Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 14, 1789, Image 1

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    C -V^liii-
[No. LXII.j
" There is, generally /peaking, left truth in panegy
ricks than in satires."
WHOEVER might be the author of the re
mark contained in my motto, he certain
ly did not mean it as a compliment upon human
nature. Some of the asperity, which the obier
vation discovers, will be taken off, when we re
flect that men, who write satires, draw too lively
an image of the bad qualities of others ; and those,
who bellow panegyricks, give too favorable a co
loring to good qualities. Both may be carried to
extremes, though neither originated in fallhood.
it is no proof that satirical writings contain more
truth than panegyrical, merely because the for
mer excite more forcible impreiiions than the
latter. The fact is, we are more strongly affett
ed with the failings, than with the virtues ofone
another. If in company I draw a favorable cha
racter of my neighbor, my companions attend less
eagerly to what I lay, than when I prefent|to their
view an odious character. But this does not
prove that I do not speak, with an equal degree
of truth, in both instances. It only shews that
there is a predisposition in men to attend more
critically to the bad, than to the good qualifica
tions, that are made the subject of con. erfation.
The enemies of a man are more active and vi
gilant in exposing his bad actions, than his friends
are, in displaying the meritorious points of his
character. This however is 110 proof that his
friends depart from the truth, any more than his
enemies. Men more readily make a common
cause offpying out and reprobating the vices or
•defects of others, than they do, in searching for
and proclaiming their virtues and excellencies.
A vicious action rouses fonie of the most energet
ic palfions of the foul. It produces in the mind
more ferment and agitation than can be excited
by any exhibition of virtuous deeds.
The truth contained in fatireis generally more
obvious, and more readily acknowledged, than
in encomiums. Men, who draw upon themselves
the pen of the satirist, often have other enemies
to encounter besides the writer ; for a satirical
attack upon aman isofitfelf a circumftantialevi
dence, that his conduct deserves reproach. All
innocent, virtuous man will commonly befhield
edby his innocence and virtue. He will not be
dangerously expofedto the /hafts of /lander while
his character is really unimpeachable. This
man may, for along time, poflefs excellent qua
lities without their ever being a subject of special
commendation. But let him once depart from a
fair, virtuous line of conduct, and I cannot war
rant he will long be exempt from reproof and in
vective. We cannot however infer, that praise
would not have been equally just, while he yet
was a good man, as blame is, after he becomes a
bad one. In short, though it is a plausible theory,
that there is, generally speaking, more truth in
satire than in panegyrick, it will nevertheless
not appear so, upon a ltrict examination. It i s on
ly true, that blame and reproach meet with a more
ready reception, and aflimilate better with the
usual feelings of people, than praise and applause.
As it has been before hinted, men will more
eagerly hunt down their enemies, than raise up
their friends. The emotions ofjealoufy, envy,
and hatred are pungent and irritating, and pro
duce a stronger control over the mincT, than the
operations of friendlhipand humanity, which are
ufiially tranquil and inefficacious. The unfriend
ly paflions have, in the natural constitution of
things, a very sadden and stimulating influence
over human actions. If the propriety of pane
gyric, bestowed 011 my friend, is called in ques
tion, I shall, no doubt, be disposed to vindicate
his character { but it may still be impossible to con
vince an ill-natured, envious man,that he is bound
to pay any regard, either to the panegyrick it
felf, or to my comments upon it. When my enemy
meets with reproach, I shall scarce haveoccafion
to bring arguments to condemn hiin. Mankind
easily believe the report of his unworthy actions,
because they are predisposed to believe it. He
probably is, in fait, a bad man, or he probably
had not been my enemy. I cannot however
imagine that panegyrick has generally less truth
than satire, merely because the latter ltieets with
. more attention and credit than the former.
MPv. MORLAU, fir ft Fhyftcian to the Ducliefs
of Burgundy, going one day, we know not for
what purpose, to the Prince's with a sword, was
jocose upon his adjustment, and said, " Monfeig
neur, do not you think I resemble Capt. Si'ez
zaferro, ofthe Italian comedy?" It is inipolli
ble to resemble him less," answered the Prince,
" Spezzaferro never killed any b-)dy
SATURDAY, November 14, 1739.
Portsmouth, October 31, 1789.
IMPROMPTU 011 the approach of THE PRESI
DENT of the United States.
FAME fttetch'd her wings,and with her trumpet bleu*,
Great WASHINGTON, is near : —What praise ha due !
What Title (hall he have ; She pauf'd and said,
Not one ; his name alone strikes every Title dead.
Salem, Nov. 3, 1739.
ADD RE SS oj the Inhabitants of the Town of Salon,
to the PRESIDENT cf the United States.
S I R,
r I 1 HE Inhabitants of the Town of Salem, upon
J- receiving a visit from a personage the firlt
objecftot their esteem, cannot forbear exprefling
those sensations, which an occasion so pleasing
must naturally excite. While we view it as an
high honor done us, a molt obliging mark of
condescension and regard shewn us, in making
us this visit ; nioft readily would we manifeftthe
fatisfatftion we feel, in being gratified with an
opportunity of feeing the man, whose deeds have
been so illustrious ; and of paying our particular
refpe&s to the character, which not only the peo
ple of America, but all the world are agreed to
admire and celebrate. How great Sir,
we had conceived our obligations to be, and how
ftrongfoever the motives of attachments we were
under to you, for those military ferv'ices and at
chievemehts, from which such essential benefits
have been derived, an addition to those obligati
ons we are sensible is now made ; andftill further
reasons of attachment are presented, from your
acceptance of that important trust in our newly
instituted government, which was so earnestly,
and univerlally desired. That remarkable spirit
of patriotifin, of benevolence towards this peo
ple, which has been so ctmfpicuous in your past
condu<fl, -we doubt not has determined you to
this arduous undertaking.—Whatever therefore
may contribute to the ease and happinefsof your
administration, whatever returns of refped, and
dutiful submission, it becomes a grateful people
to make, we with you to receive and enjoy.
Long may you be continued,diffufing those bles
sings of freedom and good government, by which
our prosperity fliall be further promoted—Long
may you be indulged a series of the best fatisfac
tions, which the honors and enjoyments of this
world can afford. And by that Almighty Beino-,
whose agency and aid you have ever acknowledg
ed, in events you have been improv
ed to accomplish, with distinguished honors and
felicities may you finally be rewarded.
WOULD words exprels the feelings of my
heart, I should have the happiness to de
monstrate to my fellow citizens of Salem, that
their afTedionate address is received with grati
tude, and returned with sincerity—To your good
ness I refer myfelf for a just conftrurtion of
thoughts which language will not explain.
Honored by the high, yet hazardons, appoint
ment which my country has conferred upon me,
it will be my best ambition to discharge its im
portant trusts with fidelity—for the reft I must
cast myfelf upon her candor, and kind indulgence.
Towards you, Gentlemen, permit me to afTure
you, I entertain every disposition that is due to
your virtue—and the promotion of yourinterefts
will be among the molt grateful of my employ
From your own industry and enterprize you
have every thing to hope that deserving men and
good citizens can expert.
May your navigation and commerce flourifh—
your industry, in all its applications, be reward
ed your happiness, here, be as perfed as be
longs to the lot of humanity— and your eternal
felicity be complete !
Salem, October 29, 1789.
Newburyport, Nov. 4, 1789.
Soon after The Prelident's arrival in this town,
he wasprefented with the following address.
7HEN, by the unanimous fufTrages of your
VV countrymen, you were called to preside
over their public councils, the citizens of the town
of Newburyport participated in the general joy,
that arose from anticipating an administration,
conduded by the man, to whose wisdom and va
lor they owed their liberties.
Pleasing were their refledions, that he, who,
by the bletfing of Heaven, had given them their
Independence, would againrelinquifh the felici
ties of domestic retirement, to teach them its jufl
{TMiJhed On IV ednefday and Saturday .j
riiey have feenyou, victorious, leave the field,
followed with tlse auplaufcs of a grateful coun
try —and they now fee you entwining tlie Olive
I with the Laurel, and, in peace, giving security
and happiuefs to a people, whom in war, you co
vered with glory.
Ar the present moment,they indulge themselves
in sentiments of joy, resulting from a principle,
perhaps lei's elevated, Luc, exceedingly dear to
their hearts, from a gratiiication of their affediion,
in beholding personally among them, the friend,
the benefactor, and the father of their country.
They cannat hope, Sir, to exhibit any peculiar
marks of attachment to your person ; for, could
they express their feelings of the most ardent and
sincere gratitude, they would only repeat the
sentiments, which are deeply iinprefled upon the
hearts of all their fellow-citizens ; but, in jullice
to themselves, they beg leave to aflure you, that,
in 110 part of the United States, are those senti
ments ofgratituda»and afFedtion more cordial ancl
animated, than in the town, \vhich, at this time,
is honored with your presence.
Long, Sir, may you continue the ornament and
support of these States, and may the period be
late, when you ihall be called to receive a reward,
adequate to your virtues, which it is not in the
power of your country to bellow.
To the foregoing Addrcfs, the President was pleased to reply as
To th: Citizens of the Town of Newbury port.
THE demonflratiohs of and affeiflion
which you are pleased to pay to an indivi
dual, whofehighefl pretension is to rank as your
fellow-citizen, are of a nature too diltinguWhed
not to claim the warmell return that gratitude
can make.
My endeavors to be ufeful to my country have
been no more than the result of conscious duty.
Regards, like yours, would reward services of the
highefl eftiination and facrifice : Yet, it is due to
my feelings, that I should tell you those regards
are received with esteem, and replied to With sin
In visiting the town of Newburyport, I haveo
beyed a favorite inclination, and I am much gra
tified by the indulgence. In exprefling a sincere
vvifh for its prosperity, and the happiness of its
inhabitants, I do jullice to my own sentiments,
and their merit. G. WASHINGTON.
LONDON, September 7.
ATranfa<ftion which has lately taken place be
tween the King of Sweden and his adversaries
in Finland, may probably in its consequences an
nihilate those distinctions it has been so much the
object of all civilized nations to eftabliih ; distinc
tions which have been found to lefi'en the hor
rors of war, whilst not one national advantage has
been lofl by extending kindness to those brave
men, who cease to be enemies the moment they
are prisoners.
A Ruffian officer was taken prisoner at
to whom his Swedilh Majesty wiffied to give his
parole ; and he was desirous at the fame time of
shewing some civility to the Prince Labanoff, Col.
of the regiment, to which the captive belonged,
he ordered Baron Kliiigfporre, his aid-de-camp
general, to write a polite letter to the Prince, and
fend back the officer on his parole. This was
done on the 20th of July. A trumpet, accom
panied by aSwediffi officer, conducted the Ruffian
prisoner. Arrived at the advanced polls of the
enemy, the trumpet founded, and they hailed ;
but the only answer they received was, the double
discharge of arquebulles from the Coflacs and
ChafTeurs, and notwithstanding a second found
ing of the trumpet, thefignal of truce, the firing
was continued. The officers and the trumpet
were obliged to retire and return.
The King was still at Hogsfors, to whom they
gave an account of the reception of his trumpet.
His Majesty, supposing that so strange a condudl
could be owing only to the usual licentiousness
of the barbarous and undisciplined hords who
compose the light troops of the Ruffian army, and
that even their own officers could not restrain
them, ordered Baron de Klingfporr, to write a
letter to the Prince de Naflau, who commanded
the Ruffian squadron, then stationed off Frede
rickffiam, to inform him of what had happened,
and to fend his letter to Prince Labanoff through
thatchanel ; persuaded that with an officer like the
Prince de Nassau, he had no reason to fear the
violation of the laws of war.
The Baron a(fted according to his directions ;
and as the Prince de Naflau was personally known
to the King, his Majesty added a complimentary
postscript to the letter, in his own hand writing.
The Princc thought himlelf under the necefiisy