EUROPE. VIENNA, November 2. \y jl ' N the Lmperor.yefterday was attending the 1 e Deum, an express arrived with the news of another virftory. Lieut. General Prince Hohenlohe, who commands in Tranfy)vania, on the lame day of the capture of Belgrade, beat a detachment of the enemy near Perenzeny, and 011 the morrow (Octoberß) all the Ottoman corps, of ten thousand men, with five cannons, under the command of the Pacha Cara Muftapha, who ap proached ro attack. Cara Muftapha, it is said, killed himfelf, and 1 500 of his men followed the lpirited example. Five of the enemy's cannon, ammunition, from 40 to jo colours, a quantity of arms, the camp, the magazine of Vadeny, as well as that ol Pyrgufchvl, l, a ve fallen into the hands of our troops, who have made a conlideruble booiy particularly of cattle. Our loft is trivial ; but ihe Prince Hohenlohe, has received a con tulion on his right thigh, fie declates, that at the concluiion of the present campaign, the fig. , aclvi "itages gained, succeeded o"ne anothei a H ' apidl ' y which is Iloc glorious than aitomfhing. A R 1 S, October 14 AN officer of the National Guards died a few days ago. His interment was ordered at jo clock and the bearers were taking him to the church—Some women of the neighbourhood "who happened to be in the chu, ch m hen the body drew near, enquired why the bell did not toll rhey were mtoiiiied, that the friends of the deceaicd had paid only the (mall fees, and that it was not cultomary ,0 toll when that was the ca e. Ihe -*oinen infilled upon tolling the bells instantly, and made the fame ceremony be per "lf at a ""ghbou; ing convent. They infilted on the corple being laiu in one of the church vaults military lionoi s were then performed and 1 lie people dilperfed. ' NATIONAL ASatMBLY OK FRANCE. Saturday, October 17. The Committee of enqui, y , epoi ted their opi nion yefteiday before the .-Ulemuly, 011 the sub jeCt of Belaiival theyhave'not found any thing again 11 him that amounts to the charge of felony, and they theiefore exptelibd a will? for his enlargement. fur l e he Tir seemed Vtfy aVe ' fe t0 this "iea- H " r , u "; a J 0,lt >' 7"e of opinion, that Monf. Befanval had contributed more than any other person to ilie tioubles in Tulv Jilt «»*•;,» Jid M. de Rebel,, there wi for £*£ ftr jctjon ol Pans, or there was not; if there was the author ihoulci be rigorously punilhed, if not' to'triaL"' thac lhould brought The Duke de Liancpurt demanded M. Befan val s being enlarged on his parole. if fecui itv is alked for him, added the Duke, I am myfelf willing to entei into it. M. de Luynts said, he had served under M Befanval hfteen years, and that he had never known him give out an order that did not dolto a good Cl " " a olent man and Another member observed, that the letter wmteri by M Befanval to the Governor of the Balhle which the Committee could not find, was still to be seen at the Prefulent's of thediftridl of St. Gervais in Paris. It was then disputed, whether or not he ihould be tried at theChatelet in France. M. Mirabeau proposed adjourning the trial till a proper tribunal was appointed for trying him and others accused of similar crimes The Allbmbly voted, that the Chatelet lhould be this ti lbunal for the time being. LONDON Nov. j. The Welch, the Danes, and the Nor wegians, all alfcrt, that some of their former ad venturers difcovei ed America long before Colum bus had found land to the westward. Whether there may be any of their defcendents fettled on the banks of the Miffifippi llluft a diligently and to us conducive to^hat'end' 11 " 68 W^ich^h®'l appear the fecuritv of a free an 3 '"™ 5 Wlll to grefs of our deliberai-; to ernmeuc ; in the pro °f objerts so worthy oTrea^ 11 lofe^ht sr^rrArun^^'i 0 th^ and most feHous confiH and our early without de ay to bS Weftal, P^eed cullion wMcY'dSr^L 0 " them th . at Calm d^ We regret that the7 a c fi c n a e rr a T ,reS filed with regard fn , arrangements pur dians, have been tribes of In which we had reason m en ed that fuccels shall not hesitate rn r ex P e< S from them ;we fures as „, a °f®?' CUr ,n father mea might beapprehended 1 f tean ? r J effe