Mr. fiumd then vofr, and fa id, he l, a d the misfortune to differ with .ill his colleagues on so important a point as that of the ftatc debts being assumed by the United States in its general funding i> Item; and as that singularity might be attributed by fomc either o cap,,cc whim, or a perverse humour, he thought it incumbent on him to shew to the house, and to his colleagues in particular, CO " fldert ' «» given lor a rtewfpaper. The hit fc-flion ®refrnrfr C l'' f WCre *" ade of thf P ar tiality and mifre preientat.onsof the printers, and justly j in their accounts of the ofheht and « 0 members wereW up in a point I £ 3 mjufticc was done thro the inaccuracy of those partial publications. This session matters have been beuer con M : k bat " have been mo rc impartially handed to the public—the printers publish on both fides, and are willine to fromf ' T ° th " advanta ß= was t0 be derived e " CO " ragCm . C " t - thlsfr « dom ™d impartiality bc- W one n , Cn " m " lfication f° r the trifling ex pence 0 T , r prmt " S onl >-' Wfrc 'o b «c public encouragemem ° r ' be _f xc i ufiv<, ,Pr' n V n ß of for Congress—it would preclude the public in all probability from that full and imp.r W the °" '° r X ar ° entitled ; " would l ™d to L: and concludedlyobferving with refpeft to anyTLl'ngVoX'pu'b.' he "~ the ' x P encc was so 'rifling compared to the advantage Mim of • a r7 COnt T pt,b ' C ob j cft of econ omy, in a national CnnL /£ W £ "J 01 " 11 ,ore j ea theclaufe which proposed that efptc^ 0 " 0t ' UPPlicd Wllh a, ' y P a P"® * the pub! ■wirh r a GENS °j said he hop '' d lhe rcfolut 'on would be agreed to Me!\n r amt r W 'hr moved > by ftrlkl "g out what re Jates to fuppWmg the Senate ; he was for leaving that nart of rhe business tothemfelves; he gave a (ho* account"of of tion he C faid C 'r ßPP s w " h Pyers—Under the old confedera tion he (aid, Congress was considered as a diplomatic bodv the members were amenable to the States who sent could not compel their punctual attendance— hence the exnediem of taking the papers to keep the members together fmmthetim ofmeetmg, „ 11 they formed a house ; but he obfaved Zs did 'o, ?h l ° C 'J fe xi nt Con S refs ' whoa re a differently organized bodv 1 theintroduftion of newspapers interrupted (public buiinefV 1 "■ S-itt. uZXrP C ) °':* r< '' J 3 vari «y of ohfervations to fliew the f r AN ° bfervcd that he d,d not particularly rccollcft r. 1 in Congrels taking the uewfpapeTs, but the pun6lualitv thought neccfT.ry that Consicfa Oiould b. fupp], r d 'with' the" m' ; p : that—-he thought that they had al£y s '%£&\ 1 !" conceived ,t was for their intereilto be so ; it is true tCv arlTi m as informal • of the'vvhole theh ° UJe went inr ° a committee - T *Vf 1 " otio » for striking out the clause refpecft lng the State debts in the proposition for effecting a new modification of the domestic debt wa s earned in the affirmative. ' The proposition for opening a loan on the firft Plan was then read ; when Mr. Boudinot mored that the words, " To receive the other third in lands in the Western Territory at the rate of 20 cents per acre," should be ftruckout- and l! posed a substitute similar to that which he offered in the foriner discussion of this fubie* r: '""""Whw. Mr. THE FEDE KAL GAZETTE. T ded on the ap P ear ™ch divi dual States for thefupfon oJth( 422 considered «s a great rational question ami .1 portance of the United States depend in , . ' and in,, determination. B lc « measure upon its I agree with the Secretary of the Treafurv .u of the debts of the particular States by the'' "' he alr M>pti 0 „ sure of found policy and fubftamial ,ufti ce ' be a . contribute in an eminent degree to an orderli ft u U w °uld torv arrangement of the national finances » r! , and frtisiat m a 1" 1 r it,te to 3,rert lhat public credit can B ofa "«e., blifced but by one uniform system of revenue thr/T 1 bc cfts - State, ; that impartial justice cannot be done to ,u § out a " the the creditors in any other way, but bv amm C P eo pl= and t u ment : and in fact that if ever the national debts ind"!)' 1 arran Be particu ar States eontrafted as aforefaid, are oairf gth " tc °* natomaljmi constituted on the resources of the Un'innT' 1 be b y a and directed " by one authority." 10n drawn forti, When it is said the alfumption will augment tk, j L ,■ that it cannot be paid, it is evidently meant that the /k' a mucll mam with the States and fame of them not j bls fl l * l 're- dely an aggregate of the funds wodld „t lead k " all > for less efficient than so many separate ones • henc it C Wea^cr or quellion involved in this bulinels is, fha'll the crJ^'V 11 " 01 * States receive payment of the debts due to them dcbt °r another is, (hall the general government exercTfe "th," 0 ' ? And drawing forth the resources of the union for l pnw " of (hall it be impeded in doing its duty bv Slates or "us interests drawing dUfcreA way! L""#?*. that a liquidation ftiall take place, of the accounts hi Pr ° P ° fcd union and the individual States ; " the fettlemenr. u " the " fupenntendance of commissioners, veiled with , be L ?" d « the '• ..on, and final authority " And that creditor States " 'hall be provided for by the U n ,.1,1 c e a reasonable interest, but not to be transferable" " At whatever period the company accounts may be fart,,. l will be balances due to and from the different St».» 'i e meafurecomendedforis perhaps the only possible mnT.i, the deviled, by winch the creditor States will be, f J be advances-And it is the best mean that can be fallen ™ ' heir ue the burthens ol the States ; for the longer the aa£ open and the States go on in the way they have 1. remain the greater will be the inequalities * V ° nC h "«°fore, We (hould judge of this proposition upon true , pies, and extend our inquiries beyond the limit, T ? , pr ' nc '- and throughout the union, order to fe w£'h Sta,e isthe molflike.yto dojuftice, and to efabiShtSto SS.2 the States are in a situation to pay their debts, but there are mK who have not the means (race the surrender of thefr fund?^ ting they were ever so well disposed ; and in such cafe. I ! : that the creditors have unqueltionably a iuft claim on th COn ! cn4 because all the debts the erX oh m 0 ": as well as of the individual States fro n th- „1 . si. thcum °a of the members was known to the whole'°''M P " Ch alk .fCongiefs can eftablift c«d,t debts, for which the union is bound, unprovided for? But it will be said -that the credit-.. s must comDe 1 their Ct pay them; and if this cann it be done that f„„, r I pel them, not only to pay their creditors, but to pav quifitions. Tne hrft is out of the question the rrZl'J? rC " make use of conipulfory measure., and as U the litter 7 """" ly answer that I have heard ol but one method „,„lu C u" ° n " that the general government Ihould levy taxes St V"= a . n t th,i 1 b =!'«c Will never be'putm pX c dCl ' n'™- Feveral T Pi" b ° ,net ™ this city leveral months ago, and continue in it yet/fitey conic from different • mfi «-u • • • :,;. n „ AmtA r , orates , and their intention on n,rh P ? f PUbllfll ' fr ° m tinle co fuchf L? J t , SaS ln3^be '"terefting, baton Ah onah l'- y3B 111311 be of "ational concern. pea edft N° g fcciety ta. ap nianv thjr th Ne ""P a Myet as it is known to and wSftJ, 7 av f 'net, — when they met,- that thevh ct or; anc * feme may suppose thlnklJ - VC nothing all this time, I world 1 ITr ° f J - Uftice to the that the world should be intormed they have n^beeni and s, 7 ,neeC re S ularI y every day, Saturdays nefsrfnr .r « cc P" d — Their hours of busi ness [for they have stated hours] arefullr em fii th ? Public may be gratified ere long, Tcnowlrd ° °P' 1 "SP Ü blications, which, from my !n ° ; e j« e °f che genius and erudition of the SH ™ h ° c °n'Pofe the lociety, lam per suaded will be masterly performances; viz. ? ill ivh, t 071 tr 'fl"'g> in Folio, shewing diflimt r n T lf>Ur h° ul "s of every day may be I dlfl) P ated » the greatelt advantage :_the motto . . a' re " nt ktrte, et imputantur. craftSn,? - Y ° n Procra JH»<"ion -, in which Pro- Stoup P rove^to he the true Philosopher's bv rhp. , r ' C f . turns things into gold, and that e'ifilv f° 11 a .( ortune may be acquired more - I ri! ex P ed «io"fly than in any other way.— Irh -ru terrors of election. A Poem.— ri . ' le art °f milking the Ram:—an elabo nfH. r 1 ? r i n . ance ' tending to shew the falfehood the old scholastic adage, "Ex nihilo nihil fit."— .V Dutch Pensionary's rule of doing I I\ K r* 3 c ' nie > or not beginning; a second whirl o, U c^s be f° r e the firft was fini/hed;in ablurd" ' natle a PP a rent that the rule is a very «.«* J*.? t abov . e are P art of the refuk of the so y abors ; but it is said that a number of pam: Hi. .o'.