Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 05, 1789, Page 270, Image 2

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    fliall aguia !>e pofiiivtiy invited to keep or take,
■without delay, ine national coekade, composed
of the colors red, blue, and white, cxclufive of
all others, aiul to wear it at the outer loop of his
liar, or at the button hole of his coat.
2. rir.itevery individual of whatfoeverftation,
qualit\ , or condition, Frenchman or foreigner,
palli-ig in this diltridl wearing a black cockade,
or a white only, (hall be at firft desired by the firft
loldier upon duty to take it oil", and towearana
rional one instead thereof; and in c d feof refufal
to be stripped ofit, and conducted to tke district to
be interrogated and sentenced accordingly; and
if the Afll-mbly is not fitting, to be taken to the
Hotel de Ville before the committee of the Police,
to be by them sentenced according to their deserts.
3. 1 hat in cafe of the delinquent's being caught
a second time in the fame crime, hefhall beaccuf
ed as a traitor to his country, and as such deli
vered over to the hands of justice, to be tried
without delay.
4. T hat all diftricfts to which these resolutions
shall be communicated, iball be invited to join
LONDON, October 12.
Paris, October 8. 1789.
_ Ten o'Clock, A. M.
\> e are at length arrived at the second great cri
lis ot ourdiforder, and the violent fever we have
just escaped, has throws off the peccant humors of
the body politic. I have uniformly afliired you,
that some premeditated plan of the ai iftocratic
party was preparing for the long nights; but in
1 his, as well as their former conduct, the envenom
ed rage and hatred which animate the defeated
tyrants, has brokeforth with too much precipitati
on ; they have overshot their mark, and as weakly
as wickedly counted upon the docile temper of
slavish troops bens under the yoke of difciplihe,
and falhioned to the mandates of an arbitrary go
vernment—We have long known, that one or
more traitors existed in tlit new adminifti ation.
The firft of October has long been whifperedas
the period ot some great event, by the complacent
shrugs and fignificant hints of "the well known
friends of the old system. You remember I soli
cited your attention to the King's ' 0 yes ! always,'
of the 23d of Sept ember, when requelled to declare
his favorable intentions towards the National As
sembly. I called the public obfervatioiijjto the extra
ordinary and clandeihne introduction of the Flan -
ders regiment to Versailles ; at the gates of which
they arrived after a long march from Douay, a
distance of 50 leagues, before either the National
Allembly, or a single good citizen of Paris were
apprised of their approach. 1 confidently allured
you of what I knew to be a fad:, that there was a
premeditated plan for the King's escape ; a mea
sure inevitably productive of a civil war, tho' with
the certain lofsof his crown. I hinted likewise at
another leading fart with refpeftto the children
ot the Duke of Orleans, the particulars of which
every motive ofhoneft zeal and prudence prevent
ed me from explaining ; but which, in addition
to the above, and a variety of concurrent circum
ft.inces, all plainly announced tne revived hopes
and maligflant views of a profligate and foolifh
paity, which never can forgive, because they feel
they merit no forgivenefi from aninfulted nation.
Ihe cause ok liberty is now triumphant the
lame prudential motives are at an end. Let M de
Calonne now fay what he knew of the plot—Let
the Comtede Hautoy speak out; and let the Ruf
fian Pnncefs, in Jermyn-ftreet weep over the
headless trunks of the restorers of the Austrian
power at Versailles, with as genuine fervency as
the whole anftocratic band would have indecently
rejoiced at the fnppofed maflacre of those tliou
' ant Is of opprefled citizens whom the firft reports
received in England will doubtless have devoted
to the fwo rd by the hands of their fellow-citizens
in royal uniform.
M. de Calonne will perhaps understand me (tlio'
he, honest man, is too remote from Paris to know
any thing of the proceedings of the Queens party)
when 1 ask him, what meant the late private meet
ings at the apart men ts of the Chevalier deCubieres
at Versailles ? For what purpose his bosom friends
the intriguing Monsieur Amavite, ventured back
to Paris a few days previous to this frefh attempt >
What part the Baron de Tott, the Commandant of
Douay, had in preparing the regiment de Flan
dres for this black exploit > What were his con
nections at Conftnntinople, with the Comtede St.
I rieft the suspicious minister for Paris > And what
the friendly aid ot Madame de Tott, the Baron's
daughter, the favorite Maid of Honor to the
Queen ? Perhaps, too, he may have heard of the
Comte d'Artois' interview with the Magistrates of
Beine; tlieii promises and artful manoeuvres of
the Swiss Deputy dispatched to Paris to tamper
with the troops of the Cantons ; that the firft of
October was the most favorable moment for the
desperate attempt, when the picked njen of all the
provincial regiments were to pass through Paris
at the annual time of furlough ; and when his
creatures, without his knowledge doubtless, had been
laboring with industry at least, if not success, to
decry the financial schemes of M. Neckar, and to
load the patriots with all the odium brought on the
National AfTembly bv the Maurvs, the de Virieux
the Lallys, and the d'Efpremcnils. Let him-let m'
dc CaloJme, I fay, plead Not Giiiity, if lie
to thele rjueltions ancl fuppolitioiis ; the grandin
queft of his country have examined the evidence,
and found it a True Bill, and theindi<ftment will
hangover him, till he dares venture to a trial.
But the plans of tyrants and traitors are defeat
ed ; the troops have again provedthemfelves citi
zens ; the Queen has 101 l herfelf forever ; the King
has left no doubt refpe<ting his intentions; the
lives of a few faithlefs courtiers have laved
torrent of blood ; the new national character of
the French is established; the wicked alone trem
ble ; the Almighty hand of Providence is nianifeft,
and freedom is triumphant! Louis and Marie An
toinette are in our polleflion, from which neither
the intrigues of Bieteuil at Vienna, Vauguyonat
Madrid, d Artois, aided by his trulty Calonne at
1 urin (for he is expected there) nor all the petty
bands of Germany, can wrell: them. The eigli
teenth century will still exhibit the glorious and
unparalled spectacle of a bloodless revolution;
for not iooo lives have been loft in the field, 01
011 the fcaff'old, to produce the freedom and hap
piness of existing millions and endless generations.
0 the sweet Jympathy of kindred fouls ! that
the band of the regiment de Flandres should ac
cidentally hit on the favorite Air of the theatrical
M. de Calonne, as the ?not de ralliement for the
poor royalists! How often have the groves of
Wimbledon, and the link boys in Piccadily,heard
this unhappy, but modest Statefinan, quaver out
the plaintive notes of
O Richard ! O mon Roi !
L* univers t'abandonne;
Dans tout la terrc,
II n'y a que moi qui s'interefle
Pour ta pcrfonnc !
But let him now hang up his harp—Not a Mon
arch in Christendom has fubjefts more truly at
tached to his person than Louis XVI. They are
only alraid left he should abandon them Mde
Calonne is now the only abandoned person.
The Duke of Orleans, apprised of the inten
tions ot the aristocratic party to make another
ftrugglc for the renewal of the old system, to
wards the beginning of October, sent offhis chil
dren, the26th oflaft month, to Villedeu, a small
country feat of his near Dieppe ; opposite to
which, in a little creek of the sea, a veflel has
been tor some time lying at anchor, provided
with every neceflhry, and ready to put to sea at a
moment's warning, for England. The King's
removal »o Paris will render this precaution 11c
longer neceflary.
— ™ le C° unt de Lufignan, whose head was
itruct off at Versailles, was Colonel of the re
giment de Flandres, and a member of the Nation
al Ailembly—a circumstance afliiredlv alledged
at the time in the AfTertibly, to prove that no dan
ger could arise from the unexpected arrival ol
of that regiment—tho there was not a more de
termmed Member of the aftritlocracy than the
Ihe Duke de Chatelet, likewise a member of
the aflembly, fucceded the Marechal de Biron as
Colonel of the trench Guards, and was univer
sally detelled by the regiment previous to there
volution. On several occasions, he had apparent
ly espoused the popular cause, but was so Ibrdidly
avaricious, as to render him at all times a suspi
cious character. On finding himfelf deprived of
his regiment by the revolution, the most lucrative
military employ in France, and receiving many
personal insults by the seizure of his carriages,
na equipage, after the taking of the
Ballile ; his condu<t, from luke-warm became vio
lent on the fide of the Nobles, and he wasoneof
the chosen band to operate the Royal Restoration.
The patriots, who, tho they may sometimes ap
pear to sleep, are in fact unremitting in their vi
gilance and invariably jealous of all the Members
ot the old Court, let drop insinuations to his dif
ad vantage jn the Aflembly, which were loon pro
pagated by means of thePrefs, and produced the
fatal catastrophe of his death
The Duke de Guiche was no otherwise distin
guished than by his uniform servility to Court
measures, and his active zeal at the moment of this
expected revolution.
On the Marquis de la Fayette's arrival at Ver
sailles 011 Monday evening, he demanded an au
dience of the King; but courtly firmnefs beino
then 111 its meridian glory, he was peremptorily
refufed admittance. He then fignified his ref
ill tion of not quitting Versailles until he had a
personal communication with HisMajefty.
. c ' le interim the rage of the women broke forth
into violence—The Gardesdu Corps fired on them
-The regiment de Flandres, and other troops,
refufed to acft—and the ill-advised Monarch was
once more obliged to recede from his lofty pre
tentions, being allowed only five minutes consi
deration by the Marquis, who declared, that he
was charged by the city of Paris, to require his
pretence in the capital—and in cafe of a refufal
could not be responsible for his life
The King burst into tears, and 'attempted to
hesitate—but convinced at length that his danger
was imminent, he reluctantly agreed to set offon
ueiday ; on which day he proceeded in his car
riage to Pans with the Queen, Monsieur, his
Sifter Aunts &c. in twelve carriages, preceded
and followed by theParifian Guards, thefoldiers
of other regimeu:s, an imnteufcconeoo.fc r
pie, and with the heads of the Duke den,
the Duke de Guiche, and the ComtedeLufi,' " *
carried on pikes in front of the procefli 01 , ° '
1 he King was accompanied in his can-in,
the Prince de Bcaoveai, who on anS®
1 huilleries, attempted to follow l,i s Rovahm"
but was (topped by the Marquis do J a KaJe
told bun there was no room for him in t h e
ments prepared for his Mu jelly.
During this lingular and horrible proceffin
people flocked in from all parts ofthe c
and lined the roads-and the whole way f ro "l'
budge at Sere, two leagues from Palis, t0 ■
city, vyas filled with the armed citizens from Par»
as on his former entry of the 16th of luly_b I
the reception , the cold enough at that lime, w
now marked m 11.11 more mortifying characters
PARIS, September 28.
The petitions from the religious bodies to
National Aflembly for the fappreflion of their hi.
have been very numerous. Half the
Nuns in trance are willing to recant their vows
and return to society.
The number of contributions daily incrcafe
and now their Majesties have made a facrifice of
theirplate and jewels, it is held infamous to make
use of either. Every thing of mere luxury is dedi
cated to the public, and we have 110 doubt, but ia
the course of this week, an immense sum will be
brought into the public Treasury. A public auo
tion of jewels, trinkets, and other valuables, will
be announced, and foreigners coming to purchafs
will be protected on the faith of the nation
Their Majesties' plate is reckoned worth one
million five hundred tlioufand livres.
The King, truly penetrated at the embarraffei
state of the finances, gave orders for his plate to
be lent to the mint, and this morning at 10 o'clock
it was Tent from Versailles to Paris. TheQueeft
made the fame facrifice.
M. Neckar refufes the statue intended to bee.
re&ed for him in the city of Paris; the Marqois
de la Fayette refufes the salary of one hundred
and fifty thousand livres eltablifhed fortheCap
tam General of the city guard ; and M. Houclon
refufes to accept of any fort of payment for the
bust of M. Neckar, which is to be placed in the
hall of the Aflembly.
DUBLIN, September 10.
\V e haveftrong afliirances that a very consider
able number of Catholic diflenting farmers and.
pealantry of Ireland have it in contemplation to
try the experimentof a French hemifphereasfoe®
as the present troubles shall in that country fab
fide, and the National Aflembly are enabledt#
complete the grand fabric of a free Constitution.
The opprelnons whichthofe two feCits of people
have undergone, not only from the rack #f ab
sentee landlords, and middle men, but the op
preflive burthens of clerical tytlies, andthenecef
fity of fupportingtwo setts of clergy, pointoutto
the Legislature the only fyflem of arrangement
that can render this country tolerableto twothirdi
of its inhabitants—when any other foil is to be
found when the true value of population ani
industry are estimated by a just scale of liberty
and comfort, exempt wholly from vassalage ani
Men begin now to think for tliemfelves, ani
to separate their temporal and spiritual connec
tions— Ihe whole property, principal and profit,
of every Protestant liufbandman in this countrjv
goes once in every ten years to his clergy; andby"
the fame rule, the property of every
Catholic and Protestant is transferred to the
church once in five years. This will never do
it is a prohibitory tax on industry, which Heaven,
knows, requires stimulants inflead of discourage
ments in this country. The French National As
sembly have abolifbed tytlies—they have done
wifely. The French clergy fawthe people wet 6
in an humor to get rid of the grievance, and nol '
disposed to be cajoled : They therefore made 1
virtue of necessity, and quietly resigned theirpr*-
This is an admissible precedent, andwetru"-
will have its operation in this country, withoutaft
effort of popular violence.
To such a degree of perfection has the cotton
branch arrived in this kingdom within thefefew
years past, that scarce any article in that line is
imported here, either from Manchester or any °"
ther part of England.
LONDON, October 16.
The measures taken by the court of Spain, may
for a time prevented the flame of liberty fro®
breaking out 111 that kingdom; but the torrent
cannot be long refilled. The Spaniards will think'
Great Britain has now its turn of peace an
prosperity ; and nations that prospered by means
of the embarrailinent in which this kingdom
before the peace of 1783, was involved, fed now
the disadvantages and calamities of war.
_ The advantages which arise from InlanilM'
vigation are of a truly important nature, and ' c
is not to be wondered at, that kingdoms, who a
views are directed to commeicial objeCts, fhou
eagerly countenance them for the benefit of I"'
ciety. A Scotch writer 011 agricultural
lias ellimated the product of nx acres as neceJ»v