Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 14, 1789, Page 211, Image 3

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    We apprehend that no arguments are necefTary
to evince to you the indifpenfible neceflity of put
ting the Government into immediate operation ;
and therefore earnestly request, that yon will be
so obliging as to attend as soon as pollible.
We have the honor to be, Sir,
Your molt obedient humble servants,
John Langdort, Oliver Ellfworth.
Paine Wir.gate, Robert Morris.
Caleb Strong, William Maclay,
William S. Johnson, William Feu>.
To the Honorable
Triflrom D alt on, John Henry,
William Patter/on Richard Henry Lee,
Jonathan Elmer, William Gray/on,
George Read Ralph Izard,
Richard Baffett, Pierce Butler,
Charles Carroll, James Guntl.
Adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning.
The number fufficient to make a quorum not ap
pearing, they adjourned from day to day, until
Present, the fame as on the 12th.
Agrded that the following circular letter flionld
be written to eight of the absent members, urging
their immediate attendance.
New-York, March 18, 1789.
WE addrefled a letter to you the nth instant,
since which no Senator has arrived. The House
of Representatives will probably be formed in
two or three days. Your presence is indifpenfi
bly neceflary. We therefore again earnestly re
quest your immediate attendance, and are confi
dent you will not fuffer our, and the public anxi
ous expectations to be disappointed.
We have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obedient humble servants,
John Langdon, Oliver Ell/worth,
Paine Wingate, Robert Morris,
Caleb Strong William Maclay,
William S. Johnson, William tew.
To the Honorable
'Jonathan Elmer Charles Carroll,
William Patterfon John Henry,
George Read, Richard Henry Lee,
Richard Bajfett, William Gray/on.
Adjourned to it o'clock to-morrow morning.
(To be continued.)
We are informed that THE ILLUSTRIOUS
PRESIDENT of the United States will fetout on
a Tour to the Eastward To-Morrow Morning :
We are further informed, that he proposes to go
as.far as Portsmouth, New-Hampshire.
Thofc parts of the Union which have been io long favored with
the presence of the beloved Father of the great American Fami
ly-well participate iri the pleasure that their Eastern Brethren will
enjoy on this ayfpiciou* occafiori.
It can not bp doubted but that the moll salutary confequencei
will result from this wife and benevolent measure.
The ocular denionftxation which this opportunity will afford,
of the peace and harmony of the people under the new Constitu
tion—os the growing profperityot the country —of the flourifh-.
ing (late of its agriculture, manufactures and commerce ; and
especially of the warm and unparalleled attachment of the people
to the firft of citizens, and best of men— will serve to animate the
ruler of our rising country $ in the discharge of the arduous duties
of his high office. At the fame time the operation of the
which have been ena£ted will be noticed with that follcitude
"which on all occasions has evinced how tenderly concerned the
President of the United States is for the real mtereft, accommoda
tion and happiness of the citizcns.
On Friday last His Excellency The Countde Mousti e r had
his audience of leave from The President of the United States,
having received permifiion from His Mod Christian Majesty to
return to France.
Among other diftinguilhed Pcrfonages at The President's Levee
yellerday, His Excellency the late Ambassador of France attended
as The Right Hon. The Count de Moustirr.
His Excellency The Vice-President of the United States
left this city Yesterday Morning, on a vifitto his feat at Braintree,
in Massachusetts.
On Saturday failed the snow San Nicholas, Melide, fer Bilboa.
His Excellency Don Diego de Gardoqui, Encargado de Ne
gocios, and Minister of his Catholic Majesty to the United States,
wentpaflcnger in this vessel, accompanied by hifc fon,andoneof
Previous to His Excellency's departure, he waited on The Pre
sident of the United States, and had his audieuce ot leave in due
form : At the fame time His Excellency introduced the Hon. Mr.
Vi ar, 3s Ch argedes Affaires from HisMoftCatholic Majesty.
By letters from Georgia of the 12th ulr. we learn, that theCom
miflioners Plenipotentiary from the United States, tor fettling a
treaty with the Southern Indians, arrived at Savanna on the 10th
•f September in perfect health—That .they were to set out for the
place of treaty the 13th —That accounts had been received, that
several thousand Indians were ex petted to attend, and every ap
pliance indicated-a favorable issue to the negociation.
Extrau of a letter from Fayetti-Ville, North-Carolina>
dated September 12.
" I tliink there is not a doubt that the Con
tention which is toineet here in November, will
adopt the Conflitution —the amendments will do
the bnfinefs.
" The season has been remarkably forward. —
1 lax-feed began to be brought in so early as July.
—The crops of tobacco and wheat are very great.
" This State is fettled by persons from all
quarters, and many who come from the eastward
'all vicftims to the climate, but then it is more
owing to their own folly—they take care of them
selves for a time, and then fall off to intemper
ance, which foojiputs them under ground.——c oui
young men have died martyrs to rum, within a
liwje while."
What a spirit of free enquiry pervadestlie Uni
ted States ! a universal toleration in matters of
religious opinion has done more to unfetter the
human mind in a few years, than whole centuries
of bigotry and superstition—That flood of light
which poured in upon the world, when the press
began to fend forth its treafures,illuminated man
kind to an aftoniihing degree, and raised human
nature from the molt abje<ft deprelfion, to a rani:
in the scale of being hitherto unknown. —This
roused the powers of darkness ; but the throne
of ignorance being lliaken to the centre, down
fell the whole system of scholastic mummery,
prieftcraft, and falfe philosophy, which had been
eftablilhing itfelf for ages on the ruins At com
mon sense, and public happinela—witchcraft, ne
cromancy, juggling, and judicial astrology, which
not a century lince formed no inconsiderable part
of the creed of the world, are now founds with
outameaning : Much however remains to be done.
In America, we trust, the human mind will have
fair play—and that every species of falfe philo
sophy, falfe religion, and falfe government, will
flee before the light of reason, and the dictates
of common sense.
There is a general desire among mankind to
live without labor : This aversion to corporeal
exercise, gives rife to millions of expedients to
enable men to live by their wirs. Hence the in
numerable pretenders in every art and profeflion
in which there is the least connexion, with hard
work ; but among all the profeflions which fuffer
from this cause, there is none can be compared to
the clerical—a circumstance greatly to be regret
ted, as at this enlightened period, mankind want
something besides noise, whining, and cant, to
allure them to the practice of religious and moral
The right of the people to keep and bear arms
has been recognized by the General Government;
but the belt security of that right after all is, that
military spirit, that taste for martial exercises,
which has always diftinguiflied the free citizens
of these States : From various parts of the Conti
nent the molt plealing accounts are publiflied of
reviews and parades in large and small afleinblies
of the militia.—The people appear determined
to avail themselves of the circumstance, which
our patriotic and beloved President pointed out
in one of his meflages to Congress, viz. That
fund of military knowledge which is diffufed
through the States by the Orticersof the late Con
tinental Army. A spirit of emulation is excited ;
and not only in cities and towns, where the peo
ple being more compatft, can with greater ease
concert, and carry their plans into execution—
but in the country towns also, whole Regiments
are clothed in Uniform —and bodies ot Horse com
pletely equipped have been raised and disciplined.
men form the belt barriei'to the Liberties
of America.—And when called to defend their
Country—they fight for all that gives worth to
Several reviews of the militia in different parts
of this State have recently taken place —the su
perior officers and fpe&ators have bestowed me
rited applause 011 the appearance and deportment
of the rcfpeiftive corps.—The following accounts
are selected from the eastern papers.
ct Spr 1 ncfi e ld, Sept. 30. On Wcdncfday last the regihient
commanded by Col. Bu R t, was reviewed and infpefted by Major
General Sheparo and his suit, at Palmer. Among the manycir
cumftances in favor of the troops, that of their having paid a due
attention to the uniform which the General had recommended
sometime previous to their meeting, was particularly noticed by
him. They made a refpeftable appearance, and received the
plaudit of a very large collection of fpeflatort."
" The fame day, the troop of horse, commanded by Captain
Cutler, was also reviewed. This company of cavalry was in
complete uniform of red—and received the entire approbation of
the Major General, and the applause of every person present.
" Worcester, Oft. 8. The military spirit of this Common
wealth was never known to rage higher since the war, than at the
present period. A regiment of Horse, all completely equipped,
and in perfect uniform, belongs to this county. They consist of
500 men .
" Lad Thursday Col. Rice's regiment, confiUing of eightcotn
panies, all in uniform, were reviewed at Northborough, by Major
General W a r n e R.
" We hear that the 2d regiment of foot was reviewed at Men
don,'in this county, on Tuefaay laft,and that the 4th and sth are to
be reviewed this day at Oxford.
" Last week Gen. Cobb reviewed a regiment of militia, a corps
of cavalry, and one of Artillery, at Taunton. All the officers, the
Horse, Artillery, and nine companies of Infantry were in uniform.
At Salem, Gen. Titcomb also reviewed Col. Bricket s regi
ment, Capt. Osgood's Horse, and a corps of Artillery 800 men.
Sunday arrived here from Boston, his Most Christian Majesty's
Frigate l'A&ive, commanded by Monf. TR sv e r say ; on ooming
to anchor (he fired a salute, which was answered by the guns from
the battery.
By a gentleman from France, who left Bourdeaux the 25th of
August, we learn that peace was fully reflored to that kingdom—
that the National Affemblyhad nearly completed the new Confu
tation ; and that the accounts of maflacres. See. which had been
published were greatly exaggerated : not one quarter part being
According to an estimate lately made by a gentlemen of this
city, chiefly from actual accounts received from the several prin
ters, it appears that the number of Newspapers printed in the
United States, weekly, is 76,438— annually 3,974,776, which at
4 cents each, amounts to 158,991 dollars and 4 cents.
Sunday Brig Diligent, Quebec, — days.
Schooners Sally, Murphy, Charleston, 14 days.
Sloop Hancock, Brown, Rhode-Island, 2 days.
Monday Schooner Edwards. Burton Shelburne, 12 days.
Sloop Three Friends, Claflon, Digby — days.
Schooner Bell, Bell, St. Johns, 8 days,
Tue/daySloop Cato, Mills, Baltimore, 8 days.
NEW-YORK, October 14, 1789.
For the CIVIL LIST of the United Statas, for the Year 1789.
For the Department of the Treasury.
Dolls. 90 ths.
COMPUTED from the iff of January, to the
nth of Sept. being the day on which the commission
of the Secretary of the Treasury is dated, and to
which time the Services of the refpeftiye officers were
actually continued. Three fcommiffioners of the
Board of Treasury, each at the rate of 2,250 dollars
pr. annum, 4>"7°6 22
Their Secretary, at the rite oF i»5 00 "°* *»°45 75
Three Clerks, do. 45° 94 1 2 3
MefTenger and House-keeper, 15 0 10 4 53
Accomptant of the Treasury, 800 do. 557 70
Two Clerks, at the rate of 4-5°
Register of the Treasury, ( i,200 do. 836 60
One Clerk on the books of thcpublic
creditors, called debt funded at the
Treasury, transfers, See. See. 45° "°- 3*3
One co. on the principal books of
the Treafurv, iri journalizing and post
ing, ; ... do - 313 68
One dt>. in copying fair statements
of the public accounts and other trans
cripts, as required from the Treasury
books, ® 0 ' 3*3 68
Two do. on the aid accounts of the
Treasury, and books and accounts of
late State Commissioners, do. 627 45
Treasurer of the United Stated, at the
rate of 1,250 do. 87 1 47
One fclerk at the rate of 45° 3'3
Commissioner for adjusting the accounts of the
late fecretand commercial committees of Congreis,
including Clerks wages, Office rent, and other con
tingencies from lft January to the 30th of June, to
which day warrants were llTued by the late Boaid
of Treasury on the presumption belore mentioned,
at the rateof 1,900 dollars pr: annum, 950
This Commissioner, in virtue of his appointment
by the late Board of Treasury, is in possession of all
the books and papers of those two Committees, and
it is supposed will claim a compensation until the
Commissioner of the board expired.
Commissioner for adjusting the accounts in the
ComrriifTaryandQuarter-Mafter'sDepartments from
the lft of Jan. to the Bth of May, 1789, whtyi the
commission expired, at the rate of 1,250 dollars pr.
annum, 444 5
Eight Clerks, at the rate of 1,250 dollars pr. ann. 1,279 66
Commissioner for adjusting the.accounts in the
Marine, Clothing, and Hoipital Departments, from
the ill of January to the Bth of May, when this
commission also expired, at the rate of 1,250 dol
lars, pr. anrtum, 444 5
Four Clerks, at the rate of 450 dollars, pr. ann. 637 54
One do. from the lft of January to the 31ft of
March (the time of his decease) at the rate of 450
dollars pr. annum, 112 45
is>44i 77
' for the Department of War.
Computed from the lft of January to the 12th of
Sept. when a new appointment of the Secretary was
made, his services having continued to the period
of his re-appointment.
Secretary of the Department, at the rate of 2,450
dollars pr. annum, 1 :5°9 65
Three Clerks, at the rate of 450 dollars each, 941 23
Door-keeper and MefTenger, at the rate of 150
dollars pr. annum, 104 5 Z
2.555 5°
Thirteen Loan Officers and Receivers of Taxes.
Computed from the lft. of January to the 30th of
June, to which time the late Board nf Treasury
have fettled with the Receivcrsof New-York, Ncw-
Jersey, and Delaware, the principal of which set
tlement will be applicable to all j they having been
employed both in the receipt and payments of pub
lic monies to that time—are now in possession of all
papers and records of their refpeftive offices, and it
is presumed will claim compensation to a later per
iod, at tlie rate of 12,450 dollars pr. annum—sot
thirteen, is 6,225
In relation both to the late and present Government.
For the Department of Foteign Affairs, now comprehended in the De
partment of State.
Secretary of that Department, pr annum, 3,5°°
His Secretary, or Chief Clerk, do. 800
Two other Clerks, at 450 dollars, goo
Interpreter, 250
Door-keeper and MefTenger, 150
Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of France, 9,000
His Secretary, 1,400
Charges des Affaires at the Court of Madrid, 3,000
Conlul-General in France, 1,000
Agent at the Hague, i.3°°
The Salaries of this Department, so far as they
have been regulated by the present government, re
main as before, except as to Clerks, now at a rate
not exceeding 500 dollars.
For the Officers employed to fettle the Accounts between the United Sides
and Individual States.
Three Commissioners of the General
Board, each at 2,250 dollars per an
num is 6,750
Deduct for vacancy of 3d Commifr
fioner, from 20th April to 7th August, 675
Chief Clerk, at 600 dollars pr. annum, from sth
of August, 2 45
Two Clerks, each 450 dollars pr. annum, 900
MelTenger and Door-keeper, 150
Paymafter-Geoeral and Commissary of Army
accounts, 1,25°
Ten Clerks, at the rate of 450 dollars pr. ann. 4,500
Two Clerks, at the rate of 400 dollars pr. ann. 800
Commissioner for the States of South-Carolina
and Georgia, for preparing the accounts of those
States with the United States, in order to settlement
by the General Board of Commissioners, estimated
from the lft of Januaiy to the 16th of July, when
the bunnefs was completed, 679 71
Two Clerks for the fame time, at the rate of 450
dollar 460
15.059 7*
(To be continued. J