&om, and impioully arrogating a power over our own lives, to dismiss ourielves from existence whenever we please. As no society can exist with out laws and as laws are a dead letter, without of ficers to carry them into execution, it lieceflarily follows that every individual is personally bound to contribute of his property to the support of government: —Nor could it be conceived that any reasonable, or lioneit man, would ever objedl to this felf-evident duty, did not daily experience evince the contrary. —Men will violate the laws of their own enacting—they will defeat their own purposes by evading a compliance with the molt neceflary regulations, and refufing their proportion of supplies for the public exigencies. A refra and it is now in much better order than it was at that time, and it has produced me about two tons of hay every year for the firft crop, and a tolerable good second crop, and some times a third crop, or verj good past.ire ; though the lall time I manured it 1 put in the proportion of fix bulhels ot this plailtei to an acre. 1 have likewise made many experiments otherwise ; I have tried it with Indian corn, w ' lel ® it does tolerably well, with buckwheat, ana it makes it grow so rapidly that it-has always fallen down, and I have loft my crop. 1 h ave tne«l it with wheat, and iti" not polfible to dilcover that it makes any difference when sown 011 the crop , bat when it is sown on grass gi'ounu, and t n-> ground turned up and laid down in wheat, ic is amazing the advantage it is of to the crop. Latt fall was a year I put down about 8 acres ot wheat, which I harrowed in and then lowed clover feed, which came up and looked very fine in the tall ; hut the winter being very severe, with but little snow, the clover was dead in the spring ; when 1 lowed it again with clover feed, and about 6 buihels ot plail - ter of Paris to the acre ; and by har veil time I had clover all over the piece better than 12 inches high, and which I mowed in about two or three weeks after my wheat was cut ; I believe 1 might have cut full a ton of hay oft" from each acre, and I am well fatisfied that if I had not put plailter of Pa ris on it I should not have had any grass that I could have cut. I have likewifefold this manure to many people in this State as well as New-Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, &c. and after trial their applications to me for more has been very great, which induces me to believe they have found the like benefit frointhe use of it as I have myfelf. With refped:, I am thy friend. ROBERT MORRIS. Philadelphia, February IJ, I 789. To JESSE Lawrence. I, Clementßiddle, lilq. Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pcnnfvlvaaia, duly commiffiontd and qualified, do certify, that Robert Morris, miller and farmer, of the county ot Philadelphia, by whom the foregoing writiug certified by him in his own hand writing to me well known, is a person of good character and re putation, and that t have been (s*l his farm and have leen great appearance of improvement in the produce thereof from the uic of platffer of Paris, and am of opinion that credit is due to his certifi cate before written relative thereto. The said plailter is brought from Nova Scotia, and is in great repute. In tetlimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and fixed my notarial seal at Philadelphia, .this rßth day ot Febru ary, 1789. (Signed) CLEMENT BfDDLE, Notary Public, 1789. ODE on the DEATH oj a YOUNG LADY. [from mr. locan's foems.] UNTIMELY gone ! for ever fled The roses of the cheek so red* Th' affe&ion warm, the temper mild, The sweetness that in sorrow fmil'd. Alas ! the cheek where beauty glow'd, The heart where goodnefsoverflow'd, A clod amid the valley lies, And " dust to dufi" the mourner cries. 0 from thy kindred early torn, And to thy grave untimely borne * Vanifti'd forever from my view, Thou sister of my foul, adieu ! Fair with my firft ideas twin'd Thine ima oft will meet my mind ; And, while remembrance brings thee near, AiF<6lion fad will drop a tear. How oft does sorrow bend the head. Before we dwell among the dead ! Scarce in the years of manly prime, 1 've often wept the wrecks of time f What tragic tears bedew the eye ! What deaths we fuifer ere we die ! Our broken friend {hips we deplore, And loves of youth that are no more ! No after-friendfli p e'er can raise Th'endearments of our early days : And ne'er the heart such fondnels prove. As when it firft. began to love. Afl'ection dies, a vernal flower ; And love, thebloll'omof an hour ! The fprins of fancy cares controul, And mar the beauty of the foul. Vers'd in the commcrcp of deceit, How soon the heart forgets to beat! The blood runs rold at int'refVscall, They look with equal eyes on all. Ye pow'r« ! whatever ye withhold, I t my afie£ii«»n ne'er grow old ; Ne'er may the human glow depart, Nor nature yield to frigid art! Still may my generous bosom burn, Tho' doom'd to bleed o'er beauty's urn ; And still the friendly face appear, Tho' moiften'd witn a tender tear! BOSTON, October 29. Yesterday morning, The PRESIDENT vifitedthe Sail-Cloth and Card Manufactories in this town. Yesterday THE PRESIDENT paid a vifu to the Right Hon. Viscount dePoNTEvisGi en,on board the'llluftre—He was received with all that refpeift due to the Supreme Magistrate of a Sovereign Nation. Last evening there was a brilliant Aflembly at Concert-Hall, which THE PRESIDENT, and VICE PRESIDENT of the United States,the Lady of our worthy Governor, The Lieutenant Gover nor and Lady—the Commander of the French Squadron—the Marquis de la GaliflToniere, and Lady and a number of other diftinguiflied cha racters, were pleased to honor with their presence. October ;o. Yesterday morning THE PIIE SIDEN Tof the United States, fat out on his tour to Portfinoulh. He was escorted out of town by the company of Cavalry, commanded by Major Gibbs, and a number of refpeiitable citizens. At his entrance 011 the bridge, on which were dif plaved a number of ensigns of different nations, a salute was fired from Breed's hill. THE PRESIDENT of the United Stares we are informed, dined at Marblehead yesterday. Last night he was to lodge at Salem, and this morning he will proceed on his tour. At the celebration of the 19th of October, at Marlborough in this State, the following, among other toasts, were given : The genuine Ame rican who neither trembles at the sword, orblufli es at the plow. May our Plenipotentiaries now on a treaty with the ravage?, attend the lajl fit jural of the Hatchet. A speedy and honora ble tranquility to France. Way Congress To or ganize the Militia of the Union, as to render it a terror to the World. NEW-YORK, NOVEMBER 7. Thurfdav nooh aFire broke out in anew lioufe of Mr. Hollar, in Crown-street, oppoiite the Dutch Church, which was not exringuiihed till the build ing was cSnfiderably damaged. l'his ati'ords another iniiance of the expert nelsoi* our engine men, and the alacrity wiih which all clafies of citizens turnout, to render their alfiltance. Ahlio tliefe circumftaiices may inspire confidence in the minds of people at large, a misfortune is not the less dreadful and inju rious to the unfortunate f'utferer. Ft is reasona ble to conclude, therefore, that every prudent proprietor of houses will avail himfclt of every probable means to place his property out of jeo pardy. His Excellency William Livingstoh, Esq. of Elitabcth town, has been re-ele£tcd Governor o( New-Jcrfey, by the legi slature of that Stale, now convened at Perth-Amboy. On Tuesday the Federal Court tor the diltrift t.f New-\ ork, was opened in the Exchange—H.s Honor Judge Duanej tiding: No bufmefs before the Court, the fame was imme diately adjolrned. It has been observed, refpetfting the Revolu tion of America, that so extraordinary were the leading features in this great work, that, unlike the origin of other nations, America sprang into empire arid eminence at once.—lt may, with pro priety, befaid of her, that " A nation was born in a Day."—Even our enemies will hardly allow us a nonage—for altho from our inexperience in government and finance, errors may very natur ally be expected, yet our miltakes have had no quarter from them—We have been mercilouily satirized on the one hand, and our conference depreciated 011 the other—and to this day, there arc not wanting those, who snarl at our growing credit, power, and refpetftability —who pretend to be friends to the country, but whose envy is ex cited at every fympton of national dignity and honor. Notwitliftanding all that has been, or may said, to alarm the public mind 011 the subject ot our national, and Stare debts, it is undoubtedly a fact, that America is in a more eligible lituation in this refpevft, than any cf the States and King doms of the European world. Our capacity to discharge both principal and interest, bears a greater relative proportion to the whole amount of our debts, than the refourcesof any other ci. vifized country : This appears from an inveltiga tion of the fubjedl—confequently, there never can exist the shadow of areafon for lacrificing the public faith, by any iniquitous fchemesof depre ciation.—The path of honor and lionefty is a plain path—lll that we shall be fafe—and as happinefa whether of a public or private nature, is therefult of labor and enterprize—fo, a determination to do justly may require extra exertions, yet the point gained, the* public credit reltored, and a perfjtt confidence established in the government, our re ward will be great—We (hall be prepared for every event —and realizing the bleflings ofcha ratfer, credit, and fidelity, every future plan of temporary knavery will be rejetfted with abhor rence. Of all the imps that are permitted to torment mankind, there is not one which pofleiles such extensive powers as that of envy :—Every person profefles todefpife its influence, and yet too ma ny feel the force of its malignance—the favorites of fortune are theconftantobjetfls of itspnrfuit— the prosperity and liappinefs of a cotemporary feed its venom, and give a scope to its poison— it pines, and lickens at the success of a rival —and, tho generally disappointed in all its projeifts, it thiives, and seems to acquire new vigor from the chagrin confequcnt upon defeat to its wishes and desires —Its belt offices are detraction and revenge—lts obje*sts of calumny are merit in eve ry grade of life—-abilities and desert, attratft its reproaches and contempt —and when success at tends a virtuons enterprize, when meritorious characters are promoted, this demon always as signs some bafeand detestable cause, for the tri umph.— Envy is a raoft industrious little devil— it not only aflails those in exalted stations, but descends to the minutise of life—it afl'umes the character of umpire in every cafe that comes within its knowledge—and supplying the defici ency of taste and judgment by a brazen front, it condemns with confidence what it does not com prehend, or what may contravene its own pre conceived ideas—Thus it perpetually torments the bosom where it resides, and mars the liappi nefs of all that falls in its way—but the wife and virtuous, while they avoid the society of envious fnarlers, conscious of the retftttude of their own hearts, are borne along through life, fuperiorto their chagrin, their malice or their calumny. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We condole with "GrkyTom" on the elopement of hi* tl Pol" —but the loss of a squirrel c?nnot be confidercd as interesting to the public. " Snakier" is received—but appears to have n.^ ol>jc The paragraph, in answer to kt Mongol ft erbeginning with. O1 1 r,e Wit !" would better undcrftood by appear ing in the Daily Gazette.