lion of Congress, entitled "an A Is liberty enjoyed there—and if enjoy ed, by whom—by a part, or the whole? When iJofton a single town was opprelTed in 1774, all America aliened her cause. If right may be vio lated and liberty destroyed in apart of the coun try wirh impunity and without redress, in the com fe of time and events it may be destroyed every where.—The diftrefles of Newport and Providence are truly deplorable. Rhode-Jfland is divided by parties. Those who pay the duties are not the favorites of the govern ment which imposes them, neither is much con fidence placed in the wife andjuft disposal of the revenue ; under such real necellities, and with so many causes of provocation and complaint, it is not in human nature to pay the duties eheer .„A g° vei ;ninent so loosely and capriciously adtniniftered will not be able to prevent Frauds. With ruin before their eyes, the traders will be forced upon the practice of smuggling—the State is favorably situated for ilJicit of 447 paying duties to the national treasury, the citi. Zens ofthe Uniied States will in facft pay dutieti to the rhpportof the government ofllhode-Ifland, °f the are Ju. goods jniporied into ilia, Stace, lauds will multiply in proportion tot .eencreaf ed rate of duties irnpofed by Congress ; because the pi ont of fmugglmg will incite to praotife them. It is rather (hameful to remain tnbutaiy to that State. Their governor in his public let ter to the President last September, inarmed that t iey weie taking measures to pay their part of ic debt. Is it not time toalk if they are ready ! he collection of the national revenue has been more popular in this country than it ever was in any other. This does some honor to the goveru- ZZI VTZ- t0 the P eo P le - It would be a great evil if this general approbation should be l!r UVe * ij to gU a "d the collec- A° t h -ft turbulent, and generally obnoxious hat ever was known. Between the two reve nue systems, trade will be ground between the upper and nether mill-stone. What the politi cal tendency of government scrambling againlt rZTr" 1 « r T*" wiU be ' »is llot difficult to predict. But the extent of the evils and what the remedy will be and when it will come, can not be foretold. Extral7 of a letter to a gentleman in this city, dated ■April 28. I umlerftand the President has been indifpofec lately—-rim is grievous intelligence, but such as I expected t° hear-,t is extremely difficult for a P'f°nofthebeftconft,tution, and in the prime of life to preserve a flow of health with fucli aa infinity of care and solicitude on their mind but ui life s advance-and when the conftituuon begins to feel the /hocks she early received in the public service if mtenfe application to public bu flnefi ,s fuperadded at this period, the pillars of life will be undermined; and this I understand is the cause of the late indisposition ; foryour city is doubtedly one of the healthiefl f.tuations in the United States combining every advantage of climate, air and water. A life so precious, should be watched with the eyes of Argus ; Health so important, /hould be the vigilance of Angels—Conltant exercise m the open air, and perpetually diver fifyifig the scene, are as neceflary as the ciicula tionof the vital fluid—That habit of application must be broken thro-or the Hopc of the western woud will fail. I ask pardon for a deviation from my proper line ; but to the prayers of millions, the molt ac tive attention lhould be added for the preserva tion of a life which every one Jeels, but no on* can express the importance of. MARRIED]—At Portsmouth, (N. H.) by the u p F ' ?j Ten ' J OBIAS Le *R> Secretary to the President of the United States ; to Mi& Polly Long, daughter to the Hon. Pierce Loiigj tic[, deceased. ARRIVALS SINCE OUR LAST. -NEW.YORK. Brig Fricndfhip, Gardiner, Liverpool, 36 days Harmony, Shackerly, St. Euftatia. Swallow, , Dartmouth. Schooner Patty, Lacy, Shclburne. Sloop Hancock, B-own, Hhodc-Tfhnd. IC7* -