Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 30, 1789, Page 298, Image 2
6. That 110 navigation or law regulating commerce, fhnll be palled without theconfent ot' two thirds of the members prefentin both houses. 7. That 110 soldier ihall be enlilted for any term than four years, except in the time of war, and then for no longer term than the continuance of the war. 8. That fonie tribunal, other than the senate, be provided fortrying impeachments offenators. [SIGN£P] JAMES GALLAWAY, Chairman. I CERTIFY that the foregoing contain the a mendments proposed by the Convention of North- Carolina to the conltitution of the United States of America. [Signed.] JOHN HUNT, <| Secretary to the Convention. MR. FEN NO, THAT, iu a country, whose inhabitants have been educated with a determined hatred against France, the present revolution Ihould be mis-re presented, fometimesin themoft scurrilous lan guage, is perhaps an unavoidable weakness of human nature; but that thcfame language Ihould be repeated 111 American papers, is so inconsist ent with American candor, and with the history of paj} events, that if we had not the experience of several mouths, we ihould honor human na ture too much to believe it. It is equally sur prising, that in the midst of all this abuse, not one paragraph—not one line has been publish ed, south of Bojlon, to inspire some doubts on the veracity of those publications. To prove in particular the great candor of some printers, who are attentive to give us the newe/t news of Parisian tranfadtions, we beg you to re pnblifh the enclosed accounts of the London Evening Pofl, which, un-like the World, and some other papers, is not under the immediate influence of Calonne, and his creatures. We do not re quest the printers to translate French papers, We only requeftthem to give impartially a copy of all the English papers in their pofleflion. Designedly to insult the feelings of a whole nation, may perhaps be attended with more disagreeable consequences than some are aware of- S. F. P. PARISIAN INTELLIGENCE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Monday, Nov. 2. HP HE grand question of the right, to dispose X of thepofleffions of the church, was relum ed ; and decided in the following terms, drawn up by M. de Mirabi. au. " The National Aflembly declares : " That all the goods of the church are at the disposal of the nation, charged only with provid ing, in a suitable manner, for the expence ofdi -vine wor/hip, the maintenance of its ministers and the relief of the poor, under the infpecftion and according to the inftrutftions of the provin ces. " That in the dispositions to be made for the maintenance of the ministers of religion, every vicar shall be secured in a stipend, not less then 1200 livres a year, besides a house and garden." The decree, thus drawn up, was carried by 578 voices, against 346. Forty members objected to the terms in which the question was put, and refufed to vote ; so that the number present was 964. Tuesday, Nov. 3. The adjourned question of Thursday last was put to the vote, in the following terms : " Has it been decided, that the sons of a fami ly are comprehended under the difqualification which excludes from the National Aflembly all persons who do not pay a tax to the value of a mark offilver, and poflefs no property whatever " The Aflembly resolved that it had been so de cided. In the debates on this article several members contended that the fuffrage of the electors should be the only qualification requisite for a member ci the National Aflembly, without any regard to property or taxation. This was over-ruled • and the payment of a tax to the value of a mark offil <-ei, arising from any species of property, fettled as the neceflary qualification, it was then propo sed that the payment of a tax to this amount, by t;ie father of a family, should qualify all his sons of proper age ; because, it was said, by the con- Irrut'uon of the Roman law, which Was the of jurisprudence in many par«of France, sons were lncapableof acquiriligproperty in their own name during the life of their father. This was reject ed as above. J The article, however, is still of, as requiring a qualification that will exclude nine tenths of the kingdom, and almost all the lower Clergy, from the National Aflembly. The plan for dividing and sub-dividing the kingdom into departments, commonalties, and diftridis, was taken into consideration ; and M. Thouret, the author ofit, read afpeech, in which he endeavored to obviate the objections that had been made to it, and maintained that it was the only means of eradicating that esprit de corps which usually animates the provinces to the de triment of the common interest. This speech was received with much applaul'e, and ordered to be printed. M. deMirabeau objected to this plan, and pro posed one of his own. The principal difference between M. Thouret's, and his is, that the former endeavors to combine three fundamental princi ples, territory, population, and property ; the latter, population and property only. M. de Mi rabeau's plan was also ordered to be printed. M. de Lameth, after paying due praise to the parliaments, especially for the firm opposition they had often made to the attempts of despotism, observed, that these bodies having, for several ages, enjoyed a fort of legislative power in con cert with the crown, there was reason to fear that they would oppose, with all their influence, the success of a revolution which went to deprive them of that power. He therefore proposed, not to abolish them immediately, but to leave them in a Hate of vacation, and to entrust their func tions to the Chambers of Vacation. M. Target seconded the motion, and it was de creed. " That, till the National AfTembly can apply to the new organization of the judicial power, all the parliaments in the kingdom (hall continue in, or resume a state of vacation ; that the cham bers of vacation shall continue or resume their functions, and take cognizance of all causes and procefles, any regulation to the contrary not with standing, till further orders ; and that all the other tribunals shall continue to administer justice in the usual manner. " That the President shall wait upon the King, and request hiin to expedite all neceflary orders and letters." M. Bailly was introduced at the head of a de putation from the magistracy of Paris, and pre sented a provisional plan of police, for the ap probation of the National Aflembly. The plan wes referred to the Committee of Constitution. NOT E. * Chambers of Vacation are those which take cognizance of all matters that require dispatch, while the courts to which they belong do not fit ; or, as we (hould fay, bt tween term and term Each Parliament has its Chamber of Vacation. Wednesday, Nov. 4. The President informed the Aflembly that the King had given the Royal fanrtionto all the de crees pref'ented to him. The difcuflion of the proposed new division of the kingdom was relumed. Several members were for adopting the plan presented by the Committee of Constitution (M. Thouret's,) without any amendment or modifica tion. Others were against any new division, as dangerous and impracticable. M. Defmeuniers maintained the former opinion .rid infupport ofit, instanced the defects in the . presentation in England, which he said were radical, and wuft sooner or later destroy the li berty of the country. This danger conid only be avoided, by combining territory, population, and property, as the fundamental principles of repre sentation, instead of confining it to territory alone which might often be fully represented in the legislature, when the population and the proper ty, which originally gave it consequence, were transferred to another place, not represented at M. Barnave proposed amendments to the plan ot the Committee to the following effect: " The kingdom shall be divided into twenty four pans, or nearly Co, with a provincial admi nl ft ration m each. These again into three or tour dittri&s, or more, with an assembly of ad mimltration in each, subordinate to the provin cial administration. The extent of territory and population re qmfite to form a municipality, lhall be determin ed, and atrer fetling the other principles of or ganization the establishment of municipalities shall be referred to provincial aflfemblies. 1 " P. 0 ? 1 " 105 to the National Aflembly shall be e erted ,n the principal towns of the diftrkts, by electo. sell,fen immediately by the people, in each municipality, in such manner, that no Aflbm bly of Electors shall consist of less than three hun dred or nominate more than four Deputies to the National Aflembly.'* In all these plans it seems to be an admitted principal, that the deputies of the National As sembly are not to be chosen immediately by the people, but by the electors chosen by the people f his principle we apprehend to be erroneous • irk f t . heme, " bers the National Aflembly ate cholen immediately by the people, without the intervention of an intermediate body there is reason to fear that the Aflembly will not always (peak the sense of ilie people, or, at least n in some cases, it will not do so as fooii a«it L,!?' The read a letter fr om .h"Ke® of the Seals, announcing that his Majectv hTI granted his pure and simple acceptation of f decree vvh.cli declares the , ight of the nation J dispose ot" tlie goods of the church ; that lie' I sanCtioned the decrees of yesterday refpeftlr the Parliaments,'and that ext.aordmary c 0ur ;»"! were dispatched to allure the prompt exec'rifT of it. - Thursday, November 5. Anew medal, in copper, silver, and <r o ld hi* been Itruck for M. Bailly, the firft Mayor ot P a 11s. I hat of M. de la Fayette, will s oon coined. M. Neckar has, through modeltv pre vented the sale of his. The three different pieces are twenty pence, eight (hillings, and dght trui neas. fa Orders from the Hotel de Ville are ifl'ued f or apprehending all persons attainted of hioh trea foil, and particularly Prince Lambelc, for bavin* entered the Tuilleries on the 12th of July lalt at the head of an armed troop,and killed a harm less citizen, who was peaceably walkingin those gardens. Many deputies of the National Affem. bly have fignified their retreat: Among others Messrs. Laillre, Bernard, and Lally Tolendal. _ The Mayor of Paris, and several other Muni cipal Officers have applied to the National Assem bly for a better regulation of the police in the capital. The States of Danphiny did not meet on the 2d inft. at had been fettled. The following cir cular letter waslent to every deputy ofrhecoun ty by the Attorney General and Syndies. «Sir, We are charged by the intermediate conimiffion to acquaint you, thatafter very important con siderations, the convention of the States has beeii postponed to the 14th of December next. We have the honor to be, &c." Saturday, Nov. 7, The debate on M. de Mirabeau's motion, for empowering his Majesty's ministers to fit and advise in the National Affcrably, was refumed.—lt was warmly opposed by M. Lanjuinais, who said that, not the \ote, but the eloquence and influence of mi nisters were to be dreaded in the aflembly. He moved that the representatives of the nation shall not be capable of accepting any place in the ministry, during the legislature of which they are members, nor for three years after ; nor of receiving any emolu ment, favor, or employment from the executive power. This motion was generally understood to be pointed at M. de Mirabeau, who is luppofed to have been negociating wiiliM. Necker for a place in the adminil\ration. He opposed it on ge neral principles, and desired that it might not go beyond its mark; but that theexclufion be limited to hira only, against whom alone it was evidently meant. M. de Mirabeau's motion was reje&ed ; and it was carried by a great majority, u That no member of the National Assembly shall hold any place in the administration, during the present session." The eligibility of ministers to befmembers of the legislature in future, was adjourned, and referred to the committee ofconfti tution. A letter was read from the keeper of the seals, dating that his Majesty had accepted the nine articles of the constitution prefent ted to him yesterday, and fanftioned three other decrees prefenteJ at the fame time. The Bishop of Autun observed, that the aflembly haying de clared the right of the nation to difpofejof the goods of the church, there was reason to fear that the idea might get abroad, that they were open to the disposal of individuals. He therefore moved, to preserve them from dilapidation. That thejudges, in ordinary, throughout the kingdom, should affix their frals of office to all archives and depots of titles of church property intheabbies, monasteries, &c. &c. ( That ecclesiastical property, its produce, and cfpecially the woods should be put under the immediate protection of theKiog, the provincial aflemblies, and other bodies of administration. That all persons guiity of embezzling or secreting property, ortitle deeds, should be proceeded against, and punished, asgu'»" iy of tltefr. That thejudges in ordinary, should be direfied to enquire into, and profccute all offences, and to give an account to the Nationa AfTembly of the informations they received, and their proceed ings upon them, without prejudice to the jurifdiftion of the on cers des maitrifes (officers whose jurifdi&ion extends over woods and waters.) That the officers des maitrifes should be particularly vigilant to prevent the cutting of wood contrary to the laws, on pain of an swering to the nation for their neglect. 1 he consideration of the firft article was postponed ; theoticr four were decreed. M. Threillard moved to suspend the nomination to all benefi ces, except Archbifhopricks, Bifhopricks, Rectories, Dignities* and Canonries of the cathedral Churches; and that all reflations and exchanges of benefices, except of those above-mentioned, an<j also all letters and refenpts from Rome refpe&ing them, lhou be null and void. 1 he consideration of this motion was adjourned till Monday M. Martmeau presented the plan of a decree to oblige rcclcli aftics pofTeffing a benefice or benefices, to the annual amount 0 a thoufarid crowns, to resign all others they might hold above that value. To oblige all beneficiaries to residence, on pain of deprivation- I o suppress all monasteries and religious societies, except l 0 employed in educating youth. 1 I o declare, that in the monasteries and religious societies to prefcrved, no person, in future, shall take vows that deprive 1 of his civil existence, or the liberty ofquitting the focicty, * n he shall think fit to renounce the advantages ot it. . l c 1 o suppress all Abbey and Collegiate benefices, and ap? > revenues of them to the use of the public. The consideration of this plan was also adjourned. Exhatt of a letter from Paris, November 9. After the strong opposition made to M. Chenier's, Cha» es ' that tragedy is at length represented with an .applause not n . here since the days of Voltaire. The charatfers are taken n history, and, two or three of them excepted (the Great | ' the honcft Chancellor de I'Hofpital, and the brave and virtu _ Admiral Coligny) form a group that fix an indelible U t L 0 _ human nature. The fubjeft is the horrid maflacre of St. B ar « lomew, the severest satire upon falfe religion, blind kis°* r \\j na l inordinate ambition, that was exhibited to the world. j' aj 0 n Lorraine is introduced, in his purple robe, giving his bene » to his Catholic army, and diipenling absolutions to tho e were on the point of setting out to embme their hands lp