Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 14, 1789, Page 210, Image 2

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    fiftd confequeatly of new pleasure. Such hilling
projects are therefore proper methods to keep up
and encourage expedition, which is the food
and relief of life. Our whole delight is in pro
Besides, these gentlemen who tnrji undertakers
when it is grown late in life, do seldom or never
consider, that they mult depart and leave their
I'chemes unexecuted : they think they have got
a knack of living ; and as every one is apt to pre
fer liimfelf to all the rell, he is alio apt to Hat
ter lumfelf with the hopes of better fortune, and
longer life, than any other enjoys.
There was a gentleman in D , who,
after he was fourfcore, planted in a field a row
of walnut-trees, which, it foems, do not bear
fruit in many years after they are set ; and when
a neighbour told him, that the boys would Ileal
the nuts, " Oh," fays old eighty, " let me alone
to deal with the ttoys !" And Mr Hobbs, in the
90th year of his age, made him a warm winter
coat, wliic'h he said mult la(t him three years, and
then he would have such another.
Written in Holland, in the Year M,DCC,LXXX,
By His Excellency
THE VICE-PRESIDENT ofthe United States.
Amsterdam, Oct. 4, 1780.
si R,
YOU delire an exaift and authentic inform
ation of the American affairs ;
with a previous concise account of their course be
fore, during, and after the commencement of
To give a stranger an adequate idea ®f the rife
and progress of the dispute between Great Bri
tain and America, would require much time, and
many volumes: It comprises the hiltory of En
gland, and the United States of America, for
twenty years ; that of France and Spain for five
or fix ; and that of all the maritime Powers of
Europe for two or three. Suffice it to fay, that
immediately upon the conquest of Canada from
the French, in theyeari7S9, Great-Britain seem
ed to be seized with a jealousy against the Colo
nies, and then concerted the plan of changing
their forms of government —of retraining their
trade within narrower bounds, and railing a re
venue within them by the authority of parlia
ment, for the avowed or pretended purpose of
protecting, securing, and defending them. Ac
cordingly, in the year 1 76p, orders were lent
from the Board of Trade, in England, to the cus
tom-House Officers in America, to apply to the
Supreme Courts of Justice for writs of alfiftance,
to enable them to carry into a more rigorous exe
cution certain a<fts of Parliament, called the acts
of trade (among which the famous navigation act
was one, the fruit of the ancient Englilh jealousy
of Holland) by breaking open houses, ships or cel
lars, chests, Itores, and magazines, to search for
nncuftomed goods In molt ofthe Colonies these
writs were refufed. In Maflachufetts Bay, the
question, whether such writs were legal and con
stitutional, was solemnly and repeatedly argued
before the Supreme Court, by the molt learned
counsel in the Province.
The Judges of this Court held their contmif
fions during the pleasure of the Governor and
Council, and the Chief Jultice dying at this time,
the famous Mr. Hutch i nson was appointed,pro
bably with a view of deciding this cause in favor
of the Crown ; which was accordingly done. But
the arguments advanced upon that occasion by
the Bar and the Bench, opened to the people such a
view of the designs of the British Government a
gainlt their liberties, and the danger they were
in, as made a deep imprelfion upon the public,
which never wore out.
From this moment, every measure of the Britilh
Court and Parliament, and of the King's Gover
nors and other servants, confirmed the people in
an opinion of a fettled design to overturn tliofe
constitutions, under which their anceltors had
emigrated from the old world, and with infinite
toil, danger and expence, planted a new one. It
would be endless to enumerate all the acts of Par
liament, and measures of Government; but in
1764, Mr. George Grenvi ll e moved a number
of refolntions in Parliament, which palled, for
laying a valt number of heavy duties upon Itamp
ed paper ; and in I 765, the act of Parliament was
made, called the Stamp Act: Upon this, there
was an universal rising of the people in every co
lony, compelling the Stamp-Officers by force to
relign, and preventing the ftainped papers from
being nfed, and, indeed, compelling the courts
of jultice to proceed in bulinefs without them.—
My Lord Rockingham, perceiving the impolfi
bility of executing this statute, moved, by the
help of Mr. Pitt, for the repeal of it, and ob
tained it, which reltored peace, order and har
mony, to America ; which would have continued
to this hour, if the evil genius of Great Britain
had not prompted her to revive the reliltance of
the people, by frelh attempts upon their liber
ties, and new acts of Parliament imposing taxes
vipon them.
In 1767, they palled another act of Parliament,
laying duties upon glass, paper, painters colours
and tea. This revived the dilcontents in America:
But Government sent over a Board of Commilfion
ers, to oversee the execution of this a<£t of Parlia
ment, and all others impoling duties, with a mul
titude of new officers for the fame purpose ; and
in 1 768, tor the firft time, sent four thousand re
gular troops to Boston, to protedt the revenue of
ficers in the colletftion of the duties.
Loth to commence lioftilities, the people had
recourse to non-importation agreements, and a
variety of other measures, which in 1770 induced
Parliament to repeal all the duties upon glass, pa
per and painters colours ; but left the duty upon
tea unrepealed. This produced an aflbciation not
to drink tea. In 1770 the animosity between the
inhabitants of Bolton anil the King's troops grew
so high, that a party of the troops fired upon a
croud of people in the streets, killing five or fix,
and wounding some others. This railed such a
spirit among the inhabitants, that, in a body, they
demanded the instant removal of the troops;
which was done, the Governor ordei ingthein down
to Castle lfland, some miles from the town.
In 1773, the British government, determined to
carry into execution the duty upon tea, impow
ered the East India Company to export it to Ame
rica. They sent some cargoes to Boston, some to
New-York, some to Philadelphia, and fotne to
Charleftoii. The inhabitants of New-York and
Philadelphia, sent the Ihips back to London, and
they failed up the Thames, to proclaim to all the
nation, that New-York and Pennsylvania would
not be enslaved. The inhabitants of Charleston
unloaded it, and stored it in cellars, where it
could not be used, and where it finally perished.
The inhabitants of Boston tried every meafureto
fend the fhipsback, like New-York andPhiladel
phia; but not being permitted topafsthe Castle,
the tea was all thrown into the sea.
1 his produced several vindictive aifts of Parlia
ment ; one, for flarving the town of Boston, by
fliutting up the port; another, for abolishing the
coijftitution of the province, by destroying their
charter ; another, for fending persons to England
to be tried for treason, &c.
These arts produced the Congress of 1774, w ho
stated the rights and grievances of the Colonies,
and petitioned for redress. Their petitions and
remonstrances were all negledied, and treated
with contempt, General Gage had been sent o
ver with an army to enforce the Boston Port Bill,
and the art for destroying the charter. This ar
my, on the 19th of April, 1775, commenced hos
tilities at Lexington, which have been continued
to this day.
You fee, Sir, by this most imperfed: and hasty
sketch, that the war is already twenty years old.
And lean truly fay, that the people, through the
whole courfeof this long period, have been grow
ing constantly every year more and more unani
mous and determined to resist the designs of Great
I fliould be alhamed to lay before a gentleman
of Mr. Calkoen's abilities, so rude a sketch, if
I had not equal confidence in his candor and dis
cretion, which will indulge me as I may have
leisure, to continue to sketch a few observations
upon your questions.
I have the honor to be &e.
(To be continued.)
M. de Be aum arch a is,has facrificed 12,000 li
vres in favor of the unfortunate inhabitants of
the suburbs of St. Anthony. Altho his office of
Secretary to the King enlists him among the No
bles, he has desired to be admitted among the
Commoners; and this trait of humility, without
taking any thing from the diftinguiffied honors of
his office, muftneceflarily put an end to the illi
beral iarcafms which some persons have allowed
tliemfelves to throw out upon him.
This evening, M. de la Fayette, no doubt
afraid of not being able to operate all the good
he could wiffi, and thwarted besides by the im
proper conduct of the people, and shocking be
haviour of the populace, in doing justice to tliem
felves, without the assistance of the law, gave up
his commission of Colonel-General of the Parisi
an guards ; but he was so earnestly requested to
continuein it, andM. Bailly himfelf exprefled
with so much eloquence the willies of all the ci
tizens, that he triumphed over themodeftyof the
hero, who never fought but for liberty, and the
equalrightsof mankind.
July 31. We have accounts froui Metz, the
Marlhal de Brog lio, and the Prince de Lam be sc,
notfinding tliemfelves fafe in that place, had en
trenched tliemfelves in the Citidel of Verdun
where there are three regiments in garrison •
but that thoie troops desert apace, and will not
fire upon the citizens, who are befiegingthe two
fugitives,and are determined to open the trenches
or starve the place out.
£Dt!>r3URGH, JULY 5.
It is with pleasure we learn, that Mr. Midi
of Dalfwinton lias lately completed his expcri
mem for ascertaining the steam engine in mov~
mg ihrps. The success fully answered his ex
pec'iations, and afforded very great plealure > r ,
the fpeciators present. Therefultof this expe
rt ment must be of the greatest utility to society
in general, but more particularly to trading
countries which abound in coal or wood.
The entrance and comportment of this great
minister, on his return to the National AHembly
were 1110 ft univefally commemorated j when ]y|
de Mirabeau and the Bilhop of Aix, had rife* tO .
lupportM. Neckar, and he had recovered liiinfelf
enough to proceed, he took his handkerchief
from his face, and this was
" Meflieurs—l obey your commands, and throw
niyfelf before ye!
" Bound as to my own happiness, I pant in
ceflantly for yours. For ye are, ye will be, the
preservers of your country, where I had not the
bliss to be born ; but it will be my glory to serve
if I can serve any good purpose, if 1 do not live
and labour in vain !
" Would to God powers could keep pace with
my wilhes, that my ability might be equal to my
" Not that this noble nation depends on such
llender holds as powers and purposes like mine.
True to herfelf, and fafe in the providential sys
tem of nations, what imports it to her, what in
dividuals may be precarious or frail ?
" The resources of France arc infinite ! What
can they not do ? What have they not done !
They have brought ftrengtli out of weakness— or
der out of confufion.
" The resources of France are infinite !—Ha.e
they not surmounted such a feeble mini ft ry as
mine ?
" The resources of Fiance are infinite—ln all
human qualities that array and adorn the national
charatfier of men ; and all earthly possibility, of Iky
and foil, arts and arms, to constitute political
force—What nation is there, that will beableto
refill ns ?—What nation, duly enlightened, will
noL wish us to be irresistible ? I speak as I feel, and
as I interpret on the feelings of all around me!"
This panegyric on the popular character—hy
perbolical perhaps, but certainly well timed—
did wonderful execution. The assembly were all
taken at onee ; and there was throughout a silent,
fultained attention, sffetfiing beyond any other
possible expreflion.
Monf. Neckar saw his advantage, and pnrfued
it thus faultering for a word or two, and
when recovering his articulation, altering bis
" You hear ine, Mes Comperes, Amis Donees if
Nobles —ye hear me with indulgent ears ; you are
partial to my purposes ; you are kind to my de
fers, But chara(fter you can dive into (apprcfor.-
tiir) motives you can weigh ; you know how grate
ful I am—how ufbful I wish to be.
" Such as I am, I need not tell ye; lam in
deed yours—Dispose of me as you will.
" I will fay no more."
In a dark dungeon in the Baftile, a dead body
in chains has been found, in a narrow close cup
board, dried like an Egyptian Mummy—a Cad
vi<ftim to the ministerial delpotifm of former
THE following members of tlie Senate ap
peared and cook their feats :—From
N. Hampshire, The Hon. £ £ e whtgate/"' 1
Maflkchufetts The Hon. Caleb Strong,
„T, rr C Wm. S. fohnfon and
Connecticut, The Hon. | oHver jf nfwort h,
D - T . „ C William Maclay and
Pennfylvama, The Hon. J Robert Morris>
Georgia, The Hon. William Few.
The number not being fufficient toconihtutea
quorum, they adjourned from day to day, untl
The fame members present as on the 4th .
greed that the following circular letter fbou
written to the absent members, requeuing t el
immediate attendance.
New-York, March 11, 17®9"
AGREEABLY to thfc Conftitntion ofthe Uni
ted States, eight members of the Senate, *
eighteen of the House of Representatives, »
attended here lincethe4thof March. 11 en;y
theutmoft importance that a quorum fu c >
proceed to bufinefslhould be aflembled as 0
poflible, it is the opinion of the gentlemen 0
Houses, that information of their fituation 1
mediately communicated to the absent me