MR. ADAMS'S LETTERS. LETTER XVI. Amsterdam, Oct. 26. 17S0. S 1 R, THE sixteenth enquiry is, " Who Icjes inofl by 11 desertion ? Do the English and German de " farters Jer-js voluntarily and well in the American '• army P Hov> dnthofe who do not enter into the ar " my fubfft P" Tl>efe queftionsl answer with great pleasure. — There has been, frem the beginning of the war to this day, scarcely an example of a native Ameri can's defecting from the army to the Englifli. There have been in the American army, some icattering Scotch, Iriffi, and German soldiers ; fomeof these have defected, but never in great numbers ; and among the prisoners they have taken, itisafton ifning how few they have been able to persuade, by all their flatteries, threatenings, promifesand even cruelties, toenlift into their service. The number of deserters from them has been all along considerable more. Congress have general ly prohibited their officers from enlisting desert ers ; for some particular services permillion has been given, and they have served well. Those who do not enlist in the army have no difficulty to subsist. Those of them who have any trades, as weavers, tailors, lmiths, ihoemakers, tanners, curriers, carpenters, bricklayers; in ffiort, any trade whatsoever, enter immediately into better bulinefs than they ever had in Europe, where they gain a better fubfHtcncc and more mo ney ; because tradefmenof all denominations are much wanted: Those who have no trade, if they are capable of any kind of labor, are immediate ly employed in agriculture, See. labor being much wanted, and very dear. I am not able to tell the precise numbers that have deserted ; but if an hundred thousand were to desert, they would find no difficulty in point of fubliftence or employment, if they can and will work. Sir, yours, JOHN ADAMS. MR. CALKOEN. LETTER, XVII. Amsterdam, October 26, 1780. SIR, TH E seventeenth enquiry is, " Whether we " have any information that we can rely on con " coming population ? Has it increaftd or dimin " ifhed Juice the war P" In some former letters I have made some ob servations upon the fubjeJt of theincreafe of man kind in America. 111 the year 1774 there was much private con versation among the members of Congress, con cerning the numbers of fouls in every colony. The delegates of each were consulted, and the eftiniates made by them were taken down as fol low : In New-Hainplhire 150,000 Maflacliufetts 400,000 Rhode llland 59,678 Connecticut 192,000 , New-York 250,000 New-Jersey 130,000 Pennsylvania and Delaware 350,000 Maryland 320,000 Virginia ■ 640,000 North Carolina 300,000 South-Carolina 225,000 3,016,678 This however was but aneftiruate, and some per sons have thought there was too much speculation in it.—lt will be observed, that Georgia was not represented in the firft Congress, and therefore is not included in the estimate. In a pamphlet publiflied in England about ayear ago, entitled a memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, 011 the present State of Affairs, be tween the Old and New-World," written by Mr. Pownal, a Member of Parliament, and for merly Governor of Maflacliufetts, and Lieut. Go vernor of New-Jersey—we are told that " The Maflachufets had, in the year 1722, 94,000 inha bitants ; in 1742, 164,000; in I 751, when there -was a great depopulation, both by war and the small pox, 164,484; in 1761,216,000; in 1765, 255,500; in 1 771, 292,000; in 1773, 300,000. In Connecticut, 1 756, 129,994 ; in 1774, 157,356. These numbers are not increased by strangers, butdecreafed by wars and emigrations to the west ward, and to other States; yet they have nearly doubled in eighteen years. In New-York, in 1756, 96,776 ; in T771, 168,007 ; in 1774, 182,251. In Virginia, in 1756, 173,316 ; in 1 764, 200,000; in 1774, 300,000. In Soutli-Carolina, in 1750, 64,000; in 1770, 115,000. In Rliode-Ifland, in 1738, 15,000; in 1748, 28,439. As there never was a militia in Pennsylvania, before this war, with authentic lifts of the popu lation, it has been variously estimated on specu lation. There was a continual importation, for many years, of Irifii and German emigrant#, yet many of these fettled in other provinces ; but the progress of population, in the ordinary course, advanced, i:i a ratio between that of Virginia and that of Maflachufetts; the city of Philadelphia ad vanced more rapidly ; it had in I 749,2,076 houses ; in 1 7J3, 2,300; in 1760,2,969; in 1769, 4,474; from 174910 1753, from 16 to 18,000 inhabitants ; from t760t0 J 769, from 31,318 to 3J,000. There were in 1754, various calculations and estimates made of the numbers on the continent. The fanguinemade the numbers one million and a half; those who admitted lels (peculation into the calculation, but adhered closer to fadts and lilts, as they were made out, Itated them at one million two hundred and fifty thousand.—Gover nor Pownal thinks, that 2,141,307 would turn out nearelt to the real amount in 1774. But what an amazing progress, which in eighteen years has added a million, to a million two hundred and fifty thousand, although a war was maintained in that country for seven years of the term ! In this view one fees a community unfolding itfejf, be yond any example in Europe. Thus you have the estimates made by the gen tlemen in Congress, in 1774, and that of Gover nor Pownal for the fame epocha.—That made in Congress is mod likely to be right: If in their es timate some States wete rated too high, it has been since made cei tain, that others were too low. But admitting Mr. Pownal's estimate to be just, the numbers have grown, since 1 774, fomuch, not withftandingthewar, and the interruption of mi grations from Europe, that they mult be well nigh three millions.—lf the calculation made by the members of Congress was right, the numbers now mull be nearer four millions, than three millions and an half. I have observed to you in a former letter, that the Maflachufetts Bay has been lately numbered, and found to have increased in numbers as much as ill former periods, very nearly. I now add, that Delaware, which in 1774 was estimated at 30,000, upon numbering the people since, they appeared to be 40,000. Pennsylvania is undoubtedly set too low in both estimates. I have the honor to be, very refpe entitled, " AnAcft to regulate the time and man ner of adininiftering certain oaths," after it fha be enrolled, examined by the faidcoinmitte, an signed by the Speaker of the House of Represen tatives, and by the Vice-Prefident. ADVERTISEMENT. r.. &T MR. ADAMS's LETTERS which have appeared inM zettc, arc part of a f cries, 26 in number, wrote by his £< Uc ' f J'., f . Holland.—the wholf arepublifhcd m a pamphlet of 64 P a 6 e *\ , to he fold by Messrs. Berry & Rogers, Hanover-Square, Hodge, Queen-Street, and by the Editor hereof. Pnblifhed by JOHN FEJSfNO, No. 9. MaiD *'V Lane, ucartlizUfuie£o-Mark:t, New-Yok[3 '•