Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 11, 1789, Page 243, Image 3

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    your country, entering upon other trials, and
other services alike important, and, in Some points
of view, equally hazardous. For the completion
of the great purposes which a grateful count iy
has alfigned you, long, very long, may your in
valuable life be prelerved. And as an admir
ing world, while considering you as a Soldier have
Jong wanted a comparison, may your virtue and
talents as a stateSman leave them without a pa
It is not in words to exprcfs an attachment
founded like ours. We can only fay, that when
soldiers, our greatest pride was a promptitude of
obedience to your orders—as citizens, our Su
preme ambition is to maintain the character of
firm supporters of that noble fabrick of federal
government, over which you preside.
As Members of the Society of the Cincinnati,
it will be our endeavour ro cherilh tliofe sacred
principles of charity and paternal attachment
which our institution inculcates. And while our
conduct is thus regulated, we can never want the
patronage of the firft of patriots and the bell of
men. W. EUSTIS, Vice-Prefident.
BoJloii, OH.. 27, 1789.
To the MEMBERS of the SOCIETY oj the CIN
CINNATI, in the Commonwealth of' MAS
IN reciprocating with gratitude and sincerity
the multiplied and affecting gratulations of my
fellow-citizens of this Commonwealth, they will
all of them with juflice allow me to fay that
none can be dearer to me than the affectionate
aflurances which you have expreiled.—Dear in
deed is the occasion which restores an intercourse
with my faithful aflociatesin prosperous and ad
verse fortune—and enhanced are the triumphs
of peace, participated with those whose virtue
and valour so largely contributed to procure them.
To that virtue and valour your country has con
fefled her obligations : Be mine the grateful talk
to add the telfimony of a connection, which it
was my pride to own in the field, and it is now my
happinels to acknowledge in the enjoyments of
peace and freedom.
Regulating yonr conduct by those principles
which have heretofore governed your actions as
men, soldiers and citizens—you will repeat the
obligations conferred on your country, and you
will tranSmit to poflerity an example which must
command their admiration and obtain their grate
ful praise. Long may you continue to enjoy the
endearments of paternal attachment, and the
heartfelt liappinefs of reflecting that you have
faithfully done your duty.
While I am permitted to pofiefs the conlciouS
nefs of that worth which has long bound me to
you by every tie of affection and elteem, I will
continue to be your Sincere and faithful friend.
80/lon, OH. 27, 1789.
On Wednesday last THE PRESIDENT of the
United States, dined with the Hon. Mr. Bow-
Co in, at his Seat.
Departure of the PRESIDENT.
On ThurSday morning at eight o'clock THE
PRESIDENT of the United States fat out from
his residence in Court-Street, on his journey east
ward, eScorted by Major Gibb's horSe, and ac
companied by a large number oS citizens and o
thers, on horSeback, and in carriages, among
whom were the Adjutant-General, Capt. Li nzee,
Col. Green, and other officers of the Bolton Re
giment. On palling Charles river bridge, which
was finely decorated with flags of all Nations,
and of the conflrucftion of which he was plealed
to expreSs his approbation, he was Saluted by a
discharge oS 11 guus, from Capt. Calder's ar
tillery polled on the celebrated heights of Charlef
town. At Cambridge he was received inthePhi
loSophy-Room oS the UniverSity, by the Presi
dent and Corporation, and aSter breakfafling, he
viewed the Library, Museum, &c. He then con
tinued his journey, having halted for a few mi
mites at Lynn, the gentlemen who were in car
riages took their leave. The escort being join
ed by Capt. Osgood's company of horse, The
President proceeded to Marblehead, where he din
ed with General Glover.—After viewing the
town he Sat out Sor Salem, at the entrance oS
which he was met by a Committee, who conduct
ed him into town, where he reviewed two re
giments of General Fisk's brigade, and leveral
independent corps. From the field of review, he
was eScorted by the Independent Cadets, and
followed by the principal inhabitants in Procef-
Sion, to the Court HouSe, into the balcony oS
which he was conducted by the Hon. Mr. Good
hue. Contiguous to the Court HouSe, a tem
porary gallery was erected, covered with rich
I'erfian carpets, and decorated with damalk cur
tains, Srom which a choir oS lingers ialuted their
illustrious visitant with an Ode adapted to the oc
caSion. After this, the Hon. Mr.GoodhUE, Chair
man of the Committee of the town, preSented
the President with an Addrels, and received from
him his answer, in the presence of the aflem
bled citizens, who amounted to Several tliou
'•-inds, and who rent the air with their acclama
'■ions. The Prefiucu:-. eScorted as before, then
proceeded to the lioufe prepared for his reception,
and in the evening, honored the Aflembly with
his company, where a brilliant circle exhibited a
fine specimen of the taile, elegance and beauty of
the ladies of Salem.
In the evening the Court-Hdufe was brilliant
ly illuminated, and a number of liandfome fire
works let off.
Yeiterday morning, at 8 oclock, the President
fat out from Salem, escorted by Capt. Oscood's
horse, and breakfafted with the Hon. Mr. Cabot
in Beverly—at which place he viewed the Cotton
manufactory, and then continued his journey.
she corps of horse of Andover under Capt.
Osgood, which joined the Prefldent's escort at
Lynn, on Thursday, consisted of upwards of jo
men—in red uniform faced with green.
It is said, that President Sullivan, of New-
Hampshire, will meet the President of the Unit
ed States at the line of his State, with 600 cavalry.
Not confined to the male creation are the
testimonials of refpe<ft paid to the illultrious PRE
SIDEN I of the United States—The ladies have
invented sashes on which the bald-eagle of the
Union, and G. W r . hold conspicuous places; and
at the Oratorio on Tuesday, the Marcliionefs Tra
versay, exhibited on the bandeau of her hat the
G. W. and the Eagle let in brilliants 011 a black
velvet groundi
By a Gentleman from Newbnry-Port we are iii
fof med, that the Pre si d ent of the United States
arrived there 011 Friday last, about half past three
o'clock, P. M. escorted by the Troop of Horse be
longing to Ipswich and Wenham, and the Troop
from Andover and Haverhill—He was met by the
Selectmen at the entranceof the town, and palled
in, preceded by four companies of the Militia—
the company of artillery—the gentlemen Select
men—the MarJhal of thediftricftofMaflachufetts,
—then THE PRESIDENT and his Suite—After
which followed a very refpedtable. procession of
the citizens, and the two troops df horse. Every
part was conduced with the greatest order and
decency—ln the evening were fire-works, &c.—
He was to leave the town for Portfmoutli on Sa
turday morning.
PROVIDENCE October 31.
Theilluftrious President of the United States
set out from Boflon for Portsmouth on Thursday
last. We learn that he proposes visiting the State
of Vermont, and returning to New-York byway
of Albany.
Altlio the public is disappointed in the main
obje(ft for which the Conimiilioners went to treat
with the Southern Indians, yet, we hear, that
they have concluded a truce with them for a num
ber of months : And as the Indians in general
discovered a pacific temper, it is to be hoped that
a permanent peace may be soon fettled.
Yesterday arrived the fcliooner Jenny, Captain
Scliermehorn, from Savanna, In whom came pas
sengers, Capt. Burbeck and the whole of his
conipanyof matrofles. By the latest accounts the
Cominiltioners were at Petersburg, on their re
turn to this city.
The question for calling a convention todeli
berate on the constitution of the United States
was loft in the Aflembly ofßhode Island by a ma
jority of 22, the 29th ult.
The Legislatures of Virginia, and Pennsylva
nia, are now in session.
The General Aflembly of Delaware is adjourn
ed to the 4th of January next.
The Legislature of Rhode Island has appoint
ed the 26th instant to be observed as a day of
Thanksgiving in that State.
The Supreme Executives of South Carolina and
Pennsylvania, have directed that Thursday the
26th instant be observed as a day of Thanksgiving
in those States agreeable to the Proclamation of
the President of the United States.
On Sunday next the 15th inft. a CHARITY
SERMON,wiII be preached,and a Collection made
in the forenoon, at St. George's Chapel, for the
benefit of the Charity School in this city.—
An ANTHEM, adapted to the occasion will be
sung by the Scholars.
It is really curious to hesLr some persons talk
of the liappinefs and prosperity of the United
States: If they depreciate their own government
—If they stint their public officers to a pittance,
and treat them as menial fervants—lf they keep
up a perpetual flame of jealousy and ill nature—
and sow the feeds of disunion between the State
and general governments —If they express their
approbation of their patriots by reserve and jileiicc,
Why then " the United States bid fair to fiourifh
more than any other nation upon earth, and the
people to be the happiest," butif they fondlypleafe
themselves with the idea of having the belt form
of government thatthe world hath ever known—
If they suppose that independency and responsi
bility should unite in their public officers, and
that they ought to honor those who have eviden
ced their wisdom and patriotifm—lf the princi
ples of confidence and union are considered asthe
foundation of peace and fecurity—lf the people
express their feelings, their refpetl and venera
tion in their mother tongue, in plain, common,
and intelligible language, for the illustrious Sa
viour ot their county —if they,in the abundance
of their gratitude, give a i'cope to their feelings
in the in oft unequivocal demoilftrations of public
affection and attachment.—" They open the door
for luxury ' —They exhibit " the parade of fools" —
1 hey inlult thole whom they mean to honor—
" 1 tie) dilgult the President," and violate " the
laws and constitution of their country."—What
jargon and inconiiftency. The truth is, the ho
nors of our country beitowed upon the govern
ment, and tliofe who aduiinifter it> are daggers to
the boforn of the envious and disappointed.
The proposition tb express our approbation of
the Prelidentof the United States, by" reserved
attention and si lent affetiion," is Itrongly tinctured
with the I urkifh policy of employing mutes—
What! lhall we feet, and not express our feel*
ings !—lndignant idea !
" 1 lie happiness or wretchedness of human life
does not io much depend on tiie loss or acquilition
ot real advantages, as on the Hutftuating opinions
and imaginations of men." We are often in pof
leflion ot lolid blelfings without properly realizing
their nature and value : Life and liberty are too
common enjoyments to be suitably prized—but let
the former be endangered by a tllreatning mala
dy, or the latter wrested from us, and how alive
will our sensations be But does sickness, or
power boast a transfering influence, and render
those enjoyments valuable in their nature, which
were not always so By no means—lt is our opin
ions, and imaginations that are hereby affetfted—
they place objects in a different point of view, as
they are moreor less influenced by circumstances.
Did reason, and common sense always give the
tone to our fancies, and estimation, those things
which are inrrinlically eitimable, would always
appear in their proper colors : In a state of peace,
and security, and enjoying the blelfings of good
government, people are apt to grow remiss and
iufenlible of the eligibility of their lituation ; but
when the arbitrary Itrides of despotism on the
oneliand, or the intrigues of faction on the other,
threaten to disturb their tranquility, or infringe
their privileges, what different ideas immediate
ly occupy the public mind !
What are the triumphs of theCa/arj andAlexan
ders,which swell the hiltoric page, and depiift hu
man wcaknefs, ignorance and folly, compared to
the approbation of a free, and an intelligent
people, bellowed for atts of real virtue and bene
volence, on the patriots, the friends of human
kind ? The sword of America was not unsheathed
for conquest, or to extend the circle of human mi
sery—All that was dear, and invaluable, was at
ftake—lt was thecaule of liberty and justice—the
cause of virtue and humanity Heaven never
deserted such a cause—it smiled on our arms —
viitory and independence were the crown of our
enterprizes—and whatever some may now think or
fay of those who conducted our arms, who in the
midst of difficulties, dangers, and success, were
firm, intrepid, and temperate—who united with
the befl traits of the soldier's character, the bejl
virtues of the citizen—and on all occasions paid a
sacred regard to social rights, the timeffiall come
when the full tide of applause lhall roll over their
memories, while cotemporary envy, spleen, and
disappointment, shall go down the stream of ob
Tuesday Sloop Catherine, Snell, Chailefton, 6 days.
Brig Brothers, Pinkman, London, 63 days
Schooner Hope, Clarke, Cape Francois, 23 days.
Sloop Jenny, Schermehorn, Savannah.
Shooner Sally and Betsey, Wa'.lau, Eden ton, 8 days.
Copy of a letter from Mr. Henry W\nkoop, ofV reden Ho]f, Bucks County,
Pennsylvania, 13th Augujl, 1787, to the President of the Agricul
tural Society at Philadelphia.
CONSIDERING of the utility of the Plaifter of Paris as a
grass manure, I communicate to you for the information of
the Society, an experiment which I lately made. 111 the month of
March lad, as soon as the snow -was off the ground, and it so fet
tled as to bear walking upon the furface, I spread eight bulhels of
the Plaifter of Paris upon two and a half acres of wheat stubble
ground, which had been sown the spring before (in common with
the reft of the field) with about two pounds of red clover feed
for pasture ; this spot yielded about the middle of June five tons
of hay. A small piece of ground within the enclosure, and of
similar quality, having been left unfprcad withthe plaifter,afford
ed an opportunity of diftinguilhing the effe&s of plaifter of Paris
as a manure; for from the produce of the latter, there was good
reason to judge that my piece of clover, without the afliftancc
of the plaifter, might have yielded one and a half tons of hay;
so that the eight bushels of pulverized stone must have occasioned
an increase of three and a half tons of hay upon two and a half
acres of ground, in addition to which it is now covered, to ap
pearance, with two and three tons fit for the scythe. This
foil has been in course of tillage about fifty years, and never had
any dung or manure upon it, but yet was what might be called
good wheat land. As the effects of the plaifter were thus power
ful upon such kind of ground, there is good reason to conclude
they wonld be much greater upon a foil previously manured.
With due refpe£t, I am, Sec.
The President of the Agricultural Society in Philadelphia.
I do hereby ccrtify, that the above named Henry Wynkoop is
a person of undoubted good character and worthy of credit ; and
I do tcftify, that Plaifter of Paris is much used as a
manure in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, and that it is gene
rally held in high estimation by those who have tried it as a ma
rt it. (Signed) SAMUEL POWELL, President
of the Agricultural Society.
Phi<jdelpkie : June 30. : -80.