ferable property is in too fniall quantity for the advantage ot' tliofe who hold and till the ground. At present tlie principal of the national debt can not be paid, but with a little honeity and policy it may be placed in a situation fafe for the credi tors and beneficial to all clad'es of citizens. For the benefit of the agricultural interest, 1 would not witfi the debt to be annihilated, if it were confident with jultice. Let it be honellly funded, it mull remain in its nature transferable, and will be animmenfe bank for all kinds of bufi jiefs. The situation of the United Statesis such, your agriculture so extensive and increasing, and the quantity of yourprodace so great, that unless by fomepolicy of this kind you fixa certain quan tity of property in its nature negociable, the mar ket will be overltocked, and the loss will in the end be borne by the farmer. Suppose the surplus produce of a farmer be yond his own consumption, to equal one hundred bulhels of wheat. If there be a jult proportion of negociable property, each bu/hel will be worth five (hillings ; but if this proportion be a little leflened, eachbufhel will command only four (hil lings- and the whole loft to the farmer will be five pounds ; which is a sum four times so great as he need to pay in taxes, to place the whole American debt on honorable funds. To execute this bufinels, honesty, and great abilities are re quilite—the new treasury department promifcs you both, and I make no doubt but the debt we have lamented, will soon be a great national ad vantage. PARIS, August 29. M. Neckar's Memorial to the National Aftmbly on Thursday lajl, on the J]ate of the finances and the success oj the loan of thirty Millions. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, AUGUST 27. The deliberations of the Afleinbly wefe inter rupted by the reading of M. Neckar's Memorial, the heads of which are as follow: The Minister announces the little success which the loan has met with hitherto, the subscriptions of which to the present day amount only to two millions lix hundred thousand livres. The causes which he afligns for the bad success of it are, The reduction of the interest to 4 and a half per cent, instead of j per cent, as he proposed. The retrenchment of some of the conditions of it, favorable to the lenders. And forgetting to mark the periods of its reim bursement, as well as to pay the proper honorary compliment to the lenders, for their patriotic zeal in making advances to the public Treasury from their own funds. M. Neckar then proposes to give up this loan of 30 millions, and open another of 80 millions, at 5 percent, reimbursable in ten years, one tenth every year:—this loan to be advanced by the lend ers, one half in ready money, the other in con tracts of the ancient public debt now becoming due, which is to bear a like interest of 5 per cent. The Minister thinks that this accommodation of converting old contracts into new ones, feeing the loss the former are daily experiencing on the public exchange, will ensure the fuccel's of this loan of 80 millions, and bring 40 millions of rea dy money into the Treasury. He lays before the Allembly the neceflity of supporting public credit, which loses daily very rapidly from the loss which the revenues of the State fuffer from the unfortunate situation of Go vernment. But he is of opinion that this credit jnay be kept up by the public labors of the Aflem blyonthe confederation of the Finances. M. Neckar further announces the derangement which exists in some of the provinces in collecting the fait duties, and proposes to the Allembly to fix the price of (alt at fix sous the pound ; he thinks that notwithstanding this loss at fir ft fight of 3c millions annually 011 the produce of this tax, the increased consumption of this article, and the diminution of expcncesin preventing the contra band tradeofit, willtendgreatly tolellen thislofs. The Bilhop of Autun supported M. Neckar in every particular ; he spoke a confidcrable time, and with much fatisfatftion to his hearers, 011 the nature and importance of the national credit; he pointed out 1110 ft clearly the neceflity of sup porting it, by declaring that the public debt and the interest of it never ought to be fubjeift to anj reduction, even inafked under the titlcofimpofmg. He concluded by demanding, 1 ft. That the Allembly fliould admit a loan of 80 millions, leaving the terms of it to the execu tive power. 2d. That it fliould publifii a declaration confirm ing its former decrees, which place the creditors of the State under the protection of the honor and loyalty of the nation, which it fliould be formally announced that the public debt can ne ver be fubjedt to any reduction. 3d. The establishment of a Committee of twelve Members, who are to act in concert with the Mi nisters in rcftoring the finances, and who fliall make their report four times a week to the Na tional AHeinbly, who are to deliberate on the means of re-eftablifhingtlie finances, and propor tioning the rcceipt to the expenditure. 4th. The formation of provincial atlemblies. The Aflembly only took the two firll articles of the Bifliop of Autun's motion into consideration, which were, To acknowledge the loan of 80 millions; and, to pais a folenm decree, which shall pronounce that the public debt can never befubjecft to any re duction. These two articles were vehemently attacked by some Members, but victorioully defended by M. Chapelier, Count de Mirabeau, Due. de Lian court, and the Archbilhop of Aix. One of the deputies of Tourraine acquainted the AHembly of the patriotic intentions of the principal citizens of that province aflenibled at Tours. They have voted a voluntary fubferip tion to raise a patriotic fund by anticipation of the amount of the taxes of the firft fix months of this year, and have agreed that those of the year 1790 (hall be equally anticipated and paid every month in advance ; that the more affluent citizens have resolved to make advances for those wliofe fortunes will not permit them to make like facrifiees. They have besides opened another fubfeription fund ; where gratuitous benefactions, and volun tary fubferiptions, in favor of the country are paid by those citizens who wiih to contribute above the ordinary taxes of the country. The city of Tours has communicated its inten tions to other cities and commonalties of the pro vince, and this patriotic zeal has had the mofl happy effect throughout the province. It further petitions the Aflembly to fandtion its intentions by a public decree, cloathcd with the Royal Au thority, and inviting the other provinces of the kingdom to imitate its example. Oneof the deputies of Normandy said, that the city of Rouen wished to acl in the fame manner. The Aflembly then voted the public thanks to the province of Tourraine, and ordered a copy of its resolutions to be sent to all parts of the kingdom. August 28. The firft article of the new form of the constitution, aspropofed by M. Meunier the preceding day was then read, which is as follows : " The French Government is a monarchical Government. There is no authority in France fu periorto the law. The King only reigns through it, and when he does not command in the name of the law, he cannot command obedience." Yellerday [Friday] the public funds rose near two per cent, inconsequence of what pafled in the National aflembly on Thursday. LONDON, August 25. The Hiltory of the Decline of the Roman Em pire is not read ar court, tho it Hands in the roy al library, ornamented in superb binding. The introduction of indecent and profane paflages, have given offence to an illustrious lady—and in deed, it mult be confefled, there are feveral,both in the learned languages and in English, which a delicate man could not read in the hearingofa inodeft woman. Father O'Leary, the celebrated Irish Roman Catholic Priell—he who told a Bifliop, who ridi culed purgatory—" Your Lord/hip may gofarthtr and fare worse"—is preparing a criticism on the above work, so far as it relates to the conduct of the church. Although deprived of fight, Lord North is not blind to intellectual enjoyments. When disen gaged from conversation, of which he is ltill the life, his Lordship is generally employed inliften iiig to his daughters, who read the English and French Classics to him by turns. Thus surround ed by his own family, and drawing com fort from the resources of a highly cultivated mind, this Nobleman, by some deemed unhappy on account of the " painful visitation of Heaven," now en joys more real felicity, than when he directed the counf'els of a great nation, and governed England by his nod. America is making ample strides, and the ap pointment of Mr. Washington to the office of Chief Magiflrate, was a meafurethe mofl condu cive to that end. Her empire, in course of time, mull: be great and rei'pectable indeed ! Her sea coaits are two thousand miles in extent, with bays, and rivers, like seas, to ten times that extent—with many great harbors, and other pla ces of security for great ffiips in the middle and northern provinces—with vafl fifheries in those bays and rivers on the sea coafls, and access to still greater to the north, to thefouth, and to the east of their dominions—with seas, except in one or two places, open all the year round to give con tinual employment to the seamen, and with no enemies near to those States tocontroul them. Many contract debts through vanity or intem perance or borrow money, or rake up goods, with the intention of thieves 01* robbers, never to make return.—When such fuffer, they fufFer de servedly, in expiation of their guilt. But there are unavoidable damages by water, by fire, by the crush of power, oppressive landlords, 'and more oppressive lawsuits—death of cattle, failure of crops, failure of payment in others—with thou sands of luch like casualties, whereby men may become bankrupt, and yet continue blameless — And, 111 all such cases, one would think that the present ruin was fufficient calamity, without the exertionof law, and the confinement of a ja.il to make that ruin irreparable. ADDRESS of the GOVERNOR anil CODn* CIL of the Commonwealth of MASSA'i" V SETTS, to THE PRESIDENT of the lAr'V STATES. UrJJ SIR, Wf E ,l,eer you at this time with our beam V V plete with the warmest affection and eit, to cxprefs the high fatisfadtien we feel in y„ ' visit to the Commonwealth of Mailachufetts " We can never forget the time when in the ear liert 11age of the war, aim the day of our greatest calamity, we saw you at the head of the army 0 f the United States, commanding troops, detennin ed, tliougli then undisciplined, by your wifdoj and valor preventing a sanguinary and well an. pointed army of our enemies from fpreadingde' valuation through our country, and sooner than we had reason to expect, obliging them to aban. don the capital. We have lince seen you in your high command superior to the greatest fatigues and hardthip/ fuccefsfully conducing our armies through alo» war, until our enemies were compelled tofubmit to terms ofpeace, and acknowledged that inde pendence which the United States in Congrels aflembled, had before affertecland proclaimed. We now have the pleasure of you in a still more exalted ffation to which you have been elected by the unanimous fufiYag.es of a free, virtu ous, and grateful country. From that attachment which you manifeftly discovered while in your military command, to the civil liberties of your country, we do allure ourselves that you will ever retain this great object in your view, and that your adminiltration will be happy and prosper ous. It is our earnest prayer that the Divine Bene diction may attend you here and hereafter—and we do sincerely wilh that you may, through this life, continue to enjoy that greateli of earthly blefllngs, to be accepted by the multitude of your brethren. Council-Chamber, Boflon, Gttoberii, 1789. To His Excellency the GOVERNOR, and the Honorable the Members of COUNCIL of the Commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS. GENTLEMEN, TO communicate the peculiar pleasure which I derive from your affectionate welcome of me to the Commonwealth of Mallachufetts, re quires a force of expreilion beyond that which I pofiefs—l am truly grateful for your goodness towards me, and I desire to thank you with the unfeigned sincerity of a feeling heart. Your obliging remembrance of my military ser vices is among the liigheft compensations they can receive—and, if rectitude of intention may au thorize the hope, the favorable anticipation, which you are pleased to express of my civil ad ministration, will not, I trust, be disappointed. It is your liappinefs, Gentlemen, to prelidein tliecouncils of a Commonwealth, wherethepride of independence is well assimilated with theduties offociety—and where the industry of the citizen gives the fulleft aflurance of public refpeft and private prosperity. I have observed too, with lingular fatisfatflion, so becoming an attention to the Militia of the State, as presents the faireft profpedl of support to the invaluable objects of national fafety and peace. Long may these bleflings be continued to the Commonwealth oi Maflachufetts ! and may you, Gentlemen, in your individual capacities, experience every fatisfac tion, which can result from public honor and pri vate happiness. G. WASHINGTON. Boflon, Ottober 27, 1789. NATIONAL MONITOR. No. XXV. " Every man when he becomes a member of society, ni»ik (sJ deposit of three fcveral forts of trust—that of his Lifb, that of® Liberty, and that of his Property." THIS deposit mult be underltood in a qtuli* fied lenle—lt does not suppose an tio/i of either—but such an investiture of then® the body-politic, as conduces more effectually w their preservation—and not only so, but by thij means (like money at intereit) their value and importance to us, are greatly enhanced. Our property we have a right to dispose we have an abfolue right to convey it to another Lift and Liberty cannot be thus alienated—" man has a right to take away his own life* or 10 depart from hi 3 own liberty—He therefore can not convey to others a right and authority which hath not inhhnfelf."—Life and liberty may ever be forfeited by a violation of the rules a' ll regulations of the society with which vre have"" luntarily connected ourfelves.—lt would contribute to the peace and profperirv of 3n) vernmcnt were the individuals of which it is co ® posed, duly imprefied with this idea, Thati" 11 -' political association, the members form at it , common (lock/or the benefit of the whole— every vian deposits a part of his liberty and P r and for the defence of which, he pledges his tij- t ever occasion calls for it.— A civil compact torn upon tliefe equal principles, gives us an 'J 1 ' 11 " jjy better chance for happiness, than \vefhon>< by retaining the whole of our property - 11! l