Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 25, 1789, Page 258, Image 2

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    pn.-cs of support wliicli I liave received from my
fellow-citizens of all descriptions, uponmy elec
tion to the Prelidency of these United States.
1 fear, Gentlemen, yoiji goodness liasled you to
form too exalted an opinion of my virtues and me
rits.—lf such talents as I pollefs have been called
into action by great events, and i liofe events have
terminated happily for our country, the glory
jhould be r.fcribed to the manifeft interpolition of
an over-ruling Providence. My military services
have been abundantly recompenced by the flatter
ing approbation of a grateful people; and if a
faithful discharge of my civil duties can ensure a
like reward, 1 shall feel inyl'elf richly compensated
for any personal facrifice 1 may have made, by
engaging again in public life.
i The citizens of the United States of America
liave given as lignal a proof of their wisdom and
virtue in framing and adopting a constitution of
government without bloodlhed or the intervention
«»f force, as they, upon a former occasion, exhib
ited to the world oftheir valor, fortitude and per
severance ; - -and it mult be a pleating circnmftance
to every friend of good order and Ibcial liappi
jief's, to find that our new government is gaining
strength and relpectability among the citizens of
this country in proportion as its operations are
known and its effects felt.
You, Gentlemen act the part of pious Christians,
and good citizens, by your prayers and exertions
to preserve that harmony and good will among
men, which mult be the basis of every political
eltablifhmentand I readily join with you, that
" while just Government protects all in their re
" ligious rights, true religion affords to govern
" incnt its lurelt support."
1 am deeply imprefled "with your good willies
for my present and future happiness ; and I be
feecli the Almighty to take you under his special
ADDRESS of the EXECUTIVE of New-llamp
fliireto THE PRESIDENT of the United States
AMIDST the npplaufe and gratulations of rail
lions, fuffer the Executive of New-Hamp
fnire, with grateful hearts to approach you, Sir,
and hail you-welcome to this northern State—to
a government whole metropolis was at an early
itage of the late war, by your vigilance and at
tention saved from dellrucftion ; and the whole
of which was at an after period refcucd from im
pending ruin, by that valor and prudence which
eventually wrought out the salvation ofour com
mon country, and gave birth to the American Em
pire. Deeply imprefled with the remembrance
of those important events, you will permit us to
fay, that amongst the vast multitude of your ad
mirers, there is not a people who hold your tal
ents and your virtues in higher veneration than
the inhabitants of New-Hampfliire. Webegyou,
Sir, to accept our moil: cordial thanks for the ho
nor done to this State, by your more than welcome
visit at this time. And that you will believe we
shrill not cease to unite our most fervent prayers,
•with those of our American brethren, that you
maybe continued a lafling blefling to our nation,
and long, very long, be fuffered to rule in peace,
over thole whom you have protected and defend
ed in war. In behalf of the Council,
Portsmouth, Nov. 3, 1759.
The Prefidsnt vias pleafcd to return tin following
To the Houorable the EXECUTIVE of the State
of New-llamplhire.
ALLOW me, Gentlemen, to allure you, that
grateful as my heart is for the affectionate
regards, which my fellow-citizens have manifeA
ed towards me, it has at no time been morefenfi
bly imprefled with a conl'cioufnefs oftheir good
ness, than 011 the ptefent occasion.
1 am truly thankful for your expressions of at
tachment to my peiTon, and approbation of my
conduct—and 1 reciprocate your good wilhes with
unfeigned affection.
In exercising the vigilance and attention, with
which you are pleased to compliment :ny military
command, I did no more than what inclination
prompted, and duty enjoined. In discharging
the duties of my civil appointment, I canfincere
]y promise, that the love of my country will be
the ruling influence of my conduct.
The furcefs which has hitherto attended our
united efforts, we owe to the gracious interposi
tion of Heaven—and to that interpolition let us,
gratefully, ascribe the prail'e of victory, and the
Jblefliiigs of peace.
May the State, in wliofe councils you worthily
prelide, be happy under your administration—
and may you, Gentlemen, partake of the bleliings
which your endeavors are intended to bellow.
Frm:i the Pennsylvania Society jor promoting the /4-
bo lit ion of Slavery, and the Relief of free Negroes,
unlawfully held in bondage.
IT is with peculiar iarisfatftion we a flare the
friends of humanity, that in profeeming the
Jefign of o ir aflbciation, our endeavours have
proved fuccefsful, far beyond our moil sanguine
Encouraged by this success, and by the daily
progress of that luminous and benign spirit of li
berty* which is diffuiing itfelf throughout the
world ; and humbly hoping for tlie continuance of
the divine blelling on our labours, we have ven
tured to make an important addition to our origi
nal plan, and do therefore, earneflly solicit the
support and assistance, of all who can feel the ten
der emotions of sympathy and compaifion, orre
lilh the ex.ilted pleasure of beneficence.
Slavery is fucli an attrocious debasement of hu
man nature, that its very extirpation, if not per
formed with solicitous care, may sometimes open
a fonrce of serious evils.
The unhappy man who has long been treated
as a brute animal, too frequently links beneath the
common Itandard of the human species. Thegal
ling chains that bind his body, do also fetter his
intellectual faculties, and impair the social affec
tions of the heart. Accuftoined to move like a
mere machine, by the will of a mailer, reflection
is suspended ; he has not the power of choice;
and reason and corifcience have but but little in
fluence over his condutfl ; because lieischiefly go
verned by the palfion of fear. He is poor and
friendlefs—perhaps worn out by extreme labor,
age and disease.
Under l'uch circumstances, freedom may often
prove a misfortune to himl'elf, and prejudicial to
Attention to emancipated black people, it is
therefore to be hoped, will become a branch of
our national police ; but as far as we contribute
to promote this emancipation, so far that attention
is evidently a serious duty, incumbent on us, and
which we mean to to difcliarge to the belt of our
judgment and abilities.
To inltrudi; to advise ; to qualify those who
have been reltorcd to freedom, for the exercise
and enjoyment of civil liberty. To promote in
them habits of indullry ; to furnifli them with em
ployments suited to their age, sex, talents, and o
ther circumltances ; and to procure their chil
dren an education calculated for their future situ
ation in life. Tliefe are thegreat outlinesof the
annexed plan, which we have adopted, and which
we conceive will eflentially promote the public
good, and the happiness of these our hitherto too
much neglected fellow creatures.
A plan so extensive cannot be carried into exe
cution, without considerable pecuniary resources,
beyond the present ordinary funds of the society.
We hope much from the generosity of enlightened
and benevolent freemen, and will gratefully re
ceive any donations or fublcriptions for this pur
pose, which may be made to our treasurer, James
Starr, or to "James Pembertoit, chairman of our
committee of correspondence.
Signed by order oftlie Society.
13. FRANKLIN, Prcfident.
Philadelphia, qth of November, 1789.
(The Plan in our next.)
NEW-YORK, Nov. 2,5.
Sunday eveninglaft an i ved the ship Montgome
ry, Capt. Bunyav, from London, after a very
short paflage; in which came paflengers, Col.
Trumbull, William Hill house, Esq. Mr.
Deas, of S.Carolina, and Mr. Hyde and lady.
By the Montgomery, we have accounts of the tranf
aCiions in trance, of a later date than -what has come
to hand by any former conveyance, These accounts
are contradittory to each ether ; but, in general the
f ollowing fafls may be relied on :
ON the arrival of the regiment de Flandtrs at
Ver failles, an entertainment as usual was giv
en by the officers of the Guade de corps &c. to the
officers of the regiment de Flanders. After this fef
tivity had continued some time, on the appearance
of the King and Queen from the gallery, there was
a cry of Vive le P oy et Vive le Reine : 011 which the
officers, and those of the Swiss guards (who were
likewise present, as if by a pre-concertcd plan)
pulled the national cockades from their hats,
treading them under their feet; and having black
cockades at hand, they were immediately distri
buted, and supplied the place of the red and blue.
An account of this soon reached Paris, and occa
sioned a general discontent. The people Aflem
bled for two or three days, without any decisive
measures, till the fourth day after the tranfaftion
at Versailles, when a large body without any head,
fat out from Paris for that place, and soon after
the Marquis de la Fayette marched at the head of
about twenty tlioufand of the Paris militia. On
their arrival at Versailles, they found three regi
ments drawn up to receive them ; but 011 bein«
ordered to fire, the regiment de Flanders clubbed
their firelocks, and went over to the Marquis the
Swiss regiment refufed to fire, and stood motionless
—-and the guarde de corps were soon dispersed,
flying for lhelter to whatever covert they could
find. The Marquis immediately waited on the
King and Queen, informing them that to fatisfv
the people, and to avoid vvorfe consequences, they
mult remove to Paris. They were accordingly on
their way ; but so great was the croud, that they
were eight hours in going from Versailles t 0 Paris.
The trail Aid lor.s at Ve: I'iiiles apnea, c j t0 " -
been intended as a prelude to fon.t- more saC
efforts on the part of royalty ; as n was iuppofoi
and we apprehend juflly fuppol'ed, that the- e J'
liients then under ihc eye of the King, wuuld»„"
have ventured on Inch a measure, to insult the
liatioiKii cockade, without the afliirancc of fom
powerful fnpport, and even without the confeuto'
their fuperiui s. The equivocation of the Kin? - 0
the application of the National A(teiiibly, rermelt
ing his allent to their articles or plan of a coniti'
tution, firlt gave rife to l'uch a fnrinilc, which fab
sequent tads have corroborated.
the National Aflembly have refolvedtore
move likewise to Paris : where it is hoped their
deliberations will be conducted with more unani
niity and dispatch ; for we are sorry to fay t W
there appears in many of the members of that bo
dy a disposition to delay, protrad and embarrafi
every ineafure at a time when the public exi<r ence
requires a contrary con dud; from every friend
to his country. The clergy in particular come un
der the imputation of duplicity ; and it is tho't
there must be a few more examples of severity
before the abettors of despotism will be induced
to relinquish the share of public plunder which
has fallen to them.—There is a report that there
has since been a proscription of anumberof these
prevaricating gentry ; but the truth of this is
not fufficiently ascertained.
It is thought that the removal of the King to
Paris may be attended with beneficial effects ; as
it may remove from him evil councilors, and (hew
the folly of opposing the general wish, and that
spirit which aliens the long neglected rights of
human nature, against the encroaclunentsofpre
Further advices by Capt. Bunyan slate,—That
the Turks and Swedes have concluded a Conven
tion in which they reciprocally agree net tolif
ten separately to proportions of peace with their
common enemy—That the Prince de Coboui'g has
gained another Vidory over the Turks in con
jundion with the Ruffian General—having on the
22 Sept. defeated the Ottoman Army of 90000
men, under the command of the Grand Vizier—
4000 being left dead on the field—the lols of the
vidors being only 200 killed and wounded!!—
That another vidory had been obtained by frince
Repnin a Ruffian General—and that the outworks
and suburbs of Belgrade had been carried—That
the Ruffian fleet has defeated the Swediili and ta
ken several ships of the line from them—That the
Austrian Netherlands intend to throw themselves
in to the Arms of France, as soon as the commo
tions of that kingdom are fettled—That the pet
ty Princes of Germany are taking measures to
prevent revolutions in their territories—Thatthe
Prince of Hefle Darmstadt has fled out of his do
minions, and a price is set upon his head—That
the Prince Max, brother to the Duke DeuxPents
has been killed by one of his fubjeds—That a tu
mult has lately happened at Lif'oon, but was soon
appeazed without bloodshed—That therehasbcen
an infurredion in Corsica—but a conipleat revo
lution is noteffeded—That great numbers of re
fugees from France had arrived in Spain—That
the Spanish Gazettes are prohibited from giving
any accounts of French Affairs, &c. &c.
PARIS, OCt. 8.
This day their Most Christian Majesties recei
ved the foreign Ministers at the Thuilleries, ns
did Monsieur and Madame atkhe palace cfLux
The National Aflembly still fits at VersailleS,
till room is prepared for their reception at the
Louvre. On the jth the King gave his fanftion
to thofa articles of the Constitution, and Droit?
de I'hoinine, which had been presented to his
Majeftyby the aflembly.
Oct. 12. The King has appointed the Marquis
de la Fayette, Commander in Chief of all the
troops within a circle of fifteen leagues of the
capital. Orders are given for using the utinolt
severity against the distributors of seditious pa
pers. The Heralds have proclaimed publiclyiu
Paris a prohibition against mobs, and have au
thorised the military to disperse them.
LONDON, Oct. J7.
In the affray at Versailles, the King's body
guards behaved very gallantly. About Joof the
Parisian troops and mob were killed, and thirty
of the King's guards were cut to pieces. Eighty
were carried prisoners to Paris, the reft fa vei
themselves by flight.
This regiment is different from any other, be
ing composed, both privates as well as officers, or
persons of the second order of the nobility 11
France. The heads of those who were (lainwere
carried in triumph to Paris, andfliown about t ie
streets 011 tent poles.
On Wednesday last all the diftrids ofParis
met early in the morning, and orders were giy en
to surround all the avenues of the Thuilleries,
which had been only defended the preceding
night by a common guard. A thoiifand
were immediately ordered on that duty, an
the gates of the palace are further fecurea y
train of cannon to|preventany furprlzeore cap
Wednesday being Court day, their
received the. foreign Ministers in the pa' 3C "
King looked uncommonly dejeded, the (.J>