Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 29, 1790, Page 609, Image 1

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[No. 49, x f Vol. ll.]
A a'D be it further ena&ed, That there (hall be allowed and
r*™ l< r co^e^ors j naval-officers and surveyors to be ap.
pointed pursuant to this ast, the fees and per rentage following,
teffe Vf° M T ,° e j Ch C °" Ca ° r for '"ranee of any IKip !r
anhaW f" 6 toils burthen or upwards, two dollar, and
?nn k : [° r CVe j ry clcaran « of an y <hip or vcfTel of one hundred
cniranff f" and upwards, two dollars and an half; for every
tonro"e 0 L"i n ,ar^;,ra:. V^'';1 er c :^ b of'a
ro "h hu '; dr f% brtthe^"e d ° u;,r a " d aa
I «Wery pe. mtt to land goods, twenty cents ; for every jond ta
ken ofhcally, forty cents and for every pe™it to load goods
for evr P rv o a ffi on '| W °r are enl,llcd to a drawback, thirty cents j
twentv Jem r Cert,flca1 '' 'wenty cents ; for every bill of health,
eauedh'Vh CVery ° th "" ft,c,al document (registers excepted)
°wneror mast " °f an y vefTel not before enumer
/ ' ?" ere a naval officer is appointed to the
j c ri j' .Cr a ! , J." be equally divided between the col-
na "'- offi « r . l««r paying one thud of the
J k <* allona ' y , and of the rent of an office to be
provided by the collector, at the place alligned for his refidcnce,
and as as may be for the trade of the diftridl; and
tees fhafl, at the option of the colleaor, be either received by
naval-officer, the party receiving to account month
ly With the other for his proportion or (hare 'hereof. To each
urveyor tor the admealurement of every ship or velTel of one
undred tons and under, one cent per tun ; tor the admcafurc
of every IK. p or vciiVl above one hundred tons, and not ex
ceeding two hundred tons, one hundred and fifty ccnts; for the
admealuicment of every ship or veflel above two hundred tons,
two hundred cents; for all other services by this ast to be peiforin
"> '" ch lur "y° r . board any ship or vcfTel of one hundred
tons and upward., and having on board goods, wares and mer
chandize fubjeft to duty, three dollars ; for the like lervices on
boaid any ship or veirel of less than one hundred tons burthen
having on board goods, wares and merchandize fubjeft to duty,
one and an half dollar ; or. all vefTels not having on board *oods
wares and merchandize fubjea to duty, two thirds of a dollar
all which fees shall be paid by the master or owner of the ship or
vcfTcl m which the said services shall be performed, to the furvev
or by whom tneyfhaU be performed, if performed by one only
l li' n l * but if performed by more than one, to him
■Who lh.ll have the firfl agency, to be divided in equal parts be
tween him and the other or others by whom the said services shall
be performed. To each mfpeftoi there shall be allowed tor eve
ry day he shall J?c actually employed in aid of the customs, a sum
not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents, to be paid by
the collector out of the revenue, and charged to the United States.
1q the mcafurers, weighers and guagers refprflively, to be paid
hy the collector out of the revenue for the meafureinent of every
onenundred bufhcls of grain, thirty ccnts ; f»r the mcafurement
of every one hundred buflicls of fait, fortv cents; for the measure-
■ «tvery rnie titnidrcd bulhels of coal, fifty cents ; for the
weighing of everyone hundred and twelve pounds, two cents
tor the gauging and marking of every cask (to be marked in dura
tie characters with his own name and the quantity) ei -ht cents
tor computing the contents of, and (if rcquclfed by the partvi
marking caf.s contain.ngdiltillcd spirits and wines, three ccnts
per cafe ; for counting the number of bottles of cyder, beer, ale
or porter, one cent per du/cn ; and in proportion for any greater
or less quantity. There shall moreover lie allowed to the collec
tors of the diflrifts of New-York and Philadelphia, three-fourths
of one per centum on the amount of all monies by them rclpcdl
lvcly lecewed on account ol duties ; and to the colleaor of each
of tn« other dill, icts by this ast eltaohfhe.i, one per centum on
the amount of all monies by them refpcaively received on the
laid account of duties.
And whereas the allowances aforefaid will not afford an ade
quate compensation to the officers herein after mentioned, by rca
fon ot the small proportion of business done at the ports to which
they refpeflivcly belong, although the said officers arc necessary to
the accommodation ot the inhabitants, the facility of commerce,
and the fecunty of the revenue. Therefore,
Be it further enaded, That in addition to the fees and emolu
ments which thall accrue to the said officers from the provifioni
aforefaid, they shall fcverally have and be entitled to the rcfpedlivc
allowances following, to wit: The colle&or of the dilhids of
Saint Mary's in the State of Georgia, Brunfwick, Beaufort, South
Quay, Cherrystone, Folly Landing, Annapolis, Yeocomico,
Saifit Mary's, Oxford, Sagg-Harbour, Palfamaquody, the yearly
sura of one hundred dollars each. The colle&ors of the diftri&s
ot Sunbury and Penobl'cot, in MalTachufctts, the yearly sum of
iixtv dollars each. The collectors of the diflri&s of Hampton,
Snowhill, Bridgetown, Burlington, Frenchmans-Bay, and Edgai- >
town, the yearly sum of fifty dollars each. The surveyors of the ,
ports of Frederu kfburg, Smithfield, Port-Royal, Suffolk, Wcft-
Point, Richmond., Petersburg and Little Egg-Harbour, theyear-
Jy sum of eighty dollars each. The surveyors of the ports of
Swanfborou -h, Urbanna, Town-Creek, Albany, Hudson, Ston
ington, East-Greenwich, and Gloucester, fifty dollais each.
And be it further enafled, That every colle&or, naval-officer, and
surveyor, shall cause to be affixed and constantly kept in some
public and confpicuons place of his office, a fair table of the rates
of fees and duties dcmandable by law, and (hall give a receipt
tor the fees he shall teceive, fpecifying the particular.* ; and in
cafe of failure therein, shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars,
to be recovered with colls, in any court having cognizance there
of, to the use of the iuformer ; and if any officer of the customs
Jhall demand or receive any greater or other fee, compenfjtion
or reward, for executing any duty or service required of him by
law, he shall forfeit and pay two-hundred dollars for each offence,
recoverable in manner alorefaid for the use of the paity grieved.
And be it further enacted, That the duties and f cs to be col
lided by virtue of this a£f, shall be payable in or silver coin,
at the following rates, that is to fay : The gold coins of Fiance,
England, Spain and Portugal, and all other gold coins of equal
finenefs, at eighty-nine cents for every penny weight : The Mex
ican dollar at one hundred cents ; the crown ot France at one
clollaV and eleven cents ; the crown of England at one dollar and
eleven cents ; all silver coin of equal fincncfs, at one dollar and
< ieven cents per ounce; and cut silver of equal finenefs, at one
dollar and fix cents per ounce.
And be it further enacted, That all the drawbacks allowed by law
• n the exportation of goods, wares and merchandize imported,
shall be paid or allowed by the colle&or at whose office the said
goods, wares and merchandize were originally entered, and not
othefwife, retaining one per centum for the benefit of the United
States. And that the allowances on dried and* pickled tilh of the^
fiiheries ofthe United States, and on failed provisions of the Uni
ted States, fhal be paid by the collcftor of the diftrifl from which
ic amc a be exported, without any deduction or abatement.
Provided always, and be it further enarled, That in order to entitle
i C £ x P"£ ter r exporters ot jny goods, wares or merchandize, to
the benefit of the said drawbacks or allowances, he or (he lhall'
previous to putting or lading the fjme on board of any Ihip or
ii n C ? P , ort *''„ on ' S' ve twenty-four hours notice at lead to the
collector of the Qiftrift from which the fame are about to be ex
ported of his, her or their intention to export the fame, and of the
particulars thereof, and of the calks. cases, thefts, boxes, and other
packages or parcels containing • fame, or of which the fame con
lilt, and ot their rcfpefhve nui*s, umbers and contents, and if
imported articles, of the (hip or to. p., vessel or vessels in which
the person or persons for or by whom, and the plac<- or places
from which they were imported. And in lefpeft to the said im-
P Ti le a artlc1 "' P roof 111311 bc m - lde «> th e latlsfaftion of the said
collector, by the oaths of the person or persons (including the said
exporter or exporters) through whose hands the said articles (hall
have palled, according to the bell of their knowledge and belief,
re pec mg the due importation of the said articles, according to law
and in conformity to such notice of their identity, and of the pay
ment or fecunng the payment of the luties thereupon. And in
refpeft to the said dried and pickled fill, and faked provisions,
proof (ball be made to the fatisfaclion of the laid cotleaor, accotd
!L' g c?i. C 'T" " C " ofthe cafr ' that the fame, iffilh,are of
the fiiheries of the United States ; if faked provisions, were salted
within ihe United Slates. And the said collector shall infpeft or
cau eto c infpetted, the goods, wares or merchandize so notified
tor exportation ; and if they (hall bc found to correspond with the
notice and proofcoucerning thefamc, the said colleaor (hall giant
a permit for lading the fame on boaid the (hip or velTel named in
such notice, which lading (hall be performed under the
tendance of the officer by whom the fame (hall have been so in
ipctted. And the laid exporter or exporters lhall also make oath
that the said goods so noticed for exportation, and laden on board
the laid lhip or vefTel, are truly intended to be exported to the
place whereof . .jtice lhall have been given, and are not intended
to be relanded within the United States ; and (hall give bond, with
one or more sureties to the fatisfaftion of the said collcftor, in a
turn equal to the amount of the drawbacks or allowances on such
goods, with condition that the said goods, or any part thereof,
lhall not be relanded in any port or place within the limits of the
United States as fettled by the late treaty of peace.
And provided further, that the said drawbacks or allowances
(hall not be paid until at leafl fix mojihs alter the exportation of
the laid goods, and until the said exporter or exporteis (hall pro
duce to the colicftor with whom luuh outward entry is made, a
certificate in writing of two reputable merchants at the forci.n
port or place in which the fame were landed, together with the
oath of the matter and mate of the vessel in which they were ex.
ported, certifying the delivery thei-of. But in cafe any vessel
lhall be call away, or meet with fur.' unavoidable accidents-, as to
prevent tl.e lauding such goods, a protell in due torin of law, made
by the mailer and mate, or some of the seaman, or in cafe no such
proteit can be had, then the oath of the exporter or exporters, or
one of them (hall be received in lieu of the other proofs herein di
rected, unless there (hall bc good reason to fufpefl the truth of such
oath, in whieh cafe it lhall and may be lawful for the colliftor to
require uch farther proof as the nature of the cafe may demand.
froviiedlaftli That no goods, wares or merchandize imootted,
lhall be entitled to a drawback of the duties paid or feenre'd to be
paid thereon, unless fucli duties (hall amount to twentv dollars at
if n " ol unless they (hall be exported in the fame calks, cases,
chi'fts, boxesorother packages, and from the diftria or port into
which they were originally imported.
And be it further enabled, That the sums allowed to be paid by
law on the exportation of dried or pickled fi(h, and of salted pro
visions, shall not be paid unless the fame lhall amount to three dol
lars at lealt upon one entry.
And be it further enaflcd, That if any goods, wares or merchan
dize, entered for exportation, with intent to draw back the du
ties, or to obtain any allowance given by law on the exportation
thereof, (hall bc landed in any port or place within the limits of
!j 1C a! n l ~ taicsa * a f° rc f a id, all such goods, wares and mejchan
dize, thalll be fubjeft to fcizure and forfeiture, together with the
Imp or vessel from which such goods lhall be landed, and the ves
sels or boats itftd in landing the fame ; and all persons concerned
therein, lhall on indiament andconviftion thereof, fuffer impri
lonment for a term not exceeding fix months. And for discovery
ot frauds, and leizure of goods, wares and merchandize, relanded
contrary to law, the fevcral officers edablifhcd by this ast, (hall
have the lame powers, and in rate of fcizure the fame proceedings
lhall be had, as in the cafe of goods, wares and merchandize im
ported contrary to law : And for measuring, weighing or guag
ing goods tor exportation, the fame fees lhall be allowed as in like
calcs upon the importation thereof.
And be it further enaßed, That if any goods, the duties upon
which lhall have been secured by bond, (hall be re-exported bv
the importer or importers thereof, and it the said bond lhail be
come due before the expiration of the time herein before limited
for payment of the dtawback upon such goods, it lhall be lawful
for the colle£lor of thedilli i& from which the said goods lhall hive
been exported, to give fur her credit for so much of the (urn due
upon such bond, as shall be equal to the amount of the said draw
back, until the expiration ol the said time limited for payment
thereof. ;
(to be continued.)
War Department, Sept. gth, 179 c.
T MFORM ATION is hereby given to all the military Invalidsof
X Ihe United States, that the funis to which then are annually en
titled, and which will become due on the fourth day of March
enfuihg, willl be paid on the said day, by the Commiflion'eis o
the Loans within the ilates refp ftively, under such regulations
as the Prefidctit of the United States may direst.
Secretary for the Department of War.
(The. Printers in the rejpeftive States arc requeflei to publijh the
above in their newfpapers,for thefpace oj two Months.;
The Mail Diligence,
LEAVES the Ferry-Stairs, at New-York, Ten minutes iftei
Eight o'clock every morning except Sunday.
Stage Office, City Tavern, >
B/oad-Way, ifixu-Ytrk June 4,179°. J
* '
JrvMAICA Spirits, 5/6,
Antigua Rum, 4 J\j. a 5/
Croix, do. 4J&.
Country v d'>. .3/4.
M>laiTes, 2\J\o.
Brandy, 7/.
Geneva, $fG.
Do. u» cases, 3of.
Su mi , Bos. a 72f
I.oar, do. ifj.
Lump, do. 1/1 J.
Pepper, 2/10.
Pimento, If 6.
Coffee, 1 f : >. 1/4.
Indigo, (Carolina) 3 f a 6f,
Do. French, 18j. 10f.
Rice, 2 Gf.
Superfine Flour, 54f. ,
Common do. 46/". »
Rye do. 30f a 18/1 f
Indian Meal, 18\f.
Kve, 5/. pr. bufli.
Wheat, 8/. a qj.
Corn, (Southern) 3/6.
Do. (Northern,) 4 f.
Bee f , firft quality, 60s
Pork, (lift quality, 105/ I
C)at s, 2fi., 4f6.
Ship bread per cwt. 21f. 2if
Country refined ) ft , ,
b„r-iron, \ ' 3°'-
Do. bloomery, 26'.
Swedes do. 451.
Russia do. 301.
Pig-iron, 81 10f. a 91.
German steel, 9'/.per lb.
Nails American, by calk. \ 14d.
per. lb. 4d.
Do. do. do. 6J. lid.
Do. do. do. Bd. q\d.
Do. do. do. iod.")
Do. do. do* i2dY , , Q1 ,
Do. do. do. 20a.r 7 - adß^ J
Do. do. do, 24d.)
Pot afti, per ton, 401. 10/
Pearl ath,
Bees-wax per lb. 2f*.
Mackaicl per barr. «6/T a kv
M rrin v s, :Bf.
Mahogany, Jamaica, >
per foot, 1 *
Dominico, do. qd.
Honduras, do. yd. 81.
Logwood unchipped,pr.ton.
Do. chipped. 141.
2 inch wbite oak ) . .
plank, per m. \lu lo f'
1 inch do. $1.
2 inch white pine pi <r : k, 81.
i£ inch do. 61. 10/'
1 inch do. 31. iof.
?. inch pitch pine do. 101.
Do. 22 inch do. il. Bf.
Cedar 2 inch do. il. 10/
inch do. 61. \oJ.
1 inrh do. 41.
Pitch pine scantling, 31. 8/!
Cyprus 2 feet shingles, il. 10/.
By Order of the Honorable Richard Morris, Esq. Chief jujlicc cf the
State of New-York. '
■VTOTICE is hereby given to Lewis M'Donald, of Conneai<!u,
~a" ' bre , m b ' or > that u P on application and due proof made
to the fa id by. creditor of the said Lewis M'Donald
pursuant to an ast of the Legislature of the said State entitle'
L'fc h A rC '| Cf . abrcondi ng and absent debtors," pa fl
fed the 4th April, 1786; he, the said chief iuftice has dir,fl„i
all the said Lewis M'Donaldscftatc, within this State, to be fciz
ed, and that unlcf, he ftiall discharge his debt, within twelve
months publication ot thi, notice, the fame will be fold
for the payment of his creditor,. Dated the 3d May, ,700.
New-York, May 7, , 79 q. J (iw iy
Treasury Department, Sept. 20, 1790.
TT 1, hereby made known, that the following arrangement has
1 been adop ed towards carrying into execution the Ast, mak
ing provision for the debt of the United States, viz
Loan-Office Certificates, andthofeifTued bv th'r r„ :ir
ers for the adjustment of account, in the fevcral States will'be re"
ceivable only at the Treasury and by the refpeftive Co'min (Tmn
of Loans within the States in which they were refDe£Kv.-lv 7T 5*
The Certificate, ifTued by the Register o'f thereat?
Master Genei»l and Commissioner of Arrnv Acroi.n.. E? *.u Y
Commissioner, for the adjustment of the Account, of the Quarter
Master s, CommifTary's, Hospital, Cloath'ng, Marine Demit
pmrnentslndem, of Imereft, and Bill, of Sid Eroiffion, w I
be receivable lndifcnmtnalely at the Treafurv and bv r
miffioners of all the States. The situation of the Check, ha, d.c£"
ted this arrangement for the greater fccrity ol the public ,«mfi
1 mpofitiori, by forged or counterfeit paper, and the detail, whirW
/I l r "r ? pted / romthef ? me . conf,dcration for the execution
of the business are such, that it will give facility and difnatrh F
application, from the Holder, of Certificate, the of
the Treasury and of the Paymaster General and t
Army Account,, and of tL Deoarf
menu above mentioned, are made in the firft i n fta ncc attteTre'*
fury ; and if application, from the Holders of Loan Office Cent"
ficatc., and Certifica.e, ilhed by the Commissioner, for The adiuft"
ment of Accounts m the refpe&ve States, are made in like m™
ner to the Commissioner, of Loan, within the State, in which
were issued. Transfer, can afterward, be made to any OI&. that
the Propi letor, of these Certificates may desire. 1
fIOT The Printers in the fever al State, are rejuejed t, inferttiOi
[Whole NO. I 53.]
ER 28——Dollars at Bs.
Do. inch do. I'. 6/".
Do. i'B. inch do. ißf
Buttjvhile oak staves, 35/
Pipe'rto. do. 91.
Hoglh ad do. do. 6!. lof.
Do. do. heading, B'.
Irilh barrel do. staves, 41.
Hogshead red oak do. 5 1, 5/
Do. freuch do. 51.
" hoops, 41.
Whiteoak square timber ) ,
per square foot, \ 10 *
KM wood, per ton, 18J.
FulUck, sol. >• "
B' - a -r, per lb. 1 16/
Ou 1 per (kin, of. 32/
Gr, : , fox, 4/7. "
Martin, 4 /10.
Racoon,; 3/637/6.
Mufkrat, loi. <114 J.
Beaver, hats, 64/
Castor do. 48f.
Chocolate, 14 d.
Cocoa. ! -jof. a Bos.
Cotton, lfg. 2](,.
far, pr. bar. 18/.
Pitch, 14/
Turpentine, 22). <123/!
Tobacco,J amcs Rivet, /i. a 3 <i.
Do. York, 4d. a &d.
Do. R.ippahaoock, a 3bd.
Dr.. Maryland,coloured, Yl'•
Do. Weflcrn-Ihore, 2d a3 V.
Lead in pigs, prcwt. 60/!
Do. bais, 68f.
Do. Shot, f
Red lead, 68/.
White do. dry, 95/T
White do. in oil, '5/.
Salt-petre hams, 7 j</.
Spermaceti candles, 3/ •
Mould do. n<f. aIJ '
Tallow dipt, 10d.
Soap, t- t d. a 87.
Caltile loap, 9d. a 10d.
PhglilH cheese, pr. lb. , -
Country do. $d. (id.
Butter, lc d.
Hyson tea, of.
rn qt in ,! , ijH. - — -
Bohea do. >fB.
Giiiferifr, s'f. a 9PS.
Starch Poland, Bd.
Snuff. 2/3.
Allum fait, water mea- >
lur.e, pr. bulh. $ 3r
Liverpool do. sJ.
Madeira wine, ) - ,
pr. pipr, $6U a 9°'
Port, 52/.
Lilbon, pr. gal.
Tcneriff, a fa.
Fvall, 3/3.
Spermaceti do, 6/.
Shake-down hhds.
Dutch g"npowder,pr.cwt. 160
Nail rods, pr. ton, 36/.
1 intfeed oil, pr. gal. ,5 j\
Whale do. pr. barerl 50f.