Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, January 05, 1790, Page 695, Image 3

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    may be fold. This was agreed to with an addi
tion proposed by Mr, Burke, that for every chain
surveyed and fold on the bank of a navigable ri
ver, the purchaser (hall be obliged to take
chains back. The eighth resolution states, that
the price of the land lhall be 3° cents per acre,
to be paid in gold or silver, or in the public secur
ities, eftimaiing the 6 per cents at par with spe
cie—and those of an inferior value, at a propor-
tionate rate
Mr. Boudinot proposed that this resolution
should be altered, Co that all the securities ihould
be received in payment for the land, as at par.—
He ltated sundry objections tothedifcrimination
between thefeveral denominations of the securi
ties, and urged the justice of making all an equal
tender for the land. By this means the' United
States will do some justice, said he, to the public
creditors, in refpecft to the deferred part of the
debt; besides it will conduce more rapidly to
linking the public debt, and expedite the felling
of large quantities of the land. He moved an
amendment to this purport —this was seconded
by Mr. Steele, and supported by Mr. Lee.
Mr. Livermoi-e was in favor of felling the land
for deferred stock and 3 per cents only.
Mr. Fitzfimons, Mr. Sedgwick, Mr. Smith, S. C.
and Mr. Seney, were opposed to Mr. Boudinot's
motion. They coniideied it as interfering with
the funding (yftem—it would open the doors to
speculation, and in its effects would be giving a
doaceur to persons to whom the United States are
under no special obligations whatever.
Mr. Boudinot's piopofition so far obtained, as
to alter the resolution, to read that gold and iilver
or public securities, [without discrimination]
ihould be received in payment for the land.
A motion to ftrikc out 30 cents was negatived
l Adjourned.
TUESDAY, Jan. 4.
A petition from fnnclry inhabitants of Wash
ington County, in the state of New-York, refpei2-
ing a certain J.Younglove, who, by an act palled
the last fellion of Congress, is placed on the pen
sion lift, without any just pretentions to the be
nefit of that provision, was presented by Mr. Syl
•vefter, read, and referred to a feiecft committee.
Mr. Ames presented the petition of Andrew
Colten, and Lydia his wife, who had been the
widow of a Capt. White, of the Continental army,
killed at the siege of York Town, praying for
cammutation or half-pay on account of her
late liufband.
Mr. Parker presented the memorial of Joseph
Mr. Vining presented the memorial of Eben
ezer Smith, a late surgeon in the American army
[ —The above memorials and petition were re'
jferred to the Secretary of War.
I The house this day finifhed the consideration of
the report of the committee of the whole, on the
fubjeift of the laud-office,
The eighth resolution, as amended yesterday,
jccafioned the principal part of the debate.—
A. motion offered by Mr. Sedgwick for llriking
out " gold and silver and public (ecurities," af
ter fom£ opposition, obtained—and the resolution
now thus, the price of the land (hall
be go c«nts per acre.
The remaining resolutions were agreed to, with
very few amendments—and a committee con
fining of Mr. Scot, Mr. White and Mr. Blood
rjvorth was appointed to bring in a bill pursuant
So the report.
[. Mr. Wadfworth of- tlie committee appointed
for the purpose, reported the new militia bill,
[which was lead the firft time.
A letter was communicated from the Trealurer
ot the United States, accompanying his accounts
—which were laid on the table. Adjourned.
BOSTON, Dec. 27
At the second trial for the choice of Federal
Rcprefenrative in Worcester Diltiicft, the Hon.
Artcmas Ward, Esq. was chosen. In Plymouth.
&c. Diilriift, the Hon. Shearjajhub Bourne, Esq.
Bristol, &c. Dillriift, and the biftricl of Maine,
No choice. The inhabitants are to meet again
the 25th Jan. for the choice of a Representative.
From a Martinico paper of the 2C)th of OCI. brough
by Cnpt. Titcomb, oj this town, the following is ex
The garrison of Fort Bourbon and Fort Royal,
in order to preserve the Kind's Picture, which
was placed in one of the halls of government,
from itifult, and from being taken away by force,
removed it yelterday to Fort Bourbon, with all
the honors.due to tharauguft Portrait.
The carrying off the white colour of the regi
ment completely authorised this praise-worthy
Itep of the two garrisons.
;-?.w m/
Philadelphia, Jan. 5.
Yesterday a bill providing for the admiffio-n of
the diflrift of Kentucky into the Union, uas read
afirfl and second time in the Senate of the Uni
ted States.
The committee ofthe Senate to whicli was re
ferred the report of the Secretary of the Trea-
fury, on the fubjeclof a National Bank, reported
a bill on Monday last, which was read the fir 11
time, and ijo copies ordered to be printed foi
members of the legislature.
Extratt of a genuine letter from Paris, to a gentle
r j i.i.r »/->/»
tnan in London, dated the nth 0(1.
" M. Alert de Riom, the French Admiral who
was appointed to the command of the fleet fit
ting out at Brest, has resigned, in consequence
of the present dreadful ftateof the French Ma
rine,which has spread itfelf throughout the whole
fleet ; nothing but a continual icene of riot and
mutiny. They have discovered that much money,
and other inducements, have been pracftifed up
on the inferior officers of their navy. This evi
dently has been the work of the aristocrats ; and
to prevent discovery, they have had the artifice
and modesty to place the cause to the account of
Mr. Pitt, and which is really believed by a great
number in Paris ; but such is the unsettled state
of this country, that the people know not who
to trnft, believe, or 1 depend upon.—D'Eftaing,
who in the affair of Versailles, proved himfelf
such a (launch ariftocr»t and barely escaped with
his life, it isgenerally believed will succeed Ri
otns, and have the command of the fleet. This
situation, so desirable to himfelf and his party,
he certainly \vill get, by a stale trick, lately
played off upon the people—He has contrived
that some letters, wherein he proves himfelf a
strong democrat, fliould fall into the hands of
the public ; fhefe letters have been published,
and dispersed about, and the people are weak
enough to believe them genuine.
" There was a dreadful riot at Brest laftTuef
day night, and many lives loft. The captain of
the Leopard, lately arrrivefl from the Weft-In
dies, has been sent for to appear before the Na
tional AfTembly."
By an expirefs which arrived on Saturday at
the Poft-Office, from Lewiftown, nearlthe Capes
of Delaware, the following was received.
Gst>y of a Ictttr received by the Lord Mayor t of Lop
*»'■ ? n .1 "r\ j r r . i
don, from the Duke of Leeds.
I have the honor to acquaint your Lordlhip,
that the meflenger Dreffin, arrived here this
morning, with dispatches from Mr. Fitzherbert,
ambaflador at the court of Madrid, dated Sunday
24th Oilober, containing an account, that a Con
vention for terminatingthe differences which had
avifen with that court, had been agreed upon,
.between his Excellency, on the part of his Ma
jeity, and. the Counr de Fiori-da Bl.mca, on the
part of the Catholic King; and that the conven
tion was to be signed, and exchanged by those
Ministers, the 27th of the fame month.
London, 4th Nov.
The city and county of New-York, agreeable to
the Census taken pursuant to a(st of Congress, is
found to contain of inhabitants, thirty thousand
and twenty two—ln 1786, the number was twenty
three thousand fix hundred and fourteen —Increase,
fx thousand Jour hnndred and eight.
The Preftdent of the United States, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, has been
pleased to appoint, Abraham Ogden to be At
torney for the United States, in the Ditlri(ft of
New-Jersey, in place of Richard Stockton, who
has religned.
Hon. George Thatcher, Esq. would have been
re-eledred Member of the House of Reprefenta
tives of the United States, for the Diftridt of
Maine, had all the votes been returned infeafon.
" There is a kind of affection for our nation or
cotemporaries which in fadt is nothing but felf
love : We extol it all others from a secret
pride, which appropriates to ourselves a share of
those liberal encomiunjs. The love of cur coun
try is free from this weakness. This affeAion,
which in other words may be called a zeal for the
public good, renders us fliarp-fighted, both with
respect to their faults and their virtues. It
prompts us to expose those, in order to corretft
them, because they exist only by not being known."
A number of citizens having met at the Ger
man School house in Cherry-Street, in order to
take into consideration the diftrefled state of the
poor, at the prfffent inclement season of the year;
but the company not being so large (on account
of several unrorefeen circomftances) as was ex
pected, it was agreed to meet again at the fame
place, on Wedijefday evening at fix o'clock, at
which time and place, the attendance of t lie cha
ritable and well disposed citizens of all religious
denominations is earneilly requested.
At die above meeting the following gentlemen
weie appointed to bring in a plan to carry into
effetfl the benevolent intention of their fellow
citizens, viz. Charles Biddle, Benjamin liufh,
Christopher Kucher, Afhbel Green, and William
Savery.— Published by order of the meeting,
11 Teach me to feel another's woe."—
There is in human nature a propensity to flirink
from mifery,'whether in relation to ourfelves'or
others : With refpetft to ourselves, the real'on is
obvious ; bat in both cases the effect is produced
by the famecaufe—the love of ease. Hence may
be deduced the difference between a person who
performs a benevolent acftion from principle, and
one, who, propelled by involuntary sensibility,
relieves the diftrefled to relieve his own feelings
—From the former we may expedt a fyHematic
exercise of benevolence—the latter is charitable
by accident.
I favv Bsnevoltts coming from the house of pe
nury and affliction—his countenance was irradia
ted with the beams of complacency—He had chear
ed the heart of despondency—he had fed the
hungry—he had clothed the naked—re-animated
hope, and inspired a firm confidence in that be
ing s who hears the young ravens when they cry'-—
In many a lone, and dreary cell,
The Tons of want and virtue dwell ;
There, when bleak blows the wintry gale,
And food, and clothes, and fuel fail,
The feeling heart will oft repair,
And chear the bosom of despair ;
For they to life's best purpose live,
Who know how blejjed tis to give.
Died at Albany, on the 26th ult. the Rev.
Elarpus Westerio, D. D. Rredlor of the Re
formed protestant Dutch Church of that city.
Sutfcribcrs for Mrs. Warren's Poems, are rcquejlei to call on the
Editor for their books.
6 pr. Cents 17/3- P r -/ •
3 pr. Cents 8/6.
Defered 6 pr. Cents 8/"6.
Final Settl.and ot'ncr Certificates 1 yf—ls/3.
Indents 8/6.
State debts ij/6
giZr' The the several States, to
whom the packet# of this paper are addrefi'ed,
are refpedtfully informed, that owing to the
great number of dispatches from the public
offices, which have been recently sent from the
Poft-Office in this city—newspapers have been
neceflarily precluded—as it has not been possible
to croud them into the mail-portmanteaus. This
is the only reason of their failure, as the Editor
has had the papers conftantJy left in season at
the office.
Gazette of the United States,
(£3"* THE Editor requests those of his Subscribers whose ar
rearages amount to six and twelve months subscription, to make pay.
ment as soon as possible. He trusts it will prove a sufficient a
pology for this application, when he assures them that his receipts
for the year 1790, do not amount to more than one half of the ac
tual cxpence of the publication during that period.
Upwards of two hundred thousand copies of this Gazette hav?
been published and circulated since 15 April, 1789, the time
when it commenced, Fiomthevfry general approbation it has
received, and the extensive and ample subscription which has of
fered, the editor has flattered himself with the possibility of its
being supported ; but at the present moment a most perplexing
uncertainty rests on that event —c wing to the d'faculties attending
the present mode of its circulation, and colle£ling subscription.^
from situations remote from the place of publication,
January 5, 1791
03 s * A meeting of the fubferibers to the plan for ejlablifhing Sun
day Schools in this city, wi/lbe held at the Academy of Mr. Joseph
Sharplefs, in Second Sreet, between Market and Arch Streets, on TueJ
day next, at fix o'clock in the evening, for the purpefe of chcofing officers.
Jan. 5, 1791. Signed by order,
M. CAREY, Sec. P. T.
By DR. ANDERSON, cj Edinburgh,
Is to be publilhcd this month.
Among a great variety of queries propojed to correspondents by the Doc*
ji. L * l.- -
y -J 1~- - I—r -J- - " r " j [ ~
tor, in the profpcclus oj that work, theJollowing occur, v:z.—
WHAT is the state of the country in regard to the hberty of the
press? To what restraints are the people subje&ed in this respect ?
What have been the pretexts adopted for curtailing this liberty,
where it could not be dirc&ly attacked ? Have these encroach
ments been made under the apparent view of augmenting the
public revenue, or of serving the cause of religion, or of prevent*
mg immorality, or of promoting good order and public tranqili
ty, by prolcftini the innocent from calumny, 01 what else ? Ij
the post-office called in as an engine to effect this purpose ? Have
particular taxes also been imposed with this view ? What are
they ?
How is the poft-office regulated ? Is it condufled under the in
fluence of mercantile, of financial, or of political notions? Are letters
nevtr in danger of being stopped at the post-office, or searched
there, unless by the highest authority in times of eminent public
danger ? Are any persons or bodies of men exempted from the
charge of postage ? Who are they ? and what are the privilege*
they enjoy, and how limited ? Are any general regulations adopt
ed tor facilitating literary communicat'ons either altogether free
of expence, or at a moderate charge ? What arc they ? Are these
publicly known and invaiiable ; or do they depend in any case
on private favour, so as to be either granted or withheld at plea
sure ? Particulars this department are earnestly re-
86§ pr. cent.
42J do.
76J do.
42J do.