Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 17, 1789, Page 214, Image 2

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    T he adJrefles which they have obtained to the
King and his Generals, when their army was in
Bolton, Newport, New-York, Phifadelphia, Sa
vanna and Charleston, fliew the fame thins. It
is very well known, that every art of flattery
and ot terror, was always used to obtain subscri
bers to tliefe addrefles. ' Yet the miserable num
bers that they have obtained, and the still more
•lefpicable character of moll of tliefe final 1 num
bers, shew that the British cause is held in very
low elteem. Even in Charleston, the capital of
a Province,which contains two hundred tlioufand
whites, they were able to obtain only two bun
dled and ten subscribers, and among these there
is not one name that I ever remember to have
heard before.
I am sorry I have not Burgoyne's narrative ;
which shews, in the fame point of light, the re
sources the Englirti are likely to find in the tories,
to be nothing more than a sure means of getting
rid of a great number of their guineas.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your humble servant,
To learn the present state of America, it is fuf
ficient to read the public papers. The present
state of Great Britain and its dependencies may
be learned the fame way. The omnipotence of
the British Parliament,and the omnipotence of the
British navy, are like to go the fame way.
Thursday, March 19, 1789.
The Hon. William Patterson, from the State of New-
Jersey, appeared and took his feat.
fr id a t , March 20.
Pie fen t as yesterday : Adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow
SATURDAY, March 21.
Present as yesterday : The Hon. Ri chard Basset t, from the
State of Delaware, appeared and took his feat. The number fuf
ficient to constitute a quorum not appearing—adjourned from Jay
to day, until
Saturday, March 28.
Present as on the 21ft : The Hon. Jonathan Elmer, from
the State oi Ncw-Jerfey, appeared and took his feat.
The number fufficient to couftitute a quorum not appearing, ad
journed from day to day, until April the 6th ; when the Hon.
Richard Henry Lee, from the State of Virginia, appeared and
took his feat in the Senate.
MONDAY, April 6.
The Senate affeinbled : Present,
From New-Hampshire, \ " r - and
Massachusetts, Mr. Strong,
Conneaicut, < Mr. Johnson, and
New-Jerky, 5 " r - £aterson, Mnd
J ( Mr. Elmer,
Pennsylvania, 5 r - Mac lay, and
( Mr. Mor r is,
Delaware, Mr. Bassitt,
Virginia, Mr. Lee,
Georgia, Mr. Few,
Being a quorum, confiding of a majority of the whole number
of Senators of the United States.
The Credentials of the afore-mentioned Members weie read
and ordered to be filed.
The Senate proceeded by ballot to the choice of a President, for
the sole purpose of opening and counting the votes for President
of the United States.
JOHN LANGDON, Esquire, was defied.
Ordered, That Mr. Ellsworth inform the House of Repre
sentatives that a quorum ot the Senate is formed—that a President
is elefled for the<ole purpose of opening the certificates and count
ing the votes of the Electors of the several States in the choice of a
President and Vice President of the United States ; and that the
Senate is now ready in the Senate Chamber, to proceed, in the pre
tence of the House, to discharge that duty : And that the Senate
have rppointed one of their Members to fit at the Clerk's table to
make a lift of the votes as they shall be declared ; submitting it to
the wisdom of the House to appoint one or more of their members
tor the like purpose.
Mr. Boudinot, from the House of Representatives, commu
nicated the following verbal message to the Senate :
" Mr. President,
I AMdireftedbytheHoufeof Representatives to inform the
oenate, that the House is ready forthwith to meet the Senate to
attend the opening and countingthe votes of the Electors for Presi
dent and Vice President of the United States."-And he withdrew.
Ordered, That Mr. Paterson be a tellei on the part of the
The Speaker and the House of Representatives attended in the
Senate Chamber, for the purpose exprefled in the message deliver
ed by Mr. Ei lsworth—And after some time withdrew.
The Senate then proceeded by ballot to the choice of a Presi
dent of their body pro tempore.
John Langdon, Esq. was duly ele&ed.
The President ele&ed for the purpose of countingthe votes de
clared to the Senate, that the Senate and House of Representatives
had met and that he, in their presence, had opened and counted
the votes of the Elettors for President and Vice President of the
Lnitcd Stages—which were as follows :—
W —' O I—l1 — 15 — 1 £/><-_ r*s
£ °£225.0 00 >°w
>>w 58 " z ' 2c:2 50
y ~ 2 50 ° 1,3 1 w °
«U>„c wH >> r^ tII
z H * ° s ■' •" i °
5? w
- H x
Q Q W w O » ~ *"" M "
50 2 Hp - _ W * .P 2
52 - P • °
t*l x*> w 00 • H H
L' w >f> L; o o o
W ►Q *& z 2
' & * - ~ -
JiT JiT ►H 1
\ T ew-Hampfhire, 55-----....
Massachusetts, 10 10 ....... .
Conneflicut, 752-.-..
New-Jersey, 6!^ 5 ! '
Pennsylvania, 10 8.-2---.
Delaware, 3--o.___
Maryland, 6-..-6 - --II"
Virginia, 10 5 - , t - 3 - . I I I
South-Carolina, 7---1--6
Georgia, 5 \ \ ~ t
6 9 34 2946362! 1 1
Whereby it appears, that
was unanimously eletted President, and
was duly ele&ed Vice President,
Ol the United States of America.
Mr. Madison came from the Hou{e of Representatives with
the following verbal meflage :
" Mr. President,
I am dire&ed by the House of Rcpielentatives to inform the
Senate, that the House have agreed, that the notifications of the
election of the President and of the Vice Prcfident of the United
Mates, ihould be made by such persons, and in such manner, as the
Senate Ihall be pleased to dirett."
Whereupon the Senate appointed Charles Thompson, Esq.
to notify Georce Washington, Esq. of his elcaion to the
Ulhce ol President of the United States of.America, and Mr
S Bou R N "• to notif V J OHN Adams, Esq. of hiseleftion
lothe Olficeot Vice President ot the said United States.
A letter from James Duane, Esq. was read, enclosing resolu
tions of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of
New-York, tendering to Congress the use of the City Hall
(To be continued.)
Freedom an exile—forc'd the world to roam,
In these bleit States, at lad hath found a home ;
For her abode, we've rear'd a noble pile,
In which -her presence Hiall reward our toil ;
Here fate from treason, anarchv and ftrife,
If we are wife Ihe'll pass her future life.
THERE is a natural propensity in mankind to
find fault—more particularly with the admini
,. at ' 01 . 1 public affairs.—ln free governments
this lpirit is peculiarly apt to shew itfelf : The
citizens, while they enjoy the high privilege of
electing their civil officers, seem to think that a
right to criminate is as eflbntial to their happi
ness, as the right ot free fuffrage.
There is in all communities a proportion of
leftlefs, carping, felf-fufficient characters, who
never think that any thing is well done, that they
have no share in directing : Such persons will
on all occasions depreciate the merit, arraign the
conduct, and impeach the motives of thole who
ai e in office—and the world will never go right
till placed under their infallible guidance !—A
small degree of attention to the general princi
ples, the part conduct, and present manoeuvres of
such persons, will afford an antidote to the mil
chief which might otherwise result from their poi
sonous insinuations.
There is another class of beings whose motives
to nnfehief, tho quite different from the above,
are productive of as great, if not greater evils to
society :—Thefe are your daring, ambitious fpi
lits, who pofTefling a vain confidence of their own
superior merit and abilities, will never let their
neighbors, and fellow-citizens, live in peace, and
enjoy security and happiness under a o'ood go
vernment,fo long as they conceive themselves ne<r
lected. If, under the favor of Heaven the public
mind can be tranquilized—if the people can be
brought to make so jufl an estimate of the blef
iings that will flow in upon them, under the ope
ration of the new fylteni of government, as to re
ject the counsels and opinions of unprincipled
men at lead for a season—their machinations in
future will meet with such general contempt, as
to discourage the molt hardy and inveterate vo
taiies of confufion in the pursuit of their pro
jects. It is devoutly to be wished that the good
sense of the people may lead them to give the
government of their own election a fair chance
—that we may know whether it is possible to en
joy the oft-defcribed, but seldom-realized advan
tages, that are faidto be connected with leading
a quiet and peaceable life, under the auspices of
the molt perfect state of Liberty, that is compati
ble with the existence of any legal restraints.
We have long enough been tofledon the waves
of uncertainty and perplexity- We have lon<r
enough been fluctuating between jarring and
poling systems Our purposes have been broken
off—our plans of trade have proved abortive—our
manufactures have languiffied— our agriculture
has been support—our rich men have
shrunk from public exertions, and their wealth
lias retreated out of circulation, for want of con
fidence in the public faith, and from the dread of
annihilation by tender laws, and other plans of
iniquitous import :—This has diminished the
quantum of the circulating medium— while the
mechanic and laborer, (their hands not being
fufficient for their support) have been compelled
to quit their country to find employment Sure
ly it is time for us to be at peace among ourselves
to coalesce under fomc fyflem that ffiall not be
subject to those vibrations that are productive of
that Free? threat . e . n , de P OI),llat i on - or the loss of
belt blond f' ,Ch hath C ° ft the tre asure and
belt blood ot our counti v.
Begun and held at the City of JW York, on Wednesday the Fourth
of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Nine.
An ACT to provide for the payment of the IN
VALID PENSIONERS qf L ? United States
BE it ena(led by the Senate and House of Re
prefentativss of the United States of Anuria in Col
grefi ajfembled, 1 hat the military pensions which
vpk " gra " te and P aid b .r the States respec
tively, in pursuance of the acts of the United
States in Congress aflembled, to the invalids who
were wounded and dilUbled during the war, shall
b: continued to be paid by tlieU'nitci ,
the fourth day of march last, f or the spa"' i' 018
year, under such regulations as the Prefij °'' K '
the United States may direct. e «uent ot
JOHN ADAMS, Viu-Pref,dent of the United S;Z '
Approved, September 28. ijgq ~ h '" 1 ' "J" icr " °J ">c S :r .^„ y
GEORGE WASHING lON, Indent of the United S hlcl .
In pursuance of the above recited law ins
matiou is hereby given to all the invalid peifin,,!"
ot the United States, that the amount of one S
Pension from the fourth day of March laVl' n u
paid to them, or their attornies refpec'tiveh
two equal payments, the firft of which will Z
made on the fifthday of March, one thou'find
seven hundred and ninety ; and the second on he
W da y , o y u " e , foll °w,iig ; at such place, i„ eac h
State, and by' such perfonsas ft,all hereafter in
season be publicly made known
The payments will be made agreeably to the
following regulations : To wit- '
The returns which have been or ft,all be made
to the Secretary for the department of War bv t\u>
several States of the Pensions which have been
granted, and paid by them refpeAively will tn
gether with the vouchers herein required be con'
fidered as the evidence whereon the payment; are
to be made. r J c
Every application for payment must be ac-om
panied by the following vouchers.
1 ft. The certificate given by the State fpecifv.
ing that the person pofleffing it, is in fact an in
valid, and ascertaining the fun, to which as ftd,
he is annually entitled.
2dly. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form : To w«:-A. B. came before me one of
the Justices for the county of in the State
of and made oath that he is the fame A B
to whom the original certificate in his pofleilion
was given, of which the following is a copy (the
certificate given by the State to be recited )
That heferved in (regiment or vc'flel) at
the time he was disabled, and that he now re
fidesinthe and county of and has
resided there for the last years, previous to
which relided in
In cafe an invalid fliould apply for paymentbv
an attorney, the said attorney mult, besides the
certificate and oath before recited, produce afpe
cial letter of attorney agreeably to the followL
form : lA. B. ot county of State
of do hereby constitute and appoint C. D.
»Ny lawful attorney to receive inmv
behalf of (the firft or second moiety) ofmy
annual Pension, as an invalid of the United States,
from the fourth day of March, one thoafapdfe
ven hundred and eighty-nine.
In teftiinony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal, this
Signed and sealed
in the presence of
Acknowledged before me
Applications of executors or adminiftratorsmuft
be accompanied with legal evidence of their re-
Ipective offices, and also of the time the invalid
died, whose Pension they may claim.
By Command of the Prelident of the United
States of America.
H. KNOX, Secretary for tht
Department of War.
War-Office, Oct. 13, 1739.
C The Printers throughout the United States are requefed to in
fer! this information for the benefit of the brave men who have Jewel]
[ufferci in the cause of their country.
Letters from Mohillon, on the Niefter, mention
a (mart engagement which has taken place be
tween four divisions ofhuflars of" the army under
General Kanu nilcoi and 3000 Turks from the gar
rison of Bender, in which the Turks were obliged
to return to L hat fortrefs, with the loss of many
of their men, who were taken prisoners.
Every part of the Baflile was searched by a com
mittee from the Town-House, accompanied by
the turnkeys, that 110 poor wretch might be for
fot and left in the caverns and dungeons of that
readful place of confinement, which is now le
velled to the ground; and, itisfaid, a noble ball
will be built on the spot for the Aflembly of the
Deputies of the French Nation. -The papers
found in the Baflile, though shocking to liuijwiii
ty, are still very interesting, and will bring ma
ny curious anecdotes to light; there are among
the reft 140 folio volumes of Lettres de Cachet.
Thebrave Fufileer of the French guards, who
fir ft ascended the walls of the Baflile on the 14 t ' 1
°f July, who was decorated by the croft of Saint
Louis, which had appertained to the Governoi 0
the fortrefs, isfince dead of his wounds, and has
been publicly interred.
August 8. To the Marquisdela Fayette, niay
the present emancipation of the citizen! 01 ti £
commonwealth of trance, be more jnftly attribute *
than to any other of their patriotic
His longrefidence in England and America ga»
himjuft ideas of government —and he has -