Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 12, 1789, Image 1

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    -No. LXX.j
" Hoitfji measures will be most apt, in the long run,
to gain the concurrence of the public opinion."
WE need not have recourfeto any abstraCt
notions of moral obligation to furnifh
a reason, why mankind have generally approved
of truth and fair dealing. Whatever may be the
original bias of the human heart with refpeet to
oood and evil, or whether it naturally has any
bias either way, is not material in elucidating the
subjeCt of this (peculation. It is fufficient for my
present purpofc to attend to fails, withoet look
ing into the origin of principles, or estimating
the merit of motives. On this ground, if 0:1 no
other, we may venture to pronounce that justice
and veracity allimilate Co rendily with the common
sentiments of men, that whoever, does not ob
serve these duties, hazards the loss of his influence
and In a tumultuous liate of fociety,it
is true, these virtues seem to be disregarded ; but
they will soon gain their accuitonied eltiination,
when order and tranquility are restored. It is
only in tliofe lituations, where people cannot re
flect calmly and a<ft soberly, that falfhood and in
jufticedo not meet with public indignation. De
clarations that are falfe, and aCtions that are un
juftmay allume such a difguift as to gain popular
approbation, under the idea that they are true
and juit. The opinions of men may be l'o distraCt
ed, and their tempers l'o agitated with new and
difficult circumstances, that they may be utterly
at a loss in what their duty or their interell con
lifts. Under such embarrassments, people com
mit errors, while they suppose they are aCting
wifely ; and fufpendthe practice of themoraldu
ties from an ignorance of the comprehenlive na
ture of morality. But as 110 society can be long
held together, in a state so convulsed as to difh
pate ider.sof moral rectitude, we mult conclude
that a restoration ofgovernment will awaken anew
the sentiments of moral obligation. There never
can be a long period when men can cease to per
form their obligations without sustaining private
inconvenience and public reproach. The exist
ence of society pre-fuppofes some controling in
fluence of virtuous attributes. Whether they are
the effect of fear of punifhnient, or Jove of duty, I
Itill call them virtuous, because they are ufeful.
If these reflections are just, they fliould infpireus
with caution againlt imbibing theopjnionsorimi
tating the aCtions of those who av*il tlieinfelves
of dilordered times to bewilder and pervert the
public ide * of veracity and justice.
The truth of 111 motto is amply illustrated in
the fate of the leading characters who have con
ducted us to independence and government. It
is worthy of remarkthat those men, who are now
held in veneration and employed in public ser
vice, are principally the men, who have all along
delivered the lame opinions, and recommended
the fame measures, that have finally coincided
with the public opinion. But when we look on
Ihe other hand, and behold characters of an op
pufue description, how are they negleCied and
fallen ! There was a time, when the friends of
disorder and injuflic« beguiled the public mind
into a belief that they were the friends of freedom
and virtue. Such delusions however can never
have along continuance. Opinions, that cannot
bear the telt of a strict examination, much lels of
a fair experiment, mull be renounced, when the
people are left to cool reflection. Menaverfeto
good government can never long hold an ascen
dency in foeiety, unless the objects of human hap
ptnefs,and the feelings of the human heart under
go an alteration.
It Ihould encourage our patriots and legislators
toperfevere in a course ol honor andjultice, by
contemplating that they have gone through the
molt hazardous and difficult trials, to which our
affairs will probably be exposed. she objects of
lepiflatloH that will now rife into view are so great
and exienftve, that lioneft minds may be alarmed
«it their magnitude and variety. I hiscircumftunce
may deter some people from venturing to adopt
ihofe iyltems that wear the face of intrinsic pro
priety and excellence. When men have long been
uccultomed to temporary expedients and partial
arrangements they cannot at once collect fortitude
to embrace measures, that fliall have a general,
permanent operation. But itmult be concluded
that plans founded in wifdoni are not to be reject
ed because they are great; and those founded in
lioneity should be recommended, notwithftandiiig
they may be new.
A N infant begot 011 a dunghill, brought forth
i- in a pigllye, and swathed with a rotten rem
nant of the covering of an ass, may have talents
and capacity above the ion of an Emperor.
o/t£eX Cuts cb o|cii 0..
SATURDAY, December 12, 17 3g.
EXTRACTS from the ADDRESS of the firft PRES
BYTERY of the EaJlivarJ,
the United States.
" t ' le ministers and ruling ciders, dele
gated to reprefeiit the churches in Mas
sachusetts and New-Hamplhire, which compose
rhe h irlt Prelbytery of the Ealtward, now hold
ing a ltated feflion in this town, beg leave to ap
proach your presence with genuine feelings oft he
deepest veneration and higiiellefteem.
" In unison with rejoicing millions we felici
tate our country, and ourselves, on your unani
mous election to the highest office a nation can
beltow ; and on your acceptanceof the truft,with
every evidence, which a citizen can give, of be
ing actuated thereto by the purefl principles of
patriotilm, of piety and of felf-denial.
" Great was the joy of our hearts to fee the
late tedious and deftruclive war at length termi
nated, in a fair and honorable peace—to fee the
liberty and independence of our country happily
secured—to fee wife conftitutionsof civil govern
ment peaceably eltablifhed in the several States—
and especially to fee a confederation of them all,
finally agreed on by the general voice.
" But, amid all our joys, we ever contemplated
with regret the want of efficiency in the federal
government: ; we ardently wished for a form of
NAtjONiL union, which ihould draw the cord of
amity more closely around the several States—
which should concentrate their interests, and re
duce the frcemewof America to one great body,
ruled by one head, and animated by one foul.
" And, now, we devoutly offer our humble tri
bute of praise and thankfgivi«g to the all-graci
ous Father or lights, who has inspired our
public councils with a wisdom and firmnefs which
have effectc 1 that desirable purpose, in so great
a ineafurc, by the National Conjlitution ; and who
has fixed the eyes of all America on you, as the
worthiest of their citizens, to be entrulted with
the execution of jt.
" Whatever any have fuppoled wanting in the
original plan, we are happy to fee so wifely pro
viding in its amendments : and it is with peculiar
fat is faction that we behold, lioweafily the entire
confidence of the people, in the man who fits at
the helm of government, has eradicated every
lemaining objection to its form.
" Anion;; these we never considered the want
of a religious test, that grand engine of perfe
ction in every tyrant's hand : But, we should
not have been alone in rejoicing, to have seen
some explicit acknowledgement of the only true
God and Jesus Christ whotnhe hath sent, insert
ed, somewhere, in the Magna Charta of our
" Under the nurturing hand of a ruler, of
such virtues, and one so deservedly revered by
all ranks, we joyfully indulge the hope, that
virtue and religion will revive and flourifli—that
infidelity, and the vices ever attendant in its train,
will be baniflied every polite circle—and that
national piety will soon become fafhionable there,
and from thence be diffufed among all ranks in
the community."
Newbury-Port, 0(1. 28, 1789.
THE affectionate welcome, which you are
pleased to give ine to the ealtern parts of
the'Unioii, would leave me without excuse, did
I fail to acknowledge the sensibility which itawa
kens ; and to exprel's them oft sincere return, that
a graceful sense of your goodness can suggest.
To be approved by the praise-worthy, is a wish
is natural to becoming ambition as its confe
rence is flattering to our felf-love.
lam, indeed, much indebted to the favorable
sentiments, which you entertain towards me, and
it will be my study to defervc them.
The tribute of tliankfgiving,which you offer to
thegracious Kather of lights, for his inspi
ration of our public councils with wisdom and
firmnefs to complete the national constitution, is
worthy of men, who devoted to the pious purpo
ses of religion, desire their accomplifliment by
such means as advance the temporal happiness of
their fellow men. And, here, I am persuaded,
you will perniic me to observe, that the path of
true piety is so plain as to require but little poli
tical direction.
To this consideration we ought to ascribe the
ablence of any regulation refpecfting religion
from the Magna Charta of our country. To the
guidance of the ministers of the Gospel, this im
portant object .is, perhaps, more properly com
mitted. It will be your care toinftruifttheignc
rant, and to reclaim the devious : And in the
progrcfj of morality and fcicncc, to which our
[ Publifki+? on Wediisfday and Saturday
government will oive everv furtherance, we may
~ " 7 •
confidently expert the advancement of true reli
gion, and the completion ot' our happiness.
I pray the munificent Rewarder of Virtue, that
your agency in this good work may receive its
compensation here and hereafter.
An animated, natural, and irittrefling dcfcriptian of
the POOR MA£/'s J LO-r.
THE third class are planted down in the dark,
difnial valiey, at the foot us mount opulence ;
where fogs and damp vapors envelope them in
perpetual obscurity and indigence : They live
chiefly on the fruits of the mountain, walked down
from the inaccefiible heights into the small rivu
lets of charity—tliefe rivulets are sometimes
almost dry :—The half built houses of these
people are no barriers agarnit the fierce northerly
winds. The descending cold rains have free ac
cess to every apartment, which by the way are
not numerous—if by chance yon happen in at
their habitation, your eyes arc not dazzied with
fliining furniture, but darkened by wooden win
dows ; are you fatigued by a long walk to visit
them, and fainting for want of refrefhrocnc
when you arrive there, a cup of cold water and
a piece of coarse bread are all their gratitude
can set before you. Their children, though nu
merous, are clad in rags, and endeavor to hide
themselves when you approach, left: their naked
ness should appear. Poverty is to be i'een in all
tliey poflefs ; viewtheit bedding in a cold winter's
evening, blefe me ! how would a rich man's chil
dren deep under such flight covering ? View their
table when set with their best tiiflies, how would
the heart of a full fed man ache to be obliged to
take up with such fare i
44 The heart that melts at other's wo?',
44 ShaK find each felfifh sorrow less ;
44 The mind, that happiness brftows,
44 Refle&ed happiness (hall bless.'i
WHEN the Hotel de Villc was plundered on
Monday, the women, who were the full to
force it open, found means in the course of the
short time they were there, to plunder the Trea
furyCheftof 200,000 livres ; half of which being
in bills, was afterwards recovered, the reft was
divided among the plunderers. This forcible
entrance was fortunately made so early in the
morning that none of tlie Magistrates were as
sembled; they might othervcilc have probably
been conducted to the gallows, which had been
erected very early in the morning to be ready on
any occasion.
Though the national guard was aflembled be
fore the Mansion House in great numbers at the
time it was forced, they did not offer to make the
leall resistance to the women, but fuffered them
to plunder, while they looked 011 as unconcerned
spectators. Besides the money, it was here the
women furnifhed themselves with the fire arms;
and weapons, with which they afterwards march
ed to Versailles.
Some of the populace headed by the women,
attempted to set fire to the Hotel de Ville ; the
intended conflagration was, however, prevented
by a youth who, at the imminent hazard of his.
life rushed forwards, and in a molt furprifirtg
manner extinguished the flame which had juf'c
caught the building.—On being desired by some:
Members of the National Assembly to demand a
reward for his services and intrepidity, he nobly
refufed all pecuniary com penfation, and request
ed only that he might have the honor of having
his name enrolled in the Paris militia.
[We have given various accounts of the late Com
motions at Versailles : The following appears
to be wrote with candor ; and if true, thetran
fadtion which it relates, turns out to be an ac
cidental bulinefs, rather than a precipitate de
velopement of a deep-laid design to defeat the
patriotic plans of the National Aflembly—and
restore the government of France to its former
despotic state.]
The following account of what pafled at the En
tertainment given by the Life Guards to the
Flanders regiment, may be depended upon, as
it is given by an officer who was one of the
guests ;
" The Life Guards sent invitations not only to
the officers of the Regiment de Flandre, and of
the Regiment de Montmorency (dragoons) but
alfoto those of the Versailles militia. The tables
were spread on the stage of the Opera house in