Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 04, 1789, Image 1

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    [No. LIX.]
'< In free countries, it is a branch of liberty, claim
<( e J by the middling and loiuijl claJJ'es of the people,
'<< to be as wicked and profligate as their superiors."
THE fubjed: introduced in my last nuin
ber has some remote connection with
that, which is now brought into dii'cullion. It has
been remarked that economy, as a general virtue,
has more utility in promoting the interelt of in
dividuals, than mere sagacity in acquiring pro
perty. But though this qnality contributes to
the prbfperity of all men, it is more eflentially
rcquifite with persons in low circumstances, and
who have small advantages for making them better.
It is not my intention to indulge uudifUnguilh
ing censure against the extravagance or vices of
the times ; or to examine how far the luxury of
individuals may be considered as a public benefit
or injury. Perhaps 110 iuveftigation can bring
the matter to any definite point. Waving there
fore the consideration of the influence of profli
gate, <'xpenfive manners upon the public pros
perity,, I will only shew that such excefles coun
teract the happiness and success of individuals.
It is very certain that no gratification can afford
aplealure, that will not be more than balanced
by the pains of debt and embarrafsinent. Whe
ther it is fimplythe love of pleasure, or an ambi
tion to make a figure in polite life, that tempts
people to live beyond their income, they are bad
calculators of happiness, who thus involve them
selves. A very considerable part of the wretched
nel's and difgracp, into which fpme families are
plungeiJ, isoccafioned by their taking too high a
tone in their expences. Had they pitched upon
aftyleo f living one grade lower, they would have
gained :more real fatisfacftion and refpecfl, and
would not so often lose their character and estate.
There i s a great proportion of the misery, that
inflicts society, derived from this unfortunate
source. This ardor to imitate superiors creates
a gener: d confufion and miscalculation ; it fedu
ces people into a habit of progrefling too fafl: in
their ex pences, and straining too hard upon their
Perha ps it will be urged that the community
gain too much advantage by the luxury of in
dividuals to attempt any rellraints uporv it. Far
am I fr< >m supposing that any legal interference,
pointed directly to this object, wjll produce any
reformation. It is more than probable that such
arew ly will prove worse than the difqrderitfelf.
But Ia: n not yet willing to believe that this evil
is totaJ ly incurable. If attempts were made, in
the ed ucation of children, to render a prudent
mode i if living reputable, and to enftill into their
minds an aversion to contract debts, there would
be less temptation to spend falter than theycarn
#d. 'There is a peculiar relaxation in the present
pract ice of educating children, with respect to
their habits of expence. It is an evil, in some mea
sure,. rising out of the nature of a free govern
nien t, and therefore it is of the m.ore importance
to against it, in the early periods of life.
In the United States, there are many causes to
ejffvate the hopes of men, whether they are pur
suing objetts of avarice or ambition. The idea
of alluming a more important stand in society is
iir iprelled on the minds of people, from their very
in fancy. They expert, at some future day, to
m ove in a fpliere higher than they do at present.
7 he fafcinating influence ofl'uchahope draws
fbme people into an anticipation of the property
i .hich they hereafter intend to acquire. By this
means, many persons, in every grade of life, spend
too prpfufe]y,and involve thenifelves in debt and
?>«rple;vity. In fliort they have been left to
i&elieve that there is less disgrace in losing their
!i>Mfwtua}ity, tfoan in retrenching their expences.
Nothing can effectually reftraiu tliefe mifchiefs
ibut a more rigid attention to the habits and opin
ions of youth 011 the interesting points of economy
and felf-denial.
BosxoN, October 28, 1789*
TT is \v;th (ingular plepfure that we, the Prefi-
A clent and fellows of Harvard Univeifity in
Cambridge, embrace the opportunity, which
your moil acceptable visit to this part of the coun
try gives u s, of paying our refpetfts to the t iift
Magistrate of the United States.
It afforded us the highlit fetisfaiftiop, to iinu
tills large and refpeiftable Nation unanimous, in
placing at the bead ps the new Government, the
firm and diftnterelted Patriot—.the illuftripus and
intrepid Soldier, who, during her struggles in
the caufeof liberty, braving every difficulty and
"langer in the field, under tlte £niles pi <1 hind
Prov i<leuce,led her armies to victory and triumph,
and finally eftabWfted her freedom and independ
ence. Nor were we lei's gratified. when we found,
'Hat theperfon whose military skill and exertions
W1 been so happily succeeded, actuated by the
i nne Ipirit of patriotism, did not decline the ar
"lnous and toilsome office, but liltening to 'he
WEDNESDAY, November 4, 1739.
voice of his country, left the tranquil scenes of
private life, to secure those national bleftings,
wewere in the utniolt danger of losing. We
were fully persuaded, that the man, who during
so great a length of time, and in the most trying
c ire uin fiances, had been accepted by the multi
tude of his brethren, would, in this newllation,
enjoy rheir entire confidence, and ensure their
highest esteem : Nor have we been disappointed.
Permit us, Sir, to congratulate you on the hap
py eftabliffiment of the government of the Uni
on, on the patriotism and wisdom, which have
marked its public transactions, and the very ge
nera] approbation, which the people have given
to its measures.
At the fame time, Sir, being fully sensible, that
you are strongly impreiled with the neceihry of
religion, virtue and solid learning, for support
ing freedom and good government, andfixingthe
happinefsof the People upon a firm and perma
nent bafts, we beg leave to recommend to your
favorable notice, the University entrusted to our
care, which was early founded for promoting
these important ends.
When you took the command of the troops of
your country, you saw the University in a state of
depreflion—its members dispersed—its literary
treasures removed—and the Muses fled from the
din of arms, then heard within its walls. Hap
pily restored, in the course of a few months, by
your glorious fuccefles, to its former privileges,
and to a state of tranquility, it received its re
turning members, andouryouth have since pur
(ued, without interruption, their literary courses,
and fitted themselves for ufefulnefs in Church and
State. The public rooms, which you formerly
[aw empty, are now replenished with the neceflary
means of improving the human mind in literature
and science, and every thing within the walls
wears theafped; of peace, so neceflary to the cul
tivation of theliberal arts.
While we exert ourselves in our corporate ca
pacity,to promote the great objects of this inftitu
tion,we reft afl'ured ofyour protection and patron
We wish you,Sir,the aid and support of Heaven,
while you are difchargjpgthe duties ofyour most
important Ration. May your success, in promot
ing the best interests of the nation, be equal to
your highest wishes! And after you shall have
long rejoiced in the prosperity and glory ofyour
country, may you receive the approbation of Him,
who ruleth among the Nations !
JOSEPH WILLARD, Prelident ofthe Univerfitj.
October 27, >789.
To the PRESIDENT and tELLOWS of Harvard
University in Cambridge.
REQU ESTING you to accept my sincere thanks
forthe Address with which you have thought
peoperto honor me, I intreat yoH to be persuad
ed of the refpectful and affecftionate consideration
with which I receive it.
Elected by the fufFrages of a too partial country
to the eminent and arduous situation, which I
now hold, it is peculiarly flattering to find an
approbation of my conduct in the judgment of
men, wliofe reverend characters mull fanition
the opinions they areplealed to express.
Unacquainted with the expreflion of sentiments
which I do not feel, you will do me justice by
believing confidently in my disposition to promote
the interest of science and true religion.
It gives uie sincere fatisfaction to learn the flou
rifhing state of your literary republic—afl'ured
of its efficiency in the past events of our political
l'yftem, and of its further influence on those means
which make the best support of good government,
I rejoice that a dire&ion of its measures is lodged
with men, wliofe approved knowlege, integrity
and patriotism, give an unqueOionable aflurance
of their fuccef^.
That the Muses may long enjoy a tranquil re
sidence within the walls of your University. and
that you, Gentlemen, may be happy in contem
plating theprogrefs of improvement through the
various branches ofyour important departments,
are among the most pleasing of my wishes and
expectations. GEORGE WASHINGTON.
Boston, October »7, j
Town of Boston, to THE P RESIDENT of the
United States of America.
WE beg leave to express our happiness in the
honor you confer upon us by your visit to this
We are happy in the opportunity of again mak
ing our personal acknowledgments to a character,
on every principle, we are so deeply
Every motive of esteem, duty and affection have
conspired to fprm in our minds the strongest at
tachment that the freeft people can feel to the
moil deserving citizen.
As men, we have long since confidercd you,
under God, as the great aud-glorio us Avenger of
\_PubliJbed on Wednsfday and Saturday .'J
the violated rights of humanity—As citizens we
have observed with peculiar fatisfaction, that ycu
have invariably reipedted those liberties, which
you have so fuccefsfully defended : And aS inha
bitants of a great commercial town, we attribute
the fecuricy we enjoy, to the, lingular mevit and
success of those measures, in the progress of the
war, which you had the honor to conduct.
It cannot but afford you the highcft pleasure,
when you compare our" present fltuation with the
signal diltrelles to which we wereexpofed during
the period in which this town waj in the pofieffion
of an exalperated enemy. Indignant at tiie mul
tiplied reliraintsoflioltiledomination, we fought
an afyium auiong our friends and connexions in
the country, and cheerfully abandoned our pro
perty and pofledions in tl»e common caule of A
merica—that we were so soon happily reinftatcd,
may he jultly imputed to the wisdom of those ar
rangements which compelled our invaders in the jr
retreat, to adopt a less policy than
that, which on other occasions, they so wantonly
In every trying vjciflitude we have remarked the
conspicuous and unaffected piety of your heart,
and the wisdom and moderation of your counsels.
We. have feenyou relinquilh the ease and inde
pendence of private fortune to lead in the untri
ed dangers of a war, at the risque of your life
and reputation. With pleasure we have viewed
you retiring in \'idtory,and exhibiting a new exam
ple of patriotic virtue to an admiring world ; and
we now feel a llill higher fatisfadiion at your hav
ing once inorcfacrificed the sweets of domestic re
tirement in obedience to the united voice ofyour
Thele, Sir, are the fentinlents and reflections
which naturally occur on an attentive conlidera
tion ofyour palt conduit. To the future we look
for thole virtues which adorn the man, and mark
the wife and accomplished Legislator. We anti
cipate from your discernment the happy union of
liberty and law, lenity and vigor, mercy and jus
tice: The enlightened policy of a mind calm
amidst the influence of power,and uncorrupted by
the fafcinating allurements of avarice or am bition.
With these impressions the preservation ofyour
life through the varied scenes in which you have
been engaged,demands our grateful acknowjege
ments to the beneficent difpoferof human events.
It is one of the firfi: wishes of our hearts, that
you may be as happy in your present elevated Na
tion, as you have been diflinguifhed in your mi
litary character, and it is our fervent prayer to
the Almighty Ruler of the univerl'e, that the in
visible hand which led the citizens of America
through the dangers and calamities of war, may
ltill guard and protedt you as ail ornament to hu
man nature, and a bleiling to your country.
To the INHABITANTS of the Town of BOSTON.
THE obligations which your goodnefshas im
posed upon me, demand my grateful, and
receive my lincere acknowledgments. Your esteem
does me honor, and your affedtion communicates
the truest pleasure—by endeavoring to deserve, I
will indulge the hope of retaining them.'
Over rating my services, you have afcribedcon
fcquences to them, in which it would be injustice
to deny a participati jn to the virtue andfirmnefs
of my fellow citizens of this refpedtable town,
and Commonwealth.
If the exercise of my military commission has
contributed to vindicate the rights of humanity,
and to secure the freedom and happiness of my
country, the purpose for which it was aflumed has
been completed, and I am amply rewarded.—lf
in the prosecution of my civil duties, I shall be so
fortunate as to meet the wishes of my fellow citi
zens, and to promote the advantages of our com
mon interests, I shall not regret the facrifice,
which you are pleased to mention in terms so ob
The numerous sensations of heartfelt fatisfac
tion, which a review of past scenes affords to my
mind, in a comparison with the present happy
hour, are far beyond my powers of utterance to
I rejoice with you, my fellow citizens, in every
circumstance that declares your prosperity—and
I do so, most cordially, because you have well
deserved to be happy.
Your love of liberty—your refpedt for the laws
—your habits of industry-—and your practice of
the moral and religious obligations, are the stron
gest claims to national and individual happinefjs
—and they will, I trust, be firmly and lastingly
Your wishes for my personal felicity imprefsa
deep and affectionate gratitude—and your pray
er to the Almighty Ruler of theUniverfe, in my
behalf, calls forth my fervent supplication, to
thai gracious and beneficent Being, for every
blefling on your temporal pnrfuits, and for the
perfection of your happiness hereafter.
Bofion, OZober 27, 1789.