NEW-YORK, June 46. The NE fVCOiVSTirjriOX aj the STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA. WE, the delegates of the PEOPL Eot the State ot SOUTH- I CAROLINA, ;n general convention met, do ordain and eitabluh this constitution lor its government. ARTICLE I. Set 7. 1 The legiAative authority of this state lHall be vetted in a vciieral" aTembly, which ihall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SeSi. 2. The house of Representatives shall be compoled o. members chosen by ballot every second year bv the citizens of this state, qualified as in thu constitution is provided. The several ele&ion diftfi£ts in this state fhill elect the number for Representatives, vi*. Charlellon, including St. Pu'lip and St. Michael, , Flft « n members ChriftChun:h, Three members St. Tohn, Berkley, Thr « members St. Andrew, Three members St. George. Dorchester, Three membe.s St. l imes, Gooiecreek, Three members St. 'Thomas and St., Three members St Paul Three members Sti Bartholomew, Three members St. Tames, Santa, Three members | V John, Colleton, Three member, St. Stephen, Three members St. Helena, T h rce membe.s r Three members Prince WiUUm, Three members Peter Three members All baints, including its ancient boun daries, Winyaw, not in lading any part of A.i Saints, Kingston, not including any part o. All Saints, Williamfburgh, Liberty, Marlborough, CheftcrficM, Darlington, York, Chcltcr, Fairfield, Richland, Lancaßer, Kerfhaw, Claremont, Claredon, Abbeville, Edgefield, Newbury, including the fork between Broad and Saluda Rivers, Laurens, Union, Spartan, Greenville, Pendleton,- St. Matthew, Orange, c Winton, including thediftrift between ba lannah river, and the North for*, of tr j • a Three members „ J*™- Three members Saxc Gotha, _ i_• _ Sea. A. Every free white man. of the age of 21 years, being a citizen of thi.fe.te, and having resided therein ousto the day of election, and who hath a freehold of fiftyacres of land, or a town lot, of which he hath Deer, legally eiM poffclfcd at least fix months before such election, or not ig tuch freehold or town lot, hath been a refulent in the clca ' on df trift in which he offers to give l.isvote fix months jeforc the: fa.d election, and hath paid a tax the preceding year of three fhlllmg. sterling towards the support of this government, (hall hive a right to vote for a memb«r or members to serve in eit er >ran ' 1 ° 110 legislature for the election dilluft in which he holds such propeity, •r is so refidetit. , , * . Sea. s. The returning officer, or any. °tto person prelent, entitled to vote, may require any person who ftiall otFer h's vote ft an election, to produce a certificate of his c.t,zen(h.p, and a re ceipt from the tax collector: of his l>avin S paid a tax, entitling him to vote, or to swear, or to affirm, that he is duly qualified' to vote agreeable lo this constitution. Sea 6 No person shall be eligible to a feat in the house of representatives, unlef. he is a free white man, of the age of twenty one years, and hath been a citizen and res.dent in this state three years previous to hi.elfftion. It a res.dent in the cleft,on d.ftnft, he stall not he eligible to a feat in the houlc of, unlets he be legally seised and pofleffed in his own right, ol a fet tled freehold estate of five hundred acres of land, and ten negroes j o, ofreal estate of the value of one hundred and fifty pounds lie, ling clear of debt. If a non-resident he fhaU he legally seised and poffctw of a fettled estate therein of the value of five hundred pounds fierlinc clear of debt. , , . , , . Sea. 7. The senate (hall be composed of members to be cho. fen for four years, in the following proportions, by the citizens of this ftate,qualified to cleft members to the house of reprcfe, natives, at the fame time, in the fame manner, and at the fame places vhere they shall vote for rejr«fent«ivr», viz. Charleston, including St. Phi up and St. Michael, I >° memb L c " Chr.ft Church, One member St. |jhn, Berkley, One St. Andrew, One member St. fi«org«, One member St. Tames, Goofecreek, One member St. Thoma. and St. Dennis, One member p au j One member St." Bartholomew, One member St. James, San tee, One member St. John, Colleton, One member St. Stephen, One member c. One member . Sr. Helena, . c. i i, ~ xOne member - . } St. Luke, Prince William, One member St. Peter, One number All Saints, One member Winy aw. and Williamfburg. One member liberty and Kingston. One member Marlborough, Chefterfield, and Darlington.Two members y or | c One member Fmfield, Richland, and Chcftfr, One mcmbef LamalHr and-Ketfliaw, One mcmbV Claremont and Clarendon, One member . i , One member Abbeville, . T . , r , , One member Edgefield, . Newbury- including the f«rk between ifread . j <_• i aOne member and Saluda ri.ers, , One member at ! reDS » One member , ,1Ion » One member partan, One membei l r %T/ llc ' 'One member Pendleton, X , St. Matthew and Orange, One member Winton, including the diftrift between Savap nah River,and the north fork, of Ediflo, One member Saxe Gotha, On. member One member Three members Two members Two members Two members"' Two members Two members Two members Tbiee members Two members Two members Two members Two members Two members Two members Two members Three members Three membeis Three members Three members Two members Two members Two membeis Three membeis Two members Two members (Tq ic antinuti-) A Description of a curious piece of L_LOC!' WORK, lately fi.iilhed by Mr. W-'Jtjr• | iun. (a young man ot 2 5 years of age, aiKl bi e J to no kind qf bafinefi) ot Nantucket, Mafia n" U pe"rforms the office of a common Eight Da] Clock, but what is molt extraordina. y, is t le . ronomical part, which at once dilcovers che in xenuity of the inventor When the bun ihoul ■ife there is a Sun rises in the machine, comes u be meridian, and sets at the time the Sun in th« leavens fliould set at all seasons ot the year, and ■xhibits the Sun's declination, place 111 the tcl 1 ic, Time of her riling and setting every day oi he year ; when the Moon fliould rife, there is a Vloou that rises in the Machine, making the fame ippearance that the Moon in the Heavens fliould nake, comes on the meridian, and sets at the pi o ,er time, making all the different appearance; hat we fee the Moon make 111 the Heavens. It exhibits the Moon's declination, time ot high md low water at all times of the year, and keeps he date of the year for the space ot one centui y without requiring any alteration. By this machine the curious phenomena ot the rlarveit Moon, is rendered plain and ealy to be inderftood by the meaneftcapacity. It is all performed with forty wheels, and .1 "uitable number ot pinions, beside a large num >er of leavers, coins, &c. and contained between WO brass plates, seven inches long, and five inch ■s wide, and between one of the laid plates and he dial plate, which is eighteen and an halt inch 's long, and fourteen inches wide , thethickneis Yom thedial plate to the back plate, is fiveinch ■s ; it is kept in motion by two weights ot the i/.e of the weights of a common Clock, and that notion kept regular by a second pendulum, here is one wheel in it that keeps in motion con inually, but that motion is so llow as to take up he space of about eighteen and an half years to perform one revolution. PITTSBURGH, May 29. InMeflVs. DunlapandClaypoole's Pennsylvania Packet an the 6th of May a long memorial or representation from the chiefs of the 6 nations of Indians, to the fupreine Executive council of this itate, Hating, that they have no place to trade but at Pittiburgh,and when they come there, th e y have their camps plundered, and their horles and canoes stole, by the white people, and when they apply for redress 110 man can underftandthem, to hear, judge and interpret, so tlia. the •wrongs done them may be redrelled ; and praying, that the great fire of the Quaker State would appoint (oine person at Pittsburgh to judge and interpret for them ; also, that the cornpJanter, Half 1 own and the New Arrow, together with an interpret er, may attend the great fire, to make known their grievances, &c. On reading the inemorial(of which the above is a short extracft) obfervesa correspondent, I was led to reflect a little on the fubjetf, and must con fefs, cannot lee auy advantage it would be to the Hate to appoint persons, as agent and interpreter, to reside in this place, to attend on the Idians when they come to trade ; on the contrary, it is well known, that when the Indians have any persons they can apply to for presents, they grow lazy, and will not hunt as long as they can do without it ; indeed those who trade at this place, are of that beggarly kind, who continue here af ter they have fold their skins and devoured what they have got for them, and then depend upon the people of this place and its vicinity for a sub sistence for several-weeks; or*in the season pillage the corn fields of the farmers, of a great par,t of the crop. If while they are trading they receive any injury, by application to any of our magi strates, they would receive as much fatisfaifiion as the cafe will admit j and there are many per sons in this place who speak Indian well, that would interpret for them on fnch occasions, with out receiving a yearly salary. It is hoped coun cil will examine this affair minutely, before they attempt saddling the state with a burthen so ob noxious to the people. SAILING CARRIAGE. The carriage, in which Mr. Slater, who lately ' went over land with difpatclies to the Ea(t-In dies, traversed the Arabian deserts, went at the rate of twenty miles an hour, so that it was sup posed from Alexandtia it would reach Boflbra in a few days. It was conftrucled with broad wheels, and impelled by fails in the fame man ner as a ihip, and so contrived, that it went as close to the wind as any cutter; and carried swivels to guard against the wandering Arabs. When he fir ft set off in this machine, the wind was fair and moderate, and he was accompanied many miles by a confulerablenumber of persons, mounted on camels and fleet horses, whom curi ofiry attracted ; but, in fonie time the wind frefh ening the motion became so rapid that they were obliged to give up the pursuit. At Alexandria several ingenius mechanics have improved upon this original mode of progreflion, and it is said that machines are now contriving which travel even with more expedition,|and yet ■with perfed: security. 508 ?n'!CE CURRENT. NEW-YORK. JUNE Jamaica spinu, 5/6. Antigua Ram, 4 jy. «* 4/* St. Croix, do. <$./8. Country, d-i. ,3/. Molaflt 5, "71* ",vs Brandy, 7J. Geneva, sf- Do. in cases, 28\f. Mufcovudo Sit ;ar, a 7-J' Loaf, do. 1/4. Lump, do. ij 2 z' Pepper, 2/9. Pimento, Colfee, 1/3. 1/4* Indigo, (Carolina) .3/ «6/ Do. French, 18/. 10/. Rice, 231. l*J. Superfine Hour, 6?/. Common do. 58J. Rye do. 30f a 28f. Indian Meal, 18/ I 20/7 Rye, sj' P r - Wheat, 11/. a icj/6. Corn, (Southern) Do. (Northern,) 4/4. Beef, fir ft quality, 50/ I Pork, firft quality, Bos. Oats, 2/2. Fhx-fecd, 5/. Ship bread per cwt. tl/. 247. Country refined > 2gl k . If bar-iron, ) Do. bloomery, 251. & 261. Swedes do. 45 1. Ruilia do. 30 1. Pig-iron, 81 10f. a. 91. German fleel, gtf.per lb. ails American, by calk. ) Nper. lb. 4d. > Do. do. do. 6d. 12d. Do. do. do. Bd. gjrff. Do. do. do. icd.} Do. do. do* tad.f oij Do. do. do. a'od.f 7 * 2 " Do. do. do, 24d. ) Pot ash, per tor, 391. a 401. Pearl aih, 481 a 501. lires-v»-ri>c per lb. 'if Mackaiel per barr. j6/! Heirincjs, 18\f. 16\f. Mahogany, Jamaica, / lQ j per toot, S Dominico, do. prf. Honduras, do. 7d. Logwood unchippcdjpr.ton. 81. Do. chipped. 14!. 2 inch whitdoak ) . r plank, per m. { 1 " •*' 1 inoh do. 51. 2 inch white pine 81. inch do. 61. 10f 1 inch do. 31. 10/! 2 inch pitch pine do. ioI. Do. 22 inch do. 11. 8/. Cedar 2 inch do. il. tof 11 inch do. 61. 10f. 1 inch do. 4]. Pitch pine (cantling, 31. Sf. Cyprus 2 feet shingles, tl. 10f PROPOSA~_, For printing by SUBSCRIPTION, on a fine paper, »nh« «(W and elegant American letter, raft by |ohn BAiNE v a™C y - TRAV E L S Through Worth and South-Carolina, Georgia, Eajt and ft (/? Kmw,f e Cherokee Nations, and through the extevfive 7 emtorics of the • Ivp gulgcs, or Creek and the country oj the Ch&taw: CONTAIN INC AN Account of the foil and natural produ&ions of tnole rc-^ gions, together with observations on the manners and cu.- toms of the ludians. , 15 y William Bartram, Botanist, of Philadelphia, w.o was employed from 1773 to 1777, by the celebrated Dr. Fotntfj} of London, to explore the extenfwe countries above-meotiont . CONDITIONS. . Ar I. It is expe&ed the work will contain between five an .iv hundred pages of letter press, carefully executed, price to n cm bcrs twoSj?jni(h milled dollars, in an handfomc OtttVQ vo u , neatly bound and lettered. , 11. Whenever names arc obtained for two hunare cop- > the work will be put to press. . , , nt 111. The work will be interspersed with fix or eight c« copperplates, defcriptivc of the plants, animals, &c. pccu 1 r countries through which the writer travelled, the bun o c - warrior Micho-chlucco, chief or gr, at king of the s Lower Creeks, executed in a masterly manner, w ill be givci trontifpiecf. •. i lO l IV. Every fubferiber for twelve copies, lhall be cnti thirteenth gratis. iters' Subscriptions are received by James and Johnson, the P r '' Philadelphia. And by the principal printers and boo - the Continent. - & C O N T I N E NTAt 7 \ AND vis j STA J J SECUR IX ' " • BOUGHT AND SOLD* ~ j ' AT NO. 196. • C-J" A generous pi ice will be given sor Military ft § and Jersey Paper <-&-> c<?~> ocs-> — ■ " - ■ ■ ■ , - '. CASH, 'and a generous price nental, New-Hamp(hire, MaflachufetHi fecuritiej, of every EBENEZER THAYER, juti. No. S9' , J New-Yoik, April 17, 1790. — The Mail Diligence, FOR PHILADELPHIA, ,fW LEAVES the Ferry-Stairs, at New-York, /«» o'clock every morning except Sun ay. Broad-Way, New-York Jvrie 5, i 79 0, ' To be LET, ar,cl t>oftflion give" fIJRNi- THE HOUSE No. 27, From Sirecfc 1P a m^>° tll " , TUR.E will be fold, on re 3 fon ? ble .« ■ «° tire Tenant, if required. Apply on I * lC P ,ciril June 12,1790. 30. Dollars at B>. Do. 22 inch do. it 6/. Do. 18. Hicii do. 18/ Butt white oak Haves, 3r/ , Pipe do. do. 91. 1 Hoglhcad d«<do. 6'. »of. Do. do. heading, Bi. I rilh battel <10. staves, 31. 5/! Hogshead red oak. do. 5!. D 6. FrCnch do. £l. Hogflread hoops, 41. Wluteoak square timber ) , per square foot, lw *' Red wood, per ion, ißi. Fuft'ick, itil. Beaver, per lb. r/ «i 6). Ott r per (kin, g[ 3*A Grey tox, 4/7. Martin, 4 Jio. Racoon, sjSa'jfS. Mufkrat, ic</. u 1 Beaver hats, 64/ Castor do. 48/ I Chocolate, 14^. Cocoa. 70/ I 4 So/. Cotton, fcjf. Tar, pr. bar. 11/6. j Pitch, 12/ <z 13/*. | Turpentine, ixf.uioj. Tobacco, James River, \d.<23V. Do. York, 4<f. a 3J& Do. Rappafianock, 2</ a Do. Maryland, coloured, Do. Weftern-lhore, id a Lead in pigs, pr cwt. 6c\J. Do. bars, 68\f. Do. Shot, 68f. Red lead, 68/ White do. dry, 95/ White do. in oil, 5/. 12/. Salt-petre hams, 7s/ Spet mateli candles, 3/ Mould do. \id. a :j. Tallow dipt, 9^d. Soap, fid. a Bd. Caflile soap, 9d. a io</. Englilh cheese, pr. lb. 15V. Country do. SJ. 6i. Butter, Sd. f. Hyson tea, qf. Sequin do. 6/0. Bohea do. 2J6. I 2/ J 2/6. Staich Poland, y</. Snuff, ?/3. Allutn (alt, water mca- ) r . sure, pr. bufti. ) Liverpool do. 2/. Madeira wine, ) go/ • pr. pipe, ) Port, 46/. Lisbon, pr. gal. J Teneriff, 4/ Fy»U, 3/3- Spermaceti do, 0/. Shake-down hhds. 3/6 Dutch gun-powder,pr. Nail rods, pr. ton, 34/. 3 8!. Lintfeed oil, pr. gal. 4/ Whale do. pr. barrel, 50/^6/.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers