Tile bill providing for the settlement of the ac counts between the United States and individual States, as amended, was read, and on motion of Mr. Fitzfimons (who observed that the bill as it now (lands, was materially altered from the ori ginal report) was ordered to be printed, and made , he order of the day for Monday next. The petition of Adam Caldwell, on motion of Mr. Vining, was taken up and referred to a feleft ■committee- Mr. Scot, Mr. Sedgwick, and Mr. Vining, v/ere named by the Speaker. Mr. Gerry, moved the following resolution, — That a committee be appointed to consider and report whether any, and what fee 9, perquisites, or emoluments, (hall be annexed to the ollice of Consul or Vice-Conful. This was referred to a committee of three members. The House took up the amendments of the Committee of the whole to the Poft-Ottke bill— some of which were agreed to—others tejected and several new ones made. The bill being finilhed—it was ordered that icSbe engrolled for a third reading. Adjourned. FRIDAY, JUNE i 3. On motion of Mr. Fit/.iimons tne House rcfumed the confidcra tion of the bill for ycpcaliag, after the lad day of————— next the duties heretofore laid on fp' r its, &c. The qucftioa on the bill was, whether it (hould beengro.Ted for a third reading. Mr. S: \\i moved for a recommitment to a fcle£l committee, Who v icto be mftru&cd to report a plan of ways and means, a- » > a resolution laid on the tabic a tew days fiucc. • ion was negatived. . zfimons proposed a clause cnabl.ng the proprietor, im- to make a dcpolit of part of the dutied arti urity for the duties in lieu of additional bonds, This igrcvd to. M'\ P.. r !<. i moved that the bill (hould be re tor red to the Secre tary of the Trcafury, with inftru&ions to report a.i'yilciu ot ways anu means, exclufivc of an cxcife. Mr. Parker oblervcd, that he Ihould think hirafejf obliged to vote againil the bill in its pre sent form ; but it the cxcife is disposed of, he would give a bill providing the ways and means all the support in his power -this motion was f conded by Mr. Bloodworih, but after ioine de bate was negatived. A motion made by Mr. Gerry for (hiking out the two fe&tons which piovide for Uying an excise, occafioncd considerable de bate, and was finally determined by ayes and noes, a-> follows : Messrs Burke, Coles, Gerry, Goodhue, Griffin, Grout, Hu»er, Heiltcr, Moore,Muhlenberg,Page, Parker, Scdgwick,Smith, (S.C ) Steele, Sumptcr, Thatcher, Tucker, White. 19. Messrs Ames, Afhe, Baldwin, Benfon, Bloodworth, Boudinot, Brown, Cadwallader, Carrol, Contcc, Fitzfirions, Floyd, Foftcr, Gale, Gilman, Ha*.ley,Hathornc, Huntington, Jack.!or>,Lawrancc, JLeon&rd, Livermore, Matthews, Kcnfellatr, Scot, Soiey, Sevier, Sherman, Sylveftcr, Sinmckfon, Stone, Trumbull, Wadfworth, tVynkoop, Wiliiainfop. 35. Majority against diking out 16. Sundry other amendments were proposed Come of which were adopted, otiters negatived ; the ijuc (lion for engrof ling was not put, when the Houfs adjourned to Monday 10 o'clock. N E W-Y O RK, June 19, on the (i De'fencc of the American Conftitu thus, 19 hi a Utter to a friend. I have read the defence of the American Con futations, aiul admire the intelligence, sagacity, sind firmnefs, with which it is written.— At firit it appeared to me, that where there was no diltin LONDON", April 18. The charge which General Vander Merfcli i accused of by the aflembly of the Belgic dates i —that forgetting he derived his authority fron them, by permitting himfelf to be cliofen gene ralhlimo by the officers under his command, by fuffering the deputies sent from Congress to be arrested, and other proceedings, he has brought the country to the brink of deftru. " The buiinefs of Congress moves with tardy advances, the alluinption has taken and is not yet fully decided. Our worthy friend Do&or Williainfon, has done liimfclf great ho nor in opposing the mcafure, and oil every occa sion merits the confidence of his confti incurs."' FOR THF. GAZETTE Of THE UNITED STATES SHIP NEWS The Congrcfs, a fine new ship, on her second voyage, relurn n r into port, got becalmed in a fog-. The Ajfuvtptid.*, a (hip of the States, in ft*ys, fails (baking in wind, current ahead. The Refidnce, a Slate ftup, afliore on Point Ratiiiauon, Su. • of Rhode IHand. The Fef>ort, a federal sKip, is on the racks—fame of her (1 ghrer materials haw been beaten off—her bottom, however, remains fuiund —(he will undoobtedly begototf—*as every perfou is now convinced ot the goodness of her materials, and the excellence of her workmanship The M9on-Curfcrs however have been ho vering round, expe&ing that it the crew forfakes her, they ffull (ind pielty pickings, either in the wreck, or fl >atin£. The Public Credit, an old (hip, crazy, weather-beaten and leaky—loft of her con forts—and having narrowly escaped on former occasions, kept astern—She ha* a good pilot oil board, and may be expeftcd to arrive, when ■ NEW-YORK, JUNE 19, 1790. APPOINTMENTS. By Authority. Edward Church, ofGeor^ia, formerly of~MalTichufctfs, Consul of the United States al'Afmerica, for the p.irt of Bilboa. 1 homas Au ld jo, Vice-Consul for the port of Cowe.v. The Sieur Etienkc Cathalan, Vice-Consul tor the port of Marseilles. John Pa r ish, Vice-Consul for the port of Hamburgh. Accounts by the Packet state, that a demand had been made by the British Court of the restitution of the vefTels taken by J.he Span iards at Nootka found, which had been refufed— in conference of which 38 fail of the line had been commiHioned, a hot press had taken place in London, and it was expe£)cd that war would be declared against Spain in fouror five days after the Packet fail'd. A letter from £aris of 25 April, fays, that all was peace in thai kingdom—aud all fears of a couutcr revolution at an end. Dublin newlpapers mention, that, " the Royal Arademy of Arts and Sciences, in that kingdom, have elected Jam es Bowdoin, Esq. (late Governor of MafTachufetts) to be an honorary Member of that focicty. DISCOVERIES in FORT-GEORGE. During the course of the operations in leveling the works at Fort-Gcwrge, several articles have been discovered, that probably \ had been deposited, and have been lain there ever since the firft fcttlement in this city. Among other antique cunofities, are a number of old Dutch tobacco pipes, fomewhatdifferent'fiom those in use at the present day, and more clumsily made; also the re mains of a brass hilted sword of the fafhion of the last century, which in its better days might possibly have made a part of the warlike furniture of some honest Batavian, or might even had the honor to have graced the fide of the commandant of Fort Amster dam*—Besides the above, a few pieces of coin have been found ; the mod curious is a silver piece about the size and value of a pifta rcen coincd at Groningen in 1605. In removing the earth where the Chapelt formerly flood, a number of bones have been dug up, but the coffins were totally de cayed. Three vaults have also been discovered. On opening the firft which was within the walls of the Chapel, only the remains of a Tingle coffin were to be seen, which by the plate appears to have been the body of the Right Honorable Lady Elizabeth Hays, wife of Governor Hunter, who died the Bih of August 1716. This coffin was almofltotally decayed. The second vault contained the remains of four or five coffins, two of which were of lead. One of them contained the remains of the Earl of Bellamont, who died in 1701, Governor of this then Province, as appears from a silver efcutchen chafed with the arms of the Coote family of Ireland, being three cootcs with wolves as fuppoiters. The other coffin probaDly contains the re mains of his Lady. In the third vault nothing remained but a few bones, the coffins being entirely decayed into dust. For the fatisfa£lion of the relatives of the deceased, we are au thorized to allure them, that the commifTioners appointed by the Corporation to superintend the improvements, purpose to colle£fc all the remains of bodies that may be found, and have them de cently infered in one of the burial in this city. * This fort so called when in poffeflio* oj the Dutch. t The Chapel was accidentally burnt down in the firing of 1741, ow ing to some carleffnefs in soldering a leaden gutter. . y Arrivals since our last.— -neiv-york. Packet Sandwick, Dillon Falmouth 36 days. * Brig Havanna, Suter Newry 39 days, with 170 Pafiengers. * Polly, , Montego Bay, 20 days. ditto, ditto, North-Carolina 4 days. Sloop Sukey, Tnp, St. Euftatia, 22 days. Betsey, Jones Curracoa, 19 days. Nancy, Dunn, Philadelphia, 7 days. Ship Graze, Capt. Armour, arrived at the Texel, on 24 tk April, Ship Three Brothers, Capt. Rujfel/, arrived, at Falmouth 2\Jl oj Ap+ii. Tom MI zen -