kiES must be confiJered among tlic richest tri butes paid to our illustrious Chief. Some of the Members of Congress, in their de bates on amendments to the Constitution, talked of the discontents of the people on account of i'ome obnoxious parts of it, as though they were on the eve of an infuvrection : but we could ne ver find in what part of the country these discon tents exiftcd: among all the addrefles prefentedby the people to our beloved President, not a fingie wish for amendments is ftiggefled, though 1110 ft of »hem express the liighell fatisfay Congress, it is a favorable topic of inflainato rymen, and an alluring bait to those of narrow purse-strings Wejfoolifhly compare theN;-tion al Government with our small republic, and a true principle with a falfe one. United States in Congress, have by their establishments been atfluated by this truism, that every man who accepts an office makes a facrifice of his time to the public, and that it is but just they should be paid for it, and that no officer can be responsible for his trust unless he has a full com pensation for his services.—While weexped: that the' United States can be governed as we have been, —instead of an honorable support to an acceptance of an office—it is the influence of party, or the baser principle of private interest— hence have we experienced continual revolutions ill our laws and our credit. What man of abili tics and integrity would accept of the office of Governor of the State of Rhode-Iflandand Provi dence Plantations, for the pitiful sum of one hun dred and fifty dollars per annum ? None; unless ic was in time of danger; and then virtue and the importunities of his fellow citizens might bring iorth a suitable candidate for office. When the citizens of this State rightly eonfider tliefe points, they mult be convinced, that the salaries eftablilhed by Congress are not only re quisite, but that we shall never be governed well, unless we make an honorable and permanent elta blifhment, that will induce men of character and responsibility to accept the offices of the State.— Till this is done, the annals of our State, will be little elfebut the annals of faction. WORCESTE R, November 12. The following is handed us forfaft, and is one of many inftan ccs which (hew that it is necefiary the President of the United States should have forrie title, ot address at leaff, to diftinguilh him from other great perfotiages who may have occasion to travel either in their own or other States^-—Towards the clofeof one day last week, a mefTenger was sent forward to inform the keeper of the Inn where the President intended to lodge that night, that " the President was near bye* and wished to be accommodated with lodging and a little necessary refrefhment, See." the Inn keeper was absent; the Landlady, supposing the mefTenger meant by the Prefidentthe President of Rhode-Island college, for it was in the neighbourhood of that State, and that of course he had his lady with him, and being herfelf unwell —fhtf told the mefTen ger she could not entertain " the President" —and that ne mufl go on to the next tavern—in confequcnce of which the mefTenger, although it was late, had to fend word back to the President that he had proceeded on to the next Inn, to provide that entertain ment which he could not get at the firfl—The Landlady soon after found out her miitakc, and molt pitcoufly lamented that she could not have known that it was the illuflrious Washington, that intended honouring her house—Bless me !" exclamed she, " the fight of him would have cured me of my illness, and thebeft in my house and in the town should have been at hisfervice." This Inn was in the middle of the town, and when the inhabitants who lived in the neighbour hood, heard of the affair, they could not refrain cxprefling the greatefl mortification at this unlucky adventure, which deprived many of them of an opportunity of feeing him whom they would have delighted to honour. NATIONAL MONITOR. No. XXVII. • " HONOR'S A SACRED TIE." THE National debts of this confe derated Republic appear to many honijl persons, who by the way are not public creditors, to be a mountain that will finally overwhelm us : From characters of this kind, we are frequently entertained with doubts and apprehensions—and tho they do not explicitly propose the deprecia tion or annihilation of the public securities, yet their fears on the one hand, and their want of promptitude oil the oj.lier, in advocating the cause ofjuftice, greatly encourage another set of people in their open attempts to destroy all pub lic Faith and Honor at a blow. There are not wanting those who openly propose the SPUNGE as the belt, yea the only mode which wildoin can devise of getting rid of the domeltic debts of our country : However, the Jhaiuclefs and unprinci pled wretches who have the temerity to avow l'uch a plan, are as the drop of the backet, com pared to the great body of the people—which appears to be decidedly of opinion that honesty is Wisdom, and will prove the cheapest plan in the ifl'ue. We have l'uffered enormous lodes in times pad by our temporizing expedients, and by the want of a little magnanimity of spirit in adopting, even upon the fmallelt scale, the line ofjuftice. Had our systems been squared upon the principles of honor, tho in their infancy they had been as a grain of muitardrfeen, they would have expanded, and the Strait once pafled, all would have been plain failing—difficulties would have vanished as soon as they appeared—and the bug-bear of the National Debt, would have been converted into, and realized to be, a National blessing.—And what 5s our present situation— It isprecifely such, as should lead us solemnly to declare, "That tho the Heavens should FALL, WE WILL BE JUST AS A TEOPLE." This being laid down as a foundation principle, the clouds will dilfipate in every quarter—our prof pedls will from that moment become bright and encouraging—the public mind will be tranquil ized—our credit will be reltored—our govern meiit refpecfted—and we /hall always command with facility, the means of preserving our Free dom and Independence. Itmuft afford the great est pleasure, and inspire the liigheft degrees of confidence in the administration of our national government, to observe those ineafures pursued, which promise to rescue our reputation, and esta blish our Faith as a people upon a basis never to be fliaken. The principal source from whence the individual governments derived their funds topaytheintereftofthe State debts, being divert, ed into a Continental channel, it is become in a ineafure neceflary that State Creditors should be come the Creditors of the Union—lt is difficult to conceive how they can obtain Justice in any other way—their expectations are accordingly turned to the general government—and there can be no doubt but that the consolidation of the whole debt incurred 011 account of the war, will be a ineafure, as popular, as itis just and necessary. NEW-YORK, NOVEMBR 21. Ext raft of a letter from Portsmouth, (Nc"d>-Ha>np- Jhire) dated Nov. 4. The illustrious PRESIDENT of the United States left this town this morning, on his return to New- York. He spent several days here, in which time he visited our river and harbor—and once disembarked on the lnoft northern district of our Union—the old Province of Maine.— He delighted every one—and appeared himfelf not to be displeased with his tour.— Nothing could exceed rhe flocking together of the people, of every rink and denomination, as he came through the country, and their univer sal acclamations of joy and fatisfadiion at his ap pearance.—He was heard repeatedly to solicit, that the crowds who attended him, and lined the roads as he pafled, would not follow him, buc would return to their homes and their employ, a» he could not be convinced but that it mull be in convenient to rlietn. In tliefe in fiances, however, his solicitations were fruitlefs : The ball as it rolled on, most rapidly encreafed—even rivers, and other natural obltacles neither impeding its progref's, nor diminishing its lize.— The oppo(it.ion to our present system of Go vernment was in this quarter feeble before this Prime Conductor of our affairs made his appear ance here.—lt is how expiring.— If the form of our government did not recom mend itfelf fufficiently to every one, the present chief administrator of it would reconcile all par ties, till a fair experiment has been made.— Nothing appeared toefcapethe President's no tice as he palled—and those objects which mer itedhis particular attention, he always flopped to observe.—His refpeftsio every one were pointed and exadt—and no one went from his pre fence diflatisfied - , The addrefles prfefered to him by most of the corporations and different orders of men among whom he palled, and the eulogies he was con strained to hear from the clergymen at whose churches lie attended, were such as the crowned heads of other countries would part with their diadems to receive—They contained the grateful incense of honest hearts—where foul met foul to gether:—lndeed the great and good man appear ed fometinies to be almost overwhelmed.— The Preficlent absolutely declined, and even forbid any further parade and attendance upon him.—He left the town about sunrise, having on ly the gentlemen of his family, Mr. Lear, and Major Jackfon —and his own servants to attend him. It is impossible but that offences flionld come; there are political, social and civil offences, as well as sacred and theological.—lf a man main tains with ardor any set of political opinions, however wife, just and benevolent, he ought to remember there are ignorant, absurd, and envi ous people in the world, who will afl'uredly take offence at his freedom ; but yet, fhallthe virtuous and independant be deterred from advocating the belt principles, because there are fnarlers, and petulant carpers in the world ?—The man that feels a generous sympathy for those in society, whomanverfe fortune has condemned to struggle with poverty, disease and want —who from the fulnefs of his companion,is led to devise, and pro pose plans to meliorate the circumstances of the poor, and alleviate the diftrefles of his fellow men, however incredible it may appear, he will gi offence. —Thofe " who never felt another's woes"—will notfail to impute unworthy moiifes to the most benevolent deligns.—But, neither the disapprobation of the niggard, or the facers of the coxcomical, will avail to check the pur suits of the man " whose heart devifech liberal things." The present is an age of speculation and improvement—the human mind is upon the stretch, and its researches and discoveries are astonishing in every art, science and profeflion. Thefcience of government appears however, ve ry justly, to claim the most distinguished atten tion.—To fix this upon proper and equal principles, is the most glorious pursuit of huma nity;— The important interests—the life—the freedom, and prosperity of mankind, are eflen tially connected with a right understanding of this divine fubje 47' an d 48 ■' Six pencc each will be paid jur either of thujc numbers at the office of the Editor. November 21. ARRIVALS.—NEW-YORK. Thurfdaj, Ship Britiih King, EUifon, Shelburnc, 8 days. Ship Nortb-Carolina, Haddock, Cadez, 28 days. BiigSilas and Sally, M'Combe, London, 70 days. Sloop Providcnre Packet, Frilby, St. Mama:,. 14 days, Vtiit . Brig Ptflly, Grec». Coposhajcn.