Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 30, 1789, Page 299, Image 3

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    blood of .their innocent, unoffending fellow-citizens. The au
thor has drawn with a masterly hand the irresolute, timid, and
cruel Charles; the gloomy and perfidious policy of Catharine of
Mcdicis; the arrogance and aspiring views of the haughty Duke
of Guise ; and the clerical zeal, vindiftivenefs, and pride of the
Cardinal. Nor has he been less happy in his portraits of the
gallant young King of Navarre, and the truly great and venerable
Admiral and Chancellor. The representation of this play, will,
not improbably, lead to the oveiturniug of the cftablilhcd reli
gion of France.
" A deputation from the higher orders of the clergy waited
upon his Majesty, at the Thuilleries, to entreat that he would inter,
pose his authority to prevent a repetition of the play. The Kino-'
received them with his accustomed politeness, but told them, he
nil) decline interfering ; adding, that if he did not feel him
fclf hurt at the chara&er of the Monarch, he did not conceive that
they ought to object to that of the Cardinal.
" The National Assembly leave the Archiepifcopal-hall th's
morning, and meet at theßiding-fchool near the Thuilleries, which
has been properly prepared foi their reception."
M. Neckar, and his colleagues in office, conti ■
nueto excrcife their functions ; and the Nation
al Alleinbly proceeds on tne important objects
before it, as far as we are able to judge from the
accounts we receive, with vigour and with free
dom. The decree for declaring the pofieffions of
the church the property of the nation, is drawn
up with much apparent caution, and in terms
likely to ineetthe approbation of the Provinces,
ai)d even of the inferior clergy, who are by far
the moll numerous part of the body, and wliofe
influence is the greatefl oil the minds of the
Among other facrifices to the rage of the mob
in Burgundy, was the house of a Mr. Fauflart,
surgeon, and with it hismufeum, containing a
great collection of (kulls, in a regular gradation
from the human to the animal. This gentleman,
inavery ingenious treatise published at Paris a
bout two years since, aflertsthat our firll parents,
Adam,and Eve, were black!
GHENT, November 7, 1759.
Friday morning a little before 8 o'clock, about
2000 Patriots who cainc from the diftriift of Waes,
appeared before the Saxon and Bruges gates of
this city, and after a short contest made them
selves mailers of the city, driving the soldiers
who guarded the gates, and beingjoined by ma
ny of the Patriots in Ghent, soon overpowered
the main guard, who were either killed or dis
persed. During this the troops in the Caserns
of St. Peter, having divided into two columns,
those on the right marched to Water.PortUridge,
having the river in front; the other took poll at
the Kettle Gate, having the aforefaid river also
in front; Co that these columns could not be at
tacked except in front, at a great disadvantage,
for ihey had the command of the ground every
way : Notwiihltanding their feveraladvantages,
the Patriots attacked them, and after an obstinate
engagement with cannon and muftpietry for 10
hours, the military were driven to their Caserns,
leaving many dead and wounded, the exact num
ber not kuown. The fame night a corps of 200
men, with 3 cannon, marched out of the Caserns
into the suburbs among the Burghers ; the fame
on Saturday ; and on Sunday the Patriots at
tacked the troops and drove them off, but the
military returned at night, and began to wreak
their vengeance in the molt cruel fire,
robbery, and murder. On Monday at day break
they returned to the fame quarter, but were beat
off by thp Patriots; they returned again at night
withfuch fury and vengeance, that they did not
even spare fucking babes at the brealts of their
During these commotions, there was a continu
al firing from the castle with red-hot and other
cannon balls, which dellroyed all the houses and
buildings in the vicinity ; and the garrison con
tinued to sally out every night to plunder and
drag all they could lay hands on prisoners into
the callle.
As the garrison in the Caserns continued to kill,
to murder, and to destroy by fire ; the Patriots
under thecommand oftheHeer Van Ilcllum, ani
mated with a determination to put an end to
these excefles, about 10 o'clock in the afternoon,
attacked the garril'on in the Caserns with such
undmmted spirit, that about 4 o'clock in the af
ternoon they surrendered prisoners of war, con
fiftingof more than 600 men,with theircomman
dant, a major ; and tliey were marched bare
headed through the city, and imprisoned in dif
ferent cloyfbers. 011 Monday night the garrison
of the caltle, finding themselves in a diitrelled
situation, abandoned the fame, and fled by Dum
port to Dendermond ; so that at present we are
relieved from a band of desperate barbarians,
who may truly be (tiled regimented a[fajfins.
CHARLESTON, (S. C.) December if.
Yefterd/y the Federal Diftridl Court for this
State was formally opened at his Honor Judge
Drayton's chambers in Tradd-ftreet, when the
oath requited by the judicial a eft, was admini
itered to his Honor the Judge by the Honorable
/Edanus Burke, Elij.
Thomas Hall, Elq. was appointed clerk of the
The oaths of oflice were severally taken by
John Julius Pringle, Esq. Attorney, and the o
ther oflicers of court. No business having been
inlUtuted, and the Judge being indisposed, the
court \\as adjourned until Saturday next.
" His bounty like a flowing tide,"
Extends its blessings far and ivide.
GENEROUS, munificent spirit, is the molt
perfecft representative of Deity, that can be exhi
bited by mortality : As human life consists in a
feriesof inquietudes, to raise the deprefled, and
to lighten the burthens which bow down the chil
dren of misfortune, are the delightful employ
ments of the feeling, and benevolent heart.
Alonzo is a gentleman, who by a fucceflion of
prosperous incidents, has acquired more than a
competency of the goods of fortune—pofl'effing a
native goodness of disposition, his generous pro
pensities have expanded, as his wealth has increa
sed—and his chief happiness, in the acquisition
of property, appears to result from its enlarging
his fpliere of action, and munificence. Not con
fined to transient objedts ofinifery, his benevolence
seeks the abodes of the wretched, and often the
deserted children of want receive unexpected re
lief, when their hearts are finking with despon
dency :—The ividaiv, and the fatherlefs —the in
dultrious poor—are ilie objects of his wide extend
ed bounty—When under painful anticipations of
fuffering from hunger, cold, and nakedness, fud*
denly their fears are diflipated by supplies of
fuel, food and cloathing—while the hand of the
generous donor forever remains invilible and un
But tho Alonzo despises the parade of Charity,
yet he realizes the power of example in-promo
ting acts of general public utility : Hence you fee
his name in every subscription, for the advance
ment of those institutions, which are designed to
benefit the poor, and to leflen the avenues toidle
nefs and want. Soineobjeifts ofcommon, andex
tenfive importance, require the joint exertions of
numbers, Alonzo is always conl'picuous in his
exertions upon such occaftons—and witliinduftry
and perseverance every obstacle is surmounted,
till plans are brought to maturity, which conduce
to the honor, the wealth, and happiness of the
community. Such men are the stewards of the
blessings ofprovidence—their property is the pro
perty of the public, and their wealth is the Bank
of the poor. Their characters give aluftreto
the place where they reside, and their good name
is a prop to their country in every emergency.
Do we not know such charadlers ? Let their works
point tliein out—Their praise is in the city.
The good man cannot but be generous, tho the
public acknowledgments of gratitude are a severe
tax upon his feelings.
Contrasted with such men, the Miser is like a
barren, insatiable foil, which the more moillure
it. imbibes, the harder, and more unproductive it
grows. Enormous wealth, accumulated in the
coffers of the avaricious, and there confined, is
like exhausting the blood from the constitution.
It is drying up the sources from whence those
channels are supplied, which nourilh, fructify
and fertilize the world : Their characters are
conflantly suspended upon the pointed pinnacle
of satire while they live, and their memory is the
sport of execrations, when Death unlocks the
iron repositories of their hoards, and gives their
wealth to their prodigal posterity.
We are now brought to the conclusion of the
year Eighty-Nine.—What an eventful period
has it been ! The molt sanguine expectations did
not anticipate what we now realize. At this time
last year, we were looking forward with anxious
expectation to the organization of the new Go
vernment : And while the minds of the gloomy
and discontented, foreboded and predicted a se
ries of difficulties, dangers and unavoidable e
vils, the friends of peace, the honest and unfuf
pecling friends of freedom and good government
trembled in hope. But through the favor of hea
ven, what is now our situation ! A form of go
vernment for a various people, and an extend
ed territory, brought into operation with the
happiest facility ; and organized to the perfect
fatisfacftion of the citizens. Peace, plenty and
freedom reign in our borders, and innumerable
catifes are powerfully operating to produce pre
fetit and future happjnefs to our country. —The
dreams of anarchy are no more—the rays of
knowledge diverge in every possible direction.
Arts, manufactures and commerce raise their long
deprefled heads ; and protected by our equal laws,
and an efficient government, are extending their
influence far and wide.—Our resources are un
folding; our burthens are diminishing; right
principles are taking root, and government is
considered in ajuftpoint of view—and as the
choicell gift of heaven. The revolution in our
political Situation is great; but the revolution in
our principles is greater. —These are the events
of ayear! A yearthat Stamps our character with
fame immortal ; the wisdom and magnanimity of
which arefufficient to wipe off the reproaches of
ages. Our enjoyments may jultly be heightened
with the reflection, that our example has proved
contagious to the nations of Europe ; who, under
the favor of Providence, are now in the high
road to a glorious llate of freedom and jult go
The labors of theObferver, a writer, whofeper
formances firft appear in a Hartford paper, are
entitled to the thanks of his countrymen, for un
folding many fyflems of State policy, which now
appear to be a grievous burthen on the people.
The speculations of this writer ought to be read
by every citizen ; for it is demonstrated by him,
that a Amplification of our numberless State re
gulations, will save millions to the people.
A bill of rights for freemen appears to be a con
tradiction in terms. From whom are they receiv
ed ? From thcmfelves ? Do freemen relinquish
those rights that are not fpecified in a bill ? To
whom do they relinquish them ? To themselves, or
their rulers? Who are their rulers but the crea
tures of their own forming? If freemen retain
no rights but tliof'e fpeciiied in a bill, they divest
themselves of thottfands, where they retain one.
What avails a bill of rights to those who violate
the laws ? and in a free country, every right of
human nature, which are as numerous as sands
upon the sea Shore, belong to the quiet, peacea
ble citizen.
Bills of rights owe their origin to circumstances
no ways honorary to the natural independence,
and dignity of human nature. Success on the
part of the barons, in their wars with King John,
extorted that boasted instrument called the bill
of rights. But it may be enquired, whether the
powers not furretidered bv the King, were not
fnppofed to be vested in him.—ln that cafe, what
was granted, mult be viewed in the light of a
concession on his part. Its being extorted or vo
luntary, makes no difference in the degrading
idea that connects itfelf with the tranfaCtion.
The truth is, while the people are considered as
the favored party in a bill of rights ; the feeds of
controverted sovereignty are sown in the very
heart of the Constitution.
Yesterday arrived here the October Packet
from Hallifax.
Members of Congress now in this city : Senate,
? resident of the Senate.—Mr. Dalton.—Mr. John
'on.—Mr. Schuyler.—Mr. King.—Mr. Izard.—
Mr. Butler.
Represe NTATivES,Mr.Gilman. —Mr.Gerry.—
Mr. Lawrance.— Mr. Benfon.—Mr. Scott.—Mr.
Coles.—Mr. Brown.— Mr. Griffin.—Mr. Huger.
—Mr. Smith, of South-Carolina.—Mr. White.—
Mr. Partridge—Mr. Tucker.
Mr. Otis, Secretaiy of the Senate.
Mr. Beckley, Clerk of theHoufe.
IC7 3 MRS. GARDNER, being under the disa
greeable necejity oj pojlponing the COMEDY of Wit's last Shift, or
Genius in the Suds, with the other entertainments intended for her
benefit yesterday, on account oj the inclemency of the weather, begs
leave to a [Jure the public that the New Picce, £s!c. will positively be
performed this Evening, and that it will not be put off on any account,
ami mojl humbly solicits the patronage of the public on the occasion.
In a SERIES of LETTERS from a gentleman in New-England
to a refpe£table citizen of Philadelphia.
Sentiments on a MODE of DOMESTIC EDUCATION, suited
to the present state of Society, Government and Manners in the
United States, and on the Importance and Dignity of the Female
VARIETY of interesting ANECDOTES.
I"hey will be printed on a good paper and type—neatly bound,
aud lettered, in two volumes, i2mo. and delivered to fubferibers
at three quarters of a dollar per volume.
(£3T These Momoirs are dedicated to Mrs. Washington, by
her ptrmijjion. Having seen the manuscripts, and approved the plan>
She heartilv wishes that every laudable effort to improve the
mode of education in this country may be attended with merit
-44 ed success."
(£3 FROM the literary character of the reputed author of
the above work, and a table of contents left with the printer here
of, being eighty-three letters on the most inteVefting fubjeas of
education, life and manners, it is expected these Memoirs will
prove a very valuable and interesting performance.
Subscriptions received by the Editor, at his office, and letters (poll
paid.) duly attended to.
j Publifkcd by JOHN FENNO, No. 9, Maiden-
Lani. nearthcOficfgo-Mtrkti, New-York.—[3del. pr. ««.]