for the gazette of the united states. The Student. —No. I. BY SIMON SEARCHER. " \"\/HAT have we here?" cries the-LoutfGEß, (ashe sips his coffee froin'a half pine porce laine cup, which rests on its kindred saucer, placed with a negligent ease between the thumb and two longelV fingers of that delicate hand which is raited half way to the lips, horn the po liced table 011 which the elbow prefles, support ing the upper extremity of the listless frame.) " What have we here ? The Student, by Simon Searcher ! One would rather expect Isttures from the Profcffor than the Student. Had you not bet ter, Mr. Searcher, search a little longer before you commence teacher ?"—This is said with an air of triumph ; —and with all due modesty I re ply : Far be it from me Sir, to afl'ume the office of a Teacher ; my utmost hope is, that by publifh lifhing my thoughts on the various objects of my flu dies, I may induce others to refletf upon fucli fubjetts as will tend to make them both wiser and better j such fubjeds, only, being worthy ofa Student's attention. I have experienced great advantages from the presence of a fellow Student, to whom I could communicate my senti ments refpe Therefore if any person, hath any objection why the said Certificates (hould not be renewed, agreeable to the ref.ilvis of Congress, they mnft make thein before the expiration of three months, from the date hereof. Invoice oj Loan»OJfice Certificates defiroyed in the house oj W,... Hcjelton > on the above date. 1788. Oftobcr 24, 4873 > o f. oo d o l] ars eac h. favor of James i'i ' tl J,l ) Hasf.lion. 6356 one of '4CO dollars, ( ELIZABETH HASEI.TON, Adminiftratvix ol James Haselton, dccafed, [62 61.1 aw.] Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1790. By Carey, Stewart, and Co No. a-2, in Front-Stk eet, THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION OF THE DOWAY TRANSLATION OF THE Vulgate Bible, Containing 990 Pages in Quarto. (Price Six Dollars.) (£3" Subscribers arc requested to fend for their Books. Nov. 29. This Day is publifhcd 1 By Carey, Stewart, and Co. No. 22 * Front-Street, The American Museum, FOR NOVEMBER, 1790. CONTENTS. ORIGINAL ARTICLES. METEOROLOGICAL observations, made in Philadelphia, Ot\. 1790. Obfeivations on the weather in do. Medical Gale. The Temple of Hymen. An-cdote. Fragment. Remarks on locust trees. A (ketch of the nature and causes of difeafts, ex plained upon fcitntific principles. Remarks on capital punish ments. Peter Pennylefs—a fragment—by John Carey. Short (ketch of the life of dr. Franklin. pOJE TRy The Temple of Hymen. Female love forfaken. Song to al>- sent Laura—By W. P. Carey. « * SELECTED, 'ARTICLES. i:ROi't. » Character of Dr. Franklin. .' Accost of a curious Wild cheery tree sprouts poisonous to cattle. Description of the falls of Niagara. Method of checking the progress of fire. Dr. James Malone's receipt for the cure of a cold. Number of veflels enter ed at Philadelphia, from March 1735 to March 1736. Remarks on frugality—by the Rev. Joieph Lathrop* Thoughts on cenfnre, family disagreements, &c. by fir Win. Keith. EH"«y on the influ ence of religion in civil society. The origin ofdefpair. Eulogy on early rising. Reflexions on the cuitom of burying the dead,, arid the danger of precipitate interment. Influence of death. Life of Julia, or the penitent daughter* Public virtue to be diftin , guilhed by public honors : by the kite Gov. Livingfton. Re marks on beauty and grace. Eflay on good humour. Census ot t tie inhabitantsof Cbarlefton. Enumeration of the number of peo ple in different towns of the state of Rhode-Iftand, in 1782 & Amount of tobacco exported ftom Virginia. Number of people in Boston. Extract from a masonic difcoui fe. Receipt to make lan excellent American wine. Remarks on faking pork. New ( method of feeding silk worms. A Georgia planter's method of j {pending his time. Account of the culture of (ilk in Newhaven,. ; Lonllituticm of New Hamplhiie. Conllitution of Mailachufett. POETRY. Address of a lady to her huiband, on his return from a long abfcnce. Song ; in imitation ot the watry god. To a lady— carcfiing her children. Elegy to Laura by W. P. Carey. The hermit: by dr. Beattie. Vcrfcs on the marquis de la Fayette. Fragment of a poem on the ere&'ron of the works at Dorchester. Philidia's riddle. Verses, addrefferd to mils M. A. A. Ode, fungat Bennington, i 6, 1790. Dr. Price'; Revolution Sermon to be fold by r th 9 Editor—pries if 6-. Thii day is publijhedy PROSE .-■V •vJ> < • vr^ - j--, x -PI House,