Mr. Wadfworth hoped it would not be llruck our. He obfierved, that as the house had the power of .organizing the militia, and were about determining that there should be infpeftors, they could with the fame propriety fiiy what rank those infpecSors should hold. He was as much a- Yerfe as any man to granting unneceU'ary titles ; but where great trust was reposed, and severe du ty required, there rank {hould also follow. These inspectors were placed in a very important stati on, which they could not properly fill without the weight of i'ome military rank. Mr. Stone withdrew liis motion. Mr. Blood worth moved that the rank of brig adier fiiould be given to them, agreed. Mr. Benfon moved for an additional clause to the bill, for granting to the President of the United States, the power of calling out the mili tia into the service of the United States, &c. to repel invaflons or suppress infurretftions. Mr.Sherman obfervedthat the proposed clause ■was not explicit enough. The general govern ment by the constitution had not the power of calling out the militia to suppress infurrefW, Hawkins, Johnson, Izard, Ktnuyler, Stanton, Strong, Johnftori, Wmgate. NAY.—Mr. Morris. Report oj the CommiJlivners appointed for the reduflio* of the debt of the United States. The Vice-Prefidcnt of the United Stales, the Chief Justice of the United States, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of theTrca fury, and the Attorney-General of the United States, report to Congress, That pursuant to the a£l making provision for the re dudion of the public debt, they, on thej 26th of Augull, 1790, onvened in the city of New-York, and entered on the exercise ol the trust rcpofed in them ; —that conformably to their refoluiion, . pproved by the President of the United Stales on the 08th of the fame month, they have commenced the purchase, through the agency of Samuel Meredith, which on the 26th day of Novem ber lail, amounted to the sum of 278,687 dollars, 30 c*nts, re ndered debt of the United States, for which there have been paid 1 5°i 2 39 dollars, 25 cents in specie, as will more particularly ap peal by a return of the fame Samuel Meredith, confirmed by an authenticated copv of his account fettled at the treasury ot the Un ited States, and prayed to be received as part of this report, in which are fpecified thr* places where, the times when, and the per ions of whom the said purchases have been made. Signed, by order of the boards LONDON, OA. 16. Original Communication! from PaYis. THE last dispatches from England have reliev ed the Spanish Ambafl'ador here from some of his fears. He did not expedt the Britifli Minis try would continue a negociation which he has long known would end in a rupture between his Court and that of St. James's, provided the Span ish party in the north could gain certain points, which now seem likely to be carried in favor of his Catholic Majesty. The Parisian militia complain of the King's re sidence at St. Cloud. As the weather becomes bad, the service cannot be agreeable to men ac customed to ease. His majelty fays he is sorry they should have the lead caufeof diffatisfaftion; but, as he never required their services, he does not think himfelf obliged to take any fleps to re move the cause of their mnnnilrs. His present intention is to fpcnd the winter in the country. There is about to be erected, a high National court in France, for the express cognizance of the offences comprehended under the terms, Leze Nation. Before this court the members of that Parliament and the procureur are to be im peached, and proceeded against as guilty of re bellion and contumacy. The afl'embly decrees further, that the king be supplicated to secure the persons of the offen ders to answer when summoned before this crimi nal court. Sentence has been palled upon the persons con cerned in the late at Florence ; 21 of the principal of them are condemned to the gallies for fifteen years, 60 are banished from the Grand Dutcliy of Tufcany, 100 have been order ed to remain in confinement, and hope for pardon. The diflurbances at Florence have been en tirely quieted by the 'appearance of the Austrian troops. KINGSTON, (Jamaica) Nov. 8. How melancholy mult be the reflections of a citizen of the world, when hefurveys the present Rate of Europe ; every nation of which seems only to have exiftencc for the horrid purpose of making war upon its neighbour ; and such is the baneful system of government now too generally adopfed, that even a benevolent Monarch, who loves his people, and wishes well to all degrees of human nature, cannot, with lafety, withhold himfelf from uniting in the sanguinary contests, in some shape or other, altho his feelings as a man, and his principles as a christian, impel him to prefer social peace to the fliameful triumphs of bloody ambition. In future ages, when the force of local attach ments (hall have ceased to operate against the in terests oftruth, Mr. Pitt's conduct asla Premier, will be undoubtedly the theme of much admira ration. In the whole round of Britifli States men, from the days of the sagacious Lord Bur leigh to the present moment, no man has had more serious difficulties to encounter than him. Soifte cases have presented themselves, of the ut most moment to our profperiry as a people, and to his honor as a man ; yet has he so warily guid ed the veflel of government through the tern pelts of the times, that in no Angle instance can his enemies charge him with the want of foreknow ledge, or the want of\iaving a due regard for the privileges of the community, or the dignity of his fovcreign. N E W-Y O R K, Dec. 20. ■ The President of the society of the Cincinnati of this state hav ing heard of the death of Major Wvllysand Capt.Ffothingham, re fluefts that mourning crape for the space of twi ntjr-one days, be worn by the members of the society, in testimony d Carriages. Horses, and careful Drivers are provided. pay three Pence per Mile, and are allowed 14 pound luggage each. Extra Baggage pays at the rate of three Pence pti Mile for every 150 wt. As the Mail is to go in these Stages for*he year 1791, fixed hours for starting from the refpeftive Stage Hou«s is absolutely neceffary—from which there can be no dcvia lon.' Norwich, Dec. 14, 1790. for the Eastward leaves Hartford Mondays and Thnrfdaya Norwich Tuesdays and Fridays, Providence Wednesdays and Saturdays, For the leaves Boston Mondays and Thursdays, Providence Tuesdays and Fridays, Norwich Wcdnefdays and Saturdays. 69—iv>3m y Wanted, a good Cook, Either Man or Wo trim ——-Enquire at No. 2C9, fccond-Street, .oppoftte the New-Mark^. or go pr. cent, or 47J do. 45 do. JESSE BROWN,