London, settember 9. t'aul Jones, having obtained leave to come to France on his private affairs, took leave of the Ein prefs at Petersburg 011 the 7th of July ; when her Majelty conferred 011 hiui the order of St. Anne, as a mark of her approbation If his conduct ]alt campaign. He retains his rank and pay of Admiral in that lervice, and has only obtained affiort leave. The Ruffian flotilla in the Archipelago has ob tained some advantages over the Turks, and has taken one of their islands. By a letter from Count Voinorich, dated the jth of J uly last, we are informed that a R ullian squad ron of nine fail, commanded by Admiral Lorenzi, met, at a lmall distance from the island of Tine, with a Turkilll squadron of three fail of the line, four frigates, five xebecks, and two lialf-gallies. The Turks bore down on the Ruffians, who •waited for them ; and so well did they receive them that they were put to flight, notwithllanding their great superiority ; and the Ruffians were in purfuitof them when this letter was written. There is 110 truth in the report of the Emperor having concluded a separate pcace. He has found the war expensive and unfuccelsful, and accord ingly so like his othei frhemes that he is deter mined to purlue it. The Guardian transport was to fail this morning from Portfinouth, 011 her voyage to Port-Jackson ; she has 25 convidfcs 011 board, mollly carpenters and blacksmiths, and a lading of beds, cloathing, and other articles, of which Commodore Philips,had not a fufficient supply. Eight fuperintendants of convieat ardor for his welfare—every heart was animated—and molt sincere were our efforts to pay him refpecft—and make him happy. My confinement by levere indisposition, the day alter his arrival, and during his residence here, deprived me of the pleasure of paying my per sonal refpeJts to him—This was a great draw back upon my happiness oji the glorious occasion. The tour of The PRESIDENT thro the Ealtern States is an event, which has served to call forth the latent principles of virtue, gratitude, and pa triotifm,in an eminent degree :—The real friends to the revolution—the advocates for government, peace, and freedom, were fully convinced than the attachment of the people to the Constitution was solid and permanent —that their love and ■veneration for the President could receive 110 ad dition—Still the pen of Slander has not been idle —and the tongue of calumny has not been Silent —while jealouftes and apprelienfioiis have been excited rcfpeifting imaginary evils—lt therefore seemed neceflary that some great occasion Should offer, to call forth the real fentimerits of the Union, and afford that demonstrative evidence: of what the people feel, which all the adversaries of our national honor " Should not be able to gainsay or resist."— Extra# of a letter from. Bojlon. dated Oflrtey 28. This day, at i 1 o'clock the Prchdent was conveyed in the Ad miral's burgeon boad the .Admirals', (hip— the Major ol the fleet (leered, the raidfhipmen rowed, all drefled in red—when the President arrived he was received onboard, in the fame stile thev receive their Kin o s, viz. The Officers toojv. off their (hoes— and the crew all appealed with their legs naked. By a veflcl in 38 days from Havre tie Grace in France—which arrived here on Sunday lait, we learn, that all was peace and quietness in that kingdom. The United States will undoubtedly rife to higher degrees ol eminence in the fcalc'of em pire, than any of the nations that have gone be fore them —the moll cursory view of the Subje