ti/l —■— — n- .. — PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 41, BROAD-STREET, NEAR THE ExdfiANGE, NEW-YORK [No. 31, if Vol. ll.j DISCOURSES ON DAVILA. No. XVI. Opposant, sans reliche, ai rc n op 4c prudence, Lcs Cuius aux Ctndis, et la Fiance a (a France. Toujours piite a j'unir avec f«s enncmis Et cnangearit d'mteiet, de rivaux, et d'ainis. THE rivalry, between thehoufesof Guise and Montmorency, or in other words, the am bition of the Cardinal de Lorrain, and the Duke of Guise, to outstrip the Montmorency's, produ ced a war. Charles the Vth. was preparing with a numerousariny to lay siege to Metz. It was not doubted that the conduct ot so important a war, ■would be committed to one of the two favorites. But the Constable Montmorency, more than fixry years ot age, preferred arelidence near the per son of the King, to a rifqne of his reputation, in new dangers. The Duke of Guife l , on the con trary, full of courage, and burning with ardor to