UNITED STATES. PORTSMOUTH, Dec. 29. SKETCH of the Proceedings of the Legi/latureofthis State. MESSAGE of His Excellency The President of this State. Gentlemen of the Honorable Senate, and House of Representatives, IT affords me the highest pleasure, to meet you again in AfTembly to advise and consult with you upon the affairs of the State at a time when so important matters will fall under your consi deration. The public papers received since the last session, will be laid before you by the Secre tary, and among them, you will find many aits and resolves of Congress which will require your deliberations ; among others, it is of consequence to consider the proposal of the Federal Govern ment, to take under their care the fuppoi t of the Light Houses upon the conditions therein men tioned" and determine what territory, and whe ther any ihall be ceded to the United States : Also to consider upon the expediency of parting alaw impowering the United States to confine their prisoners in the prifonsof this State. Perhaps it maybe thought worthy of your at tention to take under confederation the present Excise Ait, and determine how long it ought to be continued: And whether the duties ought to be leflened, on account of the import now drawn by the United States. It may be of importance to have an inquiry, ■whether any of the exifling laws of the State, militate with, or are repugnant rotlie laws of the United States, or the Constitution of the Fede ral Government. The amendments proposed by Congress to the Constitution of the United States, cannot fail of beino' considered and determined upon as early as the nature of the business before you will ad mit. Some other matters of importance will from time to time, as they may be in readiness, be communicated by private mefliiges. " This beipg the season for granting the supplies of the present year, that object cannot pals un noticed. Gentlemen, I recommend to you unanimity and difpat6h, and beg leave to aflure you, that I iball be very happy in joining with you to promote and carry into execution allthofe measures which may tend to advance the good of our common country. Given at the Council-Chamber in Port/.'mouth, the lid day of December, 1789. , JOHN SULLIVAN. IN SENATE, December 2J. VOTED, That Jofiah Gilman,jun Esq. Na thaniel Parker and Nathaniel Gilman, Efq'rs. be a committee to examine in the several offices of this State for proper vouchers to authenticate the accounts of this State against the United States, andfurnifh John Taylor Gilman, Esq. one of the Commiflioners, with them. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. This vote, after being read, was concurred with this amendment, " that Nathaniel Parker, and Nathaniel Gilman, Efq'rs. be the committee." Voted, That this House joinin conferrence with the Hon. Senate (if they fee fit) as soon as con veniently may be, on the fubjett, " whether His Excellency President SULLIVAN can constituti onally continue in the Chair of Government while he holds the office of Diftriit Judge." HARTFORD, January 7. We are informed, that at the general meeting of the merchants of this state, convened at Mid dletown on the 31ft ultimo, a petition and remon ttrance to the general aflembly, for a repeal of the excise law, was drawn up and unaninioufly adopted, and is to be presented to the honorable the legislature at their next session, by a deputa tion from the feveraf counties in the state. While we reprobate an a Doom'd to decay, in heCtic deep, And leave all good old whigs to weep. But soon a general States' Convention, Withmuch lov'd Washington the bench on, Proposed a federal gpvernment, To all the States fesher vengeance feel ? Open'd the Baltile's dark recess, Releas'd the victims from distress ? Made tyrants fly before her arms, And thioughout Europe spread alarms ? All this, and more, we printers tell, And hope this year to do as well.— You'll hear, each week, what duty's laid, To pay our debts, and help our trade ; And if you'll pay the boy, he'll try, Againftth' Excise to raise aery ; That fraudfultax, which makes you swear, To save your money, when you dare. But this, all this, cannot be done, Without a fee to help us run ; Eor boys, like wheels, in constant toil, Will lag and creak without the OIL. notes. * The Allegany mountains, so called. + Alluding to a reccntfatt. MR. FENNO, | I REQUEST you to re-publish the following Ex tract, with the accompanying observations, and oblige PETER. From the review of the Debates of Congress, in the ' Analytical Review, or New Literary Journal,' J>ub lijhed by J. John/lon, London. ' Their parliamentary forms, language and con stitution, are nearly the fame, mutatis mutandis, with those of the Britifti and Irilh parliaments : but the fpiritandair that breathe in their speech es are more candid, sincere and patriotic. The several speakers, it is evident, are left under the inßuence of prejudice and political faflion than ours, and more open to convi wor irr.pped thro ignorance a tyrant; the present fermentation is to evaporate infumo ! but the cream of thejeft is, that the noble aflertor of the Rights of Mankind, " in both Hemispheres," the hero of volunteers in the noblest of causes, the Marquis de laFayette is actuated by chagrin and difappointraent, ia his glorious undertaking to make his country free. " Envy will merit, as its Jkaie pursue." Is there achara&erin the Roll of American Worthies, against whom the arrows v of malevolence have not been levelled at one period or another ? But they recoil—and may they ever recoil ox& tfie unprincipled traducers of patriotism and honor. The/hit AJlrea, Capt* « we// at Zatavia in Augtijl lift.