Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 10, 1789, Page 206, Image 2

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    Vo retire from the business of 4 the ieliian. Ido
Uieiefore, numbly iubmit lnyfclf to your Lord
ilups jnftice and goodness. Yet, if the Honorable
Managers could ptopofe a fhorr time, such a pe
lioil as your Lordihips could afford, in order to
dole this impeachment, which I have been told
(perhaps falfely) was to end with theprefeitt ar
ticle, 1 ihould be willing in that cafe even to wave
my defence, rather than protra<ft the decision to
another year, or it may be for many years ; I
would pray your Lordihips to proceed to judg
ment on the evidence which my prosecutors have
adduced for my conviction.
My Lords, I hope I said nothing that
is difrefpecftful to your Lordihips ; I am sure 1
have felt no other sent intents than those of defer
ence and respeCt for this great afleinby."
Lord Chanceilor. " Mr. Haltings, the
Lords will certainly take intoconfideration every
thing of the lort that has been said on your part,
and which can poflibly be conducive to thejultice
of the cafe : You will recollect that this is not at
the instance of the Managers at all, but merely
with a view to fee howtlie belt jultice can be done.
In ail} rule the Lords shall come to, they will un
doubtedly entertain a full conlideration of all
those things which have been observed toyou."
Mr. Hastings. " My Lords, I rely with per
fect confidenceon your Lordihips judgment."
A general murmur ran through the Court when
he concluded. It struck us that every fpetlator
drew a comparison in his own mind, between the
fate of the man who had 1011, and of the man who
had preserved an empire to Great Britain.
The Lords then retired to their own chamber
and presently a lnellkge was sent to the Commons'
that they would proceed further on this Trial on
the firft Tuesday after the next feflion of Parlia
in en r.
thus ended the third year of this extraordina
ry Trial.
A I length the republic are forced into the
war with the Infidel, whose resistless spirit has
caused the apathy of the governing power. The
navy is divided into three branches ; one intend
ed to carry on an expedition againll the Barbary
coait, one to fcotir the middle seas, and the o
tlier to protect the trade at home. Our Senate
have voted a million and a half of gold ducats
lor this purpole, which is the greatelt sum em
ployed lor that service in upwards of seventy
years. The neceflity, however, juftifies the ex
On Monday fe'nnight as three young girls were
bathing in the river Dee, near Kirkcudbright,
two of them were unfortunately drowned, and the
third would undoubtedly have ffiared the fame
fate had it not been for theafliftance of a doe:
which caught her by the hair of her head while
going down. The girl when (he found herfelf
ieized by the sagacious animal, grained it with
an eagerness natural to one in her situation
which would have rendered such assistance abor
tive, but for the timely interference of a man
from the ffiore, who, feeing the perilous situation
in which llie was, humanely ventured into the
water, and laid hold of the dog, which (till held
her fait, and by this means saved her life.
From thirty to forty heads are still called for
by the Nation, (not the populace) and, if got
hold of, will probably be in danger. M.Le No?r
the late Lieutenant of the Police, is said to be ap
prehended and the noted Beaumarchais is
itridtly leeking after.
Efficacious measures are taken by the city and
the permanent committee, headed by Mr B-iily
and JVI. de la Fayette, to prevent a repetition of
bloody and irregular executions ; all the fufpert
ed and accused persons are to be inltantly con
veyed to the abbaye St. Germain, and kept there
under guard of the armed citizens till trial. Over
the pnfon is this infeription—Accufed, under the
hand andJaje-gnard oj the nation.
Addrefles are coming in from allthetoM'ns and
corporate bodies, requiringpermiflion to form mi
litias in their refpe<ftive diltri<ft s ; a measure which
will certainly be adopted : The whole difficulty
lies in afcertaming what part of the executive
power shall have their formation.
August There are two hundred and sixty
female convidts on board the ffiip bound to New
South Wales. Ihe crew, including officers, are
about thirty in number ; each of tliem will doubt
less select a mate for the voyage, and government
have sent them baby-clothes 011 board for sixty in
fants, 011 the probability that each of the cho
sen ladies may have twins.
A beautiful girl is amohgft the number of un
happy creatures under sentence oftranfportation,
who a short time since figured about town in the
lirft flile of elegance.
The committee of the Hotel de Ville in Paris
has employed every means to search ast er,and in-
veliigate all clrcumftances, wliich can tend to
throw any light on the horrid plot that was pre
pared againlt the people, and the city in particu
lar. The utmost vigilance has therefore been
observed, in fending every paper to the commit
tee, which has been found on those persons who
have been arrelled in attempting to escape. The
moil important documents from which any thing
can be drawn were found in the portfolio of M.
Bethier, and in the pormanteau of the Prince de
Lambefc, whole equipage was ftoped, altlio he
himfelf escaped. What has been already done,
is thus related to us :
" This infernal cabal (the Oueen's party) did
notpropofe to dil'mifs M. Neckar till the 16th of
July at night, at which time the army, under
Manhal Broglio, were to enter Paris, and l'eize
on the principal polls in the city, which were to
be guarded with cannon. The next morning it
was to be proposed to the National Aflembly, to
regilter the King's last declaration ; and in cafe
of non-compliance, the States General were to
bedifinifled,and a new Aflembly to be convened,
to meet next November, which was to preclude a
double representation of the Third Eltate, viz.
the latter was only to have an equal number of
votes as the other two orders.
" The King's declaration was to be lent to all
the provincial Parliaments and Bailiwicks, and it
was expected they would enregilter it.
bei s of" the Aflembly were to be arrett
ed ; and 3 Bifliops, 4 Curates, 57 Nobles, among
others the Duke of Orleans, and 23 Coinxnoners,
were to be proscribed.
A lubfeription of 12 millions of livres was
promised among a few of the Nobility and Bilhops
but they expected the greatest afliltance from the
1 lining ol 100 millions of paper money, which
was to be forced into circulation under a heavy
penalty of refilling it. These notes were alrea
dy piinted oil".— 1 lie Baron de Bats was to have
been at the head of the finances. He had under
taken to make this paper negociable.
" When it was hinted to one of the principal
perlons who advifedthis fchen.e, that it was pof
lible the National troops would not act under such
a fyltem " Good ! said he, " promise them
but the pillage of Paris, and I'll answer for their
Such were the means intended to reduce the
city of Paris, which was to have been the vicftiin
of a licentious soldiery.
August 6. The condud: of Spain has been
charged as inimical to the freedom of France
and if the infinuationbe eftabliflied, it will proba
bly be fatal to her transmarine iriterelts : Alrea
dy a participation of her South American colonies
between Francs, and North America, is spo
ken of among the leaders of the people and it
is said, the condition of the division is an army
nf 20,000 men, to be furnilhed by the United
Copy of a letter said to be written by his Sardinian
IMajefly to the King of trance.
" Dear Brother,
" 1 ani that the meekness of your own
temper, as well as the inability of your charac
ter, joined to the ignorance and treachery of
your 111111 liters, have betrayedyouinto yourpre
fentunfortunate situation ; but lean fee no other
remedy, but that your Majelty mult haft en to
grant of your own accord, what will otherwise
be extorted by force.
Your affectionate Brother,
Ajg usr 8. The four Companies of French
guards which continued to do duty over the Kind's
per lon at Versailles, have now left him, and
joining their former comrades, are incorporated
into the Versailles militia The Prince dcPoix
late Captain of the private guard, now commands
thele men ; and his Majesty apprehensive for the
lafety oflnsperfon, has written to the Prince re
queuing at least some invalids to mount guard at
the palace gate. This could not be complied with
as the town s-people infilled on doing the duty'
which they have regularly performed, having
o p s ciotr ' ™ thfrom the "•»<£
M.Touret, an advocate of Rouen, is elected
of theDukfd T^ atl ° nal in the room
exph eck 6 Llancourt j whose fifteen days are
• T °u ret ' S le<flion is raifl to been car
ried by the intrigues of the Clergy; he is not re
pelted in an equal degree with either of the last
residents ; and diflentions among the Members
of the National Aflembly daily become visible
van,ageofS£ y M " "'" ke ,heir
is - of the >' OUII g Count de Broglio
the theme of umverlal admiration; he liadde
term,lied to fulfil his duty as a soldier, by obey
ing his father s orders to fire ; but at the fame
tune allured the Marshal, that he would place
himfelf so as to fall thefirft victim of the people
Rumoi s of plots and conspiracies are in circula
tion ; and four people are in cultody, chareed
with attempting to let the city on fire S
Ihe Count d'Artois's banker rPiuet J has broke
for upwards ofhalf , miUion a,rli„ g .
cii cuniftances fecm to indicate tl at ti
of this country will not be lb loon
coinpoled as the friends of freedom a',,* 1 ea %
had indulged themselves with the hope manit y
August 9. M.leComte d' Artois M 'ti
de Henain, M. le Marquis de Polignac m 7
Vaudreuil, are at Namur. ' Ldc
At are the following uerfnm
M. le Prince de Conde, but calhng hin.leh'M I
Comte de Natreuil , Wad. la Prince fie Louifed
C onde, under the name of La Cointeile de w
tin. Mad. la Princeflede Monaco rln •
name allb to laComteflede I)"
de Bourbon, M. le Due d'Enghlen, Mad.
telle Amclie, Due d'A, lgo uleme, Dtic de Berri"
M. lc 1 mice de Conti, Marquis and la Mam ■/
de Seran, M. le Marquis andV la Mar q
"champ, M I'EvequedeTarpes, M.kDuehde
de lirancal, Mile, de Nieuwenhcim, M. le R r ,
teuil, with his daughter and grand dau-Cr"
Marquis du Chatelet, Colonelofthe French 2ua d '
Compte de Choifcul Meufe, M. le ChevflieJ
Virieux, M. le Marquis de Belfunce, Marechal
de Camp M de la Robert, M.leComte Ducayb
M. le Chevalier M. le Comte d'An
teuil, M. le C. d'Efpinchal, ' COmtedAn -
At Bruflels the commotions and apprel.enfions
of the people were such, on account of the Count
D Artois the Pohgnacs, and other off'enfive cha
racters taking refuge in that town, that the Maui
ifrrates published a notice, by which they were re
quired to leave Bruflels, and in consequence the
ir a -r rt °r S } S ? ed t0 Turin - The P °lignacs
are also difperfed,but their deftinationisnot asyet
known. The Prince de Conde has solicited the
Emperor s pernuflion to remain, but hisMaiefty'
determination had not reached Bruflbls when the
lait advices came away.
On Tuefilay evening, the 4 tliinft.the Vifcomte
tie Noaiues role 111 the National Aflbmbly, and
in a glowing speech said, now was the time for
the Aflembly to prove their gennine patriotism
to the people, by shewing themselves their affec
tionate and disinterested Representatives, devoid
of every motive but the public good ; and by
giving a great example to nations and to ages,
in the lacrifice of " every abusive right andpri
vilsge whatsoever," incidental to all the orders,
pro\ inces,cities andcommunities,raife the French
name to a height unparalleled in history, and
confecrape their memory as worthy of represent
ing the enlightened knowledge, the courage,the
vn tue of lb great and generous a people.
Xo sooner had he made a motion fur the aboli
tion of the seigniorial rights, than the whole
body or Nobles and Clergy rose as it were by one
common nnpulfe to express their warmest appro
bation ; and the moll fublimeltruggle took place
101 several hours, of who should be the foremoft
m pointing out fonie frelh offering to liberty.
1 he deputies of the provinces, such as Franche,
Comte, Burgundy, Brittany, Dauphine, Artois,
&c. &c. and of the cities under similar circum
ltances of poflefling peculiar privileges and ex
emptions, joined in the general burlt of freedom;
and after an enthusiastic converfation,notdebate,
which lasted from seven o'clock till threeinthe
moi ning of yelterday, the following articles were
unanimously agreed on. I have only time to fend
you the heads of them.
Art. 1. Equality of taxes, to commence from
the present moment.
Art - 2 - The renunciation of all privileges
foi orders, cities, provinces, and individuals, a
general uniformity to take place throughout the
whole kingdom.
Art. 3. The redemption of all the feudal
Art. 4. Suppreflion of mortmain and person
al servitude.
Art. 5. The produce of the redemptionof
the estates of the Clergy to be applied to the aug
mentation of the salaries of parifli prielts.
Art. 6. The abolition of the game-laws and
Art. 7. The abolition of the seigniorial jii
rifdnflions. 6
Art. 8. The abolition of the venality of offices.
Art. 9. Jultice to be rendered gratuitously to
the people.
Art. 10. The abolition of the privilege 1 !
dove cotes and warrens (a dreadful and serious
grievance to the French peasant).
Art. 11. The redemption of tithes and field rents-
Art. 12. It is forbidden to create in future
any rights of the fame nature, or any other feu
dal rights whatever.
Art. 13. The abolition ofthefees ofparifh
prielts, for births, marriages or deaths, except
in cities.
Art. 14. A speedy augmentation of the be
nefices of parish prielts.
Art. ij. The fuppreflion of the droits a an
nates ,or firft fruits. The sum paid by France
to the Pope on this head, amounted annuall) to
357,1331 Iterling.
Art. 16. The admiflion of all rank sos ci"
zens to civ:l and military employments.