Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 25, 1789, Image 1

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    [No. LXV.]
Publt/hed at the Seat oj the National Gov erkment.
I. EARLY and authentic Accounts of the PROCEEDINGS
communicated lb as to form an HISTORY of the TRANSACTIONS
11. Impartial Sketches of the Debates of Congress.
111. ESSAYS on the great of Government ; also upon
the national and local Alights of the american citizens as
founded uponthe National or State Constitutions ; alio upon every
other Subject, which may appear luitable for newfpaperdifcuflion.
IV. A SERIES of PARAGRAPHS, calculated to catch the
" living manners as they R i se," and to point the public
attention to Obje£h that have an important reference to dome/he.
social and public happiness.
V. The Intcrefts of the United States as connettcd with their li
terary Inftitutions—religiousand moral Objefts—lmprovements in
Science, Arts, EDUCATION and HUMANITY—their foreign
Treaties, Alliances, Connexions, See.
VI. Every species of INTELLIGENCE, which mav affeftthe
commercial, agricultural, manufacturing, or political INTERESTS of
X. The STATE of the FUNDS—Courses of Exchange—Prices
Current, &c.
VubUfhei every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.
Theprice toSubfcribcrs (exclusive of postage) THREE DOLLARS
fir. Annum.
The Jirjl ft: mi-annual payment to be made in three months from, the
time of fubferibing, and future payments to be made every fx months.
Will be received in all the capital towns upon the Continent; also at No.
9, Maiden-Lane, near the Ofwego-Market, New-York.
To the PUBLI C.
AT this important the ideas that fi|l the mind, are preg
nant with Events ot the greatest magnitude—to and
complete the UNION of the States—to extend and protc£l their
COMMERCE, under equal Treaties yet to formed—to explore
and arrange the NATIONAL FUNDS—to rcilore and eflablifji
the PUBLIC CREDIT—and ALL under the aufpicesof an untri
ed System of' Government, will require the ENERGIES of the
Patnotsand Sasesof our Country—Hence the propriety of encreafng
the Mediums of Knowlege and Information.
AMERICA, from this period, begins a new Era in her nation
al exigence—"the world is all rfjore her"—The
wisdom and folly—the misery and prosperity ot the EMPIRES,
--STATES, and KINGDOMS, which have had their day upon
the great Theatre of Time, and are now nornore, suggest the most
important Mementos—These, witli the rapid series of Events, in
which out own Country has been so deeply intereftid, have
taught the enlifjhtmcd Citizens of the United States, that FREE
This Convi6Hon has led to the adoption of the New Constituti
on; for however, various the Sentiments, refpetting the ME
RITS of this System, all good mew are agreqd in the neceflitv
A paper, therefore, cftabliflicd upon NATIONAL, INDE
take up the prcmifed Articles, upona competent plan, it is
presumed, will be highly interesting, and meet with public ap
probation and patronage.
The Editor of this Publication is determined to leave no avenue
of informaton unexplored : —He solicits the afliflance of Pqrfons
of leifurc and abilities—which, united with his own afliduity, he
flatters himfelf will render the Gazette of the United States not
unworthy general encouragement and is, with due refpcfl,
the public's humble servant, THE EDITOR.
SEVEN Months have now elapsed fnce this paper *zvas ushered
into exigence—how far the spirit of the plan has been exhibited, ana
adhered to, is not Jor the Editor to fay—A generous and cand'd pub
lic has awarded its approbation, by a fubfeription which is said to bt
nore extensive than ujual on similar occu/ions. —An acknowledgement oj
the favor is therefore due from the publisher .—The expence attending an
undertaking of this kind is always great; in the prejent inflance, it ha j
not been counterbalanced by any of the customary on account oj
advertifcmer.ts —the object being an extensive circulation, the Editor con•
ceiving that their insertion won id have count era fled that part of his plan
has never admitted an v. This cons deration if it was necejfary to bt
fuggejled,would point out the importance of punfluality on the part of tin
fubferibers —it appears to have been very generally a'tended to, as thi
Payments have been unusually prompt.
It is necejjary toobferve that the number of names which have honored
the fubfcj iption, is not fufjicientto defray the expence of the publication,
fhd to afford the Editor a competent futport, on aJ'jfpofition that tie
wholejTtouldbecolfefled.—Additionalfubferiptionsare therefore jolicited;
And when it is considered, that the paper is new in its conjiruffton ; con
tains intelligence of the mofl interejling nature ; abounds with more ori
ginality than any other periodical publication ; and. viewed as a mis
celJany, if cheaper than any magazine, regifler, (3c. it can not be doubted
but that it will receive an adequate patronage'.
The Editor is determined to prosecute the publication, upon its «rigi
wlprinciples : He hopes to make it- more interejling, by the communi
cations of his ingenious corrrfpondents k : He Johcits the aid of every
friend to science, freedom and government: And fych speculations as
bear a friendly afpecl to the peace, honor and prosperity of our rising
nation, zuill be received with eratitudr by the public's humble fervavt
NEW-YORK, Nov. 14, 17,89.
THII tempest of the foul, like that of the elements, can endure
but for a season. Time smooths the furrows of misfortune : for
hope diveljedof a darling object, like a bird deprived of one
friendly spray. flies to another ; and looks forward to new Sour
ces ol enjovment. —Happy temperament of Human nature, that
like the yielding Jlalk, bends to the blafls of misfortune,
and again resumes its wonted station, prepared for new incidents,
to 00nip!eat the varied, chcctjucrrd fccne.—So true are the words
of in'.p'.ration, Sorrow mi y eortiitr.e for a but joy com zth in the
WEDNESDAY, November 25, 1789.
Among the learned, there are Jome pcrfons of art
and aadreJ'Sy that can mind their lludies wtthout nes
le fling the world."
IVTEN who devote their liVes to the pursuit
of literature are apt to contract habits of
Ipleen and petulance. The effect of steady con-
to ex 'iauft the spirits, and create an
indifference for those pleasures and aniufements,
with which the bulk of mankind are captivated.
It is to be regretted that learned men fliould fall
into such an error; because it is not only detri
mental to their own happiness, but abates the fa
tisraction and advantage, that their attainments
would otherwise afford to other people.
1 he facifnating influence of literature, unless
counteracted by a diverfified intercourse with so
ciety, almost unavoidably produces pedantry of
manners.. There is perhaps no effectual remedy
againlt this inconvenience. It will be said, that
men must either lay aside their literary pursuits,
or they mull submit to the habits that grow out
of a life of study and contemplation. This idea
however fliould not be too implicitly adopted.—
The importance of a cheerful deportment, and en
gaging manners is so great and conspicuous, that
it is worth while to examine, whether they are
not more compatible, than usually happens, with
characters who are diftinguiflied for Icience and
leflection. Ihe fault lies principally with those
who have the management of youth, at the per
iod when they commence their ftudiee. Itislup
pofed eflential, by way ofexciting emulation, that
the students fliould speak in a different dialect
from other people, and alliime a style of behavior
peculiar to themselves. This practice, in a little
time, begets a pride of character, wliicli it is diffi
cult afterwards to wear off. Those lads, who on
letiting from their lludies, enter into commer
cial or other pursuits that carrj them into a vari
ety of company, may get the better of the faults
of their education, and learn to feel and act like
other people. But those, who take a profeflion
that requires a continuance in their researches
afterTcience, may retain the pride and formality
acquired at an academy, through every subse
quent period of life. After a fewyears sedentary
employment, they lose their relish for exercise and
for scenes of mirth and pleasantry, and before
they are aware of it, fall a prey to sullen, melan
choly spirits.
It is practicable, I fliould imagine, to excite an
emulation for learning, without running into the
errors I have described. Tiiere are many inftan
cesof men who combine great knowledge in the
arts and sciences with apolite addrefi and accom
modating manners. This shews that those pro
perties are not, in the nature of things, doomed
to a separation. It furnifhes like wife a strong
presumption, that it is owing to injudicious ma
nagement that they are so often separated. The
Students at an academy or university fliould be
cautioned against affectation in their language or
behavior. Pride never affunies a more (illy or a
more useless fliape, than it discovers in the'pecu
liarities of learned men. It sometimes elevates
them above an attention to those rules of propri
ety in common affairs, that are so well calculated
to render men happy and agreeable. How com
mon a thing is it, to fee men stored with rich trea
sures of knowledge, who are totally destitute of
prudence and common sense ! This is often and
in a wreatmeafureoccafioned by falfe notions im
bibed in education. The felf-fufficient student
believes it sullies his dignity to think upon such
subjects, or follow such practices as are in vogue
with the great run of mankind. He therefore
may be more learned, but he is, in reality, less
wife, less happy, and less ufeful, than those he
affects to despise.
The inoft flagrant violences areftill committed
by the favourers of the Stadtholder, on the patri
i otic party. —The consequences have been mur
der, and depredations on property : And the
common order of people are so infatuated in fa
vour of the House of Orange, that the eftablilh
ment of a Defpotifm'is, an event asmuchexpedted,
as it will be easy to effecft.
Every thing remains tranquil. The prosperi
ty of this nation appears progrefling—.its com
merce extending—and we hope its liberality and
enlarged policy increasing.
Tt is said, in the German papers, have been de
feated in two pitched battles, with the loss of seve
ral thousands in each : But itis fufpevsled,that these
battles have exiltence only in the Vienna Gazette.
\_FubhJhed 07i IV ednefday and Saturday
New-York, November 25.
In the SYNOD of the Reformed DUTCH CHURCH
in North America.
New-Tori, Ottober 9, 1789.
"An ADDRESS no the Prefidentof the United
States of America, was prepared agreeably to tJ"<?
resolution of Synod, and read ; which being aj~
proved of, it was ordered that the Rev. Profeflot'
Livingston, the Rev. Dr. Linn; the Rev. Mr.
Kuypers, the Rev. Mr. Louw, Dirck Lr.v
f"ERTs,Efq; the Hon. Isaac Rosf. velt, Efq; the
Hon. Richard Var xck,EJ<j; Mr. Henbyßoome,
and tlie Hon. John Vanderbilt, Efq; do sign
the fame, and present it to the President in tlie
name and behalf of the Synod."
1 lie Address, which was delayed, an account
of the Prelidejit's absence, was presented 011
Thursday last, and is as follows.
To the PRESIDENT of the United States,
THE Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church,
in North America, embrace the occasion of
their annual feflion, being the firft since your ap
pointment, to present you their fincerc congratula
tions, and to join in that great and general joy
teltified by all defcriprions of citizens on your ac
ceptance of the liigheft office in the nation.
We cannot forbear expreifingour gratitude to
God for preserving your valuable life amidst so
many dangers till this time ; —for inspiring you
with a large portion of the martial lpirit, and
forming you also for the milder and more agreea
ble arts of government and peace ; —for endow
ing you with great virtues, and calling them into
exercise by great events; —foi diftinguilhing you
with honors,and giving you remarkable prudence
and moderation ; —and for making your extraordi
nary talents the more conspicuous,_ ufeful, and
durable, by superinducing the noble ornament
of humility. Your country has * with one voice,
attested your excellence by inviting you again to
public life, and you have confirmed its judgment
by returning to frefli scenes and toils after you
had retired totliefhade from the burden and beat
of a long day.
Among the many signal interpositions of Divine
Providence, we remark the late important change
in the general government; a change neither ef
fected by accident, nor imposed by force ; but
adopted in the bosom of peace, after a free and
mature deliberation ; and in which a people wid&-
ly extended, and various in their habits, are
united beyond the most raised expectations. In
these refpecls the United States of America stand
single among all the nations of the earth. Other
revolutions may have been more diverfifiecl and
splendid, but none more honorable to human
nature, and none so likely to produce such hap
py effects. This government being now com
pletely organized, and all its departments filled,
we truss that God will give wisdom to its councils,
and justice to its adminillration ; and that we ffiali
at length realize tliofe blelfings which animated
our hopes through a difficult and ruinous war.
To our constant prayers forthe welfare of our
country, and of the whole human race, we fliali
esteem it our duty and happiness, to unite our car
neft endeavors to promote the pure and undefiled
Religion of Christ; foras this secures eternal feli
city tomenin a futureftate, so we are perfr.aded
that good Christians will always be good
and that where righteousness prevails among in
dividuals, the nation will be great and happy.
Thus while just government protects all in their
religious rights, true religion affords to govern
ment its surest support.
We implore the Lord God to be your fun and
shield. May your administration be prosperous.
May the bleflings of millions come upon you, and
your name be grateful to all posterity. Above
all, may you finifh your course with joy, be num
bered amouethe redeemed of the Lord, and enter
into everlafling reft.
New-York, October 9, 17751.
In the Name and by the Order of the Synod*
To which Address the President was
return the following Answer,
Tothe STNODof the ReformrC Dutch Churchl
in North-America.
T RECEIVE with a grateful heart your pious and
J- affectionate address ; and with truth declare to
you that i»o circumstance of my life has affected me
more sensibly, ofr produced more pleasing emotions
than the friendly congratulations and strong afliir*