Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 28, 1789, Image 3
Frm hit LONDON' ADVERTISER. Saturday, 31\Jl May, 1788. A CAUSE was on Wedncfday tried at Guildhall, befoje Mr. Jbfticc Bullcr, the decision of which the Court declared to be of the greatest importance to trade and commerce. The ast ion was brought by MefTrs Paizely and Co. to recover from Mr. Free man, a considerable sum of money, being the value of a quantity of cochineal which the plaintiffs Hated they had fold to a Mr. Faulk, a bankrupt, in of a fi&itious crt-dit and falfe character the defendant wilfully gave him as a merchant. It ap peared in evidence, that during the insolvency of Faulk, who was concerned in large Speculations,the defendant had given him a co- Jorable oredit, and fallacious reputation, representing him as a merchant of responsibility, in which chara&er he obtained goods from various houles to a conliderable amount ; that Faulk having applied to the plaintiff for the goods in question, a reference was made by the former to the defendant, refpe6ting his chara&er and responsibility ; and that the defendant, representing him asaper fon worthy of the highest credit, the plaintiffs, from that recom mendation, trusted him with the goods in question. Mr. Piggott (as counsel for the defendant) made a most excel lent speech, 111 which he said that 110 merchants cbara&er would be secure, if a man was liable to be called into a court of juflice, forgiving a fellow-citizen a good character, as the denial of that chara&er, upon application, lead to the ruin of any trades man or merchant however relpeftable. Mr. Buller summed up the evidence with his usual judgment and precision, accompany ing it with many observations upon the importance of the present attion to a commercial country; he said, the question for the jurv to determine was, whether the defendant had knowingly Ipoken falfeiy, by representing Faulk to be in pofTefliori of that character as a responsible merchant, to which he had no claim, and in con fidence of which representation the plaintiffs had trailed him with then goods. The Jury retired for some time, and brought inthe verdict for the plaintiffs 427/. damages. UNITED STATES. PHILADELPHIA, November 21. ON Tueiday, the 10th instant, the Diftrilt Court of the Uni ted States, in the Dillrift of Pennfylvama,* was opened in the State-house in this city, by the Hon. Francis Hopki nson, Esq. Judge ot tffe Court. Such members of Congress as were in town, the Mayor and Recorder of the city, and a number of refpedable citizens at tended on this occasion. After the commitlions of the Judge, of the Attorney for the United States, and of the Marfhalof the Court were proclaimed, and a number of the Gentlemen of the Bar admitted, the Judge addreHed the Grand Jury in a charge suited to the occasion. The Foreman, in behalf of the Jury, requefled a copy of the Judge's Charge, for publication, of which the following are the concluding observations : " Thus hath the government of United States been eftabliftied on the broad basis of the will of the people ; which is the only just and permanent foundation on which governmtnt can be built; for, the people are the true source of power, and the objett of go vernment should be the good and profperityof those from whom government is derived, and for whom it is instituted. " My hearers, will, I am sure, rejoice with me in the profpeft of the future glory of our new founded empire—A dominion ex tending through various climates—resources inexhauflible—the blessings of nature improved and heightened by the powers of art—endless population —commerce unlimited—and, above all, the wealth and ftrengthof so many potent States, united and bound together by a liberal, and yet vigorous conlfitution, give us area fonable bope that America will soon rife, like her own eagle, and soar above those clouds and itorms which disturb and territy birds of a weaker wing. " CtNTLEMEN) 0 If any crimes or offences,cognizable by thejurifdi£lion of this court, have come to your knowlege, it is your duty to enquire concerning them, ana present them for trial. Should you want any information refpe&ing the law, or inllruftion in points of jorm, the court, or the attorney for the United States, will be readv to give you all neceflary afliflance." After theaddrefs several caufcs, criminal, civil and maritime, were inflituted in this new court. Let me recommend (fays a correspondent) one particular of an important employment, forreducing the balance ot trade which is against the citizens of America : WOOL! It is no exotic, and can owe to no foreigner! Beatexpence on this article amongst ourselves : encourage the growth ot it ; and promote woolen manufa&ures : begin, in small atfociations or companies, with the(implefl fabrications ; such as of blankets: they arc neceflary as coats. Other objects for a well applied indultiy will occur, the one after another. As a forerunner to promoting employment, be hold in amending the regulations refpe&ing the poor : princi pally provide checks on the magistrates, governors, and o\erfeers, who through levity, weaknesses or other cause, futtcr their coun try to be ihamefully abused and opprefTed in particular parts of tbe continent, and involve in their lax government a marked encouragement of fomc of the greatefl evils that can enfeeble na tiansor affeffc mankind; idlenejs and debauchery, with theircon commitent lurctchednefs. tjolin will be at c&fe ; will be idle ; will be a Jot, because John can whine himfoif into the iociety ot pub lic paupers without difficulty,be and there provided for,as a drone, by the industrious, The laws provide sos the poor, but not for the impostor : I would provide for the poor, but they should be kepttofome employment; all paupers who are capableof whittling a flick, may be induced to pass their time in producing toys for others ; as the Dutch people are used to supply our babies, big and little. A steadiness in work, of various lorts, according to the abilities of the refpetlive inmates, would greatly lcfTcn the public burthen ; both by the income produced by it, and from impostors shrinking from a compulsive work under confinement, when they can chute to work at large. Want of a right criterion for admitting of applicants, to be provided for at the public ex pence, is the principal cause of nine-tenths of them being in rea son, in humanity, policy and in juflice, improperly received. That zmzx\\% poor, is not alone fumcient cause for the fervantsof the public to provide for him at the cost of the industrious pait of the community : besides his being in a state of indigence, he mull he incapable of working fufftciently to support himlclf in neccl faries ; and he muftbe without any connexion capable and com pellable by law to provide tor him. Indulging a whining dione, capable of gettinga living by labor or in any way of his former em ployments, is encouraging the vices above enumerated, and in effect multiplies paupers and wretchednefs y Pen. Mercury. BOSTO N, November 18. It is a circumstance worthy of remark, and at the fame reflc6U honor on Great-Britain, that in that kingdom the artiits patronized by his Majcfty, are principally Americans. \\ est is Historical Painter to, and a favorite of His Majesty Copley also stands high in the Royal favor —and we lately have seen that our young townsman, Brown, has been appointed Painter to his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. A correspondent has been so Obliging as to turnifli 11s with two papers, printed at Madras, in India, from which we have extradl cd the following paragragh :— BENGAL, JANUARY 17. DEHLI. The fate of Gholoum Khadir Khan has been at length deter mined upon, and the mode of punishment prescribed : His eyes «re firft to be scooped from their sockets, with a ftmilar inftrumert 10 that with which he caused the unfortunate King sto be extratt pd ; in tkis situation he is to remain for a certain time, in oulei khat lie hunfeif mny fevl thofj agonizing unfpcakable fiifler ings which he had occaiioned to another ; lie is then to be con duced to a place prepared for the occasion, and interred to the mtddle, :n which pollure he is to continue, to be ihot at with poifoncd arrows, until he expires. His offences, it mud be ad mitted, have been monstrous ; his punishment, however, we are sorry to fay, tho seemingly accommodated to his a&ions, is a spe cies of" refined retribution which too strongly marks the sangui nary principles which, unfortunately for mankind, Itill influence Eastern governments. It may be laid, that it suits dclpotic States, where whatever inspires fear, is the propereft spring of govern ment ; but the voice of nature cries loudly againll it. POPE'S ORRERY. Extrafl of a letter from a gentleman in London to his friend in tuistowni You may be affuied that the University at Cambridge, in New- England, is in poflellion of a far better Orrery than ever was made in England ; for in my hearing, the King's Astronomers and Mathematicians allowed that there never was one made in England equal to that of Ri tt f. nhouse's, at Philadelphia — and according to Mr. Pope's description of the plan of his Or rery, they acknowledged his to be much superior ; and told him " they have purchased it of you for aimed a song, for it is im poflible such an one (hould be made in England short of twelve hundfed guineas. In addition to the many manufa&urts rising progreflively in America, no mentuvn has as yet been made of the ivory Comb Manufactory in this town—A branch of manufathire which no>v produces,even for exportation, Combs as cheap, and as well made, as any in Europe, and which, if properly encouraged, would not only save but bring much money into the town. NATIONAL MONITOR. No. XXVIII. " Truth and Fidelity are the pillars of the State ; Ij any dlind Sampson break but these, the fabric falls, and crushes all to pieces." IT is of the lall importance to the honor and liability of our national government, that its foundations ihould be laid in faith and jujtice. In order to this, the public engagements should be made with greae caution and reserve ; and so within the limits of fair, and probable calculation, that the performance may, if poflible, always exceed, but never fall Jhort of expeiftation. A punctual man is an anchor to his friends, and connections ; but confidence in the public Ihould be an immove able pyramid of trull, that cannot fail. Whe ther the Continental, or State Governments, have in times pall, been profufe in their promises, and remiss in the discharge of them, need not be en quired into : but certain it is, that the public has not been confulered, as in found policy it Ihould have been, the moll eligible creditor ; and from this want of confidence in the public faith, the debts of our country have been contratfted on such terms, as have amazingly augmented their amount. From this dear bought experience, a very im portant lefl'on may be learned : and that is, not to make a single engagement, beyond our abili ties. Such a determination, it is true, may dis solve the airy visions of many fplenetie fyllem mongers, and sanguine speculators ; but it is the only line of prudence and success. The refleift ing, fubllantial creditors of the nation will ap preciate the merit of such a resolution, as the only fafe and effedtual rnwde of eftabliftiing the public credit, and placing the United States upon such a footing, as will enable them to make their future contracts upon terms of equity and common justice; The United States are doubtless in poflellion of resources connnenfurate to their demands : but these resources are many of them latent; and tho' of such a nature, as cannot leave a doubt upon the mind of any perfonof reHecftion and underltand iug, of theirfufficitncy, and permanency ; yet, they will require time to be brought into full opera tion. The public exigencies may seem to require immediate and extraordinary exertions ; but the point of ability, is the point of utility ; and un duly straining upon the patriotifin of the coun try, in order to realize an objecft not easily within our reach, will place this moll desirable event, the ellablWlinient of the public credit, in a peril ous iituation. The creditors of the Union, and of the refpedtive States, will doubtless prefer a fyftetn of certainty, upon a scale, within thecom pafs of the public ability, to a widely extended circle of paper promises that mull finally be loft in the sea of speculation. What cannot be per formed {\iou\d never be prowifed: for, as one of the ancients hath said, the people that violate their promises, make the Cods their enemies. NEW-YORK, NOVEMBER 28. Wednesday lad being the anniversary of the evacuation of this city by the British troops, and of the entrance of the American army, colors were displayed at the fort* and at noon a federal sa lute wis fired at the battery. In mod of the States of the Union, it has been thought proper by their respective Executives to republifli the proclamation of the President of the United States, recommending the observance of a day of public thanklgiving, with some additi ons; but in this State, so fully persuaded were the Executive, that it would have a general and prompt attention paid to it without this formality, that the proclamation has been left to operate on its own intrinsic, federal principles. The perfua lion if we may judge from the example of this city, was well founded. Of all the fubjetfts that come under the public cognizance in a free State, there is none that ex cites greater uneasiness, jealousy, and debate than that of finance ; and yet there is none attended with greater difficulty in its management, and on which greater candor, patience and good humor ought to be exercised. THEATRE JOHN-SIR tET. The Entertainment at the Theatre, on Tuesday evening laf>, appeared, by the rep<ated plaudits, to give the fulieft fatisfa&ion to a very croudedhoufe : The felettions for the Evening were mads with judgment—and animated by the presence of the iiluftrious personages, who honored the exhibition, the Players exerted their best abilities. The Pieces performed were the Toy—The Critic, arid anew Comic Sketch, entitled Darby'sßeturn. The latter piece is the production of the fame ingenious hand, who hath already contributed so much to the entertainment of the pub* lie by The Father, or American Shandy if m." " Darby's Re turn'' is replete with the happieit iliufions to interesting events, and very delicately turned compliments. On the appearance of The President, the audience rose, and received him with th<± warmelt acclamations—the genuine effufions of tiie hearts o£ Freemen. Tile ship Mafliichufetts, burthen 800 tons, Job Prince, commander, is advertised to fail fiom Bolton for Canton, in China, in February next, and to return to the port of New York in Mat, 1791. The Mail froth NeW-York to Philadelphia, and vice versa afterthe firft day of January next, will be dispatched five times in each week, leaving Nfew-York every day (except Saturday and Sun day) at 8 o'clock, A. M. and Philadelphia the lame day, at 9 A. M. The friends to the rights of human nature, and particularly every American, mult feel iijterefted in the commotions which now agitate the kingdom of France. The prospect that opened upon that people, of a compleat emancipation from a ltate of abjecft defpatilm, imprefled the molt pleafinp; sensations upon every philanthropic mind. Thac they may finally eftablifli a free government, is most: devoutly to be wished. Recent accounts, how ever leeiu to corroborate tiie hackneyed sentiment, that mankind arc alike in every age. A trium phant majority too seldom discovers a proper sense of the rights of the minority. Distinctions will obtain in all governments ; they are truly eltimable only in free States ; for there, they are held by the molt precious and desirable tenure the good will of the people, founded on merit, and fandiioned by the laws. However, in France a very refpecftable and formidable body, corapo ledof clergy and laity, has long been eitabliflied ; endowed it istrue, with privileges and immuni* ties, degrading to the people, and hostile totheir rights. These exemptions the nobility have most nobly divested themselves of: but their facri ficesdo not feemto be fufficient; ajid from con founding and involving all diftintfttons, the tran sition to (tripping i the Sovereign of the eflen tials of monarchy is very natural. Happy will it be for the French nation, if the excell'es of a spirit of reformation do not combine an interest against the National Aflembly, that may prove paramount to all their fine spun, democratical theories of government. EXTRACT. YE Fathers, ye generousprotedors of Ameri can liberty, you may form Conftitutionsand laws, thatfliall closely approximate even perfection it felf ; butunlefsyou enable your people to fee the beauty, the worth of them, all will be in vain ! Youmayaswell " cast pearl tofwine." Would you preserve to yourselves and your posterity the blessings and happiness of your dear bought re publican government, or Indeed your government itfelf, you must encourage a general education among all ranks of soCiety ! You mult prescribe, adopt and bring into operation, a system of education, by which the minds of your people, in general, from generation to generation, may be lo far enlightened as to discover and realize the true principles and excellence of civil liberty ! And I fee not why this may not be done. The Americans, as a nation, are already the best; in ftrutfted people under the funi There are, per haps, individuals in other countries, who have made greater advances in arts and sciences ; but 1 presume there is not a nation on earth, where the people at large are so well informed. Why maytheynot be raised one degree higher in point of education? Were the people abfolutly oblig ed to maintain regular schools, and in such num ber that all the children might be taught, would not the necellary knowledge soon be difFufed throughout the continent ? O ! why may we not flatter ourselves that it was reserved for America to convince the world that a republican govern ment may exist in its utmolt purity to the final close of human nature ? ARRIVALS.—NEW. YORK. Wtitttfiay. Ship Speightftown, Jackson, Madeira. Sloop Cato, Darre), Kingston, 45 dayj. Sloop Sally, Lawrence, Cape-Francois, 24 days. Sloop Nancy, Baltimore. Sloop Nabby, Gardner, Charleston, 10 days. ThurfJay. Sloop Sally, Raifbeck, St. Johns, N. B. 10 days. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Gazette of the United States circulates in every part of the Vnion—being honored by fuhferibers in Georgia, South ana North Carolina, Virginia, Mary/and, Delaware, Pennjslvania, New-Jerfy t New-York, Connetticut, Rhode-lfland, MaJTachufetts, New-Hampshire % and Dijlritl of Maine, Canada, Europe, and the IVeJI Indies. This ex tenpve circulation renders it a proper vehicle for Advertisem * nt $ of a general, commercial and governmental import:—By the particular desire and advice, therefore, oj a number of its patrons, this paper will be open for the reception of advertisements of the above.defcript ion ; which as they will convey intelligence of aninterefling nature, the Edi tor hopes their insertion will meet the approbation of his friends in general. Should the number at any time amount to more than a page in the Gazette, they will be given in a Supplement. JOHN FEN NO. New-York, Nov. 28, 17&9.