V New-Vork-the injure dons to tl. c SuMU.e.a Stat-o in holding the sessions in so eccentric a fituation-the uneafnief, of the people on this present temper of the Itoulc— the tendency of the question to irritate and inflame-the interrup tion of the public business, apd the influence the fubied might be supposed to have in determining great national queftions-that the determination ot a very great majority of the house had been over ruled in an unprecedented and extraordinary manner by the Se nate, the House ought in justice to ihemlelves, and to then con ftituents, who were greatly interefled m the lilue of the question to infill on their former vote, &c.-!rom thele enumeration, the advocates for Mr. Parker's motion urged an ultimate decifton on the queliion. In reply n wasoblerved, that thequeftion is ofa mere local na ture, which ought not to be brought forward at the prelent moment to interrupt the great and important national business Ibefore the We-that the people were anxiously waiting tor a completion of business—that they would view with concern and disgust the men whom they had appointed to tranfaft affairs of thegreateft an different decifion that if Ph ladelphia was agreed upon as the place to which Con " mUst \ PPCar> frbm a m °ft cursory view. «ver to effect a repre ' cnt ? t,on ' that " would be extremely ditficuk pretended th« ? I'° TT Ctntral flt " a " un . and no one C -! T , *» 0 P la « for a permanent reft, deuce. It was further fotd, that in order to remove alt cause of termor",'hfZ °" r was bccomc necessary to de e the peimanent feat of government. On this last idea ™"a ma s? a " d ,hecl,gib^ty relolution bemg °"°" '° takc Up Mr " »efcl,'„ SedgW ' Ck i. a l t " " nUmber observations, moved that the Se ofthe who' V bd ?'t thf: v hQ,lfL ' ftonldb e referred to a commit confid , u' at th,tcomm 'ttee be mitruited to take into rS'the n motlon Mr. Gerry laid on the table ,efterday° Delaware. P mancm featof government on the banks of the beW fhr h r V ' th " ™ hcn the fub i ea originally Wt ih , ' " Wa ' movcd totak -eup the permanent relfdence -that mot,„„ Wi s the „ rejeQed-why then (hould we wartime on a fubj.fi, which has already been determined ? If gentlemen finefcXt ce»»FnT n° ** Concerncd about < he public bu nowpropofed 6 ° a ™'«eeof thewholc, as hetaed '"wer? si and declar f d ! that he « well-as those with whom bnn7foV3 t t the,r Prions when they wifoed to oring torward the permanent residence—he thought it of the ut «Tn„ 'T orUnCCthat the fub J ra receive a Inal dcte mi« This motion as before dated was negatived. ° al actcrnuni| - FRIDAY, JUNE n. nn^i r ; prance moved that the House fliould go into a committee J.cc edit prOV ' d ' n ß, wa V s and for the support of the pub ind a C r f: s "^: o " lhlS Avcs.nd Noes were cafled, u m ?' Boudlnot . Benfon, Burke, Foster, Floyd, Gerrv LtnniT' " athor,,e > Huntington, Huger, Jackson, Lawrance' Svlvefter' Blood worth, Carroll, Cadwalla dcr, Contce, Clymer, Cola, Fitzfimons, Gale, Griffin Oilman Jhew. P 7' Mad ' fo "> Moore, P. Muhlenberg, Mat !«rwin g w' S f ney>Steclc ' Scot ' Sinnicklon, Stone Vu- Ing, Williamlon, Wynkoop, White So the motion was loft *9&±ssssxr*«• "" l "< --»«► "Th r ; Bur n e ren r ew « the motion lor Baltimore. t.morc f, g °"! PhiUdcl P hia -nd inking Bal timore altci I nine debate wa> determined by ayes and noes as sol- AYES. Cerrv r/i?"' Benfon, Bloodworth, Burke, Floyd, Foster, Oerry, Coudhue, Grout, Hathorn,, Huger, Humineion lick Sedg." StnrZ' yl«'ft«, Smith (M.) Smith (S. C ) Stooe Purges, Sumptcr, fhatcher,Trumbull, Tucker, Wadfworth -q, ' „,r . „ NOES. ' J ' Cote Com, B ; ow ". Cadwallader, Carroll, Clymer, Coles Fiufimons, Gale, Gilrnan, Gr.ffin, Hartley, Heif er, Lee, Madison, Matthews, Moore, P. Muhlenberg Pare st&tzsr** S, " K Vi " ; " », it . ayes. Bwkc CadwTl' Ba,d , Wln ' Bcnf " n ' Bloodwortji, Brown, S'c l r ( ? arr ,°,"' C, y-", Coles, Contee Floyd „n,u n ' , < ? ry ' Goodh «. Griffin, Grout, Hartley, Hath- H v, nt i," gt ° n ' J ackson ' Lcona.d, Lr'nT' Mathews, Moore, P. Muhlenberg, Page, Svl«fter Sm ff/ « t^ 0 "' Scd S wick . Seney, Sherman % (M ) S,n,th I s - C ) Steele, Stone, Stur g , Si mpte,, Thatcher, Trumbull, Vining, Wadfworth, White NOES. koop^fi nS 'M lln,an, r Sch^'; mi,n ' Tucker - w '"'amfon, Wvn- P 6. Majontyfor Baltimore 47. w.fhTr .nf T.l ' etC 'c Cd f,om / he Prdldcnt of'he United States conftiiu. W " r " c,ved , from 'he Senate, informing the House the enquiry""wh il'° sdo P £ the rf P°'i °i the joint committee on ceffaryfo l 'u? ,l> 7? d what furthe r ™le. maybe ne llary for conducing bufinefc between the two houses. ■' ria of omm ,h,' C r, h W r C ° n ,he b,U "Piling after the last manufaA,, hnate^ S ? LUTI ° N Came d ® wn from application in ,?,' or concurrence, for making to ASSUME THF Un ' St® l " traced «furi„"L^ EB T OF T «IS STATE con ftrudtioris to th,-s war—Together with in- State, toufe,v < rrv C nr rS . ,n £°PPress'S refs ' from thi> defame * eans,n theil ' power to effe«ft LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES PUBLISHED CONGRESS OF THE VyjTlD STATES AT THE SECOND SESSION. fou,th I- 1 ""' *3 igiiiii SS^Sasas^ ven hundred and eighty-nine, for the discharging the arrears of P Thai he S C r PS °r th K '" ,C V ,f lhc fj ' d S"' cases where the payment has not been made to the original claimant in perlan or to his tolhe ■ '"I d ' rCftcd tlkc ° rd " tor n,aki!,g the payment to the ongmal claimant, or tofuch person or perli.ns only as lhail produce a power of attorney, duly aitrftcd by two justices ol the !* "°h county, in which such pevfon or perlons reside, autho rizing him or them to receive a certain fpecified fuin ■ Except where certificate, or warrants have been idLd under authority of he United States tor any of the fa, d„ rear, of pay, and the fame I,c produced by the claimant or claimants. I'REDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG 4 „ .{pcakir of the House ot Representatives. JOHN ADAMS, I Ke.PreJtdent oj the United States and Prejident of the Senate Approved. lune skviu/tu (Tr of Cor E v^ ASHI NGTON ' 0j "" THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary oj State. BURLINGTON, June i. A correspondent takes the liberty of impreffiii£ upon the minds of the fanners, the utility of a particular attention to the cultivation of potatoes. r', e " the unfettltd Hate of Europe and the Welt I nd.e s affords a fevorahJe and certain maikct for all the grain an 3 flour we can furniih. we should be attentive to cultivate those articles which will leflen the confuniption ofgrain among ourselves, and enable us to increase the export to foreign countries—Potatoes are found to be one of the molt wholelbme, cheap, and nutri tious vegetables, either for the .ule of families, cattle or hogs ; and the great improvements made in the cultivation of them in America, ought to animate us to every exertion for the farther improvement of this important object of aoineltic confuniption, as well as export. COLUMBIA, May 12 . Crtl7 h W y 'un' !i , « ,ened last WMk wi,hin a f«=wmiles of Granby One Ballard wasaccufed of «ci,n R pigs belonzine to ,'h' B * T h ° P rocured a warram h"„, °bui he abfeonded for three days, lo elude thepurfuit. li wils therefore >fked t f J' T l ' W r' he " ightl >nd thcre hc was i bein» 117 ; Mr - R,lt 'y. Of the party" p ed a gun thiough a holt in the wall, fretted at the cielinir to mtM*! rf'rV JIi he 7" °k ftin «c—after forae expostulation.'the gun difchargcd a second time, and the contents lodged in Ballard s fide, who mllantly expired. A coroner's inqurll being held upon the body, .eturned a verd.£t,-wilfui murdei.-Some of burg " haVC bKn £omm " tcd "> Orange- NEW-YORK, JUN£ 12, 1790. M ednefday afternoon the PRESIDENT of the U " D returned from Sandy Hook and the filhing banks, where he has been for the be nefit of the (ea air, and to amuse himfelf in the delight!ul recreation of lifting. We are told he had excellent (port, having himfelf caught a great number of tea-bass and black-fifli—the wea ther pioved remarkably fine, which, together with the (alubrity of the ajrand wliolefome exer cjle, rendered this little voyage extremely agree able, and cannot fail, we hope, of being very ser viceable to a speedy and complete relloration of h,s hea,th - Daily Adv. HONOR OUR RU L KRS," is a good politi cal maxim, and more necellary inaßepublican go vernment, than in any other. I wiih the Ameri cans were more attentive to their duty— not only numerous complaints are uttered against the mea sures of Congress.but evil furmij/ings&wlpredictions. One predicts they will consume a long feflion, and disagree at last about the mode of doing the business : Another, thinks they will dispute so long about refideuce, as to preventtheaccompli/h ---inent of thegjreat national concerns : A third ap prebends it is not their intention to establish pub lic credit, but to waste one feflion after another in speculations and intrigues for their private ad vantage. How irrational is all this ? Afkany one of these complainers and funnilers, if ke would 487 | art so unworthy and inconsistent a pare wc- I " Con y*»; He v% i" confidently answer, NO'! Let us defpile iuch cv.l infiauations againlt the Representatives of our nation : They know the in fi me importance of public credit, and of nation- 1 We ?"g hc -epofe intire t oufi dence m thein and believe they pofTefs so gieat a fpmt of wisdom and patriotism, that thev will lation a s ° Ur " lUUll , llie - V have laid « f'uie^bun bre h f lla "r , hai>|, ' mefs - and llke £ *»d of one family, by the exercise of love and candor, unite in a fyftcm for public felici'tv. d:rti!!f nC f nS i W - «? CVer for Sec the impudent pre infr rZ S T ° ry a " d Enti -' h enemies, dur ing the revolution, " that they were incapable of governing themfelves"_nor can thev forbear despising the ,»cakncfs of £bme anxious' people who farthe above prediction may come to pass,' wS l T " 0t co,u p' cte d all their u , „VT ° retln !f havi "S be€n 'Pentin national KIWK c forming a fyftern for the efta bhfhment of public credit, than some expetfted, they are 1 eady to draw theworft conclufions— to a gentleman in this city. talkedn/r a D ! rCOUr,e * which keen much nft C : vY """ effuflo ' l of Ztal in ca.de of human liberty and virtue- I can be con fident that you vvill approve the spirit of it, and the general sentiments it contains. must probably feel the fame fatisfaclion I htvefelr \r larC reVo,ution »' that 1 nave felt. It appears to me that most of the eynts in the annals of the worldare but cliildiff, tales compared with it—The United States of 1 merica have the glory of having led the way to it' The New ConlWion of France deviates in some respects from those ideas of the bell Confti union of government which have been explain "o'Lilnt' ™'" r °. " ,uc " *>*»>" <>« de£ { v Conjlitutions"— bullhis deviation, as f ranee is fuuatcd, seems to have been unavoidable—for had not the ariftocratical and clerical orders have been obliged to throw themselves into one chamber with the commons no reformation could have taken place, and the regenerate of the kingdom would have been impoflible-and in future legislatures were these rd rr, l ° ,"' a^ e difti,Kt and independent all that has been dune would probably be 'r;" d ° ne - Hereafter . perhaps, when the New Constitution as now formed,has acquired ftrenath by time, the National Aflembly may find it prfc ticable.as well as expedient, to eftaftlifli, by means in the A e^ 3tC ' ach e ck as now takes place blein theH!va, goVern ' Uent ' and is ule in the Bntilh government. Remember me very kindly to Mrs ma v you be long continued happy i„ one another and in your connexions. 1 f ee l myfelfin the decline of hie- an indolence is encreafing upon me—and a disposition to be encumbered and bur way VVuhevcr ? little business that con.esin.ny The new federal government has I hqpe, new acquired such a finu eftaMifljnjcut as will make Hiffi J" 63 "* of extricating the United States from happy renderin « them Prosperous and * See Gazette, No. 107. Y ■ 'iff "A? Utter f rom Boflon, Ju„ e 6. hn« the P a l >ers what our leciflature Sebts o ''t'S'c & ,hC Affiu »P*» of tie SI debt,. The Governor's Speech has produced the Refo.luMonthtiseariy. If the State debts are not willbe the " ' n ktisfa ? ion ' and murmuring wnlbe the inevitable confeguence in Maflachu i- 1• ! ? r '! n t» that that open and patriotic pol.cy which led America through a solemn war may yet take her by the hand, f„d extricate labors embarra lsments under which she now We have had a large and refpe