MR. ADAMS'S LETTERS. LETTER XXV. Amsterdam. Oct. 27, i 730. SIR, ■ " QUESTION twenty-eighth.—" has America _ " gained, or lojt, by the mutual capture of " Jhips ? How much is the benefit, or prejudice, of " it by calculation?" America lias gained. She took early, from the Englifh,ordinance and ammunition (hips, and supplied lierfelf in that way with thole articles when Ihe had them not, and could not otherwise obtain them ; she has taken, in this way, a great number of British and German soldiers ; lhe has taken a vail number of seamen, who have gene rally inlifted on board our privateers ; Ihe has taken great quantities of provision, cloathing, arms, and warlike stores ; /lie has taken every year more and more, fmce, 1775, and will pro bably continue to take more and more every year, while the war lasts. I have certain intelligence, that there have been this year carried intolJofton and Philadelphia only, ninety-nine veflels, in the months of July and August. On board of thel'e veflels there were not less than eight hundred fea infn : IV'any of the ships were very rich. The veflels the Englilh have taken from the Americans wercof (mall value : This year they have been few in number. I am not able to give you an exaf Au S u ". the appointment of a eeffaTv .0 I"" fAj '° °°" Wct the bufinels ne celfary to be f ranfaft for one hundred and sixty acre, and donation lo; s , th , r , of Congrefc, school lots, and lots appropriated fm- ! poles—also, the two townOiips given by Conerefr f :;10US P>»- ty,and the towns or situations for towns to bereft T Un " lrr '- pany lor a luture allotment.—That, all the ref,r>„, , ytm co '»- be, hy them, the said committee of three di vlt | j7 ""H upon paper, into forty equal grand div.r.ons of twe each, as like in quality as may be: That rarl, ! y ; c divided into five sub-divisions of live Ih a res each ? 1)6 divilion into fc£lions of (ingle Ihare* -—That as f " Cd:llfu'l - plan iscompletcd, the agents will f„, m c laf s Xil7u m !l > ers (who lhall not picvioufly class thernfelves) bv fertir r fliares, into lub-divifions of live, and grand d'iJir on . s orr "iglc five, and immediately proceed to by grand divif.ons/fub-d.v.&ms and lain I rl" Udi; draughts of sub-divisions (into feftiotisj wind, may'be j A proprietors holding four three, or two and single fare, jfffi the usage for the greatest proprietoi, or holder of rh, lb ? number of Shares, to take his lands in contiguity, bylotefth the southern or northern part of the sub-division where if V be numbered from north to fonth, and in the wcftctnn # (by lot also) Where tIK y may he numbered weft A where sub-divisions niHy be made up of two nmnri r c Ibares each, and one of one lharef the ?! ' TO tois lhail receive their feftions, by lot either inthe f P J oprit " weltern part of the sub-division. V hcraor med committee, be dnetted to prepare the names and and make all the ne «- a. rangenients forthe intended draueht -1 hat previous to the drawing for this ultimate grand divZrf L I "' ,mnS ° f thr P r °P ri «"", as they may be classed by the agents v orotherwifc) lodged in the Secretary', O L. and Itts recommended in alleafcs the and interests of the proprietors in the order of clafling. Rtfc/reJ, That the agents will give public notice of the timeand place ot drawing, and that there be twoperfonsno ways , ntC] T te 111 the draughts, who (ball be sworn to the faithfully drawing out the names and numbers from the boxes, and who alone (hall be employed in this business for the draught of grand divili™ sub-divisions. and feftions. ' 7 hat th e C Secre,ar y caufethe foregoing resolutions to be publifocd in the newspapers of New-York, andthtV™ England States ; to the end that the proprietors at large mavhw the option of clafling thernfelves as tfiey may think proper And they are hereby requeued so to do, and to express thernfelves upon thufubjeli, either to their refpeftive agents, or by info™, tion in writing addrelfed to, and to be lodged with the Secretary at his office in the city of Marietta,previous to the firftMondavof March 1790—Upon winch day it is expected the divifton will take place. W 1 ST HROP S ARCEST AW*, 3JMr, K B 9 . Sm "" r> - !e advertisement. T "f Gazetle "J United States circulates in every pm if the UtilOn—being honored by fuhfcribers in Georgia, South ardNirtt Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennjxlvmit, Ktw-Ttrfci New-York, Connefficut, Rhode-ljland, MaJJdchufetts, Kew-Htipfm, and Diftjiß of Maine, Canada, Europe, and the Wejl him. Thiiex ten five circulation renders it a proper vehicle for Advertisimesii °( " general, commercial and governmental import:—Hy the firticulir dejirt and advice, therefore, oj a number of its patrons, this titer rout be ope* J or: he reception of aivertifements of the above dcfirittm-, which as they will convey oj an inter ejling nature, the Edi tor hotes tl,eir insertion will meet the approbation oj hiiJriais ii general. Should the number at any time amount to more than a page» the Gazette, they will be given in a Supplement. JOHNFZm. PRICE CURRENT. A'EW-YORK. DECEMBER JAMAICA Spirits, 5 J 3 .„ 5 /g ' J Antigua Ruin, 4Jy. a $J. St. Croix, do. 4/4. a 4/8. Country, do. ?/io. a 3/. Molafles, 9/5. 3 ays. Brandy, 5/9. a 6/ Geneva, Do. in cases, aßf. a tgf. MufcoTido Sugar, 80s. a "*J. Loaf, do. 1/3. Lump, do. " ififc. Pepp". 3/3 Pimento, 1/9. a bar-iron, \ 281. « 301. Do. bloomery, 251. a 261. Swedes do. 451. Ruflia do. 301. Pig-iron, 81 los a 91. German steel, per lb. gd. Nails American, by cask. ) .1 per. lb. 4 d. 7 Do. do. do. 6d. 12d. Do. do. do. Bd. q^d. Do. do. do. iod.} Do. do. do* i2d.( , , 01 , Do. do. do. 20d.r 7^a Barf ' Do. do. do, 24d. j Pot ash, per ton, 391. a 401. Pearl ash, 48] a 501. Bets-wax per lb. 2/3. Mackaiel per barr. 26/T a aof. Herrings, 18\f Mahogany, Tainaica, } pei foot, \ loi Dominico) do. 9d. Honduras, do. 7d. Logwood unchippcd, > R] per ton. £ Cl - chipped. 141. 2 inch white oak ) r plank, per m. \ lol * 10f -1 inch do. 2 inch white pine plank, 81. inch do. 61. 10f. 1 inch do. 3!. \of. 2 inch pitch pine do. 101. 1J inch do. 61. 10f. 1 Mich do. 41. Pitch pine scantling, 31. 8/! Cypius R fut shingles, 11, 10/ Do.. 22 inch do. al. 8/T Cedar inch do. il. icf •*s. Dollars at Bs. Do. ±'>. inch do. 11. 6J. Do. 18. inch do. iSf Butt white oak staves, 35/. Pipe do. do. 91. Hogfhcad do. do. 6\. tof. Do. do. heading, 81. rrifli barrel do. staves, 31.5/ Hogshead red oak do. 51. ij- Do. French do. 51. Hog (head hoops, 41. White oak square timber? per square foot, ) Red wood, per ton, 281. Fuftick, 101. Beaver, per lb. 1?/ « 16i/i Otti r per, 9f. 3 n f. Grey fox, 4/7. Martin, 4f\ 0. Racooo, 3/6 a 7/6. Mufkrat, loi. a 14^. Beaver hats, 64/ Castor do. 48/r Chocolate, 14 d. Cocoa, a 80s. Cotton, lfg. Tar, pr. bar. 1 if. anf Pitch, 16J. Turpentine, lSl.aiof Tobacco, James River, Do. York, 44. a 3\d. Do. Rappahanock, 2d a 3s«. Do. Maryland,coloured, ss*- Do. Weftern-fliore, 2d asH Lead in pigs, pr cwt. SoJ. Do. bars, 68/ Do. Shot, 68f. Red lead, 6§f White do. dry, 95/ White do. in oil, 5A * 2 / Salt-petre hams, i\d. Spermaceti candles, 3/ Mould do. nd. a if. Tallow dipt, 9\d. Soap, $d. a Bd. Castile soap, 9d. a 1 oi. Englilh cheese, pr. Ib. 15"* Country do. $d. Butter, if. Hyson tea, 11 f a iif Sequin do. 6f6- Bohea do. 2fs. Ginseng, 3fa 4/6. Staich Poland, yd. Snuff. 2/3. A Hum fait, water mea- r sure, pr. bush. ) Liverpool do. a/. Madeira wine, ? g O / a go/. pr. pipe, > Port, 46/. Lisbon, pr. gal. sf' Teneriff, 4 f Fyall, 3/3. Dutch gun-powder,pr. vs ' t- Nail rods, pr. ton, 36/. Lintfeed oil, pr. gal- v; rr Whale do. pr. barrel, 50/ *s°J' Spermaceti do, 6/. Shake-flown 3/^