Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 16, 1789, Image 3

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    Caioiina in behalf of that State; and that in this trucc a treaty
■was ftipuldted to be held as soon aspoflible,and 111 the mean time
that all hostilities (hould cease on both lides.
Whereupon, we the said commilfioners Plenipotentiary afore
faid, do think proper to confirm the said truce, and to give the
ftrongefl aflurances of the friendly disposition of the United States
towards the Cherokee nation. And we have made the lame
known to all those whom it might concern, and particularly to
all the inhabitants of the frontiers bordering on the Cherokee
townsand settlements, declaring, in confequencc ot the lull powers
veiled in us by the Supreme Executive of the United States of A
merica, that it isthe sincere intention of the said States to cultivate
a friendly intercourse between our citizens and your people, and
ftriaiy enjoining an obedience of the truce aforefaid upon the
Head Men and Warring Chiefs of the Cheiokees, hearken to
whqt we have to fay to you.
Notwithftariding there arefomc difficulties arising from the lo
cal claims of Nouh Carolina, which prevent as at present from
writing to you so fully as we could wish, yet we would nut omit
so good an opportunity to affureyou, that when those difficulties
(hall be removed the general government of the United States
will be defnous to take every wile measure to carry into effect the
substance of the treaty of Hopewell, .is well as to convince you of
their justice and friendfhip.
Wc have nothing more to add at :his time, except that we wiih
youall the happiness which we wiih the mod dear of our fellow
citizens; and that we will fend to you an.iher mefl'a s e on the
fubjeft of public affairs, before we [hall return tothebeioved city
of Congress from whence we came.
Done at Savannah, under our hands and feats, this 13th day of Sep
tember, in the year of our Lord otte thousand seven hundred and
eighty-nine, and in the Jour teenth year oj the Independence of the
United States. . (Signed) B. LIN'COI N,
Attejl. David S. Franks, Secretary.
The Comnijjiontrs of the i nited States of America for rejloring and ef
taHi/hin* peace and amity, between the United States and all nations
of Indians situated within the limits of the said States, southward of
the river Ohw y fend Greeting :
FORASMUCH a* we have been given to undcrftand that a
truce has lately been concluded at the Warlord, between the
Commiflioner of the State of North Carolina on the one part,
and the Head Men of the Cherokees, on the other, in expecta
tion that a farther negociation for the purpose of eftablifhmg per
manent peace and tranquility, will take place as soon as the cir
cumstances may admit : And whereas we have sent an official
message to the Cherokee nation, with full aflurances of-the con
tinuation of the good dispositions and friendly intentions of the
United States towards them.
Now, therefore, We, the Commiflioners Plenipotentiary afore
faid, do think proper to make the fame known to all those whom
it may concern, and particularly to ail the inhabitants of the
frontiers bordering on the townsand fettlementi of the said Che
rokee nation. Aud we do declare, in virtue of the full powers
veiled iu us by the Supieme Executive of the United States of A
merica, that it is the lincere intention of the said United States to
cultivate a friendly intercomfe and perpetual harmony, between
the citizens of the United States and the Southern Indians on their
frontiers, upon terms of perfi tt equality, and mutual advantage.
We theiefore enjoin an obfeivance of the truce aforefaid ; and
further declare, that any infraction of the tranquility now fub
lifting between the said eontra&ing parties, would directly con
travene the inan.irft intention, and highly incur the difplcafure of
the Supreme Authority of the United State® of America.
Von; at Savannah, under our hands and seals, this thirteenth day of
September, in the \ear oj our Lord, one thoufandjhen hundred and
ei,htinine % and in thefourteenth year oj the Independence of the
United States of America. B. LINCOLN,
Attcft. David S. Franks, Sec'rv.
.HeAn Men akd Warriors of all the,
AV F. lent to you a friendly talk from Savannah, about one moon
part ; but least that fhuuld not have reached you all, we now re
peat it. We farther inform you, that, altho a formal treaty of
peace has not been concluded with the Creek Nation, yet we have
received positive and repeated affuranc s from them, that the fame
tranquility which now prevails, fliall be faithfully preserved on
their part.
Brotrf.r s,
Had not the hunting season commenccd, so as to prevent us
from finding you at home,we fnould have been happy in feeing you
perfonallv, before we returned to the far distant white town of
Congrels : as that will now be impolTible, we conclude by cau
tioning you to beware of listening to bad men in such a manner
as to interrupt the truce concluded between you, and the coininif
fioner of North-Carolina.
Now Broth er s,
In alluring you that the general government of the L'nited
States will always do you flnft jullicc, wc bid you farewell.
Done at Augufli. this fifth day of Oclober. in the year of our Lord,
one thousand f.ven hundred and eighty-nine and in tne fourteenth
year of the independence of America,
Attest, David S. Franks, Sec'ry.
B O S T O N, December j.
Wc inform, as evidencing this, that one hun
dred nr.d eighty-tvio ships and vefl'els have arrived
in this port, since the 4th of August last, from
foreign parts. The number of vellels building,
r 'SS'"g a "d repairing in this harbor, and in the
leveral rivers, is another evidence of increasing
" Ftarlefs now of hostile fleets.
Commerce spreads here native fail,
Peace the honest Merchant greets,
While Plenty flows on ev'ry gale."
On Wednesday the nth ultimo, St. John's Col
lege, in this city, was opened, and dedicated with
much solemnity, in the presence of a numerous
and refpet'table concourse of people.
NORFOLK, November 28.
A letter from Augnfta, dated o«ft. t J, fays, the
Governor of Georgia has received a dispatch from
Col. Howell, of htfingham county, announcing
that depredations have already been committed
by the Indians, since their departure from Rock
Landing, by taking four negroes and ahorf'e from
Ca|>r. Bird, and threehorfes from Mr. Loftinger ;
and that when a party had gone in pursuit. Like
wile had received information by express, vrlio
arrived on TuefJa- i Wafliington county,
that alarming d pre nj are co mmitting by our
savage foes,- tl.;*y ; burnt Kemp's fort, and
several houses, .im! ,ve t'n]l fcopc to their natu
ral barbarity, in cxsrciii g their usual cruelties.
Two families have Lc<:,i iken from Greene coun
ty, and carried to the Indian country.
On THE PRESIDENT of the United States,
grateful hearts with ihoutsof loud applause,
Hail the DEFENDER of his country's cause,
The CHIEF delighted, heais the loud acclaim,
For none, unheeding, near the voice of Fame :
And feels, unlike the heroes of mankind,
The conscious plaudit of the approving mind.
For pride may boait, yet merit only knows,
The inward Ljifs which alone bellows.
Tis not the fick'ning blail of party rage.
Nor the envenom'd sting of Slander'* page ;
Nor loathsome Envy's peftilcntial breath,
Can tint his laurels, with the blall of death.
Still uncorroded by the rull of years,
His name fliall live commensurate with the spheres.
So the tall rock, high on the mountain's brow,
Securely ft:md<, nor lears the Jlorms below,
And while the winds the face of earth deform,
Laughs at the whirlwind, and derides the ltorm.
When we aflume the sober garb of age,
Our youth lhall emulate the godlike rage,
And fpndly listen to the historic song,
Nor think, for once, an old man's tale too long.
Then fhali new Hbiriers, Aug the CHIEFTAIN'S waijs.
And not a Woman's, but a Nation's cause;
Nor need th' affilbnce of the bright abodes,
Columbia's Heroes supersede his Gods.
of a Letter form Pari/, to a gentleman in New-Haven,
dated Augttjl 30th, 1789.
TT is extremely gratifying, my dear Sir, to have
spent the lalt fix months in this country —
where, next to the American revolution,the great
est and rnoft wonderful scenes are unfolding. The
progress of truth and reason is beyond calcula
tion. We might have believed from theory,
that government would meliorate—that the peo
ple might discover in time that as laws are made
for them, they ought to be made by them—that
Kiugs ihould be but Executive Magistrates, and
therefore fubjedt to the laws. But when wecon
fider the flow and altnoft imperceptible progress
of such ideas from the days of Magna Cliarta to
the last revolution in England, their retrogade
motion from the time of the great Henry, to
Louis XVIIII. in France, and their dormant Hate
for many ages in all the reft of Europe, it is afton
iftiing that so many events of this nature Ihould
be crowded into fifteen years. It is biv. since the
American war that the faculty of thinking has
been by any means general in France. The ex
ample of America in her theoretical ideas ofli.
berty has certainly been a great thing for France.
But greater, if poflible, will be her example in
the developement of these ideas in her govern
ment. The Constitution of France, which is in a
good degree of forwardnefs, will be as nearly
likethe American, as is consistent with having an
hereditary Chief Magistrate. If they had not a
King on hand, they would not create one. They
will now preserve him with such powers as the
people choose to delegate to their Executive
Chief. And he will gladly accept of what they
may give him, acknowledging the source from
whence it flows, the jus divinum of his fellow ci
The other nations of Europe have now an ex
ample nearer home—and they will soon follow
it. The gospel of civil liberty will run and be
glorified—nations are coming to its light, and
Kings to the brightness of its rising. It cannot
be ten years before Germany, Spain, and South
America will be free : How many other States
will precede, and how many follow them, cannot
now be known ; but all Europe must do one or
the other. One principal occasional cause of
these revolutions, is the immense national debts
accumulated by the expensive wars of theprefent
century. Spain finds a deficiency of eighty mil
lions. The Emperor's dominions are exhausted
by war and taxes. No Sovereign in Europe can
iinpofe a new tax, without the consent of the peo
ple, for France could not do it. Spain must as
semble her Cortes, or submit to a bankruptcy,
either of which is the direcft road, and the firft,
the beaten road, to a revolution. Aflemblingthe
Notables here, has done the fame thing.
SPRINGFIELD, December 9.
IsaiAh Thomas Esq. Printer at Worcefter,hrm
lately iflued proposals for printing a large fami
ly BIBLE.—This will be a great, expensive, but
trulyl andable & praiseworthy undertaking. The
abilities of this gentleman in his profeftioual ca
pacity are so generally known, that we cannot
admit a doubt of his success ill this important de
We learn from Dfcerfield, that on the 21ft ult.
the following accident happened there:—A gen
tleman belonging to New-Jersey, by the name of
Brightfton, returning home from a journey to
the northward, was unfortunately thro.wn from
his horse. His head firft meeting the ground, im
mediately deprived him of all sensation, and h<i
lay as it were breathless. Providentially Do<ftor
Cunningham of Hatfield rode up, according to
his conjecture about 20 minutes after the accident
rook place. He could not discover any visible
signs of life, but instantly bled him, and by iinart
frivftion, and the application of strong vinegar*
restored animation, and in about an hour put him
in a condition to renew his journey. What would
have been the confequenct of this gentleman's dis
aster, had he not received the seasonable aflift
ance he did, is uncertain ; but the warmelt thanks
are certainly due to the humane Dodtor for the
diligence with which he employed fuccefsful at
tempts for his reiteration.
r I "'HIS garden is the fineft, and molt frequent-
A ed walk in Paris. The parterres, the alleys,
the large basons of water, the statues of marble,
are allanfvverable to each other in their stile of
It was begun by order of Henry IV, in 1600, and
finifhed under Louis XIV, in 1660. It is 360 fa
thoms in length, and 68 broad , containing in the
whole 67 arpents of land.
There are seven entrances into this garden.—
The three principal alleys are 165 fathoms long;
and that in the middle is 1 5 fatnoms broad.
The great terras 011 the lide of the river, which
makes the principal ornament of the garden, ii
280 fathoms long, and 14 broad.
111 the whole garden are four fountains, two of
which have basons of a large circumference. On
the fide of the palace are six.statues, and two vases
of white marble- The statues are a hunter and
two huntrefles, a fawn, an Hamadriade, and the
goddess Flora.
R.ound the great bason of the parterre are four
groupes of marble figures: Thefirji represents
the rape of Orithia, or rather Time carrying off
Beauty ; the second is Ceres born away by Saturn,
under the figure of Time : the third, Lucretia stab
bing herfelf before Collatinui ; The fourth repre
sents JEneas, laden with his household gods, liia
father /Inchifes, and his foil Afcatiius.
In the semi-circle which forms the horse
there are four marble rivers, upon pedestals of the
fame—the Loire, the Seine, the Nile, and the Ty
ber. The two last were copied at Rome, from
antiques, that arc to be seen in the Capitol.
At the end of the garden, between the openings
of the liorfe Ihoe, there are two figures on horse
back, of a prodigious magnitude, raised upon rus
tic piers ; they represent Mercury, and Fame.
Within a few years several statues, cut by the
ablest mailers in the time of Termes, have been
placed in this garden.
IN the place of Louis XIV, in Paris, is eredied
his equestrian statue in bronze. The King is re
present ed in the dress of a hero of antiquity, with
out saddle or spurs.
The statue and horse are twenty-two feet two
inches high. The whole was cast at once, by Bal
thafar Keller, of Zurich in Switzerland. The
designs were by Girardon. Fourscore thousand
weight of metal was used in this work, which
cost two hundred thousand crowns.
A trial was made by which it appeared that
twenty persons migjitfit round a table in the bel
ly of the horse.
The pedestal upon which this horse stands is
thirty feet high, twenty-four long, and thirteen
The stupendous monuments of antiquity which
excite the admiration of modern times, ought an
the fame time to fill our hearts with gratitude to
heaven, for amending the condition of mankind,
infuch manner,that a few haughty despots do'not
command the wealth of the world, and the labor
of millions of slaves, by which means only, such
aftonilhing works could have been eredted.
How much better is it to employ the wealth of
this world in forming institutions for promoting
ufeful knowledge, and leflening the infelicities
I of existence, than tofuffer human vanity to eredt
monuments of pride and ambition, which Itamp
indelible infamy 011 the degraded character of the
age in which they are founded.
Monday Packet Telcmaque, Thotetier, Bordeaux, 75 days,
Schooner Sally, Furgufon. Si. Martins, 31 days.