Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, January 01, 1791, Page 691, Image 3

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    plined in manner following," and on the ques
tion to agree to this motion— The yeas and nays
eing called for, it palled in the negative. Ayes.
8, Noes, 43. 0 J
Messrs Aflie,
Meffis Ames,
Bald win,
. Benfon,
Bui ke,
Cad wallader,
The house again resolved itfelf into a com
mittee of the whole on the slate of the union.
I he committee proceeded in the further con
lideration of the report of the Secretary of the
1 reaftirv refpeJiing the eftablifliing land offices
for the disposal of the vacant lands belonging; to
the United States.
Air. Boudinot in the chair.
i urther progress was made, bat the committee
role withoutfinifliingthe difcuifion. Adjourned.
THURSDAY, Dec. 30,
An engrofled bill to provide for the unlading
of goods, wares and mercliandife in cafe of ob
ftr"<ftlo,ns l ce ' was rea( l a third time and patted.
Mr. Sedgwick from the committee appointed
for that purpose. reported a bill, repealing, after
a certain time the a<fl heretofore palled,impofine
duties on distilled and other spirits imported from
abroad, and laying others in their stead, and for
altering the mode of colletfting said duties, &c.
which was read the firft and second time, and re
ferred to a committee of the whole house on
Tuesday next.
A meflage was received from the President of
the Lnited States, communicating a report from
the Secretary of State, upon the fubjert of the
prisoners who are in captivity at Algiers.
Mr. Clymer presented a petition from the col
lege of physicians in Philadelphia, praying that
such heavy duties may be laid on distilled spirits
be effectual to restrain their intemperate
On motion, ordered, that the secretary of the
treasury be diredled to report to this house, the
amount of the exports from the several diftritfs
within the States refpe&ively, also the
amount of duties arising on imports and tonnage
from the hrft ofAuguft i 759, to the thirtieth of
September, 1790, and as soon as may be from
thence to the end of the year.
Mr. Bourne presented the petition of Simeon
I nayer, late a major in the continental army
praying to be placed on the lift ofpenfioners,on
account of disability occasioned whilst infervice
read and referred to the secretary at war. '
The speaker informed the house, that he had
lome communications to make, of a private na
ture. The galleries were ordered to be /hut.
f R I D A Y, Dec. jr.
Mr. Steele .member from North Carolina, took
his feat this day.
Several petitions and memorials were present
ed—read and referred. V
The Speaker communicated a report from the
feAoftheTT* 1 ° ft ' le , v United States > the fub
i ?7 S),llcin ' accompanied by a
Jetter-which, with the report, was read. 7
It was ordered that 300 copies of this report be
printed—and that it be made the order of thr
day on Wednesday week. the
w A P et, " on of Henr y Laurens, in behalf of his
Ward, the daughter of the late Col. Laurens
was presentedl by Mr. Smith, (S. C.) Read and
referred to a feledt committee, confuting of Mr
Smith, (S. C.) Mr. Gerry, and Mr. Carrol
Another petition was read from the fame gen
tleman, praying payment for a quantity of Rice
fornilhed on contract to the late continental ar
my. Referred to the Secretary of War
Mr. Good hue reported a bill for the'relief of
Shubael bwaine—Read the firft time.
In committee of the whole, on the report of
! Ki^ relative to the ef
tabhftiment of a Land Office.
The committee fini/hed the discussion of the re
port—and having agreed to a number of resolu
tions, rose and reported the fame—which it w-s
ordered fliould lie on the table.
Adjourned till Monday.
f e^e e d d '^' r t ' ?y ., the following Memorial was pre
-10 the Se "ate of the United States. '
Messrs Livermore,
Messrs Matthews,
P. Muhlenberg,
Van Ranfellaer,
Smith, (M )
Smith, (S. C.)
To the Senate and House of Representatives of
the United Scares, in Congrels aflembled.
The Memorial of the College ofPhyficians of the city
of Philadelphia.
respectfully sheweth :
they have seen with great pleafurethe
I i operation of a National Government which
lias eltabhfhed order in the United States.
They rejoice to find amongst the powers which
belong to this government, that of restraining by
certain duties, the consumption of distilled spi
rits in our country.
It belongs more particularly to men of other
P ir i-°" St 0 enumerate the pernicious effects of
tliele liquors upon morals and manners. Your
memorialists will only remark that a great pro
portion of the moftobftinate, painful, and mortal
disorders which affe<sl the human body, are pro
duced by distilled spirits—That they are not on
ly destructive to health and life, but that they
impair the faculties of the mind, and thereby
ten equally to dilhonor our character as a nati
bei'ngs t0 dcgrade our J P eci « as intelligent
Your memorialists have no doubt that the rumor
of a plague or any other pestilential disorder,
which might sweep away thousands of their fel
0^" C <t ,lZCnS ' produce the inoft: vigorous
and effectual meafuresinourgovernment, to pre
vent or subdue it.
Your memorialists can fee no just cause why
the more certain and extensive ravages of diftl
led spirits, upon human life, should not beguard
ed against with corresponding vigilance and ex
ertions, by the rulers of the United States.
Your memorialists beg leave to add further
thatthe habitual use ofdiftilled spirits in any cafe
whatever, is wholly unnecelTary—that they nei
ther fortify the body againfl the morbid effedts
of heat er cold, nor render labor more easy, nor
more producflive— and that there are many arti
cles of diet and drink which are not only fafe
and perfectly salutary, butpreferable todiitilled
Ipirits for the above mentioned purposes.
Your memorialists have beheld with regert,the
feeble influence of reason and religion, in re
straining the evils which they have enumerated.
They center their hopes,) therefore, of an effici
ent remedy for them in the wisdom and power
of the legislature of the United States ; and in
beh ™£? f che of humanity to which their
profeflion is closely allied, they thus publicklv
intreat the Congress by their obligations to pro
tect the lives of their constituents, and by their
regard to the character of our nation, and the
rank of our species in the scale of beings, to im-
P n°u f,Utles upon all distilled spirits,
as shall be effectual to restrain their intemperate
ule in our country.
Signed by order of the College,
Philad. Dec. 27th 1790.
PARIS, oa. 18
Our new Municipality is now duly installed by
the present judges. M. Bailly, the newly chosen
Mayor, with 144 Notables, have ,taken the fol
lowing oath :
." You Avear and promise to abide by the con-
Ihtution, to be faithful to the nation, the law and
th i ln & and ™ o ully to fulfil your fungous."
Ma r° r afterwards made a speech suitable
to the occasion, and received a deputation of the
headd 1 ■ 5 C Vith , M - de la Fa^eCte " their
head declaring that through perfect obedience
Z th fjp ltl< : rs che 7 received, they would ensure
the e»cution of the oaths.
So '" e a S° ar ' ived in this city, Hu-rh Elli
ot, Esq. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister PJen-
Demnark ry f X- m Grea , t^, it^n }° the Court of
Denmark. Time muit determine the obiedl of
his appearance here.
On the 16th, M. de Noailles read a letter from
the Commandant of the Swiss regiment Chareau
vieroy, by which it appears that the soldiers
expreflive of their concern for what had lately
happened at Nanci, propose reftiturion of the
money they had forced from their officers. The
leading of this letter caused great ioy in the AT
fe,„ ~ who ordered i, bf .id
to all the regiments in the service.
NEW-YORK, Dec. 29.
Our latest accounts, rerpe<fting Britilh affairs
were yesterday brought from the Island of Gre
nada, by the Charlotte Capt. Holman, by which
we have a confirmation of a firft division of troons
■r° m ' re ' a nd being landed at Barbadoes ; they
were brought, as before three for
ty-four gun /hips, accompanied by a number of
of the i^l* S ' WereC ® ,nonned at different posts
of the illand, wamng for the lecond division in
arrfved' ' . tta ° ,I f^ of 00t guards, which when
enable ;h e °^ ln , g " g sol diers, would
enable the whole to move under the artillery of
nanded by \ ice-Admiral Sir Alexander Hood
and Rear-Admiral Samuel Cornilh. The general
opinion is, that Count Miranda, of the Carraccas,
wXtadie>f„'°™';L S S'itm! mi ° iOM i "'"°
Philadelphia, Jan. 1.
has been the yearjuft cloftd!— All of th-m plctewi,h c vuits
country ! How bright our futu'i V rota> T' «° ° Ur
qu.l and happy at home-honored and refpcftrd a l ro H '
The labors of our patriots hav* abroad
success— while heaven has poured the rUh«"of Uncxam P led
fufton upon us May the Year w,„ m ' my m r™-
| equally propitious ;—foi no events in the a°™is of" A™" P ' ,>Ve
flea a fairer lustre on our charaftcrthan thnfr Amenca >
sand jcvcn hundred and ninety, ycar one
ExtraEl of a letter from a gentleman of the fir ft intel
■ tetsfittsg*
General Harmar has made a very fuccefsful
campaign tho you will regret with me the 2
of our friend Major Wyllys, who was facrificed
by the militia • They left him with his handful
ot continental troops to sustain the attack of a
largp body of Indians : Every man of them fell
? n U ! thr «—they fold their lives however dear •
Indeed there never has been any affair with the
Indians m which they loft so many men, as in this
campaign. W S have as yet no certain infor
mation from Major Hamtramck : Had he been
unfortunate, we lhould have heard of it lono-atm
fl^ PO, t t- frolnKentUck y are ' that the Indians
fled before him every where—that four of their
towns, and a vast quantity „f provisions had
deftroyed-and that part of the militia had got
home without the loss of a man." S
On Monday last the Hon. Mr. Hartley, a repre
sentative from this state in the Congress of the
United States, had his arm broken by a fall near
the state house in this city.
A bill has pa fled the Senate of North-Carolim
the present session, and is now before the liouCe
—for subscribing °n loan in the Loan-Office of
the United States, such continental monies, and
continental and State securities as are, or m"y
be in the hands of the Treafurerand comptroller
of that State, belonging to the public.
r & {[ ts "vjetttned that there are in the Trea
sury ofNorth-Carolina, State Securities to an amount
nearly fuffictent to balance the fuvi to be alfumed on
account ej that State by the General Government.
The cenfusof the inhabitants of the county of
SeTw ofth W - ChufettS) taken pursuant to the
late law of the Union, amounts to fifty nine thou
sand seven hundred and eleven : In
are ~ , h. T h.of bK
to contain fifty seven thousand, nine hundred and
seven inhabitants. ''no.
The following is a lift 0 f the feaveflels which
have arrived at this portfince January ift, i 7 o o :
Ships 129
Snows 18
Brigs 329
Schooners 264
Sleeps 324. Total 1064.
In No. 67 of this paper, we copied from a Daily Pabn r
the Commencement held in the College Hall, the \ c u/t CCOU " i ;'f
Doctor's DtgreuH Mcd,cine~,n Lch there arlt'Lttha
ders are requeued tocorred : bjiead of " Isaac Sayra A B Tn"'
frr s Bo 7 es ofMedictf r;
6 pr. Cents 17/6. pr./.
3 pr. Cents 8/6.
Defered 6 pr. Cents 8/6.
F, n a l Settled °t hcr Certifies > 5 f.^ 15 J 6 . flr ,
State debts 12 /<j Q
FOR the accommodation of thoft who would
■mjh to become Adventurers in the First Clafsof the
I n* P ° ft P a ' d ' Samuel Cooper
Phu!d2hfl° rt N f ' de Y Sta ' e - H ™f s > Lofton, enclosing
t J' ladel P h *«, New-Tori or Btflon Bank-Bills, or
Tick J OO / JT- be t" rticular b attended to, and
Boston, Dec. 22, 1790.
NB. Lift of Prizes will f, deposed with the
L< into psrtnerfiiip. and opened an OFFICE, at No j-o m
Firm of CCt ' a d °°" ab ° Ve Fourth - Str «'. where, undcr'the
Hazard and Addoms,
r- r- d -1i ey P urchafc an d all kinds of
„ r % , B - ™ dc at lh « PublicOfficc, and Bufinef. in e«-
neral tranfa&cd on Comnj;flion. Detcmb'.r 29
873 pr. cent.
4 2 i do.
4 do.