Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, October 07, 1789, Page 203, Image 3

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    ciples, which ought to be the bafts, on Which thfi
liberty and happiness of die public muftbe raifecl.
" That the King has acquired greater rights
than ever to the confidence of his faithful T'ub
" That not only he has hinjfelf invited them
to claim their liberty and their rights, but has al
so, to gratify thewifhes ofthis Alieinbly, remov
ed all grounds for diflruit, that might alarm the
people —
" That he fentback from the capital, the troops,
whose presence had spread a terror through it
" That he lent back from his presence the Mi
nisters and advisers, who had occalioned so much
inquietude to the nation at large—
" That he has recalled thole, whose return
was wilhed for by his people—
" That he came into this Aflembly like a fa
tlier among his children, and called upon it to
assist him in saving the State—
" That led by the fame sentiment, he went ro
Iris capital, and mixed with his people, to re
move, by his presence, the grounds of fear, which
they might have entertained—
" That in this perfect harmony and under
standing between the head of the Nation and its
representatives, after the happy union of the
three orders, the attention ofthis Aflembly is di
rected, and will continue to be directed to the
oreat objecft of a National Conllitution—
" That any diftrulV, which should interrupt or
disturb the harmony, that at present so happily
reigns between all the orders and their head,
would impede the progress of this great work,
defeat the patriotic intentions of the King, and
give a fatal blow to the general intcrelV of the
Nation at large, as well as to the particular inte
rest of every individual, of whom it is composed.
" That there is riot a member of the commu
nity who ought not tofhudder at the bare idea
of the confuhon that would ensue.—The difper
llon of families—the interruption and suspension
of trade—the poor deprived of relief—all labor at
a stand—and the general subversion of all order
and government, would be the fatal but inevita
ble conl'equences of such a distrust.
" The National Aflembly taking all these cir
cumstances into its molt serious consideration,
holds out to the whole Nation an invitation to
peace and harmony, to the maintenance of order
and good government. It invites tliofe who glo
ry in the name of Frenchmen, to clierilh that
confidence which they ought to place in their
King andtheir Representatives, and ro fljew that
refpet't for the laws, without which there can be
no true liberty.
" It declares, at the fame time, that tliofe who,
invested with power have been, or by their crimes
may be the cause of public calamities, ought to be
accused, convicted, and punished ; but that it is
only by law thatthey should be tried and punish
ed, and that the law should protect their per
sons, until it has pronounced their judgment.
" That the prosecution of crimes against the
Nation, belongs to the Nation's Representatives.
" And that this Aflembly, in framing the Con
stitution which now occupies its attention, will
take care to provide a proper tribunal, for the
trial of persons accused of crimes of this nature ;
and to point out the manner in which such pro
fccutions /hall be condmfted, laying it down as a
principle, that publicity shall be inseparably an
nexed to all such trials."
The fentiinents and opinions contained in this
resolution or address to the nation, are not tliofe
of a mad reformer, more intent npon pulling
down than building up —They are worthy of a
Philosopher and a Legislator, who knows that
where there is 110 Law, there can be no govern
ment—that innocence itfelf may be termed guilt
l>y a mad populace, too much heated to be capa
ble ofdifcerningbetween the one and the other,
or at least of giving that calm and patient hear
mgwhich Justice calls for, and the Law enjoins.
This resolution, if it was the only one praise
worthy in the political careerof Count Lally,
would, even singly, be an eternal monument to
his honor.
Jamaica Spirits, ... 5/0.
Antigua Ram, - 4^.
St. Croix, do. - -
Country, do. - -
Molafles, - 2/2. <1 2/1.
Brandy, - - - £ fa.
Geneva, - 5J3.
80. in cases, - - 28f
covado Sugar, - - 7 8/T a 7 ?f.
Loaf, do. - — 1/3.
Lump, do. - - IJi£.
Pcppn; ... 3 f
Pimento, ... ?/i. a if.
Coffee, . . 1/8. * 1/9.
Indigo, (Carolina) - - \J. a 6f.
- - £4f. a 23\f.
Superfine Flour, - - - 4 g/7
C ommon do. - - a 4,5 f.
Rye do. - . _ 26f. a 2jf.
Indian Meal, - - . ißf •
- 4pr. bojli.
Corn, ' (Southern) - " 4/!
Do. (Northern.) - 4/3. a 4f6.
firft qualify, - . 48f. a 50/.
Second quality, - - 4c,f.
Pork, firft quality, - - 81fo.
~ Second quality, - - 76/6-
Carolina Tobacco, - odL a 5/.
Virginia , . . ±d. a
(pf* In the PROCLAMATION, firft column of this papery
there are Two Errors of the Press, which the reader is desired to
correct, viz. 2d line, read " Providence —3d line* read
" grateful for."
We hear that Jonathan Uurrall, Esq. is appointed aflift
ant Poft-Maiter-General—and Sebastian BaumaNi tfq. Post-
Master for this city.
Wi f e Legislators in all ages of the world) have intimately asso
ciated the principles of virtue with the principles of government)
and whether it is an ejfeft) flowing from its proper caufe —or whe
ther it is to be attributed to the fpccial favor of the Deity > exper
ience demonstrateS) that public virtue, and public happiness, have
always been found to flourifli together: There is no security for
the general tranquility—for a iteady and uniform obedience to
the laws) on the part of the people, or for the fidelity and honor
of those who administer the government, like a principle of re
verence for the Deity : How highly favored then is our country>
at the prcfent aufpicjous period, in having those to govern, who re
commend by precept and Example, a devout acknowledgement
of our dependence upon the Creator and Lord of all, for every
private, social, and public blefling j
Look to the European world, there meagre famine stalks thro
the land, while civil discord follows clofj in the rear—the Dogs of
War spread havoc wide, in other ill fated realms, to fate the lust
of ambition, and give atalfe 111 ft re to the Diadem of despotism—
The wretched peasantry are dragged from their peaceful abodes,
and have their mangled corses strewed o'er the extended field of
or piled like rubiih in the yawning ditch—the fields disro
bed of their verdure lie uncultivated and barren, while universal
ruin forms one horrid scene : There the revolutions in government
produce proferiptions and maflacres, while the cause of Freedom
hangs suspended on the vibration of opinion.—Contfaft the above
with the situation of the United States, and fay if we have not rea
son to admire and adore—Peace and plenty crown our toils—an
exuberance of the rich gifts of Providence is ours-t-Freedom per
vades our country, and laws and government give the rich blefling
permanency and security—we have found the art of making revo
lutions without confulion, and of establishing the rights of human
ity without disturbing the public tranquility—Happy America—
May'fl thou still be wife to discern the things that belong to thy
peace—and be grateful to the giver of every good gift.
Tho under a defpoticand arbitrary government informers may
be odious, as they are generally actuated by the inoft mercenary
motives—yet under a tree government, the support of which de
pends upon the Revenae, every good and honest man will think it
honorable and praise worthy to dete& those frauds and 1111-
positions, which haveeventually, no tendency to leflen public bur
dens, but to encreafe their weight and preflure on the fair and up
right trader : Philadelphia has fct a laudable example in this res
pect, tor guarding the conlcientiousand ftri&ly honeit dealer from
the effects of those fliamcful evasions of the la ws which the un
principled practice, is protefling thole who pi op the government
Every government depends on its own inherent energy for its
efficacy and relpe&ability : It will be a long time before many of
mankind will think that they cannot promote their own interest
by violating the laws.
Should if ever come to pafsthat corruption, like a dark and low
hung mill, should spread from man to man, aud cover these lands
—Should a general diflolution of manners prevail—Should vice be
countenanced ,andcommunicated by the leadersof f fliion—Should
it come to be propogated by ministers among legislators, and by
the legislators among their constituents—Should guilt lift up its
head without fear of reproach, and avow itfelf in the face of the
fun, and laugh virtue out of countenance by force of numbers-
Should public duty turn public strumpet—Should (hops come to
be advertized, where men may dispose of their honor and honesty
at so much pr. ell—Should public markets be opened for the pur
chase of consciences, with an 0 yes ! we bid most to those who
set themselves, their trusts, and their country to sale! If such a
day, I fay, fliould ever arrive, it will be Dooms-day, indeed, to
the virtue, the liberties, and the Constitution of these States. It
would be the fame to Am erica as it would happen to the Uni
verse fliould the laws of co-hefion cease to operate, and all the
parts be diflipated, whose orderly connexion now forms the
beauty and Commonwealth of Nature : Want of goodness
in the materials can never be supplied by any art in the building :
A constitution ofPußLic Freemen can never confifl of PR IV at fc
There appears in the publications from France,
a spirit of originality,pathos and vivacity, which
strongly indicates the conscious state of freedom
to which the people of that country find them
selves exalted.—Under all the disadvantages that
their men of genius have had to encounter, still
their performances, on almost every fubjecft, have
carried the palm, even among their proud neigh
bors the Britifli, whose prefles have longgroaned
with French translations : and there is no doubt
but that mankind will be taught something new
by this enlightened nation, on the fubjeds of
liberty and the rights of man.
" Col. Henry Sherburne, of Newport, lately
manumitted a prime Have, of about 33 years of
a<re. Such arts of humanity (many of which have
raken place) by the late American army, give
frefh verdure to their laurels acquired in the field,
and furniflithefureft pledges to their country for
the future conduct of the Cincinnati."
The following Description of the Baflilc PriJo>:,
in France (which has lately been destroyed by
the populace) is extracted from the philanthro
pic Mr. Howard's State of Foreign Prisons.
I AM happy (fays Mr. Howard) to be able
to give some information of the Baftile, by means
of a pamphlet written by aperfon who was long
confined in this prison. It is reckoned the beil
account of this celebrated ftruiiture everpublifhed.
This castle is a Urate prison, confiding of eight
very strong towers, surrounded with a f'ofle about:
120 feet wide, and a wall 60 feet high. The en
trance is at the end of the street of Sr. Antoine,
by a drawbridge, and great gates into the court
of 1' Hotel du Government ; and from thence over
another drawbridge to the Corps de Garde, which
is separated by a ftroijg barrier, conftm<fted with
beams plated with iron, from the great Court.
This court is about 120 feet by 80. In it is a foun
tain, and fix of the towers surround it, which are
united by walls of freeflone ten feet thick up to
the top. At the bottom of this courtls a large
modern Corps de Logis, which separates it from
t lie Court du Puits. This court is 50 feet by 2J.
Contiguous to it are the other two towers. Oil
the top of the towers is a platform continued in.
terraces, on which the prisoners are sometimes
permitted to walk, attended by a guard. On
this platform are thirteen cannons mounted,which
are discharged on days of rejoicing. In the Corps
de Logis is the council chamber, and the kitchen,
offices, See.—above these arerQoms for the priso
ners of diftintftion ; and over the council chamber
the King's Lieutenant relides. In the Court du
Puits is a large well for the use of the kitchen.
The Dungeons of the tower de la Liberte ex
tend under the• kitchen, &c. Near that tower
is a small chapel on the ground floor. In the
wall of it are five nitches, orclofets, in which pri
soners are put, one by one, to hear mass, where
they can neither fee nor befeen.
The dungeons at the bottom of the towers ex
hale the molt offenfive scents, and are the recep
tacles of toads, rats, and other kinds of vermin.
111 the corner of each is a camp made of
planks laid 011 iron bars that are fixed to the walls,
and the prisoners are allowed fomeftrawto lay on
the beds. Those dens are dark, having 110 win
dows, but openings into the ditch : they have dou
ble doors, the inner ones plated with iron, with
large bolts and locks.
Of the five clafles of chambers, the 1110 ft horrid,
next to the dungeon, are those in which are cages
of iron. There are three of them. They are
formed of beams with strong plates of iron, and
are each eight feet by fix.
The calottes, or chambers, at the top of the
towers, are somewhat more tolerable. They are
formed of eight arcades of free-ftones. Here
one can not walk but in the middle of the room.
There is hardly fufficient space for a bed from
one arcade to another. The ■windows, bein«;i;i
walls ten feet thick, and having iron grates with
in and without, admit but little light. In these
rooms, the heat is exceflive in fu:nmer, and the
cold in winter. They have ftovee.
Almost all the other rooms (of the towers) are
ocflagons, about 20 feet in diameter, and 14 to 1;
high. They are very cold and damp. Each is
furnifhed with a bed of green serge, &c. All the
chambers are numbered. The prisoners are call
ed by the name of their tower joined to the num
ber of their room.
A surgeon and three chaplains reside in the
castle. If prisoners of note are dangerously ill,
they are generally removed, that they may not
die in this prison. The prisoners who die there
are buried in the parifli of St. Paul, under the
name of doineftics.
A library was founded by a prisoner, who was
a foreigner, and died in the Baftile the beginning
of the present century. Some prisoners obtain
permission to make the use of it.
One of thecentinels on the inside of the castle
rings a bell every hour, day and night, to give
notice that they are awake ; and on the rounds 011
the outside of the castle they ring every quarter
of an hour.
I have (fay Mr. Howard) inserted so particular
an account of this prison, chiefly with the design
of inculcatinga reverence for the principles of a
free constitution like our own, which will not
permit in any degree the exercise of that defpo-r
tifm, which has rendered the name of Baftile so
formidable. I was defirousof examining it my
felf ; and for that purpose knocked hard at the
outer gate, and immediately went forward
through the guard to the drawbridge before the
entrance of the castle ; but while I was contem
plating this gloomy mansion, an officer came out
much i'urprized ; and I was forced to retreat
through the mute guard, and thus obtained hat
freedom, which for one locked up within those
walls, itis next to impoflible to obtain.
NEW-YORK, October 7, 1789.
The Stage Houfefor the Bojlon and Albany Stages is vow ut Mr.
Isaac Norton's, No. 160, Queen Street—where pajjengers, and others*
who may have bujtnefs with the proprietorj, will please to appl,, and
where the names and eddrefs cfperfons arc received, ar.d tickets deliver"