Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 12, 1789, Page 279, Image 3

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    Marshal, and Clerk, the Rev. Dr. St it lm an ad
dreflcd the Throne of Grace in a well-adapted
prayer. There being no bufmefs before the Court
it was adjourned according to law.
Srill to their solid interest blind,
The whims of fafhion jule mankind.
FASHION is afubject offo various a complex
ion,. that it is extremely difficult to give a
definition of it, that will leave any precise idea 011
the mind: Should we attempt to trace its fluctua
tions through different periods, remote from the
present, and bring our enquiries down to modern
times, we shall find ourselves involved in a circle
and be continually returning to the fame, orfim
ilar whims, and abfurditics.
So capricious and tyrannical is this fovereio-n
director of the world, that alsnoit every person in
the course of their life, upon the principles of lelf
defence, are necessitated to rebel against its pow.
er—to reject itscontroul, and fooneror later iro
■vern themselves, and adjult their dress and de
portment by the light of their own reason : For
experience teaches the reflecting mind, that life is
not more than competent to far better engage
ments, than wafting our time t in facrificing at an
altar erected by the molt frivolous part of man.
A slave to fafhion isainoft paflive animal—it is
acted upon by an agent more fickle than the wind
—and it it can be laid to have a mind, it is apily
described in the following lines,
" Dull is lighter than a leather,
" And the wind, more light than cither;
'• But a foppifh, fickle mind,
" Is lighter far than feather, dud or wind."
The usurpations of fafhion are obvious in every
rank of society : They descend into the humble
abodes of poverty, as well as claim the supreme
direction in the elevated walks of life.
The Buckle that hides the Ihoe, and the coat
without a back, are not confined to any class of
citizens—and fafhion is the word, whether the
cap is made of kenting, or of inuflin at a guinea
a yard.
Following the fafhion, however, is sometimes
attended with disagreeable consequences: Ayoung
man loft the labor of application and attendance
for an eligible situation in an eminent mercantile
house, merely by being two falhionable in his ap
pearance—the principal of the house having turn
ed almost to a Quaker in his dress, observed that
he did not like those knights if the buckl;. And a
very worthy friend of the author's, was prevent
ed from paying his addrefles to a young ladv,
whooblcured her many accomplifhincnts, by dis
covering too strong a propensity to follow the ex
ceiles ol the mode : Amelia, laid he, is a fine fi
gure of a woman—her countcnanre is lovely, and
jae has an ingenious, sprightly mind—but, I can
not suppose that a husband, children, or family,
will ever be offo much confequenee to her, as
the ornamenting her person, and always appear
ing as a model to the falhionable world but the
expencc ! ah, there's the rub ! the Indies have
been drained to fatisfy the cravings of falhion
and still flie cries for more !—' For though nature
is contented with little— yet fancy is boundless.'
The folio-wing Ohfsrvations on the great importance,
and utility of Newspapers, are extra (led from
the JirJl number of THE WESTERN STAR—
a paper publifoed by Mr. Loring Andrews, at
Stockbridge, MaffachuTi.tls.
IT is owing in a great degree to the want of in
formation, that the people are so often suspi
cious of their rulers, and entertain the idea that
the interest of the people and the interest of the
government is unconnected ; and that the latter
have no object but to aggrandize themselves, ac
quire unlimited power, and lay heavy burdens
upon their constituents, which they themselves
mean not to feel the weight of. Restless and dis
appointed men, out ofotfice, ever propogate such
ideas ; and so long as the people at large, or any
number of then-, ground their opinions npon
verbal reports, they will be likely to remain in
a state of uneafinels with regard to their liberties
and properties. Every man who feels interested
in his own fate, and the fate of his offspring
should search for himself, and instead of
■alking his informant, " Are these things so," he
should apply to the NEWSPAPER, the faithful
register of thetranfactionsof the day ; its pages
teltify concerning public men and public mea
sures. If the rulers of the people act uprightly,
study the interest of their constituents, and con
fillt the good of the great whole, thepeople will
reft fatisfied ; if iliey know it, and the true and
onlyfure channel ihi ough which this information
can be gained, is a NEWSPAPER. If Rulers
err, the peoplefhottld know of their mifcr-nduct,
which will ever be painted in its true colours by
the impartial Editor of a Newspaper, andimpai
tial every Editor ought certainly to be, for,
if patronized by the people, much is entt ulted to
him, felf interest, if no other motive flimulates,
andmuft induce an Editor of a NEWSPAPER to
found an alarm when danger is at hand, for the
deftrucftion of a i ree will be the firft oS-
jecfc with men determined to enslave tlieir fellow
citizens. Such determinations, however, will
never be formed, while the people continue watch
ful of their rights, attentive to the proceedings
of government, and liberal patrons of the arts,
"Among whicha free press holds adiftino-uifli
ed rank." °
Extracted from an old London magazine
AUTIOUS the man of God his (leps should guide,
Not fway'd by fancy, fafhion, pomp, or pride;
Mild in deportment, affable, discreet(
In language winning, as in manners sweet ;
Not frivolous in speech, not vain or rude,
But even his looks mud fay his heart is good :
Thus by example give his do£li ines force,
And lead, not drive, his flock the Heavenly coutfe.
A HL Poet's Corher in Gazette;
Is often fill'd by some Cdqucttc ;
Or (ap in Hand to do his duty,
Will latirize his female beauty :
But as I now have room to spare,
I'll here inferi a Negro's Pray'r.
I.ORU it thou doll with equal eye,
Sreallthe sons of Adamdic;
\\ hy dolf thou hide thy face from Haves,
Configr.'d by fate to serve the knaves ?
Stolen or fold in Air . a,
Imported to America,
l.ikc hogs orfheep at market fold,
To 11cm the heat or brook the cold,
To work all day and halfthc night.
And rife belore the morning light,
Sustain the lalh, endure the pain.
Expol'd toftoims of snow and rain,
Pinch'd with hunger and with cold.
And if we beg we meet a scold,
Ana after all the tedious round,
At night to ftretcn upon the ground.
Has Heaven decreed that Negroes mud,
By cruel men, bervercurs'd !
Koreverdrag thegallingchain,
And ne'er enjoy themfelvesas men!
When will Jehovah hear our cries!
When will the fun of freedom rife !
When will a Mojis for us stand,
And free us all trom Pharoah's hand !
What tho our (kin be black as jet,
Our hair be curl'd, our noses flat,
Mull we, for this, no freedom have,
Until we find it in the Grave /
The repairs and improvements now carrying
on in this city, are highly honorary to the patri
otifin and public. spirit of the citizens at large,
who cheerfully submit to the heavy contributions
neceflary to defray such expences—at the fame
time they evince that our civil officers are actuated
by a laudable zeal for the conveniency of the in
habitants, and the dignity of the Seat of our Na
tional Government.
As the hopes of the pajjing age are always on the
rising generation, it is a fubjeft of serious impor
tance that they fliould enjoy such advantages in
point of education, as will uflier them into life,
so accompliffied, as that they may excel, if possi
ble, their predeceflors, in every attainment that
may conduce to their pcrfonal happiness, and the
public prosperity.
This city is now the Seat of the National Go
vernment —every wife and benevolent inflitution
fliould be cftabliflied, which may tend to procras
tinate the period, when it may bethought neces
sary to take another residence. Perhaps nj city
can boalt a superior police—flill the power of
prejudice may sometimes prove paramount to le
gal reflraints—but however flrong the force of
habit may be, there is one plan that may be adopt
ed,which will in it's effeifts, contiibute to the most
cordial acquiescence in every wife and salutary
public regulation ,• and that is, the inflitution of
public schools, at the public expence, to which
all ranks and denominations of children may
have free access : Againfl such an inflitution it is
notpollible that a prejudice can exist in the mind
of any man, who ever felt a spark of benevolence
towards his fellow creatures. What are all the
external ornaments that art can bestow to embel
lish a city, compared with the beauties of a well
regulated Society ! Peace and good order are the
attendants on knowledge and information More
than half the evils we fuffer spring from ignor
ance. The great body of citizens is formed of
the middling and lower clafles of people : Let
them be inspired with high notions of freedom,
and at the fame time be kept in ignorance—and
the work of government will be rendered an at*
duous, and difficult talk—it will be utterly im-
to maintain peace and good order, with
out being tyrannical—but if to tiie bleflings of
freedom, you add those of education, submission
to government will be the result of sentiment—
the people, imderftanding their true interests,
will fee that liberty and licentiousness are diftintft
ideas—and that the security of freedom consists in
obedience to the laws. When the public tran
quility is founded on tlicfe principles, it is not lia
ble to shocks and fluctuations—every resident is
inspired with confidence in his personal security
the administration of public business is prose
cuted with spirit and dignity—commerce and arts
flourifh, and the whole face of affairs aflumes a
pleasing and encouraging afpert. Expence in
curred on such an occasion, is the most provident
In the late commotion at Kartinico, a regiment
of Mohittoes remained attached to the Governor.
One of their officers having infultcd a citizen, be
cause he wore a national cockade, the yellow
gentleman wa« taken by tliepopulace, and hanged
at the gates of the Government lioufe.
The principal planters in the .State of Georgia
have eftabliffied a society for promoting agricul
ture, and other rural concerns. Every nijiitu
tionofthis kind has an auspicious afpefl on the be ft in
terests of o'ir country : Societiei formed in the extreme
parts of the Union will have opportunities of exploring
the particular capacities of the foils under different cli
mates, and more effeCluatly ajcertain the rcfources
which we enjoy, or may create among otirfelves, to
sup port er extend the blessings of Independence.
It having been mentioned in one of the papers
of this city that the " Beacon, or Light" at the
entrance of Befton harbor was blown down, in a
lateltorm,it appears proper to correcfl the miltake.
Not the Light-House, which is built of (tone, and
founded on a rock, ,but limply a wooden beacon,
which flood on a spit of sand, that is covcred at
high water, was blown down. This the Gover
nor has ordered to be replaced immediately.
The Secretary of the Treaj'ury—the Comptroller—
the Regifler—and the Auditor have removed their of
fices from Broad Way, to the corner of Dock a:i d
Broad Streets, mar the Exchange.
W'HEREAS, in the opinion of the Agents, it is very much
for the intercft of the proprietors at large, that all the
lands of the purchase (hould be divided and allotted as immedi
a l!v as may be And in ofder to accommodate them generally,
by the option of classing as they may think prot>cr, and duwing
their rights or (hares (where they may possess more than one)
either together in contiguity, or by detaching and annexing them
to diftmft classes or divisions (at their own election) to give them
the greaterchance for variety in foil and fituation—lt isunani
moufly resolved.That as foonas the exploring committee shall have
appropriated the lands foi donation quantity fuffici
ent for all the proprietors, Wi nth io? Sa* cen t.Jose ph Gili
man, and Ritokk J. Meigs, Esquires, whoare hereby appoint
ed a committee lor that purpofe,fhall iinmectately makeout,upon
a large scale.a completeinap or plan of the whole purchase from the
befl information,which they mav be then able to obtain,expreffin"-
all the lands ot the eight acre, three acre, city lots and
one hundred and fixry acre, and donation lots, the reserved lots
of Congress, school lots, and lots appropriated for religious pur
poses—also, the two townships given by Congress fbr an universi
ty.and the towns or situations for towns to be reserved by the com
pany for a future allotment.—That, all the residuary lands (hall
be, by them, the said committee of three, divided and numbered
upon paper, into forty equal gtand divisions of twenty-five (hare*
each, as like in quality as may be: That each grand division be
divided into five sub-divisions of five (hares each, and each sub
division into feftions of finglc (hares 'That as soon as the map
or plan is completed, the agents will foim or class their fubferib
ers (who (hall not previously class themselves) by feftions or single
(hares, into sub-divisions of five, and grand divisions of twenty
five, and immediately proceed to drawing Jiy lot for said lands
by grand divisions, sub-divisions and feftions : That in all
draughts of fub-divifions(into feftions) which may be madeup of
proprietors,holding four.three, 01 two and fmgle (hares,it (hall be
the usage tor the greatest propuetot, or holder of the grcateft
number of (hares, to Lake his lands in contiguity, by lot, either in
the foulhern or northern part of the sub-division, where thev (halt
be numbered from north to Couth, and in the western or eaftcru
(by lot also) where they may be numbered from weft to east ; and
where sub-divisions may be made upof two proprietors of two
(hares each, and one of one (hare, the two greatest proprie
tors (hall receive their feftions, by lot, either in the southern or
western part of the sub-division. Refolded, That the before na
med committee, be directed to prepare the names and numbers
and make all the neceflary arrangements for the intended draught "
That previous to the drawing for this ultimate grand division of
lands, there (hall be"returns of the proprietors, as they may be
claffcd by the agents (orotherwi(e) lodged in the Secretary's office
and it is recommended in all cases to consult the inclinations and
interests of the proprietors in the order of classing.
Rejolvcd, That the agents will give public notice of the time and
pliiceof drawing, and that there be two perfonsno ways interelt
ed in the draughts, who (hall be sworn to the faithfully drawing
out the names and numbers from the boxes, and who alone (hall
be employed in this business for the draught of grand divisions
sub-divisions. and feftions.
Refo/ved, That th'.- Secretary cause the foregoing resolutions to
be publiffied in the uewfpapers of New-York, and the New-
England States ; to the end that the proprietors at large may have
the option of classing themselves as they may think proper • And
they are hereby requested lo to do, and to expreft themfelv- s
upon thisfuhjeel, either to their refpeftive agents, or by iflforma
tion in writing addressed to, and to be lodged with the Secretary
a ,lls office in the city of Marietta.previous to the firftMondayof
March, 1790— Upon which day it is expected the division will
l »kc placc. WINTHROP SARGENT,
... , Secretary to the Ohio Ccrniar',.
Marietta, $a Aovemhr f 1789.