i'No. LXXIII.j THE TABLET. No. LXXIII. " 1 hate a drinking companion, fays tht Creek pro verb, who never forgets." I KNOW not a more fallacious opinion that men entertain, than that there is a great degree of friendlhip and generosity among per sons, who mingle in parties of dilfipation and intemperance; The warm profefilons of attach ment andlgood will that flow so easily, in moments of feftivity, are apt to lead a by-ftander to imagine there is some serious friend/hip, at heart. Many an imprudent youth has fallen a victim to the af k-verations he heard at convivial mee:ings. There is perhaps no delcription of men who pro claim their own generosity so loudly, and yet who i ealize fewer substantial acts of it, from each other, rhan those who enter circles, under the stile of bottie-coinpanions. It is hardly credible to one, who has not ftri