Scheme, Vien, Be la Grenee the younger, Suree. Berrner, Du Vivier, Belle, Fragonard, Veftler, Peron, David, Vernet the the younger, Defmar teaux, Beauvallet, oornedecerf. the wife of a merchant. Unmarried Ladies. Vafle de Borrecuil, Veftier, Gerard, Pithoud, De Viefvilla, Hautemps. Sept. i. ThePalais Royal has been a scene of tumult the whole day, chiefly owing to the dis contented members of the diltricft having chosen the different Coffee-houSes as convenient places to discuss points that belong to the Diftrkls only, which nevertheless drew vast crowds about the doors, and rendered the Arcades absolutely iin paflable. About 7 o'clock, 300 French guards took poS- Seflion of the garden, cleared tlieprlncipal Coffee lioui'es, and fhuttheni up, cut off the communica tion between the Arcades and the garden, by lock ing all the gates under the arches, but at the prin cipal entrance, then divided into companies, and patrolled the reft of the evening, difperSmg the people, by marching through every knot of men, that chance or enriofity drew together. About 11 o'clock, an extract from a verbal pro cess of the Afleinbly of Representatives of the Commons of Paris, was distributed among the people. In this extratfi the Assembly declares its indig nation at the proceedings of Sunday, Mohday, andTuefday, in the Palais Royal, laments that the abode of a Prince, whom they love and cher i{h, Ihould be profaned by the encouragement of the molt attrocious calumny, and of such bloody purposes, as revenge or ignorance may wish to fee executed. It reminds the people of their in fluence on the great provincial towns, warns them against the ill consequences that such dis orderly meetings mull neceflarily bring on ; and authorizes the Marquis de la Fayette, to use the power entrusted to him by the good citizens of Paris, for quelling all disturbances in the streets, and to take into custody those that appear to be molt a<Ttive in misleading the people, that they may be immediately tried and punished, accord ing to the nature of their offence. This Extracft is ligned, VAU VILLIERS, 1 BLONDEL, V Presidents. VINCENDON, S BROUSSE DESFAUCHERTS, 7 c , DEJOLY, Seers. The method of silencing the leaders is worthy of relation, it being as ingenious and original, as exempt from violence, M. de la Fayette was de termined not to leave them even the popular merit of persecution. A meflage was Sent to the mad Marquis de St. Huruge, requeuing his preSence at the Hotel de Ville ; and 011 his appearing, M. de la Fayette addrefled him with his uSual urbanity, acquaint ing him, that rumors were Spread abroad injur ious to his character as a man oSrank, and an offi cer (he has the croSs of St. Louis) as well as of the good citizen, which he was persuaded were destitute of foundation. On his replying that they certainly were unjust, " Of that we are all convinced (answered the Marquis) and it is Sor that very reaSon that we are desirous of availing ourSelves oSyour military experience and talents, and of giving you an opportunity, which you certainly will readily embrace, of Silencing the voice of calumny, by offering you the command of a patrole of citizens in this quarter of the Palais Royale." There was no flinching from such a proposal ; and he was thus ingenioully compelled to appear at the head of the patriot citizens, to appease the tumult he himfelf had instigated but twenty hours before. The committee of the NationalAflembly, however, not deeming this amende honorablea fufficient punishment, in a few hours after he came off guard, had him apprehended and committed to ttie State PriSon of the Abbaye de St. Germain, as a warning to the reft of the idle or factious Motion-makers. The failure of Ouidors, the late Infpetlor of the Police, has aftonifbed every body. 111 this fellow's books were registered the names of all the women of ill fame in Paris, who lived by prostitution. He seldom had fewer names atone time of this description of persons, than forty thousand ; and from every one of these wretches he annually got Something. No Sum, however Small, was beneath his acceptance. BRUSSELS, Sept. 8. Iwo days since, the /hops, ware-houSes, and houSes oS all the printers and booksellers in this province, were Searched for Seditious pamphlets, hand-bills, &c. in conSequence oS which, two booksellers in this city, and one printer at Ant werp, were imprisoned. The garriSons are withdrawn from Ghent, Bru ges, Oftend, and Nieupart, towards the centre of Brabant. Those of Bruflels, Malines, Louvain, and AntVverp, are changed to prevent the forma tion of those habits of familiar intercourse which are acquired with the inhabitants, by long refi- dence. Infhort, the m ultiplied precautions us the Government indicate its feeblenefs and evince its fears. The character of its policy is marked by those petty exertions that irritate and inflame, without being diftinguilhed by those severe and decisive lteps that intimidate and overawe a peo ple. No taxes have hitherto been collected, and the firftrefufal of the illegal imposition, " vil: 1 age Hampden," will probably prove the firft sig nal of revolt. Vander-Noot, proscribed and exiled, to appre hend whom, the Emperor has offered a million of Horins, watches at Bredaforthe moment when he can give aliiltance to his country : and there is reason to expert an infurredtfon as general, and as well concerted, as there is any example of in history. The House of Austria will learn too late the value of these provinces, which they have equally neglected and opprefled. W A R S A W, A'ugust 24. Prince Repnin is marching haltily forward to meet the army under the late Captain Pacha, which is intended to attempt the retaking of Oczakow, colt what it will; lo that a battle ieems inevita ble. Thirty Turkilh fliips of war have polted themselves in I'uch a manner off Oczokow, that the Ruffians are blocked up in Cherfon, and will find it very d-.ingerous to attempt to fail out of that port. 1 his may bring on an engagement. LONDON, September 8. The Marquis de St. Huruge, who isimprifon ed at Paris, for having railed a tumult at the Caife de toy, was formerly confined 011 account of in (anity. He has occasioned much trouble at the po pular meetings by his enthusiastic ardour. Bre teuil was his enemy, and during his administra tion, he fuffered much. The proposed Senate of France is not to becom pofed entirely of Nobility, in which particular it differs from our House of Lords; it is, besides, elective, and not hereditary ; and the age of 35 is, perhaps, a wife precution, to guard againlt the precipitancy of youth. No perion was per mitted to take a (eat in the Roman Senate until he had completed his 40th year. At Paris every thing seems quiet. The Mar quis de St. Huruges, who was the promoter of the late tumults, is arretted and and in prison. The frequenters of the Palais Royal are frighented at it, and we hear no more of those who have, for some time past, excited such alarms. The Countess of Artois left Versailles yester day about nine, in order to meet the Count ai Turin, who will, it is supposed, arrive thereto day or to-morrow. The Queen has fliewn a degree of resolution bj flaying in f ranee, which might have been expect ed only from the daughter of Maria-Tlierefa. The mob set a price upon her head ; and she was every day not only called Brunehalt, but threat ened with the fate of that wicked Queen. But Maria-Antoinetta resolved, with a manly resolution, to brave aftorm from which so manv Princes of the Blood, and able Generals, had thought it prudent to fly. This spirited resolu tion is of service to her—she is at this moment much less unpopular than at anytime during the last three months ; and it is expected that (he will soon be reltored to the popularity which she formerly enjoyed. The French funds have lately risen two per cent, in consequence of some patriotic regulations proposed by M. Neckar, for raifingtlie new loan of 80 millions, which is become very popular on that account, and theprogrefs making by the Na tional Aflembly in re-eftablifhingorderand tran quility through the kingdom. A letter from a merchant in Leghorn on Monday lalt, and dated the 11 th inft. mentions, that a Tus can, frigate, mounting 36guns, had jult returned into that port, after having had an engagement off the lfland of Corsica with an Algerine corsair, car rying 24 guns, besides carronades : the engage ment lasted three hours ; the Algerine was full of men, and fought desperately, but a shot from the Tuscan frigate having taken the corsair be tween wind and water, she funk and every per son on board perished. The frigate had thirty men killed, and several wounded : her ringing* was much damaged, and she will take some time to refit. LIEGE. Sept 12. A rescript from thelmperialChamber of Witzlaer has arrived here, ordering the Prince Bishop to be immediately re-established in all the prerogatives which he enjoyed before the revo lution ; and also to replace the former magistrates. This being read in public, caused very serious alarm atfirft ; and it was aflerted, that if this or der of the Sacred Imperial Chamber was not com plied with, it would be the King of Prussia's du ty to fend a body of troops to enforce it. An Aflembly was immediately held at the Hotel de Ville, where spirited and patriotic resolutions were entered into; which were caarried to the Hall of the Third Estate, and that of the Nobleile in an inllant. ' Thcfe proportions and resolutions were readily agreed to. 3 tt was tken piopofefi to fend a Witzlaer, to tcitify, that << tile revolution wi :j nipoufly applauded, and received with™ fition ot any kind whatever." ' to Pl«- This proposition was readily agreed m , j , FirftState nominated for its Deputy the I ordVH eft of 1 nxne. The Nobles named Couiu R layinout, de la Chagelle; and the Third Chevalier de Clieftret, reigning Burgomat c Liege ; to he aflifted with Mefl". de Lefcrim, I°. Baih'iige, Counsellors. * 1 ' aa(^ However, this momentous alarm has pro duced us good effects, by binding by new tie!,? three States, and that of all part* of the Prindpt In consequence of the proposition made by the Magistrates of this place to the Third Eltate tor new the ancient alliabce and confederation of the city and the country towns, they have one and all eagerly consented ; and by afolemn ast, entere into the firft instant, between the deputies of Li ew andthofeof the twenty-two Towns oftheLowi Countries, they have agreed to make it a common cause ; and have sworn to each other in the name of the Almighty God, and by their Country t » maintain theirancicnt constitution withtheirfor tunes, and at the riik of losing their last dropsof blood, according to the fine expreirion of their an cient alliances. " Sans (ejfe les tins aufprts dcs autrts" This aift has been sealed, signed, andmntualk exchanged, declaring, " that ic was done without any rank or diftiuiftion whatever, regarding them selves are brethren who had only one right, and one interest in common. The Coinmiflioners appointed by aift of Parlia ment for eredling four light houfesinthe North ern part of Great Britain, have now completed that important business; delcriptive particulars of which will be forthwith made public, for the information of mariners. The following are the situations on which these lanterns are erected: One on Kinnaird's Castle, One on the Mull ofKintyre. One on the North Ronaldfay, in Orkney, One 011 the Point of Scalps. The two firft have been lighted some time; the lighting of the other two will take place on the iotliof next month. PARIS, September 15. The order of the day being read, and the question put, whether the National Aflembly should consist of one or of two Chambers; B9VOW appeared for two chambers, 849 for one; 122 Mentbers who would not vote. The idea of a Senate, as proposed by Monsieur de Lally, is therefore laid aside. Monf. D'Eftaing having made the proper dis position of the militia, as well for the security of the Afletnbly, as for the tranquility of thetown, received the thanks of the House, in a polite let ter from the President. The order of the day was scarce read, when a letter was received from M. Neckar, containing a report made in the Council on Thursday. The reading of this report was immediately opposed, and a long debate ensued on the propriety of the King's interference in the business of the Allem bly. The result was, that the report contained in M. Neckar's letter should not be'read. The affair of the Royal Sanction was now re sumed, and the question proposed, whether the King canrefufe hisconfent to the edicts of the legidative body ? it was determed in the affirma tive, by 730 votes againll x 43. Another question then arose, in cafe the King (hould refute his consent, would his refufalbe fufpenlive or determinate ? The suspensive refu fal was adopted by 673 against 325. On this a new question arose, how long the suspension should last ? It being now late in the evening,this matter was referred to another day. On the opening the Aflembly on Saturday, the Cardinal de Rohan took his feat,and was received with great applause. The firft question of consequence was, the referred question of the duration of the King s suspension, when a member desired that it might firft be determined how long each Parliament Ihould last ; that is, whether their Parliaments should be annual, biennial, triennial, See. Many arguments were adduced in favor of each 0 these terms ; and, after debating the matter the whole morning, it was determinned in favor 0 Triennial Parliaments. UNITED STATES. SALE M, Noveeber io. We omitted to mention in our last, that on t e day of the Preftdent's arrival in this town, in° r der to communicate the general joy to the bodes of wretchednels, " and light up a smile in the afpe<ft of wo," the Committee of ments ordered an excellent dinner of plumb pu dings, roaftbeef, &c. forthe tenantsof the poo house and prison. , A correspondent was highly pieafed attne e gant display of the Waihington Safces at Cone Hall, in this town, on the evening the Pre 1 attended the Ailetnbly—The refpetfs of rite
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