Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 02, 1790, Page 615, Image 3

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AS a fpoitive young Fowler was ranging a grove,
On a high bufliy bough he efpicd little Love ;
Who wantonly waving his wings, while at play,
Appeat 'd to our iportsman, Come fine-featber'd Jay ;
hxulting with joy, he his birdlime prepares,
And hopes to allure little Love to his snares;
But Lowe, wily Love, well acquainted with all
That can either the mind or the body enthraM,
Continued his pdllime, nor heeded the boy,
4'ully conlcious he could not his pleafurcs destroy.
The tripling at length difappeiutcd and vexr,
At the strange bird's behavior, moil likely pcrplcxt.
Toa neighboring husbandman eagerly flew,
And pointed where Cupid Tat perch'd, still in view ;
As the old Ploughman smiled. he ihook. his grey hairs,
'• Fly ! fly my f\j;eet son from yon little beast's fuares,
" Oh ! how happy for you, it ever as now,
" He leaves you unnotie'd, and hops on the bough :
" But wheu manhood has ripen'd, and fill'd you with blood,
" He will creep to the fountain, and poifoo the flood.
Capt. Barnes, who arrived at Boston in 36 days
from Ferrol, informs that a letter received by
the Britifti Consul there, from the Briti(h Am
baflador at Madrid, intimated that lie was doubt
ful whether the concession made by Spain would
produce a reconciliation between the two Courts.
Capt. Barnes further informs, that when he lefc
I'errol great preparations for war were making
at that place—and that every thing wore the
appearance of an immediate rupture.
The Englifii appear to be much diffatisfifcd
with the late comprotnife made by Mr. Pitt with
Spain—but he has heretofore come oft vi<flori
ous, and in the present instance will doubtless
juftify his own condudt ; if he cannot man the
fleet what is_to be done ? Perhaps John Bull
thinks their empty ships can beat the Dons.
Wednesday lart the Britilh Packet Portland ar
rived here in jo days from Falmouth and Hali
fax—She brought papers to 6th August. The
Levant,jCapt.Oillis,is arrived at Philadelphia,and
brought accounts to 12th.
In consequence of the defeat of the King of
Sweden on the 3d and 4th July—it is surmised by
the Englifli politicians, that the King of Pruflia
will attack Catharine—in order to prevent an
undue preponderance of the balance of power in
her favor.
This balance of power,a most flimfey pretence
for going to war, has too long proved a curse to
the European Itates.—Louis the XlVth, under
the pretext of supporting this ideal equilibrium,
destroyed the liberties of France—and the En
gliih, deluded by the fame phantom, have facri
fieed thousands of their Veterans in Germany.—
The enlightened policy of the National Afiem
bly of France has led them to reject the illusion
—fully convinced that the true interest of their
country confilts in tranquilizing their citizens,
and reitoring the equilibrium of reason and com
mon sense.
A motion was made by the President, and ac
quiesced in by the National Allembly of France,
previous to the late grand confederation, that
during the ten days appointed for the ad million'
of the military deputies to be present at the de
bates, all other perions, even thofechofen as fub
ftitutcs for the Na-.ional Representatives them
selves, should give place to the new vilitants ; and
that in this particular there Ihould be no excepti
m but in favor of the Editors of news papers.
There cannot be a Itronger proof of the libe
rality of this August Senate, and of their sincere
wilh to give their proceedings as great a notori
ety as possible.
In the late proccffion of France, every order
was diltinguifhed by some emblematic device,
indicative of the diftridt from whence it came, or
the body which it represented—and in doing
this, fancy had exerted its powers in ornament
and design, in such manner as to lurin a moll no
ble appearance.
The amphitheatre in the Champ de Mars was
an immense inclofure : It contained thirty bench
es riling one above another, fufficiently capacious
to accommodate 300,000 persons. The Duke of
Orleans was present, and as M. D'Orleans took
his feat among the Members of the National As
sembly ; he has retrieved his popularity, by an
appeal to the people, in which he requests, that
if he has committed any crime, he may be tried,
not by Judges, but by a Jury.
According to the iingliih papers the people of
France have changed the title of Louis XVI.
from King to that of Emperor.' !
Addrefles from the foreigners in Pans were
pefented to the National Aflembly immediately
after the memorable 14th July—and were order
ed to be printed.
Docftor Franklin's definition of a whig.—One
that claims no right to himfelf, that he is not willing
to give to his neighbour. Some intolerant dema
gogues of the present day would do wdl to con
over this sentiment.
A writer in a late London paper obferTes, that
nothing will contribute more to the riling great
ness ps America than that unbounded toleration
and prote&ion she holds forth to all feels and de
scriptions of men.—The Roman Catholics, Pro
testants, Quakers, and innumerablefubaltern de
nominations live there in one common bond of
amity—none of which are precludetl from oflices,
either of honor or profit.—The liberality of sen
timent by which the celebrated General Wash
ington 'has at all times been actuated, was ne
ver more apparent than on a recent occasion,
when an address was prefenced to him by the Ro
man Catholics of America.—He allured them in
the character of PrejiAent of the United States,
of the utmolt protection of government, and the
fame liberty enjoyed by other citizens.
It is the report, by accounts from India, that
Tippoo Saib was kitted in his late attack onTra
Three managers of the impeachment of War
ren Haltings are left out of the new Parliament.
Henry James Pye, Efq.a late member of Parli
ament, is appointed Poet Laureat to the King of
Great Britain.
It seems that Pye is preferred to sfpplc Duvip
lings—lb Peter has loft the Laureatfhip.
The number of inhabitants on the face of the
globe are estimated at nine hundred millions, out
of which scarce eight and thirty millions exist in
a state of freedom.
Buttons made of (late are likely to be the ton
—a set made at Birmingham by Mr. Clay, has
lately been presented to the King of Great-Bri
tain—they will not forget the Kingin the button
Died, in England, Sir John Lockhart Rofs,
Vice Admiral of the blue :—this officer will be
recognized as the famous Capt. Lockhart, who
commanded the Tartar, the war before last.
Died in Edinburgh, Adam Smith,Efq. L. L. D.
and F. R. S. Author of the celebrated work on
the IVealth of Nations.
Samuel Griffin, Elq. is re-eletfted a member of
the Honfe of Representatives for Virginia.
ThuiTday the 25th November is appointed by
the Governor of Maflachufetts to be observed as
a day of general thanksgiving by the people of
that Commonwealth.
The Commitlioners of Vermont and New-York, are now con
vened in this City, to tranfaft the important buftnefs for which
ttiey were appointed by their refpettive legislatures.
In the Advcrtifewent forpropofals J or bull dims, a Light House,
on CApe-Henry, in the gth line,firjt paragraph, these words, 44 faccd
with hewn or h3mmei-dreired"77<iWi have been omitted \ ajew copies
wereJiruck off with this error ; Jhould it be thus inserted in any oilier
paper, it is rcqufjied that the correction may follow.
Packet Portland, Rogers, Falmouth and Halifax, 50
Brig Boon, Orange, Guyon, (Spain) 49
Sloop Polly, Robert*, Nodolk, 8
Dt light, Vail, Wjfhington (N. 7
Schooner New-York Packet, Barnard, Boflon 7.
Final Settlements 12/2 a 12fa.
Indents "J\. a 7J2.
State Securities 9f.
BOSTON, Sept. 22
We hear from Sanford, in the county of York,
that on Wednesday the Bthinftant, as two young
children, sons of Dr. Abel Hall, were playing
near a well, the youngelt of them about three
years of age,leaning against the curb of the well,
the upper board of which was nailed on the in
side, it gave way, and the child pitched in and
fell twenty three feet, when his head ltruck the
water into which he plunged, and immediately
rising received instantaneous alfiftance ; Capt.
Ebenezer Halj, descending into the well, by
the pole, seized the child, before it could fink
again, and taking it into his arms was drawn up
and restored him to his diftrelled mother; the
child having not received the lealt bruise or
wouud. The well was less than two feet in di
ameter and stoned to the bottom.
New-York, Sept. 28, 1790. J
THE following regulations, which have been adopted towards
carrying; into execution the ast, making provision for the
debt ot the United States, are announced for the information of
the public creditors.
WHEN a transfer is to be made from one person to another, the
certificate or certificates of the debt to h* transferred, must be pro
duced at the proper office, in order that the fame may be can
celled, and a new one, or new ones issue, as tjje cafe (hall require.
When a transfer is desired from one office to another, appli
cation must iu the firft instance be made at the office where the
credit exists, whereupon the certificate or certificates of the debt
to be transferred will be cancelled, and a special one granted, as a
voucher to the Secretary of the Treasury ; upon the production
and delivery ot which to,him, a warrant will issue to the office,
to which thf debt is to be transferred, where the bufincfs will be
completed. The form (A) at foot hereof, has been adopted for
letters of attorney, to make transfers, whica, and the dire&ions
for completing it, it is expetted will be carefully observed.
In every cafe of a transfer of the fubferibed or funded debt, the
new certificate will bear interest, only from the firft day of the
quarter, in which the transfer is made. The unpaid interest which
may have accrued prior to that quarter, will be paid only to the
person, who was iluckholder at thet me it accrued, or to his spe
cial aflignee.
Fourteen days before the expiration of each quarter, the books
of each officc will beclofed ; so that no transfers will be made,
nor, except at the Treasury, will any fubferiptions be received,
or old certificates exchanged for new ones, on the application of
non-fubferibers, during that period. Thole intending to become
fubferibers to the proposed Loan, who do not fubferibe, prior to
the commencement of any such period—or tbofe intending not to
subscribe, who do not pr-sent their old ccrtificitf, to be ex.nang.
Ed, or it holdeii.of certificates ps the Register of the i reatury,
who do not notify to theTreafury their intention not to fublcnbe,
prior to I'uch commencement of luch period, will not receive the
intcreft, which may have accmed antecedently, kill °
the quarter in a)4;c4 their lubfcripu >n , are made, or inwuicli their
certificates are exchanged, or ia which they (hall io notify ihcir in
tcntion not to fubfcriw'*. tins, the proper distribution ot the
funds, and the prelervation ot order render indifpenljbk.
On the fubferibed or funufcd debt, inteveft as it becomes oil,
will be paid without pioduClion ol the certificates ' tor the
fame. On the unfubfcnbed debt, if an v there lhall be, the pro
duttion of the certiticates will be necessary, in Older to the receipt
of the inierelt, and an indorfemrnt ot the piym< nt of it upon the
certificates. Tins however, in confideraii'in of ihe i i!k and "I ' I ''
venience of tranfmiilion, will not be required of those wh<> hold
certificates of the Register of the Treasury, i'iid reside out ot the
United States. The form (B) at foot hereof, ot a letter ol attor
ney for receiving intercft, and ilie dirt£lions ihtifwnb, iiis ex
pected will be carefully pursued.
FORM of a POWER of ATTORNEY, to tranf-
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents : That
rrue and lawful Attorney, for
fell, alUgn and tiansfer
{landing in
with power also an Attorney or Attornies under for that
purpofe,to make and substitute ; arid to do all lawful a£ts requi
site for effecting the piemifes ; hereby ratifying and confirming all
that said Attorney, or Substitute or Subftitutcs (hall
do therein by virtue hereof.
IN WITNESS whereof
Hand and Sea] , the
Year of our LORD, One Thousand
Sealed and delivered )
in the prcfence of >
BE IT KVOWN, that on the
One Thousand Hundred
within named,
and acknowledged the above Letter of Attorney to be
Act and Deed. In te&imony whereof I have hereunto set my
Hand and
the Day and Year last aforefaid.
IF the power isto extend to the whole of the Hock, the word
" all" is to be inserted after the word 44 transfer." If only to
part, the particular sum is to be inserted, with the addition rtf the
words 44 being part of."
If the power is to extend only to a certain fpccies of ftnek, it
may be exprefled in the different cases by inserting in the blank
between the words 44 the" and 44 Stock" the words 44 funded
Six per Cent." (which will designate the Stock bearing a prcfent
lutercft) or the woids, 44 funded Three per Cent." (which will
designate the Three per Cent. Hock,) or the word 44 D-tcrred"
(which will designate the Stock bearing Interest at the end of ten
Years) or the word 4t unfunded" (which will designate the un
fubferibed part of the debt.)
If no power of substitution is deft red to be given, the whole
that relates to it, to be omitted ; the place of abode, and quality
of each witness, to be written against his name.
The acknowledgment may he taken before any Judge of a
Court of the United States, or of a Superior Court of Law or Equi
ty in any State, or ol a County Court, or before the Mayor or other
Chief Magistrate of any place ; or before a Notary Public.
In the acknowledgment, if the Seal of a Court, or Corporation,
is to be affixed, the words 44 caused to be" may precede the word
44 affixed", the blank immediately following to be filled with a
designation of the Seal; as, that it is the Seal of a certain Courr,
naming it; or the Seal of a certain Corporation, naming; it ; or the
Seal of Office of the party before whom the acknowledgment is
taken, if he lias one ; or it he has none, with the words 41 ray Seal."
If there be no public or official Seal to the acknowledgment,
proof of the execution of the Power must be made by Oath or
Affirmation of one of the Witnefles, to be taken before some per
son duly authoriied at the place where the transfer is to be made.
FORM of a POWER of ATTORNEY, to receive
KNOW ALL MEN by these prcfents : That
do make, conflitute and appoint
true and lawful Attorney, for
U> reccive the interest
the Stock, (landing in
in the Books of
with power also an Attorney or Attornies, under for that
purpose, to make and fubftitutc ; and to do all lawful Acts requi
lite for effecting the Prcmifes ; hereby ratifying and confirming
all that laid Attorney, or Substitute or Subft:-
tutes (hall do therein by virtue hcreo c .
IN WITNESS whereof
Hand and Seal , the
of our Lord, One Thousand
Sealed and delivered )
in the prcfence of J
BE IT KNOWN, thai on the
One Thoufeud Hundred
ledged the above Letter of Attorney to be
IN Tcftimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and
the Day and Year lail aforefaid.
IF the Power is to be general, the words " now due, or which
(hall hereafter grow due upon" are to be inserted after the word
" interest." If not general, the time for, or to which the interest
is tobe received, tobe specially expressed after the word " interest."
If no Power ot Substitution it dcfired to be given, the whole
that relates to it, to be omitted. The place of abode, and quality
of each Witneft, to be written against his name.
The acknowledgment may be taken before any Judge of a
Court of the United States, or of aSuperior Court of Law or Equi
ty in any State, or of a County Court, or before the Mayor, or
other Chief Magistrate of any place, or before a Kotary Public.
In the Acknowledgment, if the Seal of a Court or Corporation
is to be affixed, the words " caused to be" may precede the word
" affixed." The blank immediately following to be filled with
a designation of the Seal ; as that it is the Seal of a certain Court,
naming it; or the Seal ef a certain Corporation, naming it: or
the Seal of Office of the Partv before whom the Acknowledgment
is taken, if he has one ; or it he has none, with the words "my
If there be no public or official Seal to the Acknowledgment,
proof of the execution of the Power, must be made by Oath or
Affirmation of one of the Witnefles, to be taken before some Person
duly authortfed, at the Place where the trausfcr is to be made.
fer Stock
do-roakc, conftitutc and appoint
and in
name in the Books of
have hereunto set
Day of
Day of
before me.
have her#.into set
Day of in the Year
Day of
before me
within named,
Ast and Deed
name to
in the
and in
and acknow-