SPRINGFIELD, October 21. On Saturday last arrived in town from New- York, His Excellency JOHN ADAMS, Vice-Pre sident of the United States of America, accom panied by The Most Hon. TRISTRAM DALTON, one of the Senators from this State to the Nation al Congress : On the Monday following they pro ceeded on their journey to the eastward. How pleasing the idea, that the moil venerable and respectable chara&ersof our Federal Legillature, pay I'uch ftriet attention to the sabbath.—That time, which is by many gentlemen too often ap propriated to serve their temporal interests, in journeying, &c. is spent byonr national rulers in such a manner, as, while it reflects the higlieft honor on our holy religion, mud be considered as a gentle rebuke to tliofe whole conducft 011 such days, as occalion offers, is truly reprehenlible. HARTFORD, OCTOBER 26. The Illustrious President of the Unlted States with his Suite, arrived in this city on Monday last, escorted by the Governor's troop of hrfrfe guards, drefledin an elegant uniform; and by a large number of gentlemen on horseback. Tuesday he spent the day in town—went to view the various branches of woolen manufacture, and exprefled great fatisfadlion at the progress which had been made in that ufeful undertaking. On Wednesday, he proceeded on his tour to the Eas tern States. The Corporation exprefled their own sentiments andthofeof their fellow-citizens in the following address : To the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES. S I R, THE Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of Hartford, beg leave most re fpedfully to congratulate the Prelident of the U nited States 011 his accefiion to the high office of Chief Magistrate ; and with cordial hearts to wel come his arrival in this City. Wefeelourfelves bound by every tie of duty and patriotism to acknowledge, in common with the people of America, our gratitude for your fig nal and disinterested services during the late war ; by which the citizens of the United States have been protected in their claims for libtrty and indepen dence.—That you have been pleased torelinquilh the pleasures of retirement, to ensure, by a wile administration, the continuance of those bleflings to the people. —Also to profefs our sincere attach ment to your person, and determination to support the honor and welfare of your government. THOMAS SEYMOUR, Mayor. To which the Pre ft dent was pleased to return the following answer. T0 the Ma yo R, Ald ERm EN, and Co mMo NCo uN - CIL, of the City of HARTFORD. GENTLEMEN, GRATEFUL- f or the favorable difpoptien difco vcrcd towards me in your address, Ireceive your con gratulations withpleafure, and I thank yourgoodnefs with jincerity. The indulgent partiality with which my fellow-citi tizens are pleased to regard my public fervtces, is the mo]} acceptable compensation they can receive, and amply rewards them. While industry gives an ajfurance of plenty, andrt fpc[lfor the taws maintains the harmony offociety, there is every reason to hope for the individual happiness oj our citizens, and the dignity of our government, in (midud like yours. G. WASHINGTON. Hartford, Oflober 21, 1759- BOSTON, October 24. OnThurfday last, Jol'eph Barrel, Samuel Breck, and William Euftis, Kfquires, a sub-committee of the committee of the town, for making arrange ments for the reception of THE PRESIDEN 1 of the United States, fat out to meet that illustrious character at Worcester; from whence they return ed last evening, having had an interview with him at 10 o'clock yesterday, in which they in formed him of the wishes of our citizens—-and although the Prelident was desirous to come into town iti a private manner—yet to gratify the in habitants, he cheerfully altered his arrangements foas to coincide with thole of the town. We are sorry to learn, that the vilit of our be loved Prelident will be but short—and that 011 Thursday he will let out for Portsmouth. The bells will ring fifteen minutes 011 the arri val of the Prelident. We are told, that the Viscount de PONTEVES, and the Captains of His Most Chriltian Majesty s Squadron, have declined accepting the invitation of the Committee of Arrangements to take a leat •11 the balcony ereified at the State-House on the arrival of the Prelident, as the ordinances of their King require them to be on board their ships when the Chief Magistrate of a nation arrives at the place in which they lay, to give him the cuftotnary salutes. After the Prelident has taken his resi dence, we hear, the Officers, attended by the Hon. Consul of France, will proceed thereto, and pty him their respects. At Mrs. Ingerso ll's lioufe, in Court-Street, preparations are making to accommodate 1 H. L . PRESIDENT of the United States—at which place he will reside during his stay in this town. the ladies, lii honor of THE PRESIDENT, have agreed (a correspondent informs us) to wear the follow ing DEVICE in a falh—abroad white ribon, with G. W. in gold letters (or lpangles) encircled with a laurel wreath in front—oil one end of the sash to be painted the Amir 'tcan Eagle, and 011 the other a Fleur de lit. The Selectmen have ordered the streets to be cleared and cleaned from the State House to the head of IVajhington-Street. SHIP NEWS. Arrived at Portsmouth the (lup Hannah, Capt. Turner, from Cape-Francois, in 21 clays. Markets low—very low indeed. Not a peifon is to be ieen at the Cape (or indeed at any of s he French mands) without the National Cockade in his hat, blue and white —and Vive la Nation all the cry. PORTSMOUTH, October 20. It is now beyond a doubt that THE PRESIDENT of the United States will visit this town, and thereby afford the citizens thereof an opportuni ty of paying their respects to the man whom Heaven hasfeletted from the millions of Ameri ca, to hold the sceptre of peace and wield the sword of war. Already we anticipate the ardor which will pervade our fellow-citizens on so hap py,an occasion—aged, middle aged, old and young —the venerable matron, and the sprightly virgin —the hulbandman—the Rev. Clergy—the Bar— Merchants—Mechanics—Laborers—all of every rank and order, with united hearts and voices, welcoming their Father, Friend, and (under Heaven) their PROTECTOR, to the capital of New-Hani pfhire. THE IRISH PEASANT. LOOK at him, courteous readers ! that poor peasant, with all the feelings incident to hu man nature, with a heart as truly brave and no ble as that which animated an Alexander, with a proportion of the milk of human kindness flowing through all his veins, and perhaps too the de fcendent of Irish Nobility, nay, of Irish Kings and Chieftains, is now laboring hard to support a wife, an aged mother, and eleven children, up -0114 d. a day, out of which he pays £.2 a year for his wretched hovel, (inferior by far to anorthern pig ltye) a ridge of potatoe ground ; so that for the maintenance of fourteen persons he has about £.6 If. Bd. a year, from which, if we deduct the tithe of his little garden, his opprellive hearth money tax, his minister's monies and his priest's dues, our wretched peasant and all his family will have about £.5 3. year for clothes,tobacco and main tenance, upon an average less a great deal than if. annually a head. But that is not the worftof the matter, for in some parts of the kingdom this brave, this generous fellow, who would:fhare his potatoe and water with all his heart with a Arran ger, the mendicantand the friendlefs, is used more cruelly than a negro Have, not only by the ty rant his landlord and master, but by the grip ing avaricious procftor, the inercilefs hearth mo ney man, and every creature round him who can afford to wear, eat, and drink better than himfelf. His family, alas, are totally naked ! That old flan nel jacket and broken sheepskin breeches, all his cloathing throughout the different seasons of the year; a dirty wad of straw, more resembling lit ter from its sge,thebed of ware fortlie whole fa mily ; with the addition of a pig, if he is lucky enough to have one; a ragged cadow, and a pot to boil their potatoes; all their worldly effects, if so lucky as to have been able to screen them from the rapacious clav.s of the fmokeman and his con ttable—Potatoes, as I said before, their only vi ands, the limpid Itreain their beverage, and cow and horse dung their fuel ! —Heavenly powers ! such wretchedness is hardly supportable !—lean 110 more ! Prelates and Kings may (lomifh or may fade, A breath can make them, as a breatli has made; But a bold peasantry a nation's pride, , If once destroyed can never be supplied. Goldsmith. NEW-YORK, OCTOBER 31. The President of the United States arrived at Cambridge, Maflachufetts, on-Saturday last— where he was received by the third division of the Middle!ex militia, confuting of 1000 men, in complete uniform, under the command of the Hon. Major-General Brooks. The Lieutenant Governor and Council of the Commonwealth (the Governor being indisposed) escorted by Col. Tyler's light dragoons, with a large number of other'gentlemen, met the Pre sident at Cambridge, from w hence they attended him to the metropolis. Between the hours of two and three P. M. he arrived at Bofton—lt is said his intention was to have entered the town by the way of Cliarlef town Bridge ; but at the requelt of a refpe tliere was to be an Oratorio at the Chapel Church in Bolton—it was expedted the President would honor the performance with his presence. The universal andfpontaneous efFufions ofgra titudeand refpedl, which are discovered by the people to The President of the United States, in every stage of his progress through the ealtem States, afford the livelielt and ftrongelt teflimo nies oftheirattachment to this illultrious charac ter—they are, to a feeling heart, and as he beau tifully exprefles it in his answer to the Hartford Address, "the molt acceptable compensation for public services"—while at the fame time they are the highelt compliment to the patriotilin ami goodfenfeof the people. When we read accounts of the triumphal en tries of the Roman conquerors, with wretched vidlinis dragged at their chariot wheels, how funk and depraved does human nature appear ! Can it be pollible tliata people who took delightin such fpeiftacles of barbarity, ever felt a sentiment of generous freedom ? No—it cannot be fuppofeel that they ever did. Their boalted freedom, and love of liberty, conlilted in a power and disposi tion to humble, and enslave all the world beside. With what propriety then are their examples cit ed as models for the imitation of the free, and enlightened citizens of the American Republic ? The people of the United States love good go vernment—and their honelt and conliltent patri ots are refpeifted to a degree of veneration—Nor can an inltance be pointed out of their everde ferting, or ceasing to express the ltrongeft at tachment to their civil rulers, where abilities and integrity are united, and the public mind has fair play.—But as men of honelty, and fair princi ples, are more liable to impolition, than charac ters long prac r ti fed in the arts of deceit, and cun ning—so the generous confidence of the people is often betrayed,by themilreprefentations of those, whose interell cannot be advanced, while honest men Itand in their way, or enjoy the public elteeni. EXTRACTS. " Allpolitical edifices that are not built and sus tained upon this foundation, of defending the weak againfl the oppretfor, mult tumble into a tyran ny, even worse than anarchy. "To fence and establish the divinely inherent right, of security to the person and property of man, has been the Itudy and attempt of all legislators, and systems of civil polity, that ever warmed the world with a fingleray of freedom. " Butfo flrong is the propensity to usurpation in man ; so dangerous is it to tempt individual or collective truflees with the investiture of uncoil troulable power ; so difficult to -watch the Watchers, reflrain the Rejlrainers, from injustice ; that whe ttierthe government were committed to the One, the Few,or the Many, the parties entrulled have generally proved traitors ; and deputed power has almolt perpetually been seized upon as pro perty. | Cj® The Editor has received a paper from Boston containing some particulars of the procession ; but as the Printers fay it was compiled in hatle, he hopes to be able to give a correal account next week. (£3* IF JOHN BAYES, who latch lived with a Farmer at Pe tapfco-Nech, near Baltimore, andformerly from Northampton [hire jn England, or his fori William Baves, zoho lived n ith Robert Rohert- Jon, tavern-keeper, in Redminjler-Townfhip, Penn fxlvania, are living andwill fend an account of themselves, and where they are, or either of them may le found, to SAMUEL F.LAM, at Newport, Rlwde-lfland, they will hear of something to their advantage. Information of the dc ccafe of either of those pcrfons, (should such an event have happened) would be ejleemed a favor, directed as above. New-York, O&ober 21, 1789. WAN VED, to complete Files of this paper, numbers 30,40, 43, 44 46, and 48 : Six pence each will be paid for eithe* of those number* at'the office of the Editor. Ofleber 24,