[No. LXVIII.j r"T t,.r t!:< 'I'.ir.l.r, . FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. THE GUEST. -No. 11. THE second appearance of the Guest is in a dress, borrow ed from an ingenious, unknown Correspondent—who ac companied the favor by the following billet ; SIR, IF the enclofd meets your approbation > I may furnijh you with one or two more Ejjaysfrom the Jam pen. The author is not without a con sciousness that the character c/Cleander is, in fomedegree, his own portrait. If the fame confewufnefs Jhonld be awakened in any oj your numerous readers, they may deriveJome advantagefrom his re flexions. M. NEC ASPERA TERRF.NT. WHOEVER contemplates the various calamities that fill the world, and the Hill more numerous avenues by which we are exposed to diilrefs, will be deeply affected with a sense of the misery of Man. In this survey we need not fcarch for remote and distant evils ; we need not croud our imaginations with the hor rors of war—the progress of armies, or the desolation of States : In the moll familiar walks of lite we may meet with iniferies, at which humanity mull bleed—scenes of diilrefs lie open on every fide—every quarter is filled with the groans of the dying, and la mentations for the dead. In the mass of mankind we can Scarce ly feleft an individual, in whose bosom there does not rankle un published griefs ; and could we look into the hearts of the moll tranquil, we should often find them a prey to unpitied regrets, torn with anxiety, and bleeding with disappointment. Retiring from this melancholly fpe£lacle without looking any further, we might be ready to consider the world as a great nur sery of disease—a vail receptacle of miferics—filled with beingj whom Providence has endued with sensibilities to fuffer, rather than capacities to enjoy : But to him who views the moral influ ence of afjli&ionSy the evils they are intended to correct, and the benefits they import, they will appear in a very different light, He will consider them as at once the punilhment of vice, and the cure of it. Sorrow is indeed the offspring of guilt ; but the parent of wisdom : Stern in her afpe6t, and severe in her deportment, she is however sent on a meflage of mercy : She is dellined to follow in the footfleps of temptation—to break her enchantments—to ex pose her dclufions, and to deliver from thraldom such as are en tangled in her snares, or are (leeping in her arms. Whoever sur veys the course of his pall life, with a view to remark the sal/c Heps hehastaken in it, will find, that as they have proceeded from indilcretion, they have been recalled by diilrefs. To every obje£l, our attachment is proportioned to the pleafurej we have received, or expect to receive from it, and the palfion will continue to be cherilhed, as long as the recollection of the obje£l« calls up ideas of pleasure, rather than of pain. Now every viciouj pursuit is founded in indulgence, and is guided by impulse. Tc the licentious and abandoned therefore, there is no profpe£l of th< termination of their vices, till by the attual experience of the mi series they inflifcl. they eonvcy to the mind more sentiments of a version than of love. From that moment the enchantment is dif pelled—the falfe colours are Aripped off,and they will be regarded as specious deformities, and rrtl dangers. Multitudes who could ucver be persuaded by the calls of mterell, or thtf voice of convic tion, to refttiiin the licence of their paflions, and abandon theii inimical pursuits, have bern reclaimed by the lalh of adversity, The decays of health—the defcrtion of friends, and the neglect ol the world, have not ly foftcned those hardier (pints, tc whom the charms of virtue have been displayed in vain. Nor isforrow lels eHe£tual in the correction of foibles than the extinction of vice. Clea .-.of. in other respects a manofvirtuc and honor, find from his infancy accultomed himfelt to the un bourided indulgence of his tongue. Upon all occasions, he trod upon the very brink of decorum. A total ftrzrnger to the delicacy of friendfhip, which ;'/ ifr, are too valuable to be facrifiicd to a Male of momentary admiration ! A confide ration of the benefit.of afflictions fliould teach us to bear them patiently, when they 1. II to our lot ; and to be thank »ul to Heaven, for having planred such barriers around us, to re ftrjiti the exuberance of ourfoMics, and our crimes. 1-et thele facrcd fenccs be removed ; exemt>t the ambitiousfrom disappointment, and the guilty from remorle : Let luxury go un attended withdilcafc, and indiscretion lead us into no embarrafs mcntjor diftrelfes, our vices would range without control, and the nwpetuofify of our pafiions have no bounds—every family would be filled with ftrife—every nation with carnage—and a deluge of "calamities would break in upon us, which would produce more misery in a year, than is infliCted by the hand of Providence in the iapfe of ages. V' upjrn? pf*i* Utiiieotrmte^ ;■' yj-;s> - :-v,, >- y;' t'-j CfsJiy yr V , '/*>-' r 4 SATURDAY, December 5, 1739. From the PENNSYLVANIA PACKET and DAILY ADVERTISER. Messrs Dunlap and Caytoole. THE linalleli: hint that has a tendency to al leviate the difaflers arising from an element so terribly deltrudive as fii*e, will merit attention. An eye-witness of the calamity which happened this morning in Third-ltreet would suggest the propriety of having a suitable number of lniall engines, of such alizc as might be ealxly introduc ed through an entry or pailage in a lioufe, or even, if neclfary, be carried up flairs ; such as are usually 111 ide for watering gardens, the box being no more than a plain tub, capable of con taining 15 or 20 gallons of water. Fire some times lurks in places inaccelfible to the large en gines in the street, and out of the reach of the hand : one of these small machines, which would carry water 2J or 30 feet, would then be found of great advantage. When the ravage of fire is fofudden, that the family barely escape with their lives, and leave their property to diftrudtion, it often happens that there are many articles of an incombustible nature, which receive hut little injury, and if carefully picked out of the rubbilh, and restored to the owners, would diminifli the amount of their lodes. But the morning after the calamity, the ruined buildings are generally over-run with boys and idle people, scrutinizing, not without risque, the scenes of diitru(fiion, and probably se creting anyfniall article which they find uninjur ed, while 110 attention is paid to secure to the disconsolate and unheedful owner the larger ef fects, which a little care would preserve. The magiflracy might direift a llight fence to be run round the place in the morning, and constables to be ilationed till the ruins were properly ex amined ; or if they would not attend to it, fire companies might have a committee eonflantly ap pointed for the purpose.—A watch, belonging to poor Brown, the hair drefler, and some dollars, were picked out of the ruins this morning, and delivered to the unfortunate people ; what was concealed aiuongft a crowd of boys cannot be told. The great inclemency of the weather increas es the n.erit of the citizens who attended, and exhibited the usual activity of Philadelphia upon an occasion so melancholy. There are, indeed, few duties more incumbent 011 the inhabitants of a large city, where so much property is comprif cd in so small a conipafs, than to ltep forward without hefltation, in opposition to .in enemy, which aflails at once both life and property with equal violence. And it has been the meritorious character of my fellow citizens, to facrifice oil such occasions the diltin&iona of civil life, and the consideration of personal fafety ; rich and poor, black and white, old and young, ming ling together in lanes, or affiiting at the engine, with a zeal which refletfls honor on human nature. That there are some, whose love of ease subdues their sense of duty, who, without ill health, or advanced age, will coldly alk from the window, Where is the fire ? and will return to their beds with the felfifh remark, that there will be people enough there, cannot be denied—but their num bers are few, and their praifc is small. A. CITIZEN. November 26, 1759. £ ASTERN MAGNANIMITY. ABOUT the commencement of the late Mahrat ta war, an army, under the command of General Carnac, made an excursion into the ter ritories of tliofe warlike and Independent repub licans. I