittee's riling and reporting the bill, and leave the blanks to be filled up in the house. Mr. White was in favor of filling np the blank in the committee: He saw no reason for a delay. The officers mentioned are as well known now, as they will be 3 clays hence. The Prelident and Vice-President being in health, is a reason why the fubjecl fliould now be considered : It can be done with coolness, and freedom from all warmth. Mr. I-awrance said, he thought there was 110 necessity for precipitating the decision : With refpecft to every person that has been named, difficulties have been started : The fubje