Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 28, 1789, Image 1

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[No. LXVI.j
a Noi/} made to a man s honor is never Jhocking to
THE love of fame not only prevails as uni
versally as any other palfion, but its ef
fects are stronger ancl more conspicuous, tliaji
can be produced by any other motives. An ava
ricious man may be active and diligent in his pur
suits ; but when money is the main object of his
exertions, he will bear few inconveniences, and
run few rifques, compared with what will be
cheerfully sustained by thole, whom the love of
applause actuates. I know of 110 circumstance
that more emphatically marks the difference of
vigor between motives of gain and motives of ho
nor, than the different feelings that noise and
bultle can excite on persons, who are flimulated
by one or the other of those paflions.
Whoever has observed a candidate for a popu
lar election, in his attempts to carry his point,
niuft have seen a striking demonstration of the
efficacious influence of the love of honor. My
friend Honorcaptus, whom I once supposed a
very quiet, domeiticman, has lately become am
bitious of political distinction. When I was firft
informed that such a spark of ambition began to
kindle within him, I imagined he would soon be
disgusted, if he really made an experiment, in
thc°courfe of life, to which he was aspiring. 1
have however been deceived. No man of my ac
quaintance bears the clamors and tumult, which
attend public business, with more apparent tran
quility and fortitudethan Honorcaptus. This
is the more extraordinary, as he appears, when
at home, to be averse to any kind of noise or dis
turbance. The prattle of his children meets
with a frown ; and his servants can never hope to
escape punishment, should they laugh or ling in
his hearing. This good man, when he is enga
ged with his neighbors at a country tavern, rran
quilizes his spirits and bears the rudest fliocks of
impertinence without a complaint. Though in
his own house, when only attended by his family,
he loves silence and quietude, yet he is the firft
man to promote waggery and merriment, in cir
cles of men, whose votes he wishes to obtain.
I could point the reader to innumerable inltan
ces of men, whose actions afford a proof that the
love of influence and fame is one of the most ac
tive springs of human nature. But who is there
to ddubt the truth of the obfertation, even if I
had been fllent on thefubjeet.' It will not, I be
lieve, be doubted by any one. There is however
a ufe'ful inference to be drawn from the belief
that the passion, to wnich I allude, exilts in the
brealts of all men, and operates in molt men, as
their ftronweft impulse to action. A little reflec
tion will convince usthatthe passion itfelf should
neither be concealed not extinguiihed. It should
early be encouraged and controled. The firft
dawn of it, in an infant, should be diverted from
improper objects, as far as is practicable, and
turned into those channels where it can run with
faf'ety and advantage. It can seldom be detri
mental to a man to poflefs vigorous passions, if he
hrs been taught, on what occasions, and in what
manner it is proper to exercise them. Ambition,
when it prompts men to vicious or dishonorable
courses, proves pernicious to the person himfelf,
and to the community. But even this is lef's to
be feared, than the conduct of a man, in whom
ambition has been destroyed. From improper
ideas of merit, a man may seek applause by mean
and perverse actions. The fault is not to be al
cribed to his love of fame, but to his ignorance
of what really is praiseworthy. Youth should be
inspired with honest and generous sentiments,
and learn to distinguish actions of real worth and
excellence from those which catch momentary ap
plause from the ignorant and undifcerning. 1 he
force therefore oi'the passion need not be abated,
but the objects to which it is directed should be
choffen with great precaution, and managed with
great care and address.
LKTTER from Dr. Franklin to the late Dr.
Mother, of Boston.
I RECEIVED your kind letter, with your excel
lent advice to the people of the United States,
which I read with great and hope i.
will be duly regarded. Such writings, though
they may be lightly palled over by many readers,
yet if they make a deep impression on one active
mind in a hundred, the effects maybe confideia
ble. Permit me to mention one little instance,
vhicli, tho it relates to myfelf, will not be quite
iT.iinterelling to you. When T was a ooy I met
with a book, entitled, " Ejfaj sto do good, which
I think was written by your father. It had been
so little regarded by a former pollefloi, that fe
deral leaves of it were torn out ; but the lemairi
SATURDAY, November 28, 1739-
dergavenie fuchaturn of chinking as to have an
influence on my conducft thro life ; for 1 have al
ways set a greater value on the character ot a
Doer of Good, than any other kind of reputation
—and if I have been, as you seem to think, a ufeful
citizen, the public owesthe advantage of it to that
book. You mention your being in your 78th year
—I am in my 79th ; —we aregrownoldtogether.
It is now more than 60 years lince 1 left Boston,
but I remember, well,both your father and grand
father, having heard them both in the pulpit,
and seen them in their houses. The last time I
saw your father was in the beginning of 1 724,
when I visited him after my firlt trip to Pennsyl
vania. He received me in his library, andon my
takingleave, shewed me a shorter way out of the
house through a narrow palfage, which was cros
sed by a beam over head. We were Itill talking
as I withdrew, he accompanying me behind, and
I turning partly towards him, when he said hasti
ly, Jloop [loop ! I did not understand liiin, till I
felt my head hit againlt the beam. He was a
man who never milled any occasion of giving in
struction, and upon this he said to me, " Tou are
young, vnd have the world before you ; stoop as Jon
go thro it, and you "will miss many hard thumps."—
This advice, thus beat into my heart, has fre
quently been of use to me, and I often think of
it, when I lee pride mortified, and misfortunes
brought upon people by their carrying their heads
too high.
I long much to feeagain my native place, and
once hoped to lay my bones there. I left it in
1723. f visited it in 1 753, 1 743, 1753, and 1763.
111 1773 I was i' l England—ln 1775 I had a fight
of it, but could not enter, it being in pofleilion of
the enemy. I did hope to have been there in
1 783, butcould not obtain my dismission from this
employment here: And now, I fear, I fhallnever
have that happiness. My belt wishes however at
tend my dear country, eflo perpetua. It is now
blest with an excellent constitution, may it last
forever !
This powerful monarchy continues its friend
fliip for the United States. It is a friendfhip of
the utmost importance to ourfecurity, and should
be carefully cultivated. Britain has not yet well
digested the loss ofits dominion over us, and has
Hill, at times, some flattering hopes of recovering
it. Accidents may encreafe tliofe hopes, and en
courage dangerous attempts. A breach between
us and France, would infallibly bring the English
upon our backs j and yet we have some
wild heads among our countrymen who are en
deavoring to weaken that connection.
Let us preserve our reputation by performing
our engagements, our credit by fulfilling our
contracts, and our friends, by gratitude and
kindnefs—for we know not how soon we may
again have occasion for all of them.
With great and sincere esteem,
I have the honor to be,
Reverend Sir,
Your 1110 ft: obedient and
most humble servant,
Pafjy, May 11, 1784.
Philadelphia, Oct. i(<, 1789.
At a Meeting of the Pennfylvan'ta Society for promo
ting the Abolition oj Slavery, ire. An effaji of a
Plat: for improving the condition of free Negroes,
■was presented by the committee appointed to pre
pare it, which after deliberate confederation was a
dopted as follows :
A I*LAN i or improving the CONDITION OF
THE business relative to Free Blacks fliall be
tranfaifted by a committee of twenty-four
persons, annually elected by ballot, at the meet
ing of this Society in the month called April;
and in order to perforin the different services, wit h
expedition, regularity, and energy; this commit
tee fliall resolve itfelf into the following Tub-com
mittees, viz.
I. A Committee oj Infpeflion, who fliall super
intend the morals, general conduit, and ordinary
situation of the Free Negroes, and afford tliem
advice and instruction ; protection from wrongs ;
and other friendly offices.
11. A Committee of Guardians, who fliall place
out children and young people with suitable per
sons, that they may (during a moderate time of
apprenticeship, or Servitude) learn some trade or
other bnfinefs of fubfiltence- The committee
maveffect this partly by a persuasive influence on
parents, and the persons concerned ; and partly
by co-operating with the laws which are, or may
be enacted for this, and similar purposes ; in
forming contracts on these occasions, the com
mittee (hall secure to thefociety, as far as may be
practicable the right of guardianlhip, over the
persons so bound.
i 1 ;! 1 i*''. . .
111. A Committee of Education, who (hall iuper
intend the ftliool instruction of thechildren, and
youth of the Free blacks ; rhey may either influ
ence them to attend regularly the schools already
eltablifned in this city, or forirt others with this
view; they iiiall in either caf# provide that, the
pupils may leceive fucli learning, as is neceiiary
for their future fituatioii in life ; and especially
a deep impression of the molt important, and ge
nerally acknowledged moral and religious prin
ciples. Thej Ihall also procure, and preserve a
regular record of the marriages, births and ma
numiifions of all Free Blacks.
IV. A Committee of Employ, who {hall endea
vour to procure conitant employment tor thof'e
Free Negroes, who are able to work : as the want
of this would occasion poverty, idleness, and ma
ny vicious habits. This committee will, by se
dulous enquiry, be enabled to find common la
bour for a great number ; they will also provide,
that such as indicate proper talents, may learn
various trades, which may be done by prevailing
upon them to bind themselves for such a term of
years, as Ihall compensate their malters for ths
expense and trouble of initrudtion, and mainte
nance. The committee may attempt the inititu
tion of some uleful, and limple manufactures,
which require but little skill, and also may afiiit
in commencing business, such as appear to be qual
ified for it.
Whenever the committee of infpccftion shall
find persons of a particular description, requir
ing attention, they Ihall immediately direcft tliein
to that committee, of wliofe care they arc the
proper objects.
In matters of a mixed nature the commitees
shall confer, and if neceiiary aifi in concert. Af
fairs of great importance, ihall be referred to the
whole committee.
The expense incurred by the prosecution of this
plan, Ihall be defrayed by a fund to be formed by
donations, or fubferiptions for tliefe particular
purpoles, and to be kept separate from the other
funds of this society.
The committee Ihall make a report of their
proceedings, and of theltateof their llock to the
society at their quarterly meetings, in the months
called April and O&ober.
r T , HE two following ai ticlesof the conilitutiotl
JL \Vere voted without any debate.
" 7. The legillative body fnall present their
decrees to the King to be fancftioned, in order, as
they lhall be presented, or all together at the end
of each feflion.
"8. The Royal alient to each decree ftiall be
expressed by this formula, signed by the King,
Le Roi consent, et sera executer. The King's
fufpenlive negative by this formula, Le Roi exa
A third, directing that after afi'enting to a de
cree, the King should order it to be fealcd with the
Great Seals, and tranlmitted to the courts of jus
tice, Affeinblies of Adminiltration, and munici
palities, to be registered, publilhed, and execut
ed, occasioned much debate.
It was observed, that in fettling the form of
promulgating laws, such despotic phrases, as Nous
voulons et nous plait; de liotre e'ertaine science,
pleinepuifiimce et autorite rovale, Ihould be abol
iihed, and a form introduced expreflive of the
right and authority of the people, exerciled by
their leprefentntives.
Accordingly M. Frcteau proposed the preamble
to be " Louis par la grace de Dieu, et parlaloi du
Royaume, Roi de France, &c." " Louis by the
grace of God, and the law of the Realm, King of
France, &c."
After an amendment by M. de Mirabeau, pas
sed in the affirmative.
" Louis by the grace of God, and the constitu
tional law of the State, King of the French, toaU
men, present and to cotne, greeting:
" The National Aflembly has decreed, wewil;
and ordain as follows." And after this preamble,
the decree to follow.
The words the King of the French, infteadof
the King of France, were adopted, being the li
teral translation of the old words Rex Francorum,
which expressed the idea of King of Freemen.
Friday, Oct. to. The following letter was
received from the King.
Theinftances of attachment and fidelity which
I have received from the good city of Paris, and
the invitation of the commons have determined
me to fix my permanent abode there ; and in the
confidence which I have, that you will not sepa
rate from me, I invite you to chufe Cominifilon
ers tofeled: the molt proper place for the Nation