(btfztu? [No- LXIX.j THE TABLE T. No. LXIX. " Experience is of greater use, in procuring good lazoi, than genius." AS no human affairs require more knowledge than the art of governing, it is not to be wondered at, that so few able le •■iflatori have exilled in any age or country. The moll ufeful at tainments in the science of government mull be founded on fact and observation. This coniiitutes the difficulty of the talk. No man, who does not possess good talents, can gain wisdom by ex perience ; and many men, whose talents are eminent, feel a pride of genius,that makes them dildain lo watch experiments. Ittherc forc happens that those people, who have not the sagacity to make iuft observation? for themselves, are fiaves to imitation, and are perpetually liable to err in their application ot borrowed rules and precedents : While thofe,on the other hand, who depend on the light of genius to dirtft their operations, are seduced into wild, impracticable measures. Thus it appears that thereare two four ccs of illulion and mistake, into which moll men plungej whoen ter a career of political life; One of them c.mfiftst in originating fchemcs, or conceiving the ories, not warranted byexpeiience ; and the other, in being I'way ed by too complying a temper of imita! ion. No man Ihould im plicitly imitate another in his conduct ; because, every man is often actuated by motives, which others do not feci ; and attended bv circumstances, which others do not observe. Nor Ihould any irian be totally inattentive to the conduit of others ; bccaufe there are many common points, in which all men Ihould think and ast alike 4 and in which, the experience of one man may be profita ble to all other men. To determine in what cases imitation is proper, requires a dif-ernmcnl which few men possess. Exper ience is the only fafe criterion by which to try opinions or actions. Abftraft reasoning may be ufelul, but it often produces conclusions which experiment will not authorize. Though it mull be con- that every person should be governed by some fixed princi ples, and ast in a great degree under the controulof some system ; vet those principles, and this system, mull he the effect ol exper ience, rather than theory or imitation. Men of a bold, afpn ing genius, form their fyllctns too soon and too rashly ; and servile imitators never form any fyllems at all. But a person, who has capacity enough to derive profit from his experience, will in food i'eafon form his rules of conduct ; and he can also determine when circumftanees require an alteration. From these flight (ketches, it is evident that the formation of a good government is a flow, progrcflivc work. Theoretic men may build fyllems of their own ; men fond of imitation may look abroad for inllruftion, and perhaps neither con, in the tirft in fiance hit the true points of legislative wisdom. The wisest law's and regulations are generally owing to an experiment lefultmg from the operation of those ordinances, that were originally fra med with laultsand defects. Hie people ofthe United States have gone through the firll llagcs of then difficulties. They have com mitted many errors, which have proved a valuable source of ex perience. But we ihould not yet suppose ourselves perfect in the art of government. Many important objects of legiftation are yet untried and unexplored. In tome of these, we may readily adopt proper expedients ; but we mud dependon a courle ot experience to carry us forward to perfection. In this view i.f the fubjeft, it will occur to sveiy reflecting mind, that candor and patience Ihould be cultivated among our citizens; and that our rulers Ihould contemplate', that they Hand on new and critical ground. Their mod illustrious talents; their roofl persevering indullry ; their most acute arid attentive observation will not be more than com petent to the taflc they have to accomplilh. It in this arduous filiation, they have to contend with any great degree of clamor and impatience among their cohftituents, tliey will find an addi tional difficulty in furmountitig the obstacles, that inevitably at tend ler-iflating over so vail and various a people. A o-entleman having favored us with a Charles ton "paper of Nov. 12, it is with great pleasure that we prelent our readers with the following excellent, patriotic, and truly federal Addrels: The Hon. Judge CHARGF. to the GRAND JURY, Oader SeJJio/u, 1789. gentlemen, THE grand inquest of this diltrid; has been of late years so nnaccurtomcd to receive any charge from the magiltrate prcfidingin this court, that were I to prxtermit the ceremony or duty of addrelling you, it could not be considered as an innovation introduced in the prefentterm. The chief reason which renders a charge to a grand jury neceflary or requisite is, that they maybe more fttlly inltrutfted 111 the duties of their office, and be familiarized with the of proceeding to execute those duties ; that tney may not only be enabled confeientioufly, as well as legally, to form a just opinion of the nature of the clinics with which offenders fhallbe charged, but also ofthc legality of evidence which may be produced before them : In fine that they may have every opportunity of doing justice to theii country and fellow citizens, by having explain ed to them how they may bring the guilty to con dign pnnifhment, and discharge the innocent from the apprehensions of a public trial. Hence the result of fucli information would be, a legal verdict. But-as the practice of these principles and this procefsare so lrequently Submitted to a jury of this diftritff, this part of the duty of the judges in the court of general sessions becomes in some degree lets urgent and neceflary, than in the more dillant tribunals ; the common and re ciprocal intercourse of mankind with each otnci, furniflies them with more ample and frequent means of obtaining information ; teache; them to weiph with caution and candor lubjecfts lub mitted to their difculfion, and leads them "J'"''" luntarily through apparent intricacies and subtle refinements, to decilions formed 011 the ba.ia of truth, juitice and impartiality. Such is the Ittu ation of the inhabitants of this diftrtv't and fll rely it is an advantage which they will ever con tinue jealous of maintaining, whillt iheflame o liberty burns with purity, and with its lately acquired vigor and brilliancy, .o. as WEDNESDAY, December I'Sg. knowledge is the distinguishing criterion between man and the subservient brute creation, so is free dom the genuine charadleriftic of that part of mankind, who from their superior intelligence and more adtive and daring spirit have not fear ed the resentment of tyrants, but rifqueing their wealth and their lives have intrepidly encounter ed a thoxifad difficulties to obtain the object of their admiration. In this partial view of mankind, the mind is pleafet! with its reflexions, and the heartjanimatedby itsfenfations. But when wecon iider but for a moment, how few nations are pof fefled of this idol, how do our feelings changing, recoil upon us, and how do our fympatliy and joy alternately excite commiseration and grateful sentiments. For what earthly transport can ex ceed the state of an independent freeman—what sublunary misery equal to the wrenched existence of the Have. But let us hope that as we have been recom pencedby the almighty decrees of Heaven in ref cuingus from our tyrants, that the example of our success will lead other nations to imitate lb glorious an enterprise, to aflert their just rights as men, and to unfetter themselves from the bondage with which they have been so long op prefied. Nevertheless in the height of our zeal for the rights of mankind,and amidftourfincerell wiflies for the general consummation of then welfare and liappinefs, we muil not forget thetri bute so juftlydue for our deliverance, or neglect the improvement of our own affairs. Whene ver THE HANDOfOMNIPOTENCE SHALL DEICN to point out a WASHINGTON among their NATIONS, THE DIVINITY WILL NOT PROVE UN FAVORABLE TO THEIR PRATEKS OR TO HIS EX ERTIONS* Let our hearts then, in the firft place, never cease to direct our thanksgivings to the throne of that Grace which has illustrated our nation by such unexampled beneficence ; andlet thegrateful ac knowledgments of our just remembrance of past services perpetuate theunblemilhed honors of oar chofenhero. The confidence of the people of A merica, instead of the jealousy and dijtrujl inci dent to the various European forms of govern ment ; and truth instead of that flattery, lhall weave a wreath of heartfelt fatisfale, and who by court ing and adulating—their weaknesses, will ensure to themselves frequent opportunities of sowing discontent and sedition among our inhabitants. There is,gentlemen,one rank of persons unfriend ly to the present views of America, who deserve our real esteem tho we are adversaries in opinion. I mean those well intentionedingenious citizens, who arc actuated by the purest motives—the real love of their country, and its freedom. Jull es caped from the galling manacles of one tyrant, they are, perhaps, too overweeningly zealous in their opposition. But the bed of men will differ with thechafteft intentions. Let us therefore do justice to their passionate ardor in the cause of li berty—anddifcriininate the licentious intemper ance of a party, from the jealous integrity of a true republican. For if men have never been a ble to agree upon the great and solemn truths rev- Vealed to us in th£ Chriflian dispensation, what flattering hope can we fofter in our bosoms, that we fhoulcl be all reconciled in one political pro blem. Vain hope! Wliilft men are poflelied of different views of interest—on ambitious aggran dizement, are actuated by other principles those of honor or philanthropy—and are encum bered with the frailnefs of humanity, it would be foreign to, and inconsistent with our natures, to expert a concurrence cis sentiment. But as the noblest religion ever profefled in this world by mankind, has thriven, and established itfelf under the intolerant fpiritof its opponents, let us hope that the work (which future ages, I doubt not, will honor as the niafter-piece of political wisdom) shall thrive also under the auspices and modera tion of its present champions, and the perfecutioii ofits enemies. The learned and ingenious author of the Federalist, gentlemen, justly observes :—• " That a dangerous ambition oftener lurks be " hind the fpeciousmafk of zeal for the rights of " the people, than under the forbidding appear " ance of enthusiasm for the firmnefs and cffi " cicncy of government. History will teach us " that the former has been found a much more " certain road to the introduction of defpotlfin, " than the latter—and that of those men who " have overturned the liberties of republics, the? '< greatest number have begun their career, by " paying an obsequious court to the people—com " mencing demagogues, and ending tyrants."— Since, therefore, there are so many evil and mis chievous principles meditating against us, and but one which is truly honorable, how much ought we to be upon our guard to disappoint or resist a secret adversary. It is said, that a fettled train of correspondence was very early established in this bufmefs, and that it still continues to flowun interruptibly from its impure source. When fucli means are adopted, where shall we find wisdom enough to detect, and prudence fufficient to de fend us from its evil machinations. Let us, how ever exert ourselves, trusting that Providence ne ver will abandon those, whom it has been pleased to divert from the crooked paths of speculation, private dishonor, and national infamy, into the highroad leading to dignity, virtue,and honor ; aud that this will bo the consequence of our hav ing happily adopted the Conftitufion, and of our continuing to persevere (I hope fuccefsfully) to maintain it unsullied and unimpaired, against the struggle of our opponents, I could easily de monltrate to you. This will probably be the sub ject of another charge, and at a future day. For the present I will quit this topic, which is so tru ly dear and intereftingto us all—l mean the wel fare of our country—and apologizing for having withdrawn fomuch of your time from the parti cular official duties of the station you now appear in, I will proceed briefly to lay before you some of the more general principles which must guide your present decisions. [Having pointed out as usual the common du ties of the grand jury, he proceeded as follows.] At the fame time that you are empowered to examine witnefles against theprifoner, and none