Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 21, 1789, Image 1
[No. LXIV.j THE TABLE T. No. LXIV. »' People tire never ?nore vexed, than when the thing that offends theviisiuhat they mujl not complain of." TEARS anil complaints are among tlicfour ces ofrelief that lie open to the afflicfted and unfortunate. Those people, who can vent their grief in either of tliefe ways, feel less op prelfion of spirits, than those who conceal their misfortunes through atemper of prid», or cheridi their sadness under fucli a clole contexture of heart, as cannot readily let loose its sorrows.— But one meets with innumerable ills and vexa tions in the world, about which, it would be weaknefsto sigh, and indelicacy to complain. An epicure, in dining with his friend, some times finds no difli that suits his palate. The cookery may in every respect be different from what he relishes. To be sure, he is placed in a fitiiation, which, to him, is a very unpleasant one. Nothing could vex him more, and yet he mull not complain. He mult disguise his feelings, or he will offend those of his friend. An old man, connected with a young wife, whom he durlt not quarrel with, is perpetually exposed to vexations, which he cannot even men tion without being ridiculed. His natural dispo sition may be sullen and reserved ; and those cha rafteriltics may be heightened by age and infir mity. Her temper may be peculiarly gay and volatile, and her desire for company and amufe inent may be encreafed, by living with an hus band, wliofe character and wilhes are so different from her own. Both of them feel a state of un easiness, which they can neither hope to escape, nor cease to lament. And yet their disquietudes are of such a nature, that any complaint would excite contempt rather than pity. The evil ad mits of 110 remedy : It meets with noconipaffion. It can be 110 mark of difcerninent for persons vo luntarily to plunge into a fftuation so tedious and hopelels. The secret of living happily depends very much on knowing how to avoid the description of evils to which I allude. In the choice of inti mate friends and companions, one will fall into disagreeable mistakes, unless he adts with great difcernnien't and caution. A liuiilarity in circum itances, a coincidence in political sentiments, and many other causes may induce men to .form cir cles of acquaintance, into which perhaps not a lingle ray of realfriendlliip ever penetrates. One should not number among his particular friends, those persons with whom he becomes acquainted, only through accident or convenience. If he does, he will commit an error, that will involve him in all the difficulties, I am exhorting him to Ihun. Before any man is recognized as a familiar associate, he ought to give unequivocal proof, that he poli'efies purity of principles, and gener osity ot heart. There should be a resemblance intafteand habits between those who often come together for the relaxation of their mutual cares. When there is a disagreement in this refpedi, their scenes of mirth and fellivity will soon de generate into fullenncfs anddifcontent. It is not material, that chere be a limilarity of age, under standing, or natural temper. It is only requisite that their habits and inclinations Ihould be form ed with a view to limilar modes of gratification. Nothing is more common than for an old man to be less lprightlyand enterprizing than his young friend, and yet both may take delight in the fame course of business and amusement. A man prone to lilence and gravity may be happy in companions of an open unreserved temper. If they are both alike well-bred, aAd familiarized to like cultoms, their difference of temper may probably never prove a l'ource of much vexation to each other. But persons living together will soon disagree, if they have been accustomed to a different llile and manner of enjoyment, and have modelled their taste and fafhions by a dif ferent level of circumilances. When I visit my friend, it is of no importance to my liappinefs, that he fiiould know as much, or talk and laugh as much as I do. But if he gives me bad wine, and a dinner not so well dres sed, as I could have got elsewhere, I undergo a vexation, against which I have no remedy. This shews how much of our pleasure in life depends on avoiding habitual familiarities with persons, who will inceflantly counteract our prevailing taffe and inclination. I may view a man withref peift and veneration for his talents and virtues, and yet 110 degree of acquaintance may be able to intereff any of the tender sentiments of my heart. Wemavhoth applaud each other for our reflec tive good qualifies, but we must commit force upon ourselves if we attempt to pal's a social hour together. It cannot be too much contemplated how many or the irkib ne moments of life are occaiioned by S A T U Pi D A Y, November 21, 1789 incidents, that appear too trifling to be ranked in the catalogue of misfortunes. No man could ever move one l'enf'ation of pity in the breast of ano ther, because his fellow-lodgers chose a different hour of dining, or a different fort of provisions irom himfelf; and yet many a man lias fuffered more a<ftual vexation from such acaufe, than he probably has realized in all the lofles and disap pointments that have perplexed his plans of bu siness. When a man is afTailed by those heavy misfor tunes which engage the atten;ion of mankind, he may flatter his pride, by the manly fortitude he discovers, and afl'uage his grief, by the tender fyinpatliy he excites. This source of consolation however is not open to another man, who is vex ed and mortified by a thousand untoward acci dents, which embitter every moment of his life, and which he cannot think of, without sentiments offhaine, nor declare without cxpofing himfelf to derision. Men maybe so inceflantly teazed with incidents of this (lamp, as to fall into habits of peevishness and caprice, and become a torment to thcmf elves and thofe,with whom they aflbciate. I have seen two men, who from motives of conve nience in bulinefs become fellow-lodgers. Their taste in living was so opposite, that they were ne ver both pleased with precisely the fame thing. It is incredible how a petulance of temper grew upon them, and how soon they dilliked each as companions. It was no relief, under such vexa tions, that they were both fenfi'ole, well-informed men, and both sustained an excellent character. Had one of them been a fool and the other a wife man, they had probably lived more harmoniously together, if their taste and habits had coincided better. These reflections will, I hope, lead my readers into an examination of the causes, that contribute to happiness and tranquility. lam confident that with a little precaution, men may make life pass away more agreeably, and escape innumerable fo-arces of disquietude, in which a greatportionofthe human race are involved. FRANCE. Copy of a letter from the Marquis de Cascaux to the Editor of the Paris Journal, and which hi has tranf ■rnitted io the Provinces. Paris, August 30. S I R, THE queflion of the Royal Negative, themoft important of" all the questions, after that of deliberating by individuals or by orders, may, in my opinion, be reduced to very simple terms. The people is every thing. No legitimate power cauexilt but from them and forthem ; or rather, all that which bears the character of public pow er, whatever may be its shape, can be 110 other than the people acfting by representation of one kind or another. In a monarchy, the people have two kinds of representatives, both equally efTential: the Na tional AHembly, and the King. This is the rea son why their persons should be held equally sa cred and inviolate ; and it is evidently for the public good that this inviolability should be eflab lifhed. Each of these representatives would be desirous, sooner or later, to govern the other ; such is the nature of man. This is the reason why the peo ple fay to them both—Ye shall be able to do no thing, but when ye agree. In the mean time that they may severally know what they ought to do when the public interest requires that they should a<ft, the people fay to the one, " It is your province to difenfs, and to pre sent your labor to the King." They fay to the other, " Do yon examine, and after you have ex amined, if you fanrtion, it fball be my •will; that is, it shall be Law. If you shall rejed; that which the other body present you, do you fend it back to me, that I may re-examine it; if I lhall ap prove of that which you have rejetfied, I lhall lend back the fame body to present it to you a gain, and they lhalHtgnify to you, King ! Obey ! If on the contrary, I lhall think that you had good reason for rejecting it, I shall chufe and fend you other representatives, who shall lay before you the bill altered and they shall fignify to you that we are fatisfied with the manner in which you have exercised the prerogative that we the peo ple have confided in you. We fee by this flatement whether the aflentand diflent of the King were given to him for his own advantage, or for that of the people : or rather we may fee whether the National Aflembly has the right to deprive the King of a prerogative which guarantees the sovereignty of the people, to whom alone the sovereignty belongs. 111 the mean time, a wicked Aflembly, and a wicked King, might easily at onetime or another, agree together to deceive the people. This,.there- [Publijbiil (ill Wedriefday and Saturday, j fore, is the reason why the people fay to the King and the Aflembly, " Theli'oertyof the press ih:i]l be as sacred and inviolable as your august per sons, because it is my interelt that itfhouldbefo." Let us refietft then whether it is not the mere childhood of democracy to be afraid of a King, when he is watched by a free press, and by the National Aflembly, who hold the purse-strings of the nation. If it is not a childish fear of defpotifin to bea larmed at a National Aflembly, when it is watch ed by the press and the King. If it is not the mere childhood of visionary pref byterianifm, to be afraid of the concord and har mony, which ought to fubfiit in an enlightened age, between anunmoveableKing, and a Nation al Aflembly, tobeconvened annually, when both of them are watched by theiuviolabe freedom of the press. These are three tribunals of* the people, with out which there can be no true monarchy, and with which monarchy, of all the governments that exist, will ever be that in which the interests of the people will be bell watched over, and belt balanced, and in which they will run the least rilk of being facrificed, either to a King, or to an Aflembly. Such is the Amplification of the idea of a con flitution ! I have the honor to be, &c. Le Marq_uis de Caseaux. Discourse delivered at the National Ajfembly on the Ith oj September, 1789, by the female citizens -who came to make an offering of their jewels and other ornaments as a voluntary dijlributisn towards the discharge of the public debts. Messeigneurs. THE regeneration of the State is a work com mitted to the National Representatives. The liberation of the State should be the care of every good citizen. In order to enable the Senate to fulfil a vow that was made by Camillus to Apollo before the capture of Vieum, the Roman ladies made a vo luntary <)flering of their ornaments to the Repub lic. But 110 vows can be more sacred than engage ments contracted with the creditors of the State, the public debt fliould be scrupulously difebarged, but the means' should be rendered easy to the people. It is in that -view thatfeveral citizens, wives or daughters of art ids, came to ofFer to this august National Aflembly tliofe ornaments, which they would blufli to wear, when patriotism bids them facrifice them to the public good. What woman is there, worthy of the title of citizen, who would not prefer to the iniipid parade of vanity, the inexpveflible pleasure of converting the or naments of herperfon tofo excellent aufe ? Our offering is no doubt of final 1 value ; fora mong the votaries of the fine arts, glory rather than riches is the pursuit: our offering is in pro portion to our means, but not to the sentiment that animates our breast. May our example be followed by many citizens of either sex, whose circumstances are far more opulent than ours! and our exampJe will, my Lords (Mefleigneurs) befollowed, if you will but deign graciously to accept, if you will procure the facility of making voluntary contributioHS, by establishing from this moment a bank, for the sole purpose of receiving patriotic gifts in money or jewels, to be invariably applied to the dis charge of the national debt. Reply of M. Le President of the National Stfjembly, to the female citizens who have made an offering of their personal ornaments towards the discharge of the public debt. THE National Aflembly beholds, with infi nite fatisfadtion, your generous facrifice, which emanates from motives of true patriotism. May the more noble example which you offer us at this present moment, communicate to all ranks of citizens the heroic sentiment from which it proceeds, and may it find as great a number of imitators as it does admirers ! You are far more adorned by your many virtues, than you could be by the precious ornaments which you facrifice to the good of your country. The National Aflembly will take into considera tion the plan which you propose, with all the warmth which it inspires. A true copy. Signed, Henry de Longueve, Sec. Nat. 4(f. Dfschamps, Sec. Acorre<fHi(l of the ladies (wives or daughters of celebrated artists) who,on Monday the 7th of September, 1789, delivered to the National As sembly, their jewels and other female ornaments, as a voluntary contribution towards the dif j charge of the public debt. Married Ladies. ' Moitte, president and firft mover of the patriot